In Genesis 11:6 we read, “And the LORD said, “Behold, the people is one, and the

In Genesis 11:6 we read, “And the LORD said, “Behold, the people is one, and the

In Genesis 11:6 we read, “And the LORD said, “Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do (KJV).” God is speaking in reference to the peoples of the earth all coming together to build the Tower of Babel. It is a fascinating verse, because God admits that the race of man has incredible power to invent anything that we can conceive. There are many great inventions that come to mind, such as the light bulb, telephone, combustible engine, and the internet. Another prime example of this is flight.
For your thread, discuss the prehistory of flight and the inventors, designers, and testers who continued to push for manned, controlled flight. What were some of the major obstacles and breakthroughs that took place during the time prior to the Wright Brothers taking flight? How did kites, balloons, and gliders set the stage for the modern airplane?
In addition, from a biblical perspective, how has the invention of the airplane impacted the spread of gospel of Jesus Christ? Be sure to list at least one positive and one negative.
Sources to be used:

In Genesis 11:6 we read, “And the LORD said, “Behold, the people is one, and the

In Genesis 11:6 we read, “And the LORD said, “Behold, the people is one, and the

In Genesis 11:6 we read, “And the LORD said, “Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do (KJV).” God is speaking in reference to the peoples of the earth all coming together to build the Tower of Babel. It is a fascinating verse, because God admits that the race of man has incredible power to invent anything that we can conceive. There are many great inventions that come to mind, such as the light bulb, telephone, combustible engine, and the internet. Another prime example of this is flight.
For your thread, discuss the prehistory of flight and the inventors, designers, and testers who continued to push for manned, controlled flight. What were some of the major obstacles and breakthroughs that took place during the time prior to the Wright Brothers taking flight? How did kites, balloons, and gliders set the stage for the modern airplane?
In addition, from a biblical perspective, how has the invention of the airplane impacted the spread of gospel of Jesus Christ? Be sure to list at least one positive and one negative.
Sources to be used:

Based on the readings and any research you conducted, articulate the historical

Based on the readings and any research you conducted, articulate the historical

Based on the readings and any research you conducted, articulate the historical development of aviation security:
Provide insight into the National Transportation Security Act of November 2001.
Include an overview of the Transportation Enhancement Security Act.
Describe some of the essential milestones in the development of airport and aviation security.
Reference and cite your sources using the current APA format. Make your initial post as early in the week as possible so that others have time to reply.
Post must be 250 words or more.

Based on the readings and any research you conducted, articulate the historical

Based on the readings and any research you conducted, articulate the historical

Based on the readings and any research you conducted, articulate the historical development of aviation security:
Provide insight into the National Transportation Security Act of November 2001.
Include an overview of the Transportation Enhancement Security Act.
Describe some of the essential milestones in the development of airport and aviation security.
Reference and cite your sources using the current APA format. Make your initial post as early in the week as possible so that others have time to reply.
Post must be 250 words or more.

Title: Reducing Error Through Training and Education You will be a guest lecture

Title: Reducing Error Through Training and Education
You will be a guest lecture

Title: Reducing Error Through Training and Education
You will be a guest lecturer for one week in a 300-level, online course on human factors in aviation safety consisting of 25 adult students with diverse backgrounds and experience.
As the guest lecturer, the professor has asked you to share your experience with the class. After all, you are a Subject Matter Expert in the field of Human Factors and Aviation Safety!
First, decide exactly what you want to discuss by formulating your topic for the lecture by filling in the blank:
The importance of training and education to optimize human performance and reduce error in aviation safety for ______ safety problem/challenge
Please answer the following:
What is your topic?
What are the learning objectives you want to convey to your students (3–4 key points)
How will you design your content delivery? What part is training, and what part is education?
What training method, education approaches, and job aids will you use, and why?
Compare and contrast the method, approaches, and job aids you selected to those you did not.
What job aid(s) did you select and how is it used in your class?
How will you measure student success?
Do not provide the actual course content, but instead describe your training and education methods, and explain how you would teach the class on the subject you have selected.
Compile the information into a paper of no more than 5-7 pages. While APA is not required for the paper itself, ensure that any references are properly cited in current APA format.
Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity.

This module week’s discussion is going to bring together topics from last module

This module week’s discussion is going to bring together topics from last module

This module week’s discussion is going to bring together topics from last module week’s reading in Chapter 4 and this module week’s reading in Chapter 5. First, consider the various wing designs, including airfoil characteristics, wing planform, and lift devices such as flaps, slats, vortex generators, and boundary layer devices. Next, think about how these impact the stall characteristics of the wing. Finally, search for an example of an aircraft incident or accident involving a stall or spin. If ground effect could have been a factor, please also bring this into the discussion (for example, a stall on take-off). Read your classmates’ posts before making your initial post, and choose an incident or accident that has not already been used.
Answer the following questions about your scenario:
What phase of flight was the aircraft in when the incident/accident occurred? (Take-off, cruise, pattern, landing)
What attitude was the aircraft in when the incident/accident occurred? (Turn, straight and level, climb, descent, accelerating, decelerating)
What were the wings’ aerodynamic characteristics, and how do they relate to the accident/incident?
What could have been done differently to prevent this accident/incident?
Include a reference so your classmates can read the article you are referring to. Utilize the Hunt Library!
Please use AsiaAir 8501.
Thank you.

This module week’s discussion is going to bring together topics from last module

This module week’s discussion is going to bring together topics from last module

This module week’s discussion is going to bring together topics from last module week’s reading in Chapter 4 and this module week’s reading in Chapter 5. First, consider the various wing designs, including airfoil characteristics, wing planform, and lift devices such as flaps, slats, vortex generators, and boundary layer devices. Next, think about how these impact the stall characteristics of the wing. Finally, search for an example of an aircraft incident or accident involving a stall or spin. If ground effect could have been a factor, please also bring this into the discussion (for example, a stall on take-off). Read your classmates’ posts before making your initial post, and choose an incident or accident that has not already been used.
Answer the following questions about your scenario:
What phase of flight was the aircraft in when the incident/accident occurred? (Take-off, cruise, pattern, landing)
What attitude was the aircraft in when the incident/accident occurred? (Turn, straight and level, climb, descent, accelerating, decelerating)
What were the wings’ aerodynamic characteristics, and how do they relate to the accident/incident?
What could have been done differently to prevent this accident/incident?

Discuss how emerging technologies, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence,

Discuss how emerging technologies, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence,

Discuss how emerging technologies, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality, can be leveraged to enhance aviation safety protocols and procedures.
The final persuasive research paper must include the following elements:
• 12-15 pages (not including the title page or references page[s])
• Must include a minimum of 10 reliable sources.
• Must include a minimum of 3 graphics, but all together the 3 graphics may not exceed the
equivalent of 1 page.
• Must follow the formatting rules for APA (7th Edition).

This assignment aims to demonstrate the application of the primary flight displa

This assignment aims to demonstrate the application of the primary flight displa

This assignment aims to demonstrate the application of the primary flight display and the multi-
function display of the Garmin G1000 by combining the components of the Garmin G1000’s
display in practical applications.
Task: Familiarize yourself with the user manuals (Integrated Flight Deck Pilot’s Guide and the
Integrated Flight Deck Cockpit Reference Guide) of the Garmin G1000. For this task, you will
create a study guide, including screenshots or diagrams of each component of the primary flight
display and the multi-function display and each component is labeled for easy recognition. You
must include, state, and describe each part’s practical usage and functionality. The expectation is
that when you are done, your study guide is so thorough that your peer could study it and ace an
A great example of a practical and thorough study guide is seen in the watch idea of Module 1
titled “Garmin G1000 Introduction.” Be sure to watch this video before getting started. This is an
open-ended project. You can create a digital study guide using Mural or you can create an
infographic utilizing Canva. You could even make a study guide using Microsoft or an Adobe
product. You could even make a study guide utilizing a combination of PowerPoint and a
correlating video using Loom (very similar to the watch item in Module 1). There are links for
these websites in the G1000 Study Guide Creation Project Resources section in the assignment
descriiption. Again, this is an open-ended project.

The student will research and select one current (written five years ago or less

The student will research and select one current (written five years ago or less

The student will research and select one current (written five years ago or less), peer-reviewed,
scholarly research article on the topic chosen for the final research paper. The student will write
a 2-3-page (not including the title page, abstract, nor the reference page) analysis of the article
and include the following elements:
1. Describe the purpose of this research article.
2. Why did you choose this research article for your final paper?
3. How will this research be used as a support in your final paper?
4. Include what data analysis methods the researcher used.
5. Offer a critique of the research content.
6. Include a biblical worldview. What biblical applications can one gain from the purpose of
the research?
This Article Review should be a source that can be used in your Research Paper.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.