This is a Self-Reflection paper on (What 5 Key Concepts or Skills did I learn in

This is a Self-Reflection paper on (What 5 Key Concepts or Skills did I learn in

This is a Self-Reflection paper on (What 5 Key Concepts or Skills did I learn in this course) that you feel will benefit you now and/or in the future.  Number and title each topic in a separate paragraph that you will be writing about (i.e. examples, these can be any concepts or skills in the course that you found beneficial:  Examples could be topics like: 1) Management Pyramid 2) Goal Setting Concepts, 3) Planning Concepts. 4) Motivational Theories and 5)….
Please write a 500 minimum word paper in APA 7 format (include a Title page with the Date, Your Name, Course #, Instructor Name, written in Times New Roman 12 font, Double spaced).  Since this is a self-reflection paper, you do not need to include any references unless you feel they need to be referenced as an important source.
Write your paper in MS-Word format and submit your paper to the assignment drop box by the due date.
Assignment Requirement Recap:
APA Sample Paper Format Template: APA Sample Paper Format 2022
500 minimum word paper
5 topics in 5 different paragraphs with a Title on each paragraph
APA required format:  Title page (w header, name, date, instructor), page #’s in top header, Times New Roman 12 font, double spaced.

Part 1: (20 pt value: 10 pts / question) Pick any two of the five questions foun

Part 1: (20 pt value: 10 pts / question)
Pick any two of the five questions foun

Part 1: (20 pt value: 10 pts / question)
Pick any two of the five questions found on page 198, in Chapter 19 of K and P’s text and discuss with your classmates, your thoughts regarding your chosen two questions.  Remember you are graded on the quality/graduate level responses. Please give concrete examples of your leadership application.  Please separate your answers with the respective question numbers as per the book (Question 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5).  
Part 2: (10 pt value)
After viewing the short video on “Leader vs. Manager” and reading the info on Leaders vs Managers (required reading tab), discuss your thoughts on the difference between the two ‘titles’, positions, and actions.  Then, retrieve one outside resource that adds information to this topic and synthesize and discuss your new findings.  At the very end of your post, please give the APA Style Reference Citation for your outside resource and if possible upload the document as a PDF file.
Youtube Link:

Reflect on leadership and the role change plays in organizations. How can leader

Reflect on leadership and the role change plays in organizations. How can leader

Reflect on leadership and the role change plays in organizations. How can leaders use the 360-degree feedback to improve performance and make needed changes? What do you believe is the most important component in change, and why? Reflect on how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current or future career.

Developinga LeadershipTrainingPlan In this paper you will propose a leadership

Developinga LeadershipTrainingPlan
In this paper you will propose a leadership

Developinga LeadershipTrainingPlan
In this paper you will propose a leadership training plan for your current or a future organization that will address the following:
Present a brief description of the different types of leadership theories and their significance for leadership training (Unit 1). Present a brief description of charismatic and transformational leadership, and identify the attributes that can contribute to one’s leadership skills (Unit II).
Identify ways in which leadership can increase motivation, morale, and diversity in the workplace (Unit III, Unit IV). Share how the situational leadership model and the normative decision model can impact leadership effectiveness (Unit V).
Provide steps to assist leaders with facilitating change (Unit VI, Unit VII, Unit VIII). Conclude with the benefits of having a leadership Training plan for your organization. Your completed leadership training plan should be at least seven pages in length. The title page or reference pages do not count toward this requirement. You may utilize charts, data, tables, and other visuals as needed, but this is not a requirement and does not count towards the page length.

Part 1Select a diverse organization with powerful leadership and follow the guid

Part 1Select a diverse organization with powerful leadership and follow the guid

Part 1Select a diverse organization with powerful leadership and follow the guidelines below:
Briefly describe the organization and the main leadership.
Describe how the leadership is developed for cultural shifts and organizational changes.
Analyze how the leadership influences performance in the diverse organization
Examples: Tesla, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Disney, General Motors, WhatsApp
Note: you are not limited to choosing from this list.
Part 2Select a charismatic leader and a transformational leader of your choice, and follow the guidelines below.
Include the following information about the leaders:
Describe the five qualities of your selected charismatic leader (self-confident, inspirational, articulate, revolutionary/disruptor, supportive).
Describe any four of the six qualities that your selected leader possesses using the framework for analysis for a transformational leader, which was discussed in Van Wart’s (2015) article located in the Unit II readings.
Predict the possible drawbacks of being a charismatic or transformational leader.
Reflect on why you selected your leaders.
Examples of charismatic leaders include General George Patton, John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, and Moses;
Examples of transformational leaders include Ross Perot, John D. Rockefeller, Attila the Hun, Walt Disney, and Julius Caesar
Note: you are not limited to choosing from these lists
Part 3Conclude with an evaluation: Does (do) the key leader(s) in the organization you presented in Part 1 exhibit any charismatic or transformational leadership qualities? Explain your answer.
Research sources to support your ideas. Your essay should be at least five pages in APA Style. The title or reference pages do not count toward this requirement. You must include at least three sources, at least two sources should come from the CSU Online Library. Your textbook can be a resource. Please label each part of your paper according to the outline listed above.
All sources used must have in-text citations and references, and your paper must be properly formatted in APA Style.

Using various theories and concepts with academic literature, kindly critique (

Using various theories and concepts with academic literature, kindly critique (

Using various theories and concepts with academic literature, kindly critique (analyse and evaluate) the organisational design, structure, and networks relating to a downstream oil and gas organisation in Nigeria with a hierarchical structure with the purpose to remain a growing and vibrant company continuously improving on our services to meet the energy needs of the manufacturing, transportation, commerce and agriculture industries.’ . Also analyse the internal and external networks, and the cultural, political, economic, and social influences that affect the organisation’s design and structure.
The critique of your chosen organisation should include an outline of the way the organisation is designed and structured and include the key internal and external networks of the organisation. You should analyse the power relationships in the organisation and between the organisation and external organisations. It is also important that you take note of the requirement to ‘critique’. This means that you should review the organisation in relation to its purpose and make supported judgements about the extent to which the design and structure allow it to achieve its purpose. You might identify elements of the design and structure which allow the organisation to meet its purpose but you may also identify elements which do not and offer reasons for both which may be grounded in or informed by the theory.