This dissertation proposal aims to investigate the impact of digitalization on a

This dissertation proposal aims to investigate the impact of digitalization on accounting practices in regions with limited technological infrastructure. The introduction will delineate the scope and significance of the study within the finance and accounting domain. Subsequently, the literature review will critically assess existing research on digitalization in accounting across diverse settings, with a focus on its implications for financial management. Methodological considerations, encompassing research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques pertinent to finance and accounting research, will be rigorously outlined. The main sections will delve into the transformative effects of digitalization on financial reporting, auditing procedures, and management accounting practices, contextualized within the challenges and opportunities posed by low technological dependence. Potential case studies or empirical analyses will serve to illustrate theoretical insights and enrich the discussion. The ensuing discourse will provide nuanced interpretations of findings and their implications for financial decision-making, culminating in actionable recommendations for practitioners and policymakers. Concluding remarks will succinctly summarize key findings and propose avenues for future research in finance and accounting.

Case study :Exchange Rates, Auto Prices, and Currency Wars  Recommended and expe

Case study :Exchange Rates, Auto Prices, and Currency Wars 
Recommended and expected to research the topic and read other articles on the subject to receive a higher grade.10 to 15 minutes presentation with PowerPoint slides.You can include a short video (less than 2 minutes) to explain or illustrate key concepts.
Do not forget to include in your PowerPoint presentation:
A title slide (case study’s title, students’ name, course number)
Definitions and/or explanations of concepts, theories or models.
A reference slide (using APA format)
Make sure the slides are easy to read (fewer words is best, illustrations are welcome).
Interact with your classmates during or after the presentation (e.g. Discussion question, Kahoot, Short quiz).
Use several sources (articles, graphs, etc) and don’t forget to reference them at the end of your presentation.

Instructions Thoroughly address each of the following questions/topics. Wherever

Thoroughly address each of the following questions/topics. Wherever possible, give examples and explain your reasoning.
Answer in your own words (Do not copy and paste definitions)
Use a WORD document and upload the assignment to the dropbox. You should use the format below for submission.
1) Differentiate between external financing, internal financing, leasing, and equity capital. 
2) What factors would tend to make leasing more desirable than owning?
3) What are the differences between a wet lease, an operating lease, and a financial lease?
4) On January 1, 2015, Middle Georgia Airlines (MGA) leased a DASH-8 from a leasing company (4-year lease). The lease agreement specifies four annual payments of $1.5 million beginning January 1, 2015, the inception of the lease, and then on each January 1 through 2018. The useful life of the aircraft is estimated to be seven years. Before deciding to lease, MGA considered purchasing the aircraft for its cash price of $6,200,000. How should this lease be classified?

P‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍ick one of the key concepts below:  – Financial Statements,

P‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‍ick one of the key concepts below:
 – Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes
– Time Value of Money and Interest Rates
 – Corporate Valuation and Stock Valuation
 – Capital Budgeting and Capital Structure Decisions
 – Financial Planning
– Working Capital Management  

Strategic Analysis: Stocks, Options, and Bonds Evaluation In this assignment, yo

Strategic Analysis: Stocks, Options, and Bonds Evaluation
In this assignment, yo

Strategic Analysis: Stocks, Options, and Bonds Evaluation
In this assignment, you will dive deep into the realm of stocks, bonds, and options, leveraging the knowledge and tools acquired in Units I-III. Through a fictitious company scenario, you will evaluate various investment avenues, assess potential risks, analyze the time value of money, and draw strategic financial conclusions. This practical application aims to equip you with the analytical skillset crucial for the real-world corporate finance setting.
1. Company Profile:
Choose a fictitious company. Create a brief profile, including its industry, market position, and financial standing. You may refer to real-world companies for inspiration but ensure that your company’s details remain fictional. Describe all of this in the introduction to your case study, providing a clear background for the topic and the main points of your paper.
2. Stock Analysis:
Identify three potential stock investments for the company.
For each stock, analyze its historical returns over the past five years.
Estimate the future return of each stock using the methods described in Chapter 6.
Assess the associated risks, employing tools like probability ranges in normal distribution, mean, and standard deviation.
Discuss the influence of market efficiency on these stocks, referring to the Fama-French three-factor model and the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).
Reflect on any known behavioral finance phenomena, like retail trading or meme stocks, which could affect these investments.
Select one of the stocks for an in-depth analysis. Identify the key components of financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, statement of stockholders’ equity, and statement of cash flows. Apply financial ratio analysis to interpret financial statements and assess the company’s financial performance. In your analysis, discuss whether you think the stock would be a good investment.
3. Option Analysis:
Pinpoint two financial options that could be beneficial for the company.
Utilize the single-period and multiperiod binomial option pricing models and the Black-Scholes option pricing model (OPM) to evaluate these options.
Determine the potential risks and benefits of each option, considering the company’s specific context.
Evaluate the price of a put option for each and provide a rationale for your valuations.
4. Bond Analysis: 
Your company is also considering an expansion. Board members have talked about issuing bonds to cover the cost of expansion.
Distinguish between different financial strategies and tools used in leading an organization, including the issuance and valuation of bonds.
Explain the importance of bond market dynamics, such as the relationship between interest rates and bond prices in shaping organizational financial strategies.
Discuss whether you think this is a viable option in today’s market.
5. Recommendations:
After your thorough analysis, offer a strategic financial recommendation:
Which stock and option investments should the company consider?
Justify your recommendations based on potential returns, associated risks, and the time value of money. Identify the key factors, such as inflation and interest rates, which influence the dynamic nature of money’s value over time.
Be sure to include a conclusion that is clear, concise, and thorough, summarizing the key points of your paper.
Compile your analysis and recommendations into a comprehensive report, ensuring it is well-structured and professionally presented. The report should range from 5 to 12 pages, including charts and graphs. You are required to use a minimum of four sources; at least two of which must come from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.
The Find Company & Industry Resources LibGuide  in the CSU Online Library is a great place to start your research.

Instructions: In 600-750 words in length (not including the title page and refer

Instructions: In 600-750 words in length (not including the title page and refer

Instructions: In 600-750 words in length (not including the title page and reference page), analyze the case above. Provide calculations in an Appendix. The analysis must correlate concepts and problem-solving. Support your responses with at least two scholarly journal references (in addition to your book). Refer to the Writing Assignment Grading Criteria below for requirements in content, organization, writing style, grammar, and APA 7.0 format. An APA template has been provided to help with organizing and presenting your assignment.
GuidelinesWriting Assignment RequirementsContent (60%)
Response demonstrates a clear understanding of the key elements of assignment questions.
Responses thoroughly cover the elements in a substantive manner.
Response demonstrates critical thinking and analysis.
Content is complete and accurate.
Introduction and conclusion provide adequate information on the given topic.
Organization (20%)
Paper structure is clear and easy to follow.
Ideas flow in a logical sequence.
Introduction provides a sound introduction to the topic and previews major points.
Paragraph transitions are logical and support the flow of thought throughout the paper.
The conclusion thoroughly reviews the major points.
Writing Style,
Grammar, APA Format (20%)
Sentences are well constructed, complete, clear, and concise.
Words used are specific and unambiguous.
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct.
Current APA guidelines are followed, such as title page, headers, citations, references, etc.
Effective use of aids, such as sections, summaries, table of contents, indices, and appendices (if applicable)
Attached is an example paper supplied for assistance.

The goal of this assignment is to understand the principles of project valuation

The goal of this assignment is to understand the principles of project valuation

The goal of this assignment is to understand the principles of project valuation and capital budgeting in a practical setting, using a combination of fictitious data and real-world examples. Begin by proposing a fictitious project for a hypothetical company. This can be any type of project-expanding a product line, launching a new service, entering a new market, etc. Provide a brief overview of the project, including the expected benefits, the target market, and any initial capital requirements. Complete the following steps in your journal:
Cost of capital analysis: Identify the different types of capital the hypothetical company would need for the project. Estimate the cost of debt, preferred stock, and common stock using assumptions based on typical industry figures. Justify your assumptions. Apply the dividend growth model where relevant and calculate the company’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
Capital budgeting and cash flows: Categorize your project (e.g., replacement projects, expansion projects). Lay out the expected cash flows for the project for a defined period (for example, 5 years). Calculate the net present value, internal rate of return, and profitability index of your project. Estimate the payback period for your project.
Real-world comparison: Use the CSU Online Library to research at least two real-world project valuation cases relevant to your fictitious project or industry. Compare the financial metrics (e.g., NPV, IRR, payback period) of these real-world projects to your fictitious project. Discuss any significant deviations between your project and the real-world examples.
Reflection and conclusion: Reflect on the data-driven decisions you made throughout your fictitious project’s proposal and financial feasibility analysis. Document these decisions in your journal. Summarize key learning points and any potential managerial issues that may arise during the real-world implementation of such a project.
Use tables, charts, or graphs to present your data and financial calculations wherever applicable. Ensure that your journal has a clear structure, with distinct sections for the proposal, cost of capital analysis, capital budgeting and cash flows, real-world comparison, and reflection and conclusion. Remember, the purpose of this assignment is not just to perform financial calculations, but to critically think about the feasibility of projects and make informed, data-driven decisions.

Overview In this activity, you will complete calculations and research that will

In this activity, you will complete calculations and research that will

In this activity, you will complete calculations and research that will help you understand how to evaluate the return and risk on investments.
Answer these questions in a 1 to 2-page paper.
You have just won the Lottery jackpot of $11,000,000. You will be paid in twenty-six equal annual installments beginning immediately. If you had the money now, you could invest it in an account with a quoted annual interest rate of 9% with monthly compounding of interest.
Calculate the present value of the payments you will receive. Show your calculations using formulas in your paper or in an attached spreadsheet file.
Explain why there is a difference between the present value of the Strayer lottery jackpot and the future value of the twenty-six annual payments based on your calculations and the information provided.
Discuss the risk and return indicated by different bond ratings. Support your answer with references to your research.
Use various bond websites to locate one of each of the following bond ratings: AAA, BBB, CCC, and D. Research the differences between the bond ratings, the required interest rates, and the risk. List the websites used as sources for this research.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each rating.

The assignment is a research paper on Loan Creation in an Islamic Banking System

The assignment is a research paper on Loan Creation in an Islamic Banking System

The assignment is a research paper on Loan Creation in an Islamic Banking System, I need you to write two sections of the paper(no introduction or conclusion) which are:
1- An overview of Conventional Banking and Islamic Banking, as well as their similarities and differences. 2-Comparative analysis of Loan creation in Conventional Banks vs Islamic Banks, comparing each bank’s services or what they offer when applying for a loan. Please use any of the references in the literature review attached, you can also use other scholarly references if needed.