I have an assignment to do a case study research about a topic in my architectur

I have an assignment to do a case study research about a topic in my architectur

I have an assignment to do a case study research about a topic in my architecture master course. i already did the first part of it but the professor asked to change the topic.
i will upload the assignment requirements and my previous paper (it was about parks and he requested it to be about schools). you can take the introduction part, themes, and the sampling criteria part but minor modification to make it about schools instead of parks.
mainly, the idea is that we want to learn from well know schools that are recognized because of their universal design and take these learnings and apply it in riyadh city.
paper will be introduction, methodology, 2 case studies, discussion, results/conclusion). please insure you put pictures, sketches, and diagrams as visual content within the paper.
note: you can use as much as sources needed.

* This assignment needs someone familiar with building structures so they can as

* This assignment needs someone familiar with building structures so they can as

* This assignment needs someone familiar with building structures so they can assume the structure. I attached the pavilion that needs to be written about among the pictures I took from it. The number of sources and words is not strict. While writing it please text me if there are any questions or if you are not sure of anything so I can ask about it. Also if you think there is any graph or architectural drawing is needed just write it down in the essay and I will add it later. Thank you
The main purpose of this assignment is to understand and document the relevance and use of
structural materials and systems by examining and analyzing a small structure.
The objectives of the assignment are as follows:
• Conduct a case study of an existing building and prepare a report using appropriate
structural and architectural language. A site visit is mandatory.
• Demonstrate the identification and use of appropriate structural materials, systems and
their elements.
• Present information in an organized manner using, graphics and text and with appropriate
terminology and conventions.
• Demonstrate the application of knowledge gathered from the case study
Information and data to be collected:
Information and data are essential to the completion of this assignment. This information and data
will be used to do the analysis indicated in the next section. The selection of the
shelter structure to be studied for this assignment must be done thoughtfully. The following
information is essential to completing this assignment and is required. Additional
information that will permit more analysis is encouraged.
• Information including: street address of the shelter structure or the street address of the
building closest to the structure, whether the shelter is free standing or part of a building.
If part of a building or park or other identifiable space then the name of it, the structural
systems used in the shelter include the shapes of members, their sizes, their connections
and the materials, architectural form of the shelter, other systems used in the shelter such
as rainwater drainage, signage, lighting etc.
• Photographs should be taken during the site visit and will be required part of submission.
Required analysis to be done as part of the assignment
The analysis should answer the following questions as they pertain to the shelter that was studied:
1. What is the structural system and how is it organized in order to allow all the loads to be
distributed down to the foundation?
2. How is the stability of the structural system achieved?
3. How closely does the structural form follow the architectural form? What might be the
design intent and how is it met?
4. What are the reasons for the use of the structural system and structural materials?
5. How does the structural system interact with other systems?
6. Would an alternative structural system and the use of alternative structural materials been
possible? Respond critically.
Submission requirements and schedule
The submission will be in the form of a 8.5inch x 11 inch booklet in a digital format. There will
be no limitation on the number of pages. The submission is expected to be more graphically
expressed as opposed to expressed in a written form.
Main body – introduction – in this section succinctly inform reader about the content and
organization of the report
Main body – work done – in this section succinctly inform reader all that you did to complete the
work including dates of site visits. Also include any shortcomings or assumptions that are made
Main body – case study description – in this section describe the case study using the information
that was collected
Main body – Analysis – in this section respond to the questions under the required analysis except
Main body – Alternative/s – in this section respond to the analysis question about alternative/s
Appendix – Include any photos or other information not included in the main body.
All images/tables/pictures/photos should be appropriately annotated and captioned.
All images that are you own should be attributed as “Own”, Other images and ideas that are
textual represented and are not your own should be attributed indicating the source in a format of
your choice. The source should be verifiable from the attribution

NOTE: There is a part 1 + 2 for this assignment – could you please do PART 2? 1

There is a part 1 + 2 for this assignment – could you please do PART 2?

There is a part 1 + 2 for this assignment – could you please do PART 2?
1350 words, please select any property within Adelaide, SA Metropolitan area, this could be unley, burnside, magil etc… and assume allotments are going to be placed. all the information are attached in regards to the assignment. they also want drawings/ diagrams, I have attached an example for “PART 1” of the assignment so you know what type of diagrams they want HOWEVER I don’t have an example for PART 2

I will upload the assignment requirements. In summary, what is needed is a propo

I will upload the assignment requirements. In summary, what is needed is a propo

I will upload the assignment requirements. In summary, what is needed is a proposal of case study research: research questions with its rationale, proposal outlining of the approach, and a data collection plan.
The topic i want my research to be about is:
About pedestrians in saudi arabia, and their thermal comfort. The goal is to increase the possible hours of pedestrian to walk outside in comfortable conditions from the social aspects because the main issue is that the countries focus developing the neighborhoods but not taking into consideration how we help and support pedestrians with their needs like trees, shadow areas, and how we make it cooler as we live in a thermal environment.
I dont think you will need to use any sources, but if needed, reach out to me.

Select a Mannerist painting or sculpture and compare and contrast, in a short es

Select a Mannerist painting or sculpture and compare and contrast, in a short es

Select a Mannerist painting or sculpture and compare and contrast, in a short essay 300-600 words in length, contrast it with an appropriate High Renaissance artwork. Answer the below questions in essay form and avoid AI generated text.
1. Discuss the stylistic similarities and differences between the two artworks.
a. How has each artist used, light, line, color, scale, and composition?
b. From where did they draw their stylistic inspiration?
c. Did the Mannerist artist you chose to write about “manner” the style of the High Renaissance artist you are comparing them with?
2. What role does cultural context play in the differences between these two artworks?
Please cite any sources you use in MLA format.
Helpful Tip
Be sure to apply specific art historical vocabulary (from the Glossary) in your essay.
In order to understand its significance, you may want to consider who commissioned the artwork and what its intended function was.
The Artworks chosen are Michelangelo Buonarroti, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, perhaps the Creation of Adam from the high renaissance and Last Judgment, fresco on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel from Mannerism movement. Same artist, two different styles in the same building.

Imagine you’re writing a story on shifting views in sustainability over the past

Imagine you’re writing a story on shifting views in sustainability over the past

Imagine you’re writing a story on shifting views in sustainability over the past 50 years. Try to find one journal article or scientific report that could be useful for a fashion journalist working on the story.
Download the paper or report, and write a one-page summary of the paper or report, addressing the following points:

What was the author’s main point or the study’s main findings?
Briefly describe the argument or evidence the author used to support their point or conclusion.
What other sources did the author cite?
Where/how did you find the paper/report (what database, search terms, other sources led you to the paper or report)?
As a journalist, how might you use this paper or report?