According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, heart disease, stroke, cancer

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, heart disease, stroke, cancer, viral and bacterial respiratory diseases, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases were among the 10 leading causes of death in the United States in 2021.
Which of these listed diseases concerns you most and why?
Do you think you’re more likely to develop any one or more of them?
If so, why? Have you made lifestyle changes to increase your life expectancy?
For example, perhaps you’ve limited your exposure to pathogens or chemicals, or you have changed your diet, increased exercise, etc.
If you’ve not made any changes, describe what you might do to avoid some of these listed diseases.
Be sure to elaborate in your response.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary

Students after choosing their case topics use a written assignment to fulfill th

Students after choosing their case topics use a written assignment to fulfill the analysis and presentation of the case. Students will present a report to senior management using a memorandum (word document) or a presentation (power point deck) to complete their analysis and recommendation.
Students must use the formatting, including the use of headings and bullet points to complete their assignment found in the Memorandum and Presentation document in Blackboard . The student will use this same document to understand the flow of the communication with senior management.
I have to memorandum you can choice the topic from the files I upload

Students after choosing their case topics use a written assignment to fulfill th

Students after choosing their case topics use a written assignment to fulfill the analysis and presentation of the case. Students will present a report to senior management using a memorandum (word document) or a presentation (power point deck) to complete their analysis and recommendation.
Students must use the formatting, including the use of headings and bullet points to complete their assignment found in the Memorandum and Presentation document in Blackboard . The student will use this same document to understand the flow of the communication with senior management.
I have to memorandum you can choice the topic from the files I upload

I uploaded references, You can use all 6 of those references. Topic: Creation a

I uploaded references, You can use all 6 of those references.
Creation a

I uploaded references, You can use all 6 of those references.
Creation and implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization.
The paper must contain the following elements:
a. Title Page (or letter of transmittal if a memorandum format is used)
b. Table of Contents (unless a memorandum format is used).
c. Introduction
d. Problem Statement (5-8 sentence paragraph that clearly defines the problem and why it needs to be researched).
e. Review of current practices (background of literature) in the area
f. Strategic plan for change or creation of the anticipated change (use examples of where this approach has been successful in other organizations if pertinent).
g. Strategic approach for implementation of the change(s)
h. Final recommendations and possible outcomes (best and worst case scenarios)
i. Summary/Conclusions
j. References section
k. Appendix (if tables or charts or necessary)

Purpose: Selecting the best candidate from a pool of potential applicants is oft

Purpose: Selecting the best candidate from a pool of potential applicants is oft

Purpose: Selecting the best candidate from a pool of potential applicants is often challenging and requires objectivity, patience and a strong understanding of suitable methods to best suit the context. In this task, students are required to identify and design the most appropriate selection methods to successfully fill a current role.
Assessment Brief: Using the ‘high standard’ job ad found for Assessment 2, students should develop a process for selection, using interview and at least one other method.
You are required to:
Students will produce a 2000 word (+/- 10%) (Cover page, Table of content, reference list and appendices NOT included in the word count) report that identifies the most appropriate tools (discuss the most useful selection tools for this job, could be 4 or 5 or more tools!) to select a successful applicant for the nominated job (the good job from Ass 2). From the tools discussed above, students should then select and discuss in detail only two (2) of these tools, with one (1) being an interview.  Use theory and evidence pertaining to interviews and another tool to argue why and how you would use these.
For example, for an initial interview, (using evidence/research to determine best practice and argue why) consider:
who would conduct (Company role? Would it be an individual or panel? Who would the panel comprise?)
how many candidates to be interviewed?
length of interview
interview questions (type, quantity)
how are candidates prepared/what information are they given?
How are they assessed?
What is undertaken to ensure the interviews are reliable, replicable, authentic, fair.
Include a copy of interview schedule as an appendix
Students should identify the various options available to select an appropriate candidate and develop a deeper understanding of the principles of conducting an interview as well as other selection tools.
Assignment will be assessed in terms of academic standards and content and must follow the conventions listed below in addition to any other criteria specified for each assessment piece. This assignment need to follow a proper format of an academic report.
·       Page numbers in correct sequential order
·       Word processed
·       Font: Calibri
·       Spacing: one and a half line spacing
·       12 pt size text with alignment justified
·       Quotes- may not exceed a maximum of 10% of the word content of the report
·       Referencing –Chicago C16/17 style will discuss in the workshop.
·       Minimum of 10 quality references(avoid text book as a reference)
Report Format Example:
A sample of a good report is given below to help you arrange your own ideas.
      Cover Page………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
             Report Table of Contents Page……………………………………………………………………………….
          Executive Summary (ES) (Commercial format)………………………………………………………….
          Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
          Main Body of the Report…………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
          Recommendations Section…………………………………………………………………………………… 6
          Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
          Reference List………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
     APPENDICES………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
          Appendix 1: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

Case Scenario: Fictitious Business Description Castle’s Family Restaurant has ei

Case Scenario: Fictitious Business Description
Castle’s Family Restaurant has ei

Case Scenario: Fictitious Business Description
Castle’s Family Restaurant has eight restaurants in the northern California area with approximately 350 employees. Most of the employees are part time, with approximately 40% of them full time. The operations manager, Jay Morgan, also acts as the HR manager and travels to each location each week to take care of scheduling, recruiting, hiring, and answering questions for the employees as needed. He also takes care of payroll using an Excel spreadsheet and has a computer application to print payroll checks. Mr. Morgan approaches you, an HR consultant, for a proposal. Due to the increase in gasoline costs, he would like to greatly reduce his travel time for visiting each location each week and wonders if there is anything you can suggest to him to help him complete his HR tasks in a cost-effective manner. He hopes there is some way he can do part of his HR tasks from his office instead of traveling to each location.