QUESTION 1 Choose a single work of art from one of the following PowerPoint pres

Choose a single work of art from one of the following PowerPoint pres

Choose a single work of art from one of the following PowerPoint presentations to write on: Early Christian Art & Architecture, Byzantine Art & Architecture, Islamic Art & Architecture, Early Medieval Art, Romanesque Art & Architecture, and Gothic Art & Architecture.  Note: your image must come from one of the PowerPoints listed above. It has to be something we looked at in class.You may choose a building or something else architectural, (e.g., a Romanesque portal), a painting (including mosaics or stained glass), a manuscript, or a sculpture.In your essay, discuss each of these three prompts:-  Why did you choose this work? (Why did it appeal to you? What impressed you about it?)-  Why was this work created and what is its significance? How does it reflect the time period and/or civilization that created it?- Can you think of a counterpart in today’s world?YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS !!
Choose ONE of the comparisons to write on: 1) The Last Judgement tympanum from Chartres cathedral compared to that of the Cathedral of Lazare, Autun2) Two domes: one from the Hall of Two Sisters, Alhambra, Spain (Islamic) and the other from Hagia Sophia, Istanbul (Byzantine). How do the building methods/design differ? How does each religion’s attitude twoard depicting the spiritual determine these differences? Be as specific as you can and make sure you include the appropriate vocabulary words (muqarnas, pendentives, etc) in a way which demonstrates your understanding of them.YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS, regardless of which comparison you choose !!
Choose ONE of these essays to answer:                You may not use images that depict the Virgin and Child (Mary with the baby Jesus). You must find other images of Jesus.
What are the essential differences between the Romanesque Pilgrimage church and the Gothic Cathedral, and what accounts for these differences? Begin by describing the characteristics of each including such things as primary purpose, layout/plan, vaulting systems, arch type, decoration, elevation, etc. How do these architectural developments reflect the main goals of each period?How has the portrayal of the adult (or adolescent,) Jesus Christ changed over the centuries? Choose an Early Christian, a Byzantine, an Early Medieval, a Romanesque and a Gothic example. Describe these examples in terms of style, special emphasis and its relation to the time in which it was made, and intent.  

Pick two art pieces of the same media (example: two sculptures, two paintings, t

Pick two art pieces of the same media (example: two sculptures, two paintings, t

Pick two art pieces of the same media (example: two sculptures, two paintings, two ceramics, two architectural structures, etc) that interest you from any culture and time period from Mesoamerica and Andean cultures until the year 1521. Please choose something that you have a high level of interest in. You will then break the assignment down into the following sections. Read below for a detailed description of each section and what needs to be included in each section. Each section can be more than one paragraph if you want or need. Please note that you have to use Chicago Manual Citation style to cite and use footnotes for all information you get from outside sources.
What to include in your paper:
Title Page
Visual Analysis
Illustration page
Requirements of the Paper: 
Length of paper: 5 pages of writing. Title, Illustrations, and Bibliography pages are in addition to the 5 pages of writing.  
At least 5 scholarly sources
Chicago Manual Citation 
Times New Roman in 12-point font, double spaced
Margins no more than 1” (all sides)
Name, instructor name, course title, word count, and date on the title page
Paper Organization:
1. Title page: Name, instructor name, course title, word count, and date
2. Introduction- 
Start by introducing the art piece. Title, Artist, date. 
Short background of topic and pieces.
Thesis statement. (example: This paper will focus on the study of …) 
3. Visual Analysis- 
              1. Describe the artwork 
               2. Pretend you are trying to explain the work to a friend who has never seen it before. Be as thorough as you can. 
4. Compare and Contrast- 
How are the two works similar or different? Use the visual analysis descriptions as examples to do the compare and contrast. 
Find at least five academic sources from the library database about your art pieces. Peer reviewed articles work the best. 
Use information and the arguments from the articles to help you compare and contrast the two art pieces. What have others said and provided evidence for? Does that fit into your argument? 
5. Conclusion-
Restate your thesis statement.
Restate the highlights of your paper and your main points.  
6. Illustrations
Include the image of art work discussed in the paper with a label to show at least the title, artist, and date. One image per page.
7. Bibliography 
         1. Cite the publications for all the information you gathered from your sources and used in your paper. Use Chicago Manual Citation style to do this.
The example of works I’ve researched can be found in this bibliography I’ve made are examples of souces.
Bernard, Henri Noel, Sara Ladrón de Guevara, Mayra Manrique, and José Luis Ruvalcaba. “New Approaches to Jadeite Usage in Formative Mesoamerica.” MEXICAN VILLAGES (2022): 108.
Miller, Mary Ellen. Art of Mesoamerica: From Olmec to Aztec (World of Art). Thames & Hudson, 2019.
Pool, Christopher. Olmec archaeology and early Mesoamerica. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Tate, Carolyn E. “The Colossal Fetuses of La Venta and Mesoamerica’s Earliest Creation Story.” Imagining the Fetus: The Unborn in Myth, Religion, and Culture (2009): 223-258.
Scheper, George L. “The Olmec World–or the “Formative Era Ceremonial Complex”.” 2014: 14-15.

In addition to your art piece, you most also define what you have drawn inspirat

In addition to your art piece, you most also define what you have drawn inspirat

In addition to your art piece, you most also define what you have drawn inspiration from, defend what you have created and why, and explain the process of how you went about creating your art piece. Thus, along with your art piece, write a short essay (400-800 words) that:
Describes what was your source of interest/inspiration from the course,
Discusses why it was your source of interest/inspiration – what drew your interest to this art movement, medium, etc., and
Defines how you reinvented, recreated, or re-interpreted your inspiration. Describe why and how you choose to do what you did in your art piece.

Various theologians of the Middle Ages, both in the east and the west, debated t

Various theologians of the Middle Ages, both in the east and the west, debated t

Various theologians of the Middle Ages, both in the east and the west, debated the role or use of
images in religious worship. Some of these debates are represented by the readings listed below
(posted on Blackboard); these consist of excerpts from texts by Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Minucius
Felix, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, St. Gregory the Great, and others. These texts date from the
2nd through the 9th centuries and represent the main arguments for and against images in the early
medieval period. (As indicated in the syllabus, you will read these texts first in preparation for
writing a reading summary due on Thursday, March 28 and an in-class debate on Tuesday, April
Based on these arguments concerning images, write a 5-6 page essay. Your essay should consist
of two roughly equal parts: (I) a summary of the key positions for and against images and (II) a
discussion of one or two arguments with which you agree most strongly. In the first part of your
paper, do not attempt to summarize every writer’s ideas but strive to group similar arguments
together, demonstrating how one idea leads to another or are connected. In the second part, expand
on the arguments you find most compelling and convincing – Why are you convinced by these
arguments? Conclude by discussing how you think art is or is not useful and/or necessary to the
practice of religion. Be very specific in your argument by using concrete examples to illustrate
your position. Feel free to offer examples from any religious tradition, as well as from your own
personal experience.
Compose your essay carefully with an introduction previewing your hypothesis, good paragraph
structure, logical argumentation, and a title that sums up your viewpoint. Proofread for grammar
and spelling! You must cite your sources in footnotes