There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to complete all of them individually

There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to complete all of them individually

There are 4 essay questions. Please be sure to complete all of them individually, numbered 1 -4. Complete all with thorough, substantive responses.
Citations are required for all responses. APA STYLE
Provide an example of an organism within each of the four main nutritional categories of microbes and describe how each obtains its essential nutrients.
Provide evidence in support of or refuting the following statement: Microbial life can exist in the complete absence of both sunlight or organic nutrients.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technology that requires high temperatures to reproduce DNA fragments. Explain why the discovery of thermophilic archaea and their associated DNA polymerases was critical to the success of this technique.
Summarize how the electron transport chain functions to produce ATP in a bacterial cell versus eukaryotic cell. Explain whether or not the term chemiosmosis accurately illustrates this process.

SCENARIO You are employed by a firm that produces tangible products. These produ

You are employed by a firm that produces tangible products. These produ

You are employed by a firm that produces tangible products. These products are then sold to a consuming populace that is unaffected by place, income, sex, race, age, or any environmental concerns. These products are acquired and used across the spectrum of consumers.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Prepare a memo (suggested length of 1–3 pages) to your supervisor that addresses the following:
A. Identify the three types of costs when quality considerations are made.
B. Explain each of these types of costs using examples.
C. Evaluate the three types of costs considering the trade-offs within manufacturing a product and/or producing a service.
D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

I have an online intro to biology of plants lab. I need 3 labs done. I will send

I have an online intro to biology of plants lab. I need 3 labs done. I will send

I have an online intro to biology of plants lab. I need 3 labs done. I will send the manual with detailed instructions on how to complete the assignment. They’re all easy instructions just time consuming (which I don’t have) hypothetical data can be used
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

4. Introduction to cells A. For this exercise, examine at least 3 slides of bact

4. Introduction to cells A. For this exercise, examine at least 3 slides of bact

4. Introduction to cells A. For this exercise, examine at least 3 slides of bacteria , 3 different single-celled eukaryotes , 3 different plants , and 3 different animals.
B. Record in your notebook a sketch of at least one specimen from each group that you examine. Also be sure to record what the specimen is, how big it is, what organelles you can identify, and any other information that you think might be useful during exercise #6, when you formulate and test a hypothesis. Consider this a dual-purpose exercise, to become familiar with cells from many different kinds of organism, and to start collecting preliminary data that may lead to a hypothesis to test.
#5 – Formulate and test a hypothesis A. Now that you are proficient microscopists, and have some familiarity with microscopic organisms, and have some preliminary data (ex. 1 and 4), you can put those abilities to work to generate a hypothesis and test it with an experiment. Based on your observations from this lab (and your general understanding of biology) pick a question or phenomenon related to cells or microscopic organisms, and generate a hypothesis (potential explanation) for your phenomenon. For example, in exercise #4 you may have noticed that all of the cells in the skin of an earthworm seemed to be the same size. You could explain this phenomenon with the hypothesis that “cells from the same tissues are the same size, because they are the same types of cells”. Your hypothesis may or may not be correct, and either is okay. In a few moments you will set up an experiment to test your hypothesis. You will likely need to refer back to your notes from earlier exercises to generate ideas. B. The “scientific method”, and science in general are often perceived as very rigid and procedural, and not particularly creative. However, as you are now finding out it takes a lot of creativity to identify a phenomenon, generate an explanation for it, and devise a way to test your explanation. Use your creativity for this exercise, while working within the limitations of what resources you have available to you for this lab. C. From your hypothesis you should be able to derive a prediction, and from your prediction you should be able to design an experiment to see if your prediction is met or not. Think carefully about what controls you should do such that your results from your experiment are informative. It may be helpful to write your phenomenon, hypothesis, prediction, and alternative hypotheses and ways to control for them.
NOTE: Our hypothesis was that every single cell have prominent border and we looked at plant cells for the experiment and we said that the hypothesis was met. I also attached pictures of part 4 of this lab which was the bacteria, protist, plants and animal that we looked at. you can also add more notes to each one. I also attach my last lab report, please make it similar to this one.

The image below shows a picture of a cell in a light microscope. The total magni

The image below shows a picture of a cell in a light microscope. The total magni

The image below shows a picture of a cell in a light microscope. The total magnification of the cell is 450X. The ocular lenses were at 5X.

Based on the information provided, what was the magnification of the objective lens? (1 point)
What would be the total magnification of the cell if the objective lens was moved to 150X but the ocular lens was still the same (5X)? (1 point)

Look at the cell diagram shown below.

What cell type is this? Is it prokaryotic OR is it eukaryotic? How do you know? (2 points)
This cell was previously classified as a plant cell – but is now in its own category. What features does it have that led scientists to believe that this was a plant cell? (2 points)
This cell is no longer classified as a plant cell. What features are missing from this cell that are found in plant cells. (2 points)

Look at the images of the solutions shown below.

Of the three images (left, middle, right), which image shows a hypotonic extracellular fluid? (Hint: extracellular means outside the cell. extra = outside). (1 point)
Of the three images (left, middle, right), which image will result in NO NET CHANGE of the cell’s size? (1 point)
Of the three images (left, middle, right), which image will result in a crenated cell? (Hint: crenated cells look shriveled). (1 point)
Of the three images (left, middle, right), which image shows a hypotonic intracellular fluid? (Hint: intracellular means inside the cell. intra = within) (1 point)
Is this set of images displaying osmosis OR is this image displaying selective permeability? (You can answer this question if you have watched my videos explaining the differences). (3 points)