the task is in the image attached below and you need to downloaded this book. Kl

the task is in the image attached below and you need to downloaded this book.

the task is in the image attached below and you need to downloaded this book.
Kleiner & Mamiya, Gardner’s Art through the Ages, Western Perspective, 16th edition, Vol. 2, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 2021. ISBN: 978-0-357-37039-1
you can find it for free here : click “GET” at the top
please let me know if you need any more informations.

annotation of every paragraph: to do: annotate the introduction annotate chapter

annotation of every paragraph:
to do:
annotate the introduction
annotate chapter

annotation of every paragraph:
to do:
annotate the introduction
annotate chapter 5
– underline the main point in every paragraph
-write the summary of every paragraph ( 10 words only)
– in the end write a 2 sentence summary about the full reading.
Don’t use hard words
Basic annotation
i will post an example of how the annotation should be
Comments from Customer
Discipline: art history

Instructions: Research one of the well-known sculptors listed below. Then, choos

Instructions: Research one of the well-known sculptors listed below. Then, choos

Instructions: Research one of the well-known sculptors listed below. Then, choose one of their works to discuss. You must chose a work that has NOT been covered in the online lecture. PLEASE SEE LIST ATTACHED. Post a picture of the art work you will write about along with a paragraph discussing the artist’s work. Your paragraph should use the following format. (WORTH 25 PTS)
1.) Insert the image you will discuss in to your document. Introduce the work by listing the title, name of the artist, and date it was created in your first sentence. *Remember when writing titles of works of art, all important words are capitalized and the name of the work should be in either “quotes” or italics. (5 pts)
2.)List what method of sculpting was used (casting, carving, assemblage, etc.) AND then describe the subject matter. (5 pts)
3.) Give at least one special or unique fact about the artist. Read an article or a museum post and then put the ideas in your own words. (5 pts)
4.) What was the function of the work (was it meant to be exhibited, placed on an altar or tomb, commemorate an event, etc.) and explain what stands out to you about the work you chose. (5 pts)
5.) Chose one principle of design (balance, emphasis, scale/proportion) and explain why it stands out to you in the work you chose. (5 pts)

The Northern Renaissance Altarpiece READ: “An Introduction to the Northern Renai

The Northern Renaissance Altarpiece
READ: “An Introduction to the Northern Renai

The Northern Renaissance Altarpiece
READ: “An Introduction to the Northern Renaissance in the Fifteenth Century”
( to an external site.
Barabara Lane, “Requiem aeternam dona eis: The Beaune Last Judgment and the Mass of the Dead” (Canvas)
WATCH: “Biblical Storytelling: Illustrating a Fifteenth-Century Netherlandish Altarpiece” to an external site.
STUDY: Workshop of Robert Campin, Annunciation Triptych (aka Mérode Altarpiece) to an external site.
Jan and Hubert van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece to an external site.
Rogier van der Weyden, Beaune Last Judgment Altarpiece [see article by Barbara Lane]
Be sure to understand the common features of these Northern European altarpieces so you can recognize them in the examples we see in class.
How do you see oil paint playing out in the works of art examined for class today?
You must be sure to take away the main points from Barbara Lane’s article (linked above) that examines Rogier van der Weyden’s Last Judgment Altarpiece. In particular, how does the context of where it was displayed determine the type of audience and the message delivered to that audience?

The Northern Renaissance Altarpiece READ: “An Introduction to the Northern Renai

The Northern Renaissance Altarpiece
READ: “An Introduction to the Northern Renai

The Northern Renaissance Altarpiece
READ: “An Introduction to the Northern Renaissance in the Fifteenth Century”
( to an external site.
Barabara Lane, “Requiem aeternam dona eis: The Beaune Last Judgment and the Mass of the Dead” (Canvas)
WATCH: “Biblical Storytelling: Illustrating a Fifteenth-Century Netherlandish Altarpiece” to an external site.
STUDY: Workshop of Robert Campin, Annunciation Triptych (aka Mérode Altarpiece) to an external site.
Jan and Hubert van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece to an external site.
Rogier van der Weyden, Beaune Last Judgment Altarpiece [see article by Barbara Lane]
Be sure to understand the common features of these Northern European altarpieces so you can recognize them in the examples we see in class.
How do you see oil paint playing out in the works of art examined for class today?
You must be sure to take away the main points from Barbara Lane’s article (linked above) that examines Rogier van der Weyden’s Last Judgment Altarpiece. In particular, how does the context of where it was displayed determine the type of audience and the message delivered to that audience?

Based on the films screened in class and the readings covered till week 7, write

Based on the films screened in class and the readings covered till week 7, write

Based on the films screened in class and the readings covered till week 7, write an essay on how African films can be viewed as “the night school of the people.” From your perspective, how did African filmmakers try to present histories of African freedom struggles, the emergence of new democracies in Africa, and African postcolonial lives and lifeworlds? How did some historical fiction and newsreel films inform or challenge your understanding of African political history, social practices, and histories? And how were they different from Western systems of representation of Africa and Africans? Please cite at least three-four examples from the films that you have watched in class, and you must also reference at least three texts. You can also mention scenes that have specifically informed or altered your visual perception of Africa.
You are expected to write a well-formulated essay (5-pages double spaced, Times New Roman, size 12, 1-inch margin). Your references and citation will be included in the 6th page. Remember to title your essay
Your term paper submission will be graded on the following:
Quality of description
Research and thematic approach
Comparative analysis of films
Use and understanding of relevant contexts and examples of African cinema. Include at least (3-4 different sources from films) watched in class. And at least three citations from in-class readings. You can use additional external sources to augment your arguments, but do cite them properly.
One of the readings is here:
The other readings are attached below.
Films watched in class are the following
Black Girl by Sembene

Battle of Algiers

Firestone by Dr. Samuel Anderson

Firestone: Freetown 1/1/11


A United Kingdom by Amma Asante – I cant find a link for this movie but it is available on Netflix and other streaming platforms if the writer has them.
Comments from Customer
Discipline: African Cinema – History/film

This is a chance for you to share your favorite Music style, group or individual

This is a chance for you to share your favorite Music style, group or individual

This is a chance for you to share your favorite Music style, group or individual performer with your peers. Who is your favorite Group or individual artist? Which style of music it it? Is there a music style that you do not like? Why do you think you prefer one style over another? Find a youtube clip of this music and post it here. Also, find one musical style or individual that is represented in the book that is your favorite. Why did you pick this style or individual? Find a youtube clip of this style as well. (At least 150 words.)
please make sure to add references thank you