Evaluation is critical to understand why current processes are designed the way

Evaluation is critical to understand why current processes are designed the way

Evaluation is critical to understand why current processes are designed the way they are. However, once implemented, many organizations and project teams fail to revisit the purpose and effectiveness of those processes and the delivery life cycle those processes support. This failure inevitably highlights processes that have become inefficient and tedious.
In this assessment, evaluate a time where a project organization has failed to modernize its processes. Include the following information:
Describe the project management methodology that was used.
Analyze changes that caused the methodology to become outdated.
Assess how the team failed to adjust the processes to adopt the new change.
Determine what you would have done differently in leading the project team in modernizing or adopting a more up-to-date project management approach.

I have the a project charter, i need someone to create a gantt chart fro that pr

I have the a project charter, i need someone to create a gantt chart fro that pr

I have the a project charter, i need someone to create a gantt chart fro that project and fix the project charter adding some comments that i was given, below you will find an example gantt chart please use it to create the one needed for my project which is a birthday party and afterward create a small 7-10 slides prensentation presenting the project