Currency Exchange It is time to delve into currency exchange and learn about som

Currency Exchange
It is time to delve into currency exchange and learn about som

Currency Exchange
It is time to delve into currency exchange and learn about some terms used in the field. We will start with a short video created by a former Chief Portfolio Strategist of a $50 billion investment advisory firm. There are many government, private, and public websites and databases that provide rich information on countries. This is your opportunity to use two companies’ resources available to the public for free.
Session Long Project 1 Resources
Exchange Rate Mechanism (Regime) (2021)
Currency Fluctuations: How they Affect the Economy (2021)
How Does the Exchange Rate Work and How Does It Affect Many Parts of Your Life? (2021)
What Do We Mean by Currency and Foreign Exchange? (2020)
International Banking (2019)
How Importing and Exporting Impacts the Economy (2020)
SLP Assignment 
Currency Exchange
Visit this Currency Analysis siteand see what data is available on the page. Select United States when asked Country. The landing page shows U.S. Dollar (USD) exchange rates compared to four other currencies: EURO, Japanese Yen (JPY), British Pound (GBP), and Swiss Franc (CHF). It also allows you to browse 147 currencies. For most currencies, the site will categorize:
Exchange Rate Regime
Level of Currency Instability
Yearly average rate (4 years)
Research and find out what these terms mean. Using the pull-down menu, select your UN Member State currency of interest. Research currencies (one at a time) from two total UN Member States (other than the EURO, USD, JPY, GBP, or CHF). NOTE: the countries analyzed here will not be used in other course assignments.
Provide information explaining the foreign currencies and how they are exchanged, the level of instability, and their yearly average rate. If the currency does not have information on all three categories, select another.
Exchange Rate Regime
Level of Currency Instability
Yearly average rate (4 years)
Compared to USD
Source: Santander Trade
Explain the significance of the information contained in the table. Discuss how the country’s exchange rate/stability and importing and exporting are related. (1/2 page)
Provide an economic overview of the country using Santander Analyze markets (Enter name in country information).
Do not copy tables of data. You will write about the economy. You should include the effects of COVID, overall economic growth, inflation, the country’s financial sector (as examples). (1/2 page)
Write about the country’s risk assessment using CoFace Country risk assessment data. (1/2 page)
No quotations are permitted in this paper. Each paragraph (except the introduction and conclusion) must contain at least one in-text citation. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” on the grading rubric. This is a professional paper; not a personal one based on feelings. It must be written in the third person; this means words like “I”, “we”, and “you” are not appropriate.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Use the attached APA-formatted template (BUS401 SLP1 ) to create your submission.
The template is set up in APA 7: double-spacing, font, margins, headings, page breaks, APA help links.
Your submission will include:
Trident University International’s cover page
A paper with APA citations (2 to 3-sentence introduction, 4-page body (includes tables), 2 to 3-sentence conclusion)
The reference list page in APA format
Develop and reference your sources of information with References Page, In-text Citations, and APA Title Page formatting from the following Guides and Links:
APA 7th Assignment Template
Trident’s Introduction to APA –
Understanding Plagiarism-
Student Support Resources – 
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-In 750-1000 words respond to the questions at the end of your case using our cl

-In 750-1000 words respond to the questions at the end of your case using our cl

-In 750-1000 words respond to the questions at the end of your case using our class concepts to guide you. This will be a challenge to accomplish with this word cap, but I’m looking for evidence that you know how to decide for yourself which tools from class can help you answer an ethical question and show me that you can effectively deploy that tool. REMEMBER to actually answer the question rather than just “parroting” back the definitions of tools and frameworks. This is where you can show that you know how to efficiently utilize the skills you’ve mastered to answer tough ethical questions in a succinct way.
I suggest following a simple format for each question (one by one):
1) List a question from the end of the case.
2) Identify which tool (or tools) can help you answer the question and briefly explain why it can help. For example: “We can use ….. to answer this question, because …..”
3) Apply the tool/framework to the question at hand (keeping total word count in mind). Using the actual case, show the reader HOW you use the tool/framework to help you find a justifiable answer.
4) Give your final answer to the question.

Impact Venture Plan proposal. The following should be described: Product or serv

Impact Venture Plan proposal. The following should be described:
Product or serv

Impact Venture Plan proposal. The following should be described:
Product or service
Product/Customer need
Triple bottom line description
Size of opportunity
Required start-up investment
Description of fund-raising
Financial valuation
Investor proposal (how would you convince an investor to invest?)
To complete the presentation, develop a PowerPoint that provides an overview of the plan with author notes included to what to say during presentation.

Environmental Science and Sustainability Climate change is one of the most press

Environmental Science and Sustainability
Climate change is one of the most press

Environmental Science and Sustainability
Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of the 21st century. Explain the concept of environmental sustainability in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Assess the effectiveness of international agreements such as the Paris Agreement in addressing climate change concerns, and critically evaluate the role of governments, businesses, and individuals in achieving global sustainability goals. Furthermore, discuss innovative technologies and policy frameworks that could expedite the transition to a low-carbon economy while ensuring equitable and inclusive development.

please make sure you do the correlation analysis to gather some sort of weather

please make sure you do the correlation analysis to gather some sort of weather

please make sure you do the correlation analysis to gather some sort of weather data that coincides with financial markets data based on time or geography also to explore the relationship between weather variables and financial market performance.
The objective of my research study is to investigate the impact of weather patterns influenced by climate change on financial markets, and the in-depth relationship between weather patterns and financial markets which can impact the market, investor behavior, and even influence prices. In today’s world, the economy is not stagnant or predictable. The world’s economy has globalized in ways that only data can explain. The world’s interconnectedness affects all parts of daily life- what stocks are up, why the price of avocados are so high, and how Somalian pirates are having an impact on American consumerism. The weather is constant in all markets. Such a volatile factor should be studied and analyzed, especially since year after year the weather and its patterns are getting more unpredictable, more unstable thanks to climate change. 
It is critical to understand the complicated relationship between weather patterns and financial markets. Weather influences investor behavior and provides insights into market dynamics and trading patterns. This knowledge can inform investment strategies and decision-making processes, enabling investors to navigate volatile market conditions more effectively. I’m going to design my paper by conducting a thorough review of existing literatures and academic journals on the topic to understand previous findings, methodologies, and potential theories to consider them in my paper. Then I will gather historical weather data and financial market data from the time I want. I will also look at both short-term and long-term weather patterns to capture different effects on financial markets this should include details on things like temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and humidity from different geographic regions, along with market indices, stock prices, trading volumes, and other relevant financial indicators. I’m also going to use Statistical Analysis such as correlation analysis to gather some sort of weather data that coincides with financial markets data based on time or geography also to explore the relationship between weather variables and financial market performance.  Some of the data sources I’m going to be using are Weather Data from reliable sources such as NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), NASA, or commercial weather data providers like The Weather Company. Also, for the financial part I can look into Bloomberg, Reuters, and Yahoo Finance. For the economic indicators I can check sources like the World Bank, IMF (International Monetary Fund), or central banks.

Executive summary. An introductory overview of your business. Company descriptio

Executive summary. An introductory overview of your business.
Company descriptio

Executive summary. An introductory overview of your business.
Company description. A more in-depth and detailed description of your business and why it exists.
Market analysis. Research-based information about the industry and your target market.
Products and services. What you plan to offer in exchange for money.
Marketing plan. The promotional strategy to introduce your business to the world and drive sales.
Logistics and operations plan. Everything that happens in the background to make your business function properly.
Financial plan. A breakdown of your numbers to show what you need to get started as well as to prove viability of profitability.

Challenge yourself this week!  I hope that you can offer some constructive feedb

Challenge yourself this week!  I hope that you can offer some constructive feedb

Challenge yourself this week!  I hope that you can offer some constructive feedback in the discussion this week to improve the class.  I also recommend reflecting on what you have learned over the last seven weeks.  After reflection, consider the things that you would like to change about yourself or your organization.  Committing to improvement is half the battle.
In closing, challenge yourself to make these kinds of changes in your life as well as in your business. A little change can go a long way. One does not need to develop a business plan to support a recycling program in a company (but it is still a good idea). In any event, best of luck in the class and I look forward to our interactions in the discussion this last week. 

Design a strategic marketing plan for a new product launch in a competitive mark

Design a strategic marketing plan for a new product launch in a competitive mark

Design a strategic marketing plan for a new product launch in a competitive market environment. Conduct market research to identify target demographics, consumer preferences, and competitor analysis. Utilize the marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion) to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy aimed at achieving specific objectives. Implement innovative promotional tactics such as social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, or experiential marketing events to generate buzz and drive sales. Incorporate budgeting, timeline, and performance metrics for tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of the marketing plan. Present your strategic marketing plan in a detailed report format, showcasing creative ideas and actionable strategies to capture market share and achieve sustainable growth.

Please provide a 1-2 page (single-spaced) interpretation of this week’s readings

Please provide a 1-2 page (single-spaced) interpretation of this week’s readings

Please provide a 1-2 page (single-spaced) interpretation of this week’s readings. The purpose of this assignment is to start a discussion, so you should focus on writing about what insights, opinions, thoughts, etc. stemmed from the readings versus simply providing a synopsis of the readings. For example:
-What did you find interesting?
-What points did you agree or disagree with?
-How do these readings help to promote entrepreneurship in corporations?
-Do you feel like any of these articles supported or disagreed with one another?
Also, please remember that this is a graduate class. All submissions are expected to be insightful (not just surface-level), professional (full sentences, devoid of grammatical and spelling errors, etc.), and to have proper citations when pulling from other’s work(s).

Case 1: Walmart: The Main Street Merchant of Doom APA 7th  guidelines. Please a

Case 1: Walmart: The Main Street Merchant of Doom
APA 7th  guidelines. Please a

Case 1: Walmart: The Main Street Merchant of Doom
APA 7th  guidelines. Please answer the following questions:
1. What are the major issues in this case? What does Walmart’s experience tell you about the business and society relationship?
2. Assess Walmart’s corporate social responsibility using the four-part CSR model. For example, is Walmart socially responsible even though it has had a devastating impact on many small merchants?
3. What about Walmart’s impact on communities in terms of sprawl, traffic congestion, and impact on the environment’s appearance? What responsibility, if any, does the company have to the communities it enters?
4. Sam Walton has been called a motivational genius. After reading this case, and with what you have observed at your local Walmart store, do you think the associates still feel his motivational genius? What is the “Walmart Way”? How would you characterize the store’s culture now that Sam is no longer visiting the stores?
5. Walmart was an early leader in the area of corporate social responsibility. Is the company’s detrimental impact on merchants offset by the benefits of its recent corporate citizenship and sustainability initiatives?
6. Walmart continues to resist its expansion into New England and some parts of the United States. What are the true goals of the opponents of Walmart? Include a consideration of the following: (a) stopping Walmart’s expansion, (b) preserving the status quo (e.g., downtown community and social fabric), (c) developing a cause that will pay their bills, (d) fighting for an ideology, or (e) something else. What should Walmart do when it encounters resistance?
7. With Walmart now having to close stores due to the economy and/or competition, does it have any social responsibilities to the communities it is leaving? If so, what would those responsibilities be?
8. When you are the largest company globally, how do you protect yourself against the kind of criticism Walmart has received? Does it seem that no matter how hard you try, it is difficult to make things better?