submit a 300 word original reflection discussion board post on Leadership that G

submit a 300 word original reflection discussion board post on Leadership that Gets Results by Daniel Goleman from the On Managing People text(attached pdf chapter 1). The original post must address EACH of the following questions in separate paragraphs:
After reading the article, briefly summarize the key points, concepts, strategies, lessons learned, etc.
What did you learn about yourself?
How can you apply what you learned to the course topic?
How are the key points, concepts, strategies, lessons learned, etc. related to Biblical teachings? Scripture must by incorporated.

Utilizing the resources provided in the module, choose two countries compare and

Utilizing the resources provided in the module, choose two countries compare and contrast. Brazil & England
Outline differences in business etiquette, relationships, dress, power distance, time, and so on. 1–2-page short paper.
Important: Please use the website below as a main resource: Country list is in the drop down option upper right corner.
Other Resource-
Textbook: International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases, Chapter 3  
This chapter focuses on how culture impacts aspects of global business, including business and social norms, etiquette, and international workplace interactions. Global cultural dimensions will be explained in depth to provide an understanding of cultural adaptation, sensitivity, and empathy when entering new markets. 
Double Space
12 inch font
1 inch margins
Times New Romans
Citations if other sources are used.

·         Coronel, C., & Morris, S. (2018). Database systems: Design, implementa

·         Coronel, C., & Morris, S. (2018). Database systems: Design, implementation, & management (13th ed.). Cengage Learning.
o    Chapter 4, “Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling” (pp. 113–167)
o    Chapter 8, “Advanced SQL”
§  Section 8-1, “Data Definition Commands” (pp. 360–366)
§  Section 8-2, “Creating Table Structures” (pp. 366–375)
§  Section 8-3, “Altering Table Structures” (pp. 375–378)
·         Oracle. (n.d.). MySQL Workbench community downloadsLinks to an external site. [Software].
Note: This software is one option you may choose for creating a database in the Week 4 Assignment. 
·         Microsoft. (n.d.). Try SQL Server on-premises or in the cloudLinks to an external site..
Note: This site provides another option, MS SQL Express, you may choose for creating a database in the Week 4 Assignment. 
·         Document: Key Terms  Download Key Terms(PDF)
Note: Focus on Week 4 key terms.
·         Document: Sales Data Download Sales Data(PDF)
Note: You will continue to use the data for the Week 4 Assignment.
·         Document: DDL and DML Commands  Download DDL and DML Commands(PDF)
Note: You will use this document for the Week 4 Assignment.
Optional Resources
· (n.d.). SQL tutorial.Links to an external site. 
· (n.d.). SQL data types for MySQL, SQL Server, and MS Access.Links to an external site. 
· (n.d.). SQL CREATE TABLE statement.Links to an external site. 
· (n.d.). SQL ALTER TABLE statementLinks to an external site.. 
· (n.d.). SQL PRIMARY KEY constraint.Links to an external site. 
· (n.d.). SQL FOREIGN KEY constraint.Links to an external site. 

This project is intended to be an individual assignment where you should submit

This project is intended to be an individual assignment where you should submit at least a
12-page Research Paper at the end of the course. The Field Project consists in applying the basic learnings of the Principles of Transportation course by visiting a local freight line or freight forwarder firm involved in transportation and trade operations. The Research must be based primarily on the material covered in the course, in the textbook, plus readings and visual material, taking in account the key topics on each chapter of the textbook and point out the similarities between the theory and the actual operations in the field. The objective is to get a direct understanding of the main logistics and transportation operations services they provide in the real world.
The Field Research Project counts 150 points in the Grading Policy.
Select a transportation company of your interest and describe in detail how the company preserved or managed through COVID-19. Discuss the supply chain management challenges it faced and how it overcame trade and operational challenges within the various modes of transportation (port, air, water).
The minimum 12 page paper must include:
• An Abstract
• Contents
• Analysis of the transportation market which the firm under research is serving
• A descriptive development of each mode of transportation utilized by the transportation company
• A Conclusion section with insights,
• At least five References from current journals, industry magazines and studies
• Attachments with any additional and useful information like flowcharts, maps, layout, pictures, trends, etc.

Instructions You have been assigned the task of developing a best practices for

You have been assigned the task of developing a best practices for communicating with technology document for your current company (or one of your choosing). Review the Communicating with Technology at work section in Chapter 3 of your textbook.
You might also want to review a company’s technology usage policy to get some ideas of what to include.
Identify and explain at least five (5) best practices for utilizing communication in the workplace (email, electronic messaging, instant messaging, text, phone calls, videoconferencing, etc.).
Make sure you are addressing a diverse workforce that focuses on equity and inclusion.
Support your document with at least two (2) scholarly sources that support your recommendations. Your document should be approximately two pages and follow the most current APA guidelines.
This Assignment uses TurnItIn.

I dont need a whole paper:: all i need to add ONE page of data/research and/or a

I dont need a whole paper:: all i need to add ONE page of data/research and/or a visual to this paper supporting the hypothesis. Please note the data should be a form of a graph, list or chart. The data analysis not only supports the conclusion but also explains addi‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍tional relationships. Patterns and relationships in the data are identified are identified and fully explained. Additional relationships may be predicted. Any Visuals or sources used need to be listed in the references in the APA format. Paper is Uploaded as a file‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍.

Please read all instructions both before you begin the assignment and after you

Please read all instructions both before you begin the assignment and after you complete it. Double check the rubric to make sure you have completed all steps.
 In this writing assignment, you will critically analyze a New York Times Opinion piece from January 2024.
1.  Summary and pros/cons of ChatGPT:
Read the New York Times article, “How the Federal Government Can Rein In A.I. in Law Enforcement” by Joy Buolamwini and Barry Friedman.

Initial Post For your initial response, locate a video of a professional present

Initial Post
For your initial response, locate a video of a professional presentation on YouTube or a similar site. Evaluate the message using the framework for technology-mediated communication (sensitivity, negativity, complexity, and persuasiveness). Critique the presenter’s voice inflection, length of the presentation, professional appearance, and their ability to reach a diverse audience. Post your review along with the link to the video for your initial discussion post this week.
This is a “post first” forum. You will see the posts written by your classmates after you post your own entry.

Your initial post in this discussion will be your written draft of the elevator

Your initial post in this discussion will be your written draft of the elevator speech that you will record and submit for this module’s assignment. An elevator speech is a short, persuasive pitch to get someone interested in you or a product or service you are selling. It should be concise enough to conclude in an elevator ride (from three minutes to one minute).
For your initial post, draft an elevator pitch that focuses on getting a potential client or hiring manager interested in hiring you. Introduce yourself, your career goals, and the skills you have; then pitch your call to action. Make sure your introduction is relevant to people from different cultures and geographic locations.
The pitch should be no longer than 3 minutes and no shorter than 30 seconds.
This is a “post first” forum. You will see the posts written by your classmates after you post your own entry.