Requirement of a fully functional dashboard in Excel for June 13th 5:00 PM EST b

Requirement of a fully functional dashboard in Excel for June 13th 5:00 PM EST b

Requirement of a fully functional dashboard in Excel for June 13th 5:00 PM EST before the first simulation (details below).
Requirement of a completed answer sheet on Word about manipulations completed through a set of ERP SIM simulations (June 13th, June 15th, June 17th) and how the data in the Excel file responded, this all due for June 21st before 9:00PM EST.
If files required in translated language, please advise.

I need a powerpoint presentaion created with visuals. I have attached the assign

I need a powerpoint presentaion created with visuals. I have attached the assign

I need a powerpoint presentaion created with visuals. I have attached the assignment page which goes into detail of what needs to be done. Do not worry about recording or doing a voiceover. I have blank slides with current presenter notes on them as well as my resume if you need to add anymore information to the presentation. I have also attached feedback from my instructor on those notes as well. My presentation is for becoming a Flight Test Engineer
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

I am doing my phd I need help with my thesis Maybe around 5 pages for each step

I am doing my phd I need help with my thesis
Maybe around 5 pages for each step

I am doing my phd I need help with my thesis
Maybe around 5 pages for each step
Around 100-200 pages for complete thesies, depending on the instructors instructions
We need to complete each step and need to get approval from professor and proceed to next step
the ddl for the whole thesis is the end of July
the ddl for the first step is the 10th of May
more files will be uploaded as we go to the next steps
Under partner section wing we have 4 steps right
The instructions which I gave you is for industry selection step
In 4th step we have to select organization
For that organization I have already selected an organization named VSoft Consulting in USA
SO you need to select the industry related to vsoft and complete the first step

Preferable used smart phone industries and companies as example, for example, AP

Preferable used smart phone industries and companies as example, for example, AP

Preferable used smart phone industries and companies as example, for example, APPLE, SAMSUNG, google, huiwei, etc.
Assignment Question
Critically assess how the T/3 Framework helps executives to understand the
execution of strategic choices in the attempt to establish and maintain a competitive advantage. In so doing, you are asked to apply your knowledge of both Transaction Cost Economics and Game Theory analysis in the execution of strategy within the market-as-a-game.
Assignment Objective
Your essay should critically assess the value-added of using the T/3 framework in contributing to an understanding of how players execute various strategies to establish and maintain a competitive advantage with particular emphasis on the strategic interdependencies among rival players. The exchanges on Blackboard with Practicals I – IV; the Online Lectures and Virtual Office Hours have offered you the opportunity to gather your thoughts on the topics.
You should also use some case studies and your Workshop case research. A key objective is to outline the overlap between micro-economics and game theoretic concepts introduced in this Module. Using academic literature and coupled with the practical case research undertaken by your group during the Workshop or coupled with the research you may have undertaken in support of your individual Workshop Alternate Assignment, illustrate how the transaction cost economics and the economics of game theory can be used to reshape strategy. So, please do use real case study materials where appropriate. Hint: The best way to approach the assignment is to imagine that the essay is to be read by senior management. Their concerns may have to do with (i) market entry (ii) product launch (iii) challenges of technology or (iv) prices. So, proceed to analyse the market-as-a-game, identify and filter the competitive threat, assess the action-reaction sequence of events and evaluate your results. And always provide a risk assessment of the likely competitive threats facing a company on choice of strategy.

here under i have uploaded all the required documents for project. i want to hav

here under i have uploaded all the required documents for project. i want to hav

here under i have uploaded all the required documents for project. i want to have a report like i attached the two sample ones (suits supply and Eurotech) but in the word documents i have attached my work done so far on my topic stated in my word document for prinsengracht hotel.
please complete it according to the reffered samples and also add in the report the references and 30 random people survey with images and a random interview with prinsengracht hotel owner and manager and please do add all these survey and transсrіpts of interview in the appendix. i am stuck and its my last chance to pass to get my degree. i am counting on you please help me with this.

Please complete Part B of the Final Exam on time and submit it to the online por

Please complete Part B of the Final Exam on time and submit it to the online por

Please complete Part B of the Final Exam on time and submit it to the online portal. Also note that, late submissions will not be allowed.
Time: 2 hrs… Marks: 40
 Create an excel project using following step by step instruction
 Save your files on the desktop and ensure you give the right name
from the following instructions.
 Every cell reference carries marks. So follow the column/ row headings instructions for your work.
Mr. Fence wants you to create a new workbook with the name Sales Forecast.xls for his software company Joe’s Cheap Software Shop. You will have to create a worksheet that calculates the year-end sales forecasts based on the sales of the company’s three-month products. The only numbers available are for the first three months of this year’s sales figures.
A) Design the presentation of your worksheet
a) You will be using the first eight columns on the worksheet. Make sure that columns B and G are blank.
b) Enter the title in first Row as: Joe’s Cheap Software Shop- Annual Sales forecast
c) Enter the following headings for your columns in the third Row:
Column A: Column C: Column D: Column E: Column F: Column H:
April Year-end-forecast
Page 1 of 2
d) The company sells three main products. These should be in Column “A”.
Row 5: Row 7: Row 9:
Recycled Software Used Software Software prior to 1984
e) Enter the text Grand Total in cell F12 B) Entering Financial results
a) Enterthesefiguresforthefirstthreemonths:
Recycled Software: Used software: Software prior to 1984:
C) Entering Formulas
$ 15,894 $ 8,279 $ 11,567
$ 9,762 $ 9,101 $ 13,497
$ 13,144 $ 17,202 $ 10,912
a) ThefourthmonthistwotimestheresultsofthemonthofJanuary. Create a formula in cell F5 to calculate the value for the fourth month
b) Copy the formula from F5 to F7 and F9.
c) CreateaFormulainCellH5,whichrepresentstheyear‐endforecasts based on the results from the first four months, and calculated to reflect a 12‐ month period. (Hint 3 times the sum of the 4 months)
d) Copy the formula from H5 to H7 and H9.
e) Create a formula in cell H12 that will calculate the grand total of the year‐end forecasts.
D) Fine Tune your worksheet’s Appearance
Make sure that your worksheet is visually well balanced and reflects your professionalism
Page 2 of 2

Write a research paper about strategic information systems, but specifically Cus

Write a research paper about strategic information systems, but specifically Cus

Write a research paper about strategic information systems, but specifically Customer Relationship Management (How does combining CRM systems with other functions affect the organization and its customer service?) References:Chen, Liwei, et al. “How Does Employee Infusion Use of CRM Systems Drive Customer Satisfaction? Mechanism Differences between Face-to-Face and Virtual Channels.” MIS Quarterly, vol. 45, no. 2, 1 June 2021, pp. 719–754, doi:10.25300/misq/2021/13265. Shahbaz, Muhammad, et al. “Impact of Big Data Analytics on Sales Performance in Pharmaceutical Organizations: The Role of Customer Relationship Management Capabilities.” PLOS ONE, vol. 16, no. 4, 28 Apr. 2021, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0250229. Triche, Jason, et al. “Teaching Tip Enhancing Student’s Understanding of Enterprise Systems Using Salesforce.” Journal of Information Systems Education, Jan. 2024, pp. 25–36, doi:10.62273/lsvk6170.

Write an essay that draws on your reading, including at least three academic pap

Write an essay that draws on your reading, including at least three academic pap

Write an essay that draws on your reading, including at least three academic papers and the MG2130 (Project Management) learning programme, with the following title: “To be a successful project manager, technical skills are much more important than people skills”. You can agree with, or disagree with, the premise of the question, but you need to back up your arguments with evidence from the literature that includes at least three academic papers. Ensure your work has a cogent and well-structured narrative. Use the Harvard referencing system to cite sources within the text and list all sources in the bibliography. Ensure you cite all your sources clearly – do not cause the reader to guess what a source may be through a parsimonious approach to referencing. Spell-check your work and ensure your syntax is correct.
″I , the student, strongly agree with people skills are much more important than technical skills. ″