Plant Biology and Botany Support Academic Materials : Content Link : Lesson Clas

Plant Biology and Botany
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Lesson Clas

Plant Biology and Botany
Support Academic Materials :
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Lesson Class Cource : Courses 2+ hours
Major Related too : Investigating plant life, including their physiology, structure, growth, and the importance of plants in ecosystems.
Subjects Related too : Major Related too : Biology
Bibliography :
Description : These topics cover a wide range of areas within biology, providing insights into the complexity of life, from the molecular level to entire ecosystems, and highlighting the importance of biological studies in addressing environmental, health, and technological challenges.
Lesson : 1 How to Start a Small Farm | A Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1 of 4
Resume , A
Lesson : 2 Plant Science: An Introduction to Botany | Wondrium
Step 0 of 4
Earn Credits
Lesson : 3 Cell biology in detail by Muhammad Usama
Step 0 of 4
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Lesson : 4 Photosynthesis: Light Reactions and the Calvin Cycle
Step 0 of 4
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Lesson : 5 Botanical Science for Beginners
Step 0 of 4
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Lesson : 6 Botany Basics | How to Identify Different Plant Species Around You
Step 0 of 4
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Lesson : 7 Biology – Intro to Cell Structure – Quick Review!
Step 0 of 4
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Lesson : 8 The Surprising Map of Plants
Step 0 of 4
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Lesson : 9 Plant Adaptation | Hydrophytic, Mesophytic and Xerophytic Adaptation
Step 0 of 4

I need 3 pages ! Everything should be based on the pdf file which is showing ste

I need 3 pages ! Everything should be based on the pdf file which is showing ste

I need 3 pages ! Everything should be based on the pdf file which is showing step by step instructions ! The parasite i chose for this assignment is Trichuris!
1 st page the table should be completed! Using AI ( the websites provided) and 10 questions ! Then provide references and fact check!
2nd page should be the summary!
3rd page is extra credit( Make a novel infographic)
Please let me know if anything is confusing! Thank you!

Introduction Welcome to the Testing the Nervous System Assignment. This assignme

Welcome to the Testing the Nervous System Assignment. This assignme

Welcome to the Testing the Nervous System Assignment. This assignment will cover the brain and spinal cord. For this assignment, you will investigate a case and answer the corresponding questions.
Remember to view the assignment rubric (see below) before completing the assignment.
Assignment Instructions
Read the Testing the Nervous System case study.
Answer each question and create a report for the case study.
Which of the test results indicated a central nervous system injury and why?
Which of the test results indicated a peripheral nervous system injury and why?
Are there any cranial nerves involved? Describe which cranial nerves could be involved.
Explain why the reflexes were hyperactive and the Babinski reflex was present.
Your report must be a minimum of 300 words.
All answers should be in your own words and typed neatly using appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and APA style.
Include APA citations when necessary.
Must be submitted as a Word file.
Submit to your instructor by 11:59 PM on the date listed in the course schedule.
Do not include/rewrite the questions in the assignment.
Your submission must have a Turnitin similarity score of less than 20%. Remember you have 3 submissions before the due date to check your score.
Submissions greater than 20% will risk point deductions, and you may be reported to Administration for academic discipline.
Case Study
The case is based on a case from the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science and modified/rewritten by Dr. Bruce Forciea.
Dr. Mary Smith and Dr. Ashley Peters were beginning their ER residency at ACME Memorial Hospital. They had been close friends throughout medical school and were looking forward to helping each other through the challenges of clinical work. They had just completed a 16-hour shift and were sitting down to enjoy a cup of bitter vending machine coffee when Nurse Cassidy burst into the break room.
“I wouldn’t get too comfortable,” said nurse Cassidy. “A call just came in; paramedics are bringing in a 19-year-old male with neuro injuries. Better drink up and get back to the ER.”
The young doctors intercepted the paramedics wheeling in the teen. His eyes were wide open, and he struggled to speak with the neck brace anchoring his head.
“19-year-old male, BP 100/70, pulse 102 bpm, respirations elevated, conscious and alert. A head wound with significant loss of blood. Motorcycle versus car accident. Friends called 911. Loss of consciousness at the scene, loss of sensation and movement in right upper and lower extremities. We immobilized and stabilized him at the scene.”
“So, what do you think?” said Dr. Smith. “I think we should rule out central nervous system/brain injury first?” said Dr. Peters.
“Actually, I disagree,” said Dr. Peters. “I think we should evaluate the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system first.”
“We’ll do both,” said Dr. Smith. “Let’s get going.”
The following table summarizes the findings of the evaluation, which included a physical exam, x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and neurological tests.
Table 1. Summary of Diagnostic Testing for ER Patient
Sensory Testing
Decreased sensation to touch, pressure, and vibration in the right upper/lower extremities
Decreased temperature discrimination (cold vs. warm) in the left upper/lower extremities
Numbness on the right cheek
Motor Testing
Decreased strength and movement of the right upper/lower extremities during muscle testing
Absence of triceps and biceps reflexes in the right upper extremity
Numbness on the medial portion of the right hand and forearm
Abnormal response of patellar, Achilles (hyper) reflexes in the right lower extremity
Positive Babinski sign on the right foot
Inability of patient to turn head to the right along with weak right trapezius muscle
Weakness of right masseter muscle
Mild blurred vision
General Examination
Abnormal pupil response of right eye (constriction)
Other vital signs within normal limits
Cognitive testing normal (counts backward from 100 by 7s; knows name, date, place)
X-ray and MRI Examination
No fractures were present in the skull
Fracture in the 7th cervical vertebra
Significant swelling present in the spinal canal in the C7-T2 region
Spinal cord appears to be intact

please just do the handout as it is simple instructions fill in the charts alrea

please just do the handout as it is simple instructions fill in the charts alrea

please just do the handout as it is simple instructions fill in the charts already there and answer the questions with nothing less and not much extra pretty easy I don’t want to stress over this and I need a good grade so please follow all instructions, the DATA_ASSIGNMENT for the specific file you must analyze is the attachment called 12. gen I believe I over payed for pages as it shouldn’t take more than 2 pages to answer all the questions and added 3 charts just so you don’t contact me later asking me to pay extra to add them even those you just need to fill the existing chart so please if you don’t see your self capable of getting at minimum a B grade just don’t do it and assign it to another expert or give me a refund ill do it myself thanks in advance

Part 1: Primary Post (Read the information and watch the video in Part 1 and ans

Part 1: Primary Post (Read the information and watch the video in Part 1 and ans

Part 1: Primary Post (Read the information and watch the video in Part 1 and answer the questions in Part 2)
Watch this video first and then write up your discussion
Hybridizing with extinct species: George Church at TEDxDeExtinctionLinks to an external site.

Hybridizing with extinct species: George Church at TEDxDeExtinction
Scenario: Cloning
Cloning can have multiple meanings and conjures up images of Sci-Fi movies where humans are cloned relatively quickly in the laboratory and appear as adults with the same abilities, memories, etc. as the person whose cell(s) were used to provide the genetic information. Of course, in reality, clones would start as a single cell and would have to go through the same stages of embryonic development and growth to adulthood that you did.
Useful Links:
Cloning fact sheet from ORNL to an external site. to an external site. (Links to an external site.)
Part 2: Your Discussion – Secondary Post
Discuss and explore the scientific, moral, and ethical aspects of whole animal cloning. You will take on the role of consultants who has been hired to “sell” the idea of a park called ‘Preservation Land’ to rich investors. At this park, endangered and extinct animals will be cloned and put on display and used to restock wild populations.
1. General Introduction: Start off the meeting with the investors by explaining the steps involved with using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) for whole animal cloning. You may want to use Dolly the sheep as a successful example.
2. Can cloning help to save endangered species?: At the end of your introductory presentation, one of investors asks whether this has been done yet with endangered animals and if there are any potential drawbacks to using this process for preserving or restocking endangered animals. Below, relate what you would tell the investors about successful attempts to clone endangered animals, as well as the pros and cons of the use of cloning to help reverse species loss.
3. Cloning of extinct animals: One of the potential investors says that she had heard that wooly mammoths could be brought back from extinction. Below, document the basic steps it takes to theoretically clone an extinct animal that you would make the potential investors aware of. Also, note the problems that have emerged with the cloning of endangered and extinct animals, especially when forced to use surrogate mothers of a different species.
4. Human cloning: After your presentation, one very interested investor takes you aside and asks if this could be done with humans. He has a terminally ill child and wants to clone this child. Note the ethical issues associated with cloning humans that you would inform the potential investor about and how you would explain to the investor the similarities and differences that would exist between the clone and the child he has now. Do these cloned animals cause changes to humans if we happened to eat them, like cloning cows?
You must include the exact reference to the article in APA format and URL. The article should be from a reputable source such as a college, university, government agency, scientific journal, research institution, etc.. Please see the Plagiarism section in the syllabus.

Part 1: Primary Post (Read the information and watch the video in Part 1 and ans

Part 1: Primary Post (Read the information and watch the video in Part 1 and ans

Part 1: Primary Post (Read the information and watch the video in Part 1 and answer the questions in Part 2)
Watch this video first and then write up your discussion
Hybridizing with extinct species: George Church at TEDxDeExtinctionLinks to an external site.

Hybridizing with extinct species: George Church at TEDxDeExtinction
Scenario: Cloning
Cloning can have multiple meanings and conjures up images of Sci-Fi movies where humans are cloned relatively quickly in the laboratory and appear as adults with the same abilities, memories, etc. as the person whose cell(s) were used to provide the genetic information. Of course, in reality, clones would start as a single cell and would have to go through the same stages of embryonic development and growth to adulthood that you did.
Useful Links:
Cloning fact sheet from ORNL to an external site. to an external site. (Links to an external site.)
Part 2: Your Discussion – Secondary Post Discuss and explore the scientific, moral, and ethical aspects of whole animal cloning. You will take on the role of consultants who has been hired to “sell” the idea of a park called ‘Preservation Land’ to rich investors. At this park, endangered and extinct animals will be cloned and put on display and used to restock wild populations. 1. General Introduction: Start off the meeting with the investors by explaining the steps involved with using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) for whole animal cloning. You may want to use Dolly the sheep as a successful example.
2. Can cloning help to save endangered species?: At the end of your introductory presentation, one of investors asks whether this has been done yet with endangered animals and if there are any potential drawbacks to using this process for preserving or restocking endangered animals. Below, relate what you would tell the investors about successful attempts to clone endangered animals, as well as the pros and cons of the use of cloning to help reverse species loss.
3. Cloning of extinct animals: One of the potential investors says that she had heard that wooly mammoths could be brought back from extinction. Below, document the basic steps it takes to theoretically clone an extinct animal that you would make the potential investors aware of. Also, note the problems that have emerged with the cloning of endangered and extinct animals, especially when forced to use surrogate mothers of a different species.
4. Human cloning: After your presentation, one very interested investor takes you aside and asks if this could be done with humans. He has a terminally ill child and wants to clone this child. Note the ethical issues associated with cloning humans that you would inform the potential investor about and how you would explain to the investor the similarities and differences that would exist between the clone and the child he has now. Do these cloned animals cause changes to humans if we happened to eat them, like cloning cows?
You must include the exact reference to the article in APA format and URL. The article should be from a reputable source such as a college, university, government agency, scientific journal, research institution, etc.. Please see the Plagiarism section in the syllabus.