How to Choose Perfect Size T-shirt for Men Oversized T-shirt’s Visit Here:https

How to Choose Perfect Size T-shirt for Men
Oversized T-shirt’s
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How to Choose Perfect Size T-shirt for Men
Oversized T-shirt’s
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A poorly fitting t-shirt is one of the most uncomfortable things a person can wear. It can be constricting and make you feel self-conscious. On the other hand, a t-shirt that is too loose can make you look sloppy. Choosing the perfect size t-shirt is essential to looking and feeling your best.

By now you should be thinking ahead to how this course will be useful to you, wh

By now you should be thinking ahead to how this course will be useful to you, wh

By now you should be thinking ahead to how this course will be useful to you, whether that is in upcoming doctoral coursework, publishing articles, or using what you have learned to be better in your chosen field. Summarize the information you have learned in this course that you believe will be particularly useful for your future goals. Pleas respond in A P A. Style, citations, and references Please respond with 500 words. Below is the Course Description, Rationale, Course Learning Outcomes.
This course will provide an overview of current educational research and its use as an inquiry tool. Students will apply professional writing skills by completing a final research project for the Ed.S. program, and by writing and submitting an article for publication. This is the capstone course for the Ed.S. program, and it should be taken as the last course in the program. (Formerly EDUC 718)
This course is designed to help educational specialist candidates master basic research design and analysis, along with gaining an understanding of writing for publication.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Justify how research has contributed to knowledge about education by identifying and synthesizing appropriate sources of literature for research.
Identify the basics of qualitative and quantitative research designs.
Explain the difference between various research designs.
Construct a plan for research that uses an appropriate research design, plan for analysis, and tests for validity, reliability, and/or trustworthiness.
Incorporate research ethics, competence, cultural sensitivity, and a Biblical worldview into your writing for research.
Describe the procedures for submitting a research article to a professional journal.

For my thesis, I need the the literature review that is 10.000 words (but 275 wo

For my thesis, I need the the literature review that is 10.000 words (but 275 wo

For my thesis, I need the the literature review that is 10.000 words (but 275 words a page is way too low if written in 12) A serif font such as “Times new roman” or “Cambria” at 12 font size with a line spacing of 1,5. That is wrapped a must that it needs to be in, illiberalism needs to be diged (on the meaning) but i can already provide: With references that I provided, I would like to see new ones mentionned in the text also to reached approx 20 references

Propose an educational research topic of personal interest to you. The research

Propose an educational research topic of personal interest to you. The research

Propose an educational research topic of personal interest to you. The research topic proposed here will be the topic that you will use for your assignments throughout the remainder of the course. Your research topic may fall within the scope of a traditional research study (e.g., future dissertation) or within the scope of an applied research study (e.g., action research to inform classroom practice, administrative decisions, etc.). Discuss your worldview and why this topic is of particular importance to you in light of a biblical worldview. Provide justification that this topic will be of scholarly relevance to the broader education community. What new “truth” will your proposed research add to the existing body of knowledge in the field or how will your proposed research inform current educational practices? Please Read: Creswell & Guetterman: Chapter 2
Please use textbook Creswell, J. W., & Guetterman, T. C. (2019). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (6th ed.). Pearson. I. don’t have this book
Additionally, view the School of Education Conceptual Framework: Dispositions (S-C-R-I-P: Social responsibility, Commitment, Reflective practice, Integrity, Professionalism) resource. Reflecting on the resource, integrate a discussion of S-C-R-I-P into the introduction of your proposed research topic and biblical worldview. How does sound, ethical research reflect the elements of S-C-R-I-P? Please write 450 words a p a. style citations . Original work no plagerism no a. I no chat. bots

Hello buddy, Good day, I would want you to amend and correct my whole thesis wh

Hello buddy,
Good day, I would want you to amend and correct my whole thesis wh

Hello buddy,
Good day, I would want you to amend and correct my whole thesis where necessary with the following points to work on to be addressed in the thesis-
1) Delete sabic and aramco where necessary in the whole thesis because we didn’t use them in our data and results. Instead talk about these as regards to the hypothesis-
A) There is a positive correlation or relationship between sales and supply chain management in manufacturing companies in saudi-arabia.
Sales also has a unidirectional association with supply chain management.
B) Return on Asset also positive with supply chain management and unidirectional association with supply chain management too.
C) Return on Equity negative with supply chain management in manufacturing companies in saudi. With unidirectional association between them as well.
D) Cash Conversion Cycle has a negative correlation with supply chain management too. But bidirectional association with supply chain management.
E) you can also put more hypothesis apart from the one listed above that is related to the research, please only related work.
2) You should also state the year 2012 to 2022 is the time series of the data collection for our research.
3) You should remove the primary data in the research methodology, where it is stated in the whole of the thesis.
4) from the supply chain management PDF shared as an attachment, I would want you to draw discussion from the attachment and explain it in the literature review this variables which are- Return on asset, Return on equity, Cash Conversion Cycle, Sales and Supply Chain Management Ratio.
5) You can mention in the thesis the reason why we are doing the test for supply chain management in Saudi Arabia for manufacturing companies is because no one has ever done what we did in the past, no one did the test for co-integration test, casualty test and this is the first time we are using such test for supply chain management in Saudi Arabia for manufacturing companies.
6) you can also put this in the statement of purpose or significance of study or statement of problem or introduction that no one has ever done it before and there is a study gap that needs to be filled.
7) After you finish stating or talking the above points as requested, you can state or talk everything of the points in the abstract likewise also. Remove Return on investment in the abstract because I do not need it in the thesis as part of the variable, put about what i discussed in the variable of our research in the abstract.
8) Do not forget to mention why did we choose saudi manufacturing companies, the vision that they have to become the best supply chain management in the world from other countries. We use saudi-arabia because they have future visions. There is no too much paper that talk about saudi arabia in supply chain management and not too much people has talked about it and that is why we are talking about it in our thesis.
9) Do not forget to include more references in the reference section of our thesis because the references in the thesis are little and more references needs to be added as in relation with the work of the thesis.
This is all for now.
Thanks for your ùnderstanding.
Anticipating your positive response.
Best Regards.

Hello buddy, Good day I need you to write two essays as required below- The fi

Hello buddy,
Good day I need you to write two essays as required below-
The fi

Hello buddy,
Good day I need you to write two essays as required below-
The first essay must be written about my academic expectations and interests, professional expectations, and prospects upon the return to the country of origin after my studies in brazil (maximum of 1000 words)
The second essay must be written about the program- (physical education) which is Justification of the program selected , central theme and research problem, delimitation and Justification of the object of study, bibliographic review, methodological process , timeline and bibliographic references ( maximum of 4000 words)

Hello buddy, Good day , i would need you to do an interpretation of the results

Hello buddy,
Good day , i would need you to do an interpretation of the results

Hello buddy,
Good day , i would need you to do an interpretation of the results and discussion documents with the following materials that I would provide for you along the line below which are the- ZIP Audio File, The Note images and the website link that I would give to you to aid you in answering the questions correctly.
I am hoping the best from you.
Best Regards.

Hello buddy, Good day , i would need you to do an interpretation of the results

Hello buddy,
Good day , i would need you to do an interpretation of the results

Hello buddy,
Good day , i would need you to do an interpretation of the results and discussion documents with the following materials that I would provide for you along the line below which are the- ZIP Audio File, The Note images and the website link that I would give to you to aid you in answering the questions correctly.
I am hoping the best from you.
Best Regards.