What is a supply chain anand What are its typical components. Discuss the goal

What is a supply chain anand What are its typical components.
Discuss the goal of a supply chain and how its members should work to achieve the goal.
Explain the impact of supply chain decisions on the success of a firm.
Should the members of a supply chain maximize individual profits in order to incincrease the overall supply chain surplus? Explain

A tourism authority is a broad term used to describe organizations that promote

A tourism authority is a broad term used to describe organizations that promote and showcase a destination. These can include DMOs (Destination Marketing or Management Organizations), CVBs (Convention and Visitors Bureaus) or Tourist Boards. For this discussion, I’d like you to do some online searching and find 3 different tourism authorities, one for each of the following:
A city or town (like Visit Stillwater, https://www.visitstillwater.org/,Links to an external site. or Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau, https://discoveratlanta.com/acvb/)Links to an external site.
A state in the US (like Travel OK, https://www.travelok.com/Links to an external site., or Kansas Tourism, https://www.travelks.com/Links to an external site.)
A country (like Brand USA, https://www.visittheusa.com/,Links to an external site. or Peru Travel, https://www.peru.travel/en)Links to an external site.
You may find several website promoting a destination, but look for the official one. Usually, the tourism authority will say something like “the official tourism website for ….”). Once you have found the website for the tourism authorities of your choice, browse around and report one interesting thing you learned through their website. This could be an excursion, research, a travel itinerary, etc., just any information that you find interesting.
Please share the name and website of the tourism authority, as well as an interesting fact or finding for each of the 3 categories above. Try not to use the ones I have shared as examples.

Question 3 (I only need Q3 to be answered) using Study guide Discuss the followi

Question 3 (I only need Q3 to be answered) using Study guide
Discuss the following key points based on your developed unique, comprehensive safety culture survey questionnaire for a manufacturing plant that produces electric vehicles. Ensure that there is evidence to back the reasoning.
Why are the attributes you selected important to safety culture?
How is the company being scored?
Is there any “negative” response question? Why or why not?
How would the sample size be determined?
What is the reasoning behind the scale you have selected?

Assignment: You will write a 8-10 page (2000-2500 word) research paper for Quenc

Assignment: You will write a 8-10 page (2000-2500 word) research paper for Quenchbliss, addressing the theories of organizational behavior and how they should be combined and utilized in a way that applies to Quenchbliss, given the recent changes and expansion occurring within the organization. Your research paper will include at least one concept, model or theory from each of the topic areas listed below. For each topic, review the tutorials and select a theory or model that seems most appropriate. In your Touchstone, summarize the theory or model and explain how Quenchbliss should apply it to their organization. Directions Step 1: Review tutorials on each of the topics you’ll be writing about Some of the most helpful tutorials are listed below, but you should review all the course material and may use any tutorial to inform your decisions. * Internal and External Environments * Organizational Change * Cultural Differences * Team Development Over Time * Conflict in Organizations * Responding to Conflict * Political Behavior in Organizations Step 2: Draft the Research Paper Prepare a research paper to present to leadership at Quenchbliss. The structure for the research paper will consist of five main topics. For each topic, you will identify a problem or opportunity at Quenchbliss either through the scenario or from your SWOT analysis. For each problem you will propose a solution based on the concepts learned in the tutorials. For the benefit of Quenchbliss executives, summarize the framework, concept or theory from the tutorial (making sure to use in-text citations!), then synthesize and analysis this concept, and how it relates to Quenchbliss, and the change they have decided to undertake. The topics and guiding questions for the research paper are below. Be sure to cover allof these topics in your paper. 1. External Environment * What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats the organization is facing? This should be consistent with the SWOT analysis you wrote for the Touchstone Task in Unit 1. * What model may be applied to better understand these factors? Using the model you’ve chosen, describe how each aspect applies to Quenchbliss. * How can Quenchbliss address the external opportunities and threats you’ve identified? 2. Change Management * What change management model should Quenchbliss use as they enter the new markets? Why is this model the most effective? * This should consistent with your recommendations (and org chart) in the Touchstone in Unit 2. * List each step of the model, and address specific actions the organization should take at each step. 3. Diversity and Cultural differences * What cultural differences should Quenchbliss consider when entering the overseas market? * What specific differences such as minimum wage and vacation time should Quenchbliss consider when entering these two countries? * What strategies might Quenchbliss use to help them ensure diversity throughout their organization? 4. Team Development * Given the addition of new team members, how can the organization apply the team development model in order to move new staff and their teams into the “performing stage” more quickly? * What actions should be taken at each stage of the team development process to ensure effective teamwork? 5. Conflict, Power, and Politics * What strategies might be used to understand and manage conflict at Quenchbliss as it arises? * How might power struggles and organizational politics impact the organization as they make such a large change? * What mitigation techniques can be used to mitigate negative uses of power and politics? Making reasonable assumptions to describe Quenchbliss’ potential challenges is acceptable and necessary. For example, you can assume factors like employment are the same for Quenchbliss as they are for El Paso, or that their product cost is similar to competitors. You must cite 8-10 sources. At least five of these will be the Sophia tutorials which describe the theories and models of organizational behavior you apply to the case study. The rest (three or more) will be resources that inform your SWOT analysis, such as anticipated market growth for the craft soda industry, labor statistics in El Paso and the other locations, etc. While these do not have to be academic journals, you should use reliable sources of information such as reputable business publications. The paper should be in APA format with a title page; proper headings, margins and spacing; and in-text citations and references. Resources and examples are listed under Additional Resources.

Change Roles in Your Organization Think about organizations that you are familia

Change Roles in Your Organization
Think about organizations that you are familiar with, organizations where you work/ed, schools you’ve attended, or organizations with which you associate.( hypothetical example is fine)
1- Identify and briefly discuss a change/s in the organization.
2-Discuss the change in terms of the 4 organizational change roles, change initiator, implementer, facilitator, recipient and who carried out these roles.
3-Discuss the position or title in the organization (leader, manager, supervisor, or employee) with the role they played.
4-Discuss if the person was effective and why or why not?
2. Cite at least two references in APA style, supported with concepts from management field
3. Text Not Image.
4. Unique Answer.
5. Avoid Plagiarism.
6. 500-word limit.
7. AI is not allowed.

Reading 1: The Purpose of Liberal Education Submission Due ASAP Read The Purpose

Reading 1: The Purpose of Liberal Education Submission Due ASAP
Read The Purposes of Liberal Education, Henry Rosovsky (1991)
This commentary outlines standards for a liberal education. In the process, Rosovsky suggests that the meaning of work is not a mere technocracy but something else that brings meaning to society. What distinguishes a college graduate from a truly educated individual?
Write a reflection in 150 words directly in the submission box:
Which one of the five standards resonates with you? Give a specific example, situation, or connection to your life experience.

Listen MBA 620 Module Four Business Environment Analysis Report Guidelines and R

MBA 620 Module Four Business Environment Analysis Report Guidelines and Rubric
In your role as controller of a division of TransGlobal Airlines, you are responsible for assessing the possible acquisition of the two identified small airlines in the Caribbean specializing in chartered flights for luxury vacations using light aircraft (60 passengers or less).
One of the important steps in this acquisition process is analyzing, understanding, and identifying all the external and internal elements that can affect the organization’s performance, and, as businesses are greatly influenced by their environment, all the situational factors that determine how day-to-day circumstances impact firms. You can assess situational factors by performing a business environment analysis. The analysis entails assessing the level of threat or opportunity these situational factors might present. These evaluations are later translated into the decision-making process. The analysis helps align strategies with the firm’s environment. You will use the PESTEL method to perform this analysis.
Use the information provided to you in the TransGlobal Airlines Information document to perform a business environment analysis using the PESTEL method. Your task is to analyze the internal and external business environment of TransGlobal Airlines by identifying the impact of each PESTEL factor on the business environment.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Identify one political factor that can affect the company’s business environment and explain any potential impact on acquisition strategy.
Identify one economic factor that can affect the company’s business environment and explain any potential impact on acquisition strategy.
Identify one sociological factor that can affect the company’s business environment and explain any potential impact on acquisition strategy.
Identify one technological factor that can affect the company’s business environment and explain any potential impact on acquisition strategy.
Identify one environmental factor that can affect the company’s business environment and explain any potential impact on acquisition strategy.
Identify one legal factor that can affect the company’s business environment and explain any potential impact on acquisition strategy.
What to Submit
Submit a 1- to 2-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Module Four Business Environment Analysis Report Rubric
CriteriaExemplary (100%)Proficient (90%)Needs Improvement (70%)Not Evident (0%)Value
PoliticalExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerIdentifies and clearly explains the potential impact of one relevant political factor on the acquisition strategyShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying a valid political factor or providing a reasonable explanation of its impact on the company’s acquisition strategyDoes not attempt criterion15
EconomicExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerIdentifies and clearly explains the potential impact of one relevant economic factor on the acquisition strategyShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying a valid economic factor or providing a reasonable explanation of its impact on the company’s acquisition strategyDoes not attempt criterion15
SociologicalExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerIdentifies and clearly explains the potential impact of one relevant sociological factor on the acquisition strategyShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying a valid sociological factor or providing a reasonable explanation of its impact on the company’s acquisition strategyDoes not attempt criterion15
TechnologicalExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerIdentifies and clearly explains the potential impact of one relevant technological factor on the acquisition strategyShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying a valid technological factor or providing a reasonable explanation of its impact on the company’s acquisition strategyDoes not attempt criterion15
EnvironmentalExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerIdentifies and explains clearly the impact of one relevant environmental factor on the acquisition strategyShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying a valid environmental factor or providing a reasonable explanation of its impact on the company’s acquisition strategyDoes not attempt criterion15
LegalExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerIdentifies and explains clearly the impact of one relevant legal factor on the acquisition strategyShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying a valid legal factor or providing a reasonable explanation of its impact on the company’s acquisition strategyDoes not attempt criterion15
Articulation of ResponseExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerClearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purposeShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readabilitySubmission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas10

Briefly discuss a purchase you made within the last two months and explain wheth

Briefly discuss a purchase you made within the last two months and explain whether you applied the limited problem-solving approach or extended problem solving approach in the process of making the decision to purchase and consume the product. Use the link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SUvMZD4C-z… to access Lecture 2 notes on Decision Making from the Consumer Behavior class. In addition to the lecture notes, use at least two peer-reviewed sources to explain why you applied a particular problem solving approach. Your essay should be approximately 300 words (+/- 10%) and in APA 7 format.

Write a research paper that includes the following key element: Framework for th

Write a research paper that includes the following key element: Framework for the social media strategy for the organization You should define what a social media strategy is and how it should be implemented. You must also identify the governance process to be used for the successful implementation of the strategy. This is a general discussion and does not necessarily have to be specific to any one company or industry (although you may choose to generate a strategy for a fictitious company or organization). You may use the assigned textbook(s) and additional resources for the research paper. Additionally, you may use your Discussion Board (DB) comments and those from your classmates to discuss and synthesize the topics further where applicable. Please note that if you use material directly quoted or paraphrased from your classmates’ comments, a citation must be included. The paper is to be typed, double-spaced, and written according to APA format and style.