Imagine a young child who experiences poverty and neglect, who never knows when

Imagine a young child who experiences poverty and neglect, who never knows when

Imagine a young child who experiences poverty and neglect, who never knows when he is going to have a meal. His body adapts to binge whenever he is presented with food, in order to store up the energy and sustenance until the next undetermined meal. That same child grows up to be an adult and to have children who he raises in a stable, loving environment. Despite being fed regularly, his children carry the same bingeing adaptation as their father, resulting in them becoming overweight or obese. What is responsible for this phenomenon? Epigenetics, a relatively new science that has ramifications for trauma and social work practice.
In this Discussion, you demonstrate your understanding of epigenetics and consider its usefulness in a social work setting of interest.  Learning Resources
Required Readings
Perry, B. D., & Winfrey, O. (2021). What happened to you? Conversations on trauma, resilience, and healing. Flatiron Books.
Chapter 5, “Connecting the Dots” (pp. 120–151)
Combs-Orme, T. (2013). Epigenetics and the social work imperative. Social Work, 58(1), 23–30.
DeAngelis, T. (2019, February). The legacy of trauma. Monitor on Psychology, 50(2).
Required Media
PBS LearningMedia. (2009). NOVA scienceNOW: Epigenetics [Video].
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 6 minutes.
TEDx Talks. (2016, October 3). Epigenetics – Our bodies’ way to change the destiny written in our DNA | Moshe Szyf | TEDxBratislava [Video]. YouTube.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 17 minutes. Walden University, LLC. (2022). Social work case studies [Interactive media].
Navigate to your chosen case for the Final Project (Lewis or Mel). Then, review the provided genogram for that case.
Optional Resources
Ghosh Ippen, C. M. G. (2018). Wounds from the past: Integrating historical trauma into a multicultural infant mental health framework. In C. H. Zeanah Jr. (Ed.), Handbook of infant mental health (4th ed., pp. 134–153). Guilford Publications.
Credit line: Handbook of Infant Mental Health, 4th Edition by Zeanah, C. Copyright 2018 by Guilford Publications. Reprinted by permission of Guilford Publications via the Copyright Clearance Center. Licensed in 2021.
TEDx Talks. (2015, January 5). Ancestral ghosts in your genome | Michael Skinner | TEDxRainier [Video]. YouTube.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 20 minutes.
TEDx Talks. (2012, February 23). Epigenetics and the influence of our genes | Courtney Griffins | TEDxOU [Video]. YouTube.
Review the Learning Resources on intergenerational trauma and epigenetics.
Consider the concept of epigenetics and how you might integrate it in your work with clients.
Post a description of epigenetics and how it differs from genetics. Be sure to explain how the phenomenon results in the transmission of trauma. Additionally, explain the extent to which you have thought about epigenetics previously and ask any questions you still have. Finally, address how knowledge of epigenetics could be useful in a social work setting that interests you

i ran this paper thought AI detector on ZeroGPT and GPTzero both of them says it

i ran this paper thought AI detector on ZeroGPT and GPTzero both of them says it

i ran this paper thought AI detector on ZeroGPT and GPTzero both of them says its AI written, can you please try to fix that
Order #279030516
and for part 2 for the paper it needed 4 topics and you gave me 2 which are great but you can shorten them and put 2 more in paper.
5. Customer Interrupts a Discussion- need this
20. When You Don’t Have the Answer ( you gave me this thank you )
35. Customer Makes a Sexist Remark ( you gave me this thank you)
50. Properly Identifying the Internal Customer- need this

I have to write an essay for my history of capitilism class and I chose to write

I have to write an essay for my history of capitilism class and I chose to write

I have to write an essay for my history of capitilism class and I chose to write it on Avon cosmetics and its women empowerment impact in the 1900s: Have women ever been held back as a result of their role as an avon lady?, please use Mankos footnotes, primary resources of avon, or annual reports? newspaper articles? first hand accounts of Avon ladies?, also secondary sources. Please also add footnotes.

To prepare a case for class discussion, we suggest the following approach: 1. Sk

To prepare a case for class discussion, we suggest the following approach:
1. Sk

To prepare a case for class discussion, we suggest the following approach:
1. Skim the case rather quickly to get an overview of the situation it presents. This quick overview should
give you the general flavor of the situation and indicate the kinds of issues and problems that you will
need to wrestle with. If your instructor has provided you with study questions for the case, now is the
time to read them carefully.
2. Read the case thoroughly to digest the facts and circumstances. On this reading, try to gain full
command of the situation presented in the case. Begin to develop some tentative answers to the study
questions your instructor has provided or that are provided in the Case-TUTOR software package which
you can download at the Web site for the text. If your instructor has elected not to give you assignment
questions or has elected not to use Case-T UTOR, then start forming your own picture of the overall
situation being described.
3. Carefully review all the information presented in the exhibits. Often, there is an important story in the
numbers contained in the exhibits. Expect the information in the case exhibits to be crucial enough to
materially affect your diagnosis of the situation.
4. Decide what the strategic issues are. Until you have identified the strategic issues and problems in the
case, you don’t know what to analyze, which tools and analytical techniques are called for, or otherwise
how to proceed. At times the strategic issues are clear—either being stated in the case or else obvious from
reading the case. At other times you will have to dig them out from all the information given; if so, the
study questions and the case preparation exercises provided in the Case-TUTOR software will guide you.
5. Start your analysis of the issues with some number crunching. A big majority of strategy cases call
for some kind of number crunching—calculating assorted financial ratios to check out the company’s
financial condition and recent performance, calculating growth rates of sales or profits or unit volume,
checking out profi t margins and the makeup of the cost structure, and understanding whatever revenue-
cost-profi t relationships are present. See Table 1 for a summary of key financial ratios, how they are
calculated, and what they show.
6. Apply the concepts and techniques of strategic analysis you have been studying. Strategic analysis is
not just a collection of opinions; rather, it entails applying the concepts and analytical tools described
in Chapters 1 through 13 to cut beneath the surface and produce sharp insight and understanding. Every
case assigned is strategy related and presents you with an opportunity to usefully apply what you have
learned. Your instructor is looking for you to demonstrate that you know how and when to use the
material presented in the text chapters. The case preparation guides on Case-T UTOR will point you
toward the proper analytical tools needed to analyze the case situation.
7. Check out conflicting opinions and make some judgments about the validity of all the data and
information provided. Many times cases report views and contradictory opinions (after all, people don’t
always agree on things, and differ ent people see the same things in different ways). Forcing you to
evaluate the data and information presented in the case helps you develop your powers of inference
and judgment. Asking you to resolve conflicting information “comes with the territory” because a great
many managerial situations entail opposing points of view, conflicting trends, and sketchy information.
8. Support your diagnosis and opinions with reasons and evidence. The most important things to prepare
for are your answers to the question “Why?” For instance, if after studying the case you are of the opinion
that the company’s managers are doing a poor job, then it is your answer to “Why?” that establishes just
how good your analysis of the situation is. If your instructor has provided you with specific study questions
for the case or if you are attempting to complete any one of the case preparation exercises on Case-TUTOR,
by all means prepare answers that include all the reasons and number-crunching evidence you can muster
5A Guide to Case Analysis
to support your diagnosis. Work through the case preparation exercises on Case-TUTOR conscientiously or,
if you are using study questions provided by the instructor, generate at least two pages of notes!
9. Develop an appropriate action plan and set of recommendations. Diagnosis divorced from corrective
action is sterile. The test of a manager is always to convert sound analysis into sound actions—actions
that will produce the desired results. Hence, the final and most telling step in preparing a case is to
develop an action agenda for management that lays out a set of specific recommendations on what to do.
Bear in mind that proposing realistic, workable solutions is far preferable to casually tossing out off-the-
top-of-your-head suggestions. Be prepared to argue why your recommendations are more attractive than
other courses of action that are open. You’ll find the case preparation exercises on Case-T UTOR helpful
in performing this step, too.

The article and citations must come from my schools library, so I attached an ar

The article and citations must come from my schools library, so I attached an ar

The article and citations must come from my schools library, so I attached an article I found and the study guide to use.
For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. You need to present an insightful and thorough analysis of the article with strong arguments and evidence. Your interpretation will need to be both reasonable and compelling. You will need to apply course concepts in your analysis. 
As you write the review, be certain to analyze the type of conflict discussed in the article. Use the classifications discussed in the Unit III Lesson (Rahim’s functional outcomes and Rahim’s dysfunctional outcomes) in your analysis. Be certain to suggest communication techniques to manage functional conflict or, alternately, communication techniques to resolve dysfunctional conflict. 
Along with the article being reviewed, you will need to reference at least one peer-reviewed source. Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The critical review should be a minimum of two pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.