This week’s lab introduced you to Mendelian Inheritance. You were also able to a

This week’s lab introduced you to Mendelian Inheritance. You were also able to a

This week’s lab introduced you to Mendelian Inheritance. You were also able to apply this new knowledge by performing genome scanning and conducting a DNA test.
Please download, complete and submit this Mendelian Inheritance: From Genes to Traits Lab Report and please format your lab report in a question-answer format (place each of your answers after the relevant question). Many students find it helpful to have the lab report document open while they complete the Labster lab. As they complete the virtual lab, they jot down notes in the relevant parts of the lab report. Then, when they are finished with the lab, their lab reports are in rough form that they can then clean up and submit.
Be sure to answer each question in the worksheet. The best answers will be thoughtful and descriptive. There are no minimum word counts but in general more words will be better than fewer words.
The first four sections–Title, Topic, Background Information, and Methods–come directly from the lab. These should be pretty easy to write. You’ll be mainly reporting on what you read and did while you worked through the lab. To score in the “Accomplished” range (see the Grading Rubric), you’ll want to do this reporting in good detail across the portions of the lab that are relevant to each question.
The last three sections–Observations, Discussion, and Conclusions–are the most important sections. These are where you show your learning from the lab and where you demonstrate how well you can apply that learning to broader aspects of life and you connect the learning from the lab to other topics in biology, beyond the direct confines of the lab. Put a lot of good thought and writing in these last three sections.
The last question asks you what questions you have, now that you’ve completed the lab. You should ALWAYS have questions. This shows that you got the point of the Lab. Your questions should focus relate directly back to Question 2: What was the subject you were trying to understand better in the lab? Your questions should show that you understood the lab and that you can extend that learning to new situations out in the world that are related to the central concepts.
Please write in your own words as much as possible. This demonstrates you understanding of the concepts in a way that using quotes can’t.
Please visually distinguish your answers from the questions. For example, make your answers bold-faced or highlighted with some color or start each answer with “Answer:”.

Instructions: The ability to communicate research findings effectively is crucia

Instructions: The ability to communicate research findings effectively is crucia

Instructions: The ability to communicate research findings effectively is crucial for success in the biological
sciences. This assignment will require you to produce a short written summary that effectively
communicates your results from the Natural Selection: Bacterial Transformation module.
The report includes several parts: an introduction and statement of the hypothesis you
tested, a description of the experimental set-up, results, and an evaluation of the hypothesis based
on the data obtained in your group’s experiment. The evaluation of the hypothesis should include
direct implications and broad implications from the experiment. All text shall be 12 pt. font with 1.5
line spacing.
-Introduction and Hypothesis statement (20%)
The first paragraph(s) of this section must be over the importance of the experiment. The
background information supplied should allow the reader to understand the theoretical and
practical necessity of the experiment. You need to cite one or two primary sources that relate to
the topic at hand, in this section. After the introductory paragraphs, the null and alternative
hypotheses shall be clearly stated for the experiment they were designed to test. (1 -2 sentences per
Experimental set-up (20%)
This section will be written in paragraph format and should explain where, when, what, and
how. (1 – 2 paragraphs). All necessary conditions under which the experiment was conducted must
be described explicitly and should allow the reader to replicate the experiment. Clearly describe the
treatments, indicating which treatment(s) is (are) the control(s). Describe materials used to create
the treatments. Explain how data were collected, what measurements were made and what kind of
instrument or equipment used.
Results (25%)
The first part of the results section must include a summary of the results in paragraph
format. The second part should include a graphical representation of the data. You can choose to use
a table or a graph, or both, to show your data. Do not include raw data calculations, here.
Required for all graphs:
 Label the x and y axes.
 Write a descriptive legend for each graph.
o Be sure to state what statistic (mean, mode, standard deviation, range) the bars and
error bars represent and how many replicates were used to calculate the mean.
Example, if there were 10 replicates, the number of replicates would be given as n =
o Define any abbreviations used on the graph.
– Hypothesis Evaluation (25%)
Write a paragraph to evaluate whether the results you obtained are consistent with or not
consistent with the hypothesis you tested. Were the observed results consistent with the expected
ones? The second paragraph will compare your experimental results to the results obtained in the
Technique Lab. This section evaluates the experiment based on the interpretation and meaning of
the results. The third paragraph should relate the results of the study to the broader field of the study.
This section may also include references to primary sources (other research papers).
End your document with a list of references cited. Your Technique Lab document includes a
list of references that you can use as an example for citing your own references.
Spelling and Grammar (10%)
Scientific results are mainly communicated through writing; therefore, your written
summary must be clearly and accurately presented. You should ensure there are no grammatical
errors that distract the reader from understanding the experiment or interpreting the data. Scientific
writing frequently uses the past tense, particularly when the main focus of the writing is to describe
experiments or observations that took place prior to the time of writing.
couple sources/articles to draw on and cite in introduction (example of citation is (author’s last name and year published):
The Experiment: Describe the problem, or, ask a question: Will more concentration affect absorption?
State the hypothesis: As the reaction occurs, the color and absorption will change.
State the null-hypothesis: As the reaction occurs, the color and absorption will
remain unaffected.
Describe your control: Enzymes that work at the optimal pH
Describe your experimental group
Independent variable(s): Enzyme being used
Dependent variable(s): Rate of reaction
Materials needed: Pipette, spectrometer, buffer, enzyme, cuvette
Write down the protocol steps:
1. Label two cuvettes, one as “blank” and the other one as “reaction”
2. Add 1.5 ml of reaction buffer to the blank cuvette.
3. Add 1.5 ml of 10 mM ONPG solution to the reaction cuvette.
4. Add 25 uL of β-galactosidase (1U) to the reaction cuvette, ONLY.
5. Cover the cuvettes with a piece of parafilm and mix the solutions by gently
inverting them.
6. Start a timer as soon as you have mixed your samples. Record the time it takes
for the color to develop (start of the reaction).
7. Watch closely over several minutes
8. Observe the rates of reaction in the spectrometer app
8. We’ll compare this data to technique lab data (data will be attached)

Please read the article below and then answer both parts (1a) and (1b). India h

Please read the article below and then answer both parts (1a) and (1b).
India h

Please read the article below and then answer both parts (1a) and (1b).
India has no plans to recover the body of a US missionary killed by a tribe
1a. Discuss the genetic advantages to humanity as a whole of NOT contacting populations who have chosen to remain isolated.
1b. Discuss the genetic advantages to the isolated groups of uncontacted people for NOT having contact with the outside world. Do you see any disadvantages for these people to remaining isolated,for%20privacy%20reasons.

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Need help for hiring someone to take a test. Biology 101
Exam 50 questions

Need help for hiring someone to take a test. Biology 101
Exam 50 questions
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There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to complete all of them individually

There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to complete all of them individually

There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to complete all of them individually, numbered 1 -4. Complete all with thorough, substantive responses.
Citations are required for all responses. APA STYLE
Provide an example of an organism within each of the four main nutritional categories of microbes and describe how each obtains its essential nutrients.
Provide evidence in support of or refuting the following statement: Microbial life can exist in the complete absence of both sunlight or organic nutrients.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technology that requires high temperatures to reproduce DNA fragments. Explain why the discovery of thermophilic archaea and their associated DNA polymerases was critical to the success of this technique.
Summarize how the electron transport chain functions to produce ATP in a bacterial cell versus eukaryotic cell. Explain whether or not the term chemiosmosis accurately illustrates this process.

There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to complete all of them individually

There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to complete all of them individually

There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to complete all of them individually, numbered 1 -4. Complete all with thorough, substantive responses.
Citations are required for all responses. APA STYLE
Provide an example of an organism within each of the four main nutritional categories of microbes and describe how each obtains its essential nutrients.
Provide evidence in support of or refuting the following statement: Microbial life can exist in the complete absence of both sunlight or organic nutrients.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technology that requires high temperatures to reproduce DNA fragments. Explain why the discovery of thermophilic archaea and their associated DNA polymerases was critical to the success of this technique.
Summarize how the electron transport chain functions to produce ATP in a bacterial cell versus eukaryotic cell. Explain whether or not the term chemiosmosis accurately illustrates this process.