A large part of astronomy is making observations, even with the naked eye. To t

A large part of astronomy is making observations, even with the naked eye. To t

A large part of astronomy is making observations, even with the naked eye. To that end, you will be keeping an observation log throughout the term. To that end, you will be keeping an “observing log” where you will take weekly observations using online resources and hopefully the clear sky! You will be recording a log of the sky and making observations of what you see. Below I will attach a link with complete directions and the whole format and template you will be using. You will need to fill out week #5. It is from the perspective of someone living in Salem Oregon on the days between February 5th-Febuary11th, 2024. I will also post a screenshot to show you how it should look. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vvEOG2cTk6YGpvQ_fObDjsllD9ZoZBUmPNclREi-ceE/edit

A large part of astronomy is making observations, even with the naked eye. To th

A large part of astronomy is making observations, even with the naked eye. To th

A large part of astronomy is making observations, even with the naked eye. To that end, you will be keeping an observation log throughout the term. To that end, you will be keeping an “observing log” where you will take weekly observations using online resources and hopefully the clear sky! You will be recording a log of the sky and making observations of what you see. Below I will attach a link with complete directions and the whole format and template you will be using. You will need to fill out week #4. It is from the perspective of someone living in Salem Oregon on the days between January 29-feb 4, 2024. I will also post a screenshot to show you how it should look.

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-k6FfPL… Read Chapter 14 from your

Read Chapter 14 from your

Read Chapter 14 from your textbook.
Then answer the following questions
Summarize the article. Explain key ideas such as “obliquity” and “resonance”,
how that all relates to the seasons. “Breakthrough Starshot” is a very ambitious and
expensive program. How do you think Earth’s seasons would change if the Sun was more luminous? How would the seasons differ if the Sun was less luminous?
1)Answer in complete sentences. Your answer should convey that you
understand the questions and material.
2)Include any resources you used for each question. For example, if you
just used your textbook, say “I only used my textbook in answering all the
questions.” If you discuss with a classmate, make sure to include the
name of the people you collaborated with. If you use an outside resource,
make sure to cite the resource.
Do NOT just copy – that is plagiarism.

https://theconversation.com/earth-isnt-the-only-pl… Read Chapter 14 from your

Read Chapter 14 from your

Read Chapter 14 from your textbook.
Then answer the following questions
Summarize the article. Explain key ideas such as “obliquity” and “resonance”,
how that all relates to the seasons. “Breakthrough Starshot” is a very ambitious and
expensive program. How do you think Earth’s seasons would change if the Sun was more luminous? How would the seasons differ if the Sun was less luminous?
1)Answer in complete sentences. Your answer should convey that you
understand the questions and material.
2)Include any resources you used for each question. For example, if you
just used your textbook, say “I only used my textbook in answering all the
questions.” If you discuss with a classmate, make sure to include the
name of the people you collaborated with. If you use an outside resource,
make sure to cite the resource.Do NOT just copy – that is plagiarism.

Answer the questions by typing them out in a document or handwriting them and su

Answer the questions by typing them out in a document or handwriting them and su

Answer the questions by typing them out in a document or handwriting them and submitting the pictures.
#21 Survey of Math (Recommended) (Only required to do Part 1 Questions 1 – 9, Part II Questions 1 – 6, Part III Questions 1 and 2)
I will be uploading the pictures of the lab packet where you will find the assignment. you only have to do specific parts so make sure to read instructions.