Netflix began its journey of global expansion in 2010 when it first offered stre

Netflix began its journey of global expansion in 2010 when it first offered streaming service to Canada. Seven years later, the company’s service is available in over 190 countries. Information on Netflix’s global expansion can be found in the following articles.
Article 1:
Article 2: How Netflix used partnerships and alliances to internationalize and then internalize the global streaming industry Download How Netflix used partnerships and alliances to internationalize and then internalize the global streaming industry*
(* To facilitate understanding, the concept of “internalization” mentioned in Article 2 is the same as “vertical integration” we discussed in the last module. It basically refers to the process in which a firm brings in-house the activities that were previously undertaken by external parties)
Please use the two articles as a starting point and draw on resources from the Internet to answer ALL of the questions below. Your responses must be closely based on learning material from this module and supported with factual evidence.
Q1. In what ways does Netflix make efforts to adapt to local conditions and preferences? Explain.
Q2. Do you think Netflix also tries to take advantage of economies of scale through standardization? Explain.
Q3. Based on your answers to the above questions, what strategy do you think Netflix uses to compete in the global market – international, global, multidomestic, or transnational? How does this strategy benefit Netflix?
Q4. What entry modes has Netflix used to expand into different foreign markets? Do you think its choices of entry modes were reasonable for the corresponding markets? Explain with examples.

Discuss how leadership and corporate culture align with and support the company’

Discuss how leadership and corporate culture align with and support the company’s mission, vision, and values. Provide specific examples of how the company’s leadership may (or may not) have demonstrated ethical conduct in response to internal or external challenges, focusing on outcomes related to stakeholder trust and corporate reputation.
Describe the company’s communication strategies when engaging with stakeholders (e.g., employees, customers, investors, and the community), particularly in times of crisis or when addressing social issues. In addition, discuss the effectiveness of these strategies in ensuring transparency, accountability, and stakeholder engagement.
Discuss how the company uses advanced technology to further its social governance goals, with a focus on ethical considerations, data privacy, and the digital divide. Provide specific examples.
Explain how the use of advanced technologies impacts the company’s CSR initiatives, particularly in the areas of Empowering Workers, Labor and Human Rights, Health and Safety, The Environment, and Accountability. Provide specific examples.
Integrate at least three supporting resources, from the Strayer University Library, or other reputable sources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).

Wk7 Case Study: Discipline Review the following pieces: Microsoft’s Growth Minds

Wk7 Case Study: Discipline Review the following pieces: Microsoft’s Growth MindsetLinks to an external site. How companies can profit from a “growth mindset” Carol Dweck – IdeaCastLinks to an external site. The Mindset That Leads People to Be Dangerously Overconfident Heidi Grant (Halverson)Links to an external site. Wk7-HBR-Realistic Optimist.pdf Download Wk7-HBR-Realistic Optimist.pdf (Heidi Grant Halverson) Write a 1,000-1,500 word paper including the following headings and content: Brief Summary of each Article – Provide an overview of the each article using about 100-150 words each. Connections – Discuss the links between these four articles. Personal and Professional Applications – How can you apply some of these insights 1) personally, 2) professionally, 3) as a doctoral student? References: One from each of these articles and one additional reference from your course textbooks. Include at least three P/QCRs (Paraphrase or Quotation, Citation, and Reference) – from these articles and one from one of your textbooks. Include at least two QCRs from at least two peer-reviewed journals that have been published in the last five years. Paraphrase or Quotation Citation (In-text APA) Reference (APA at the end of the paper in the final section) In 50-100 words, respond to at least two of your classmates. Include: Affirmation as to what they did well. Suggestion on what they could do to improve their posting next time.

In preparation for the interviews, conduct research on the professional developm

In preparation for the interviews, conduct research on the professional development aspects listed below. Your research must be accompanied by relevant sources and should not be longer than A4 page per topic.
-Professional values and how it relates to the world of work.
-The importance of personal growth.
-Managing your time, both personally and professionally

Building a single-family, partially custom-designed home, will have the followin

Building a single-family, partially custom-designed home, will have the following features:
– 3200 square feet home with 4 bedrooms and 2.5 bath rooms
•Granite kitchen countertops, GE appliances in the kitchen
•Ceiling- 10’ in the first floor and vaulted 9’ ceilings in bedroooms High Level Assumptions and Constraints
•The client must choose one from among the models offered. 1.Develop WBS and identify the risks 2.Define Risk Classification
3.Develop Risk Register

Instructions Create a 5-10 minute PowerPoint presentation with a voice over Usin

Create a 5-10 minute PowerPoint presentation with a voice over
Using PowerPoint, create a 5-10 minute presentation based on your research and findings.
For the company analysis (for Porsche) – you have 5-10 minutes to convince an investor to either invest or not invest in the company that you researched.
For the business plan – you have 5-10 minutes to convince an investor to give you the money that you are requesting.
Be confident and be persuasive – you are the expert!
Do not use too many slides – 7-12 maximum.
Do not try to give too much information – the investor also has your paper to review.
Remember – less can be more so keep the slides simple, don’t use animations or fancy backgrounds – you want the investor to focus on the information and to make the decision that you suggest.
I know the powerpoint presentation requires a VoiceOver so if you just write up a script to go along with the powerpoint presentation, I can get that added myself once completed. Just make sure the script includes enough info to last the 3-10 minutes for the presentation.

In this forum, you will have the opportunity to investigate your competition and

In this forum, you will have the opportunity to investigate your competition and identify ideal customers.
Using the table below:
Review customer feedback located on the social media platforms from at least three competitors. Enter competitor, platform, demographic, and pain point information for at least two customers per competitor. Note: You should able to obtain the demographic information by clicking the responders name and viewing their profile.
Discuss if the customers highlighted in the table match your vision of the ideal customer.
Explain why or why not.

Communication Skill #1- Communicate well in multiple ways, modes and listen acti

Skill #1- Communicate well in multiple ways, modes and listen actively to those with whom you are communicating.
The design staff at Easy Chairs often complains that the team leader, Josh, is hard to work with, but they cannot do without him. He has great ideas and knows how to implement them well, but in terms of getting the work done the team complains he is a nightmare. Here is what his team has to say:
“We send him emails and he either gives us one-word answers, fails to edit what he sends, or fails to reply. Sometimes he tells two people to do the same thing not remembering he has given the assignment to someone else. The worse problem is that he prioritizes work in an email and then changes things when events interfere. Again, not communicating the change. Last week two of us edited a design for a custom front carrier basket for a customer whose deadline was this week only to find that Josh had changed the deadline to last week. The basket design that was completed by us both had to be adjusted to one design and the rear basket had to be done in two days. This meant long nights. Creating the printer design code takes time. We have tried to talk with Josh about things like this and he gets better for a while and then things are back to normal. He just doesn’t listen.”
Josh was asked about the team’s concerns and here was his reply:
“I spend a lot of time prioritizing and delegating job tasks to the team. I always ask people if they are clear about what they have to do and ninety percent of the time I get no answers. I have to assume they are fine with what I have said. I am the first to admit that I could be better about my emails. However, I often call people to check on what is being done or stop by to see if things are going okay. I don’t want to micromanage what they do. The problem last week is an example; I went to check up on the front basket design Don was assigned only to find that Joan was doing the same project (and not working on the rear basket as the schedule said). The customer called me with changes, including a deadline change, and I saw Joan in the hallway and told her about the changes. I did not tell her she was to edit the basket design. She just assumed that was what I was telling her to do. I went to Dan and gave him the changes. Why didn’t she say that I had gotten the wrong basket design person? I sometimes think that they are not listening to me.”
Dwight is curious about the communication issues that seem to be happening here between Josh and the team and wants to take action. He wants an email from you by the end of the week. It should contain the following discussion:
By SATURDAY, complete the following:
Create an email to Dwight outlining, with enough detail, the approach you would take to resolve the team’s complaints.
Identify the communication issues that are causing problems with the team scenario.
Explain at least six techniques you would employ to make the communication better between Josh and the team.
Explain how you would communicate all this information to the people involved.
Use course material to support your responses and include APA in-text citations with a reference list.