The diagnostic essay is intended to assess your writing levels and help identify

The diagnostic essay is intended to assess your writing levels and help identify support services I can offer you throughout the course.
Which items do you want to work on this semester in Composition I? Select from this list, or feel free to add your own ideas:
thesis writing
overall essay organization
introduction and conclusion paragraphs
paragraph development (support and elaboration)
completing required readings and assignments on time
understanding the differences between fiction and non-fiction writing
understanding how to handle MLA-style citations and research
grammar and punctuation (fragments, run-ons, commas, etc.), spelling
Write a thesis-controlled essay (approximately 500 words) with an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. In your essay, introduce yourself and describe your experience as a writer. Here are a few questions to getyou thinking about topics for your essay (only address the questions that are most relevant to your writing experience)

What are your strengths and weaknesses in writing?
My strengths will be reading material and understanding the problem.
Good time management skills
Strong work ethic and dedication to learning
Strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills
Effective communication skills, both verbal and written
Ability to work independently and in a team
Strong organization and planning skills
Adaptability and flexibility in learning new things and facing challenges
Positive attitude towards learning

My weakness is fear of failure and anxiety

What specific objectives would you expect to accomplish in class?

Expect to attend and engage with the class. · Expect to hear innovative ideas that do not match your own. · Expect to turn in all assigned work on time. ·

How do you normally approach your English writing assignments?
Doing research and getting the right stools for your writing

What is easy for you in writing? What poses a challenge for you in writing?

The challenge can face writing for academic will be Conducting effective research that is crucial for academic writing. This involves finding relevant sources, evaluating their credibility, and integrating information coherently into the paper.

Working in the nursing field i learned to develop critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate information. Developing the ability to critically assess literature and integrate those insights into one’s own work comes easy to me.

What has been your best writing experience so far? Give specific examples.

This is my first college composition class.

Do you prefer prompts and ideas to get started?
Describe your typical writing process.
Make sure I understand my assignment
Do research on the paper
Decide on a topic to write about
Brainstorms ideas
Decide on a topic to write about
organized. Make an outline organized.
Editing and Proofreading

Are you a procrastinator? Do you have trouble getting your work completed on time?
No, I always try to meet my deadline

I need a methodology section for my dissertation that is using qualitative cont

I need a methodology section for my dissertation that is using qualitative content analysis for the first 4 universities that implemented a covid vaccine mandate. I am attaching a dissertation written by Russ Timmons and my professor wants me to kind of follow his approach in content analysis. Below is a message my instructor sent me on that subject. I am going to use content analysis and the information that will be included in the study will be the crisis communication that follows the vaccine mandate for the following universities since they were the first 4 that mandated a policy.
The colleges are: Rutgers, Cornell, Brown and Notre Dame. I have pulled some information and will attach it here also.

Two parts to this Order require separate papers to show step work due by Sunday.

Two parts to this Order require separate papers to show step work due by Sunday. Attached is the Research Paper Proposal & Preliminary Bibliography another writer had started and became unable to finish that you will continue. As soon as you are done with the rough draft, send it my way and start working on the final which is due this Sunday.
-Clear introduction and thesis statement
-1-2 paragraphs about the theory itself and how it is used in other research
-A clear argument about your application of the theory to your selected artifact/text
-References list so far
Why is your topic relevant to research? What theory are you using to analyze your selection?
Note the paper must also have these elements:
-A clear introduction and thesis – what are you arguing/how are you applying the theory?
-Clear main points applying your theory and strong examples supported by references
-A strong conclusion arguing how you made your case in regard to your thesis and why the research is relevant

, answer the questions at the end of the case study in a 2-3 page essay format.

, answer the questions at the end of the case study in a 2-3 page essay format.

, answer the questions at the end of the case study in a 2-3 page essay format. Please note: this is an essay assignment, not a question/answer assignment. Your essay should have a clear introduction, body and conclusion, with a references page in APA style. Cite references to support your arguments in the body of the paper. Essays should be formatted in APA style, Times New Roman
MORE THAN A FASHION FAUX PAS? FACEBOOK’S AI AND ADAPTIVE CLOTHING ADVERTISEMENTS People with disabilities are one of the largest minority groups in the world (World Health Organization, 2021). Yet in fashion, they have been historically underrepresented (Haines, 2021). This is slowly changing, however, and adaptive fashion –defined as clothing, accessories or footwear specially designed around the needs of people with varying disabilities– is now on the rise (Amputee Coalition, 2019). From magnetic closures to sensory-friendly fabrics and wheelchair-specific outfits, adaptive fashion offers practical and stylish clothes for people with disabilities. This inclusive fashion revolution can be even seen in the marketing of high-profile brands like Victoria’s Secret and their new line of diverse Angels (D’Zurilla, 2021), Tommy Hilfiger’s “Tommy Adaptive” fashion line created in 2016 (Webb, 2021), and Nike’s Go FlyEase shoe that wearers step in and out of “hands free” (Weaver, 2021). Indeed, by 2026, the industry is expected to be valued at $400 billion (Gaffney, 2019). Despite the high need for adaptive fashion and the newly exploding industry, the artificial intelligence (AI) used to filter social media advertisements is not innovating at the same pace. For example, in early 2021, the adaptive fashionwear company Mighty Well tried placing an ad on Facebook for a gray hooded sweatshirt with the text “I am immunocompromised – please give me space.” Immediately, Facebook’s AI system that accepts or rejects advertisement requests, denied Mighty Well’s ad (Friedman, 2021). Facebook reasoned that the ad violated their policy of advertising “medical and healthcare products and services including medical devices” (Friedman, 2021). Similarly, the inclusive clothing company Yarrow also ran into issues with Facebook advertising. When their ad for a pair of pants featured a model who uses a wheelchair was submitted, Facebook’s AI again denied the ad – this time, due to the image of the wheelchair, not the actual product. In both cases, Facebook’s AI system missed the mark on what these companies were actually attempting to advertise. Thankfully, after both Mighty Well and Yarrow resubmitted their ad requests, Facebook eventually accepted both and apologized for their AI’s oversights (Friedman, 2021). Although both companies were, ultimately, able to advertise their products, many have questioned why it took so much time and effort for the ads to make it onto Facebook’s platform. For some, the answer is simple: biased gatekeeping delayed inclusive advertising for adaptive fashion. While some may argue that this problem is due to technological error rather than intentional discrimination by humans, critics point out that Facebook’s advertising AI is coded by humans. Kate Crawford, author of the forthcoming book Atlas of AI, explains that AI excels at “large-scale classification” and “is very bad at detecting nuance” (Friedman, 2021). Nuance –in this sense, attention to clothing details that could make getting dressed easier for people FACEBOOK’S AI AND ADAPTIVE CLOTHING ADVERTISEMENTS 1 disabilities— is what adaptive fashion is all about. If “regular,” fashion brands for abled bodies don’t have to run into issues like this when marketing their products, inclusive and adaptive fashion companies should not have to either. However, fixing the problem is easier said than done. While imperfect, Facebook’s advertising AI is valuable. Indeed, it would be dangerous if there were no barriers at all to advertising on the platform, as anyone could place ads for, say, random pills or faulty medical equipment. And while it could be argued that this job should be given to humans instead, Facebook’s content moderators are already overburdened with reviewing hundreds of posts per day – many of which cause workers to develop PTSD from continued exposure to graphic content (Criddle, 2021). In this sense, the AI performs the incredibly important job of decreasing the information overload that makes it to Facebook’s human moderators, and in doing so, rejects suspicious ads that vulnerable people may be suspectable to. The question then, is how the AI can be trained to draw the line between shady medical products and legitimate products like adaptive clothing. Unfortunately, Mighty Well, Yarrow, and other inclusive fashion companies may start to stray away from using Facebook advertising if problems with the AI aren’t addressed in a swift manner. For example, Abilitee Adaptive, which made accessories for insulin pumps and ostomy bags until 2020, already stopped advertising on Facebook and Instagram due to frequent and frustrating rejections (Friedman, 2021). And since Facebook “currently sits at more than 2.89 billion monthly active users,” adaptive fashion companies feeling forced to abandon these platforms altogether may mean that fewer people with disabilities – who could really benefit from clothing made specifically for them— will even be aware of some of the new options now on the market (Statistica, 2022). Furthermore, if the problem of able-biased AI isn’t addressed on one social media platform (let alone the largest and most popular), other platforms may resist updating their algorithms too. In the end, whether or not Facebook will devote the time and resources necessary to promptly fix their AI’s bias has yet to be seen. But while the company is dragging its feet to do so, these problems will only increase as the adaptive fashion industry continues to evolve and grow. To ensure that everyone can finally feel seen and heard in fashion, it is crucial for social media platforms to make taken-for-granted privileges –like the ability to easily market clothes for abled-bodies—accessible to all.
Discussion Questions: 1. What ethical values are in conflict in this case about Facebook’s advertising AI? 2. How would you suggest that Facebook address their AI’s problems with distinguishing between fake and honest product submissions? 3. While AI improvements are developed and tested, how would you suggest that adaptive fashion companies like Mighty Well and Yarrow navigate the issues they will continue to face with advertising on Facebook and other social media platforms? 4. What are the limitations to using AI to police advertisements? What are the concerns with using humans to do the same task?

Instructions Your final research project is a culmination of all the assignments

Your final research project is a culmination of all the assignments

Your final research project is a culmination of all the assignments you have worked on thus far in the course. Ideally, this version is working off of the comments/feedback provided in the week six assignment to complete a strong, final project.
The final paper should be a research paper 6-8 pages in length (not including title page or references), in APA style. Your research paper should clearly address the following in essay format:
Why is your topic relevant to research? What theory are you using to analyze your selection?
Note the paper must also have these elements:
A clear introduction and thesis – what are you arguing/how are you applying the theory?
Clear main points applying your theory and strong examples supported by references
A strong conclusion arguing how you made your case in regard to your thesis and why the research is relevant (important)
Good luck!

, answer the questions at the end of the case study in a 2-3 page essay format.

, answer the questions at the end of the case study in a 2-3 page essay format.

, answer the questions at the end of the case study in a 2-3 page essay format. Please note: this is an essay assignment, not a question/answer assignment. Your essay should have a clear introduction, body and conclusion, with a references page in APA style. Cite references to support your arguments in the body of the paper. Essays should be formatted in APA style, Times New Roman
MORE THAN A FASHION FAUX PAS? FACEBOOK’S AI AND ADAPTIVE CLOTHING ADVERTISEMENTS People with disabilities are one of the largest minority groups in the world (World Health Organization, 2021). Yet in fashion, they have been historically underrepresented (Haines, 2021). This is slowly changing, however, and adaptive fashion –defined as clothing, accessories or footwear specially designed around the needs of people with varying disabilities– is now on the rise (Amputee Coalition, 2019). From magnetic closures to sensory-friendly fabrics and wheelchair-specific outfits, adaptive fashion offers practical and stylish clothes for people with disabilities. This inclusive fashion revolution can be even seen in the marketing of high-profile brands like Victoria’s Secret and their new line of diverse Angels (D’Zurilla, 2021), Tommy Hilfiger’s “Tommy Adaptive” fashion line created in 2016 (Webb, 2021), and Nike’s Go FlyEase shoe that wearers step in and out of “hands free” (Weaver, 2021). Indeed, by 2026, the industry is expected to be valued at $400 billion (Gaffney, 2019). Despite the high need for adaptive fashion and the newly exploding industry, the artificial intelligence (AI) used to filter social media advertisements is not innovating at the same pace. For example, in early 2021, the adaptive fashionwear company Mighty Well tried placing an ad on Facebook for a gray hooded sweatshirt with the text “I am immunocompromised – please give me space.” Immediately, Facebook’s AI system that accepts or rejects advertisement requests, denied Mighty Well’s ad (Friedman, 2021). Facebook reasoned that the ad violated their policy of advertising “medical and healthcare products and services including medical devices” (Friedman, 2021). Similarly, the inclusive clothing company Yarrow also ran into issues with Facebook advertising. When their ad for a pair of pants featured a model who uses a wheelchair was submitted, Facebook’s AI again denied the ad – this time, due to the image of the wheelchair, not the actual product. In both cases, Facebook’s AI system missed the mark on what these companies were actually attempting to advertise. Thankfully, after both Mighty Well and Yarrow resubmitted their ad requests, Facebook eventually accepted both and apologized for their AI’s oversights (Friedman, 2021). Although both companies were, ultimately, able to advertise their products, many have questioned why it took so much time and effort for the ads to make it onto Facebook’s platform. For some, the answer is simple: biased gatekeeping delayed inclusive advertising for adaptive fashion. While some may argue that this problem is due to technological error rather than intentional discrimination by humans, critics point out that Facebook’s advertising AI is coded by humans. Kate Crawford, author of the forthcoming book Atlas of AI, explains that AI excels at “large-scale classification” and “is very bad at detecting nuance” (Friedman, 2021). Nuance –in this sense, attention to clothing details that could make getting dressed easier for people FACEBOOK’S AI AND ADAPTIVE CLOTHING ADVERTISEMENTS 1 disabilities— is what adaptive fashion is all about. If “regular,” fashion brands for abled bodies don’t have to run into issues like this when marketing their products, inclusive and adaptive fashion companies should not have to either. However, fixing the problem is easier said than done. While imperfect, Facebook’s advertising AI is valuable. Indeed, it would be dangerous if there were no barriers at all to advertising on the platform, as anyone could place ads for, say, random pills or faulty medical equipment. And while it could be argued that this job should be given to humans instead, Facebook’s content moderators are already overburdened with reviewing hundreds of posts per day – many of which cause workers to develop PTSD from continued exposure to graphic content (Criddle, 2021). In this sense, the AI performs the incredibly important job of decreasing the information overload that makes it to Facebook’s human moderators, and in doing so, rejects suspicious ads that vulnerable people may be suspectable to. The question then, is how the AI can be trained to draw the line between shady medical products and legitimate products like adaptive clothing. Unfortunately, Mighty Well, Yarrow, and other inclusive fashion companies may start to stray away from using Facebook advertising if problems with the AI aren’t addressed in a swift manner. For example, Abilitee Adaptive, which made accessories for insulin pumps and ostomy bags until 2020, already stopped advertising on Facebook and Instagram due to frequent and frustrating rejections (Friedman, 2021). And since Facebook “currently sits at more than 2.89 billion monthly active users,” adaptive fashion companies feeling forced to abandon these platforms altogether may mean that fewer people with disabilities – who could really benefit from clothing made specifically for them— will even be aware of some of the new options now on the market (Statistica, 2022). Furthermore, if the problem of able-biased AI isn’t addressed on one social media platform (let alone the largest and most popular), other platforms may resist updating their algorithms too. In the end, whether or not Facebook will devote the time and resources necessary to promptly fix their AI’s bias has yet to be seen. But while the company is dragging its feet to do so, these problems will only increase as the adaptive fashion industry continues to evolve and grow. To ensure that everyone can finally feel seen and heard in fashion, it is crucial for social media platforms to make taken-for-granted privileges –like the ability to easily market clothes for abled-bodies—accessible to all.
Discussion Questions: 1. What ethical values are in conflict in this case about Facebook’s advertising AI? 2. How would you suggest that Facebook address their AI’s problems with distinguishing between fake and honest product submissions? 3. While AI improvements are developed and tested, how would you suggest that adaptive fashion companies like Mighty Well and Yarrow navigate the issues they will continue to face with advertising on Facebook and other social media platforms? 4. What are the limitations to using AI to police advertisements? What are the concerns with using humans to do the same task?

Instructions Your final research project is a culmination of all the assignments

Your final research project is a culmination of all the assignments

Your final research project is a culmination of all the assignments you have worked on thus far in the course. Ideally, this version is working off of the comments/feedback provided in the week six assignment to complete a strong, final project.
The final paper should be a research paper 6-8 pages in length (not including title page or references), in APA style. Your research paper should clearly address the following in essay format:
Why is your topic relevant to research? What theory are you using to analyze your selection?
Note the paper must also have these elements:
A clear introduction and thesis – what are you arguing/how are you applying the theory?
Clear main points applying your theory and strong examples supported by references
A strong conclusion arguing how you made your case in regard to your thesis and why the research is relevant (important)
Good luck!

This week, you will build your own basic web page using HTML. You may also inclu

This week, you will build your own basic web page using HTML. You may also inclu

This week, you will build your own basic web page using HTML. You may also include CSS style tags if you would like. This assignment can be challenging if you’ve never used HTML. I recommend starting it early in the week in case you run into problems.
Review the HTML tutorials (in Week 4 Materials above) and the attached document explaining how to build an HTML document (web page).
Create a simple HTML document about your favorite animal. You may use the W3School Online Code Editor ( or a text editor like Notepad or even Word on your PC.
Your web page needs the following elements:
At least one paragraph of text should explain your animal and why you picked it. This should be in your words and not copied.
A link to an external website related to your topic.
An image of your animal. The image may be copied from a website, or you may link to the image on a website.
Your name and class number are listed as the website author.
Save your webpage in HTML format (*.htm or *.html). I suggest you test it in a web browser to make sure everything works. You can also use the W3School TryIt.
To submit your webpage, do one of the following:
Copy and paste your HTML code as a text submission.
Provide a link to your code on the W3Schools TryIt page.
Place your HTML document and the image into a folder, compress (aka zip) the folder, and attach your compressed file with your assignment.
Make sure you fully address each assignment item.
Points: 50 total.

General Instructions: In this 8 page paper, you will apply your knowledge of bas

General Instructions:
In this 8 page paper, you will apply your knowledge of bas

General Instructions:
In this 8 page paper, you will apply your knowledge of basic communication terms to an analysis of a film. In general, you will:
Select a primary communication context (e.g., interpersonal communication.) that is reflected in a particular film of your choosing. Also, you will use several, specific terms (e.g., self-disclosure, relational dialectics, stages of relational development, etc.) that are related to your communication context.
Conduct scholarly research in order to fully understand your chosen context. In other words, you will find three journal articles and use your textbook to help you understand and apply course terms in your paper. You should include specific quotes from your journal articles to support your thesis.
Lastly, you will define and explain the terms, and analyze how they are presented in the film. In addition, you will cite your journal articles and your textbook within your paper as evidence and support of your ideas.
You will submit your paper through the link to that is posted for you in the assignment in Canvas.
Your main goal in this paper is to apply communication terms to
a film in order to demonstrate your understanding of these terms.
Section-by-Section Instructions (follow these instructions closely!):
1. First paragraph
Begin with a few general statements about ideas relevant to your paper, such as a few statements about communication, relationships, conflict, public speaking, organizations, etc. Whatever your paper’s topic, lead into it for the reader.
Indicate the film that you will analyze.
Next, clearly explain your goals for this paper. In other words, what is this paper’s thesis? What is the purpose of this paper? What will it accomplish? What will your paper explain and illustrate about the communication seen in this film?
End your introduction with a preview of the main points of your paper. Your main points will be the terms that you will apply and analyze in the film.
2. Second paragraph – briefly summarize the film (about 4-5 sentences)
Body (For each paragraph in the Body, do these in this order):
1. Define and explain one or several terms that you have researched fully. Use your textbook for all definitions of key terms that you provide. As you define your terms, be sure to cite evidence (quote) from your textbook and your journal articles. Make sure to put all of your key terms in bold.
Describe how the term is demonstrated in your film. For example, here is where you explain how the characters in your film demonstrate “depth of self-disclosure,” “conflict,” “groupthink,” or some other term. Be sure to provide examples from the film, and be sure to explain yourself fully. This becomes your analysis of their communication.
Use a transition to move the reader to your next paragraph. Your transitions should help connect your main ideas together.
Repeat these steps until you have enough content to meet the assignment guidelines for the page requirement.
HINT: Try organizing your paper chronologically to match the order of the film.
Provide a summary of the main points of your paper.
Close your paper with a few comments on the importance of competent communication.
The following are suggestions to help you succeed in writing your Term Paper. Please read them closely. Pay special attention to #8-11 in the list below. And as always, if you need help, please contact me!
Plan your paper ahead of time. Outline it and check your outline with your instructor if you have questions.
Allow yourself time for unforeseeable events: Internet/computer malfunctions, losing your document, other crises and emergencies.
Read your paper after it is completed, and give yourself time to correct phrasing, etc., so that you communicate yourself clearly to anyone who will read your paper.
Have another person read your paper. Often you know what you’re saying, but it is not clear to your reader. Be sure the reader knows what to look for, as the person who is grading your paper will.
If you need extra assistance with your writing, use the Writing Center or the Communication Lab tutors. Remember we offer free online and face-to-face tutoring for Communication students! See your class announcement for more information on booking a tutoring appointment!
Be sure to use terms correctly and identify terms clearly. If you are unsure, check with your instructor. It is better not to use a term or concept rather than to use it incorrectly.
Always support your ideas with specific examples. If you make an argument, make sure that you qualify it with evidence from your references and/or textbook.
Please do not think that just anything is human communication. Human beings must be involved and messages must be analyzed. Avoid movies that involve things like talking dogs, aliens, etc. Select a film that focuses on normal human communication. For this reason, please do not use animated films or fantasy films. Also, please do not use TV shows.
Remember that analysis rather than just reporting is the focus of this assignment. Your paper should not just be a summary of the plot of the film. If you are unsure of your paper, be sure to prepare at least part of it early enough to get feedback from your professor. It never hurts to be sure you are on the right track.
Avoid including information about your own personal experiences in this assignment (ex. “This movie is like when I broke up with my boyfriend…”) as that kind of commentary is not appropriate in a research assignment like this one. Also, avoid overuse of 1st person language (“I thought…”, “I liked…”) in this academic analysis.
(see next page)
Make sure that you are analyzing the communication that happens between characters in the film, not the film itself. This is not a film studies paper that will focus on how the movie was created. You should not be discussing things like camera angles, director’s techniques, etc.
Make sure that you have a clear thesis in your introduction that guides the discussion in the body of your analysis. You should only include terms in your analysis that are clearly tied to your thesis and the theme for your paper. Do not just talk about any terms from the book that you see in the film. Make sure that all the terms you use are all clearly connected to each other and unified under a central theme.
Avoid the “pop culture” approach. There are many self-help books and articles written by people who once talked to somebody or watched a TV show and thus consider themselves experts in communication. Do not use these references. General Internet websites are also not acceptable research sources for this assignment. You must use Communication journals as assigned.
Make sure the paper you are submitting follows the specific guidelines for the assignment in this particular course. This is particularly relevant to those of you taking other Communication classes (like COMM 288/289) here at SBCC and elsewhere. The paper you submit should clearly be a response to the assignment guidelines I have provided for you. Your submission should not feel like a paper that was written for another assignment/course.
When you borrow the ideas of other scholars and authors, you need to reference their work. References are identified in the body of the paper parenthetically (in parentheses) by the author’s last name and date of publication. APA does not use footnotes. For example:
Recent publications illustrate the skill-based approach to teaching the interpersonal communication course (Wiemann & Wiemann, 1990).
According to Wiemann and Wiemann (1990), recent publications illustrate the skill-based approach to teaching the interpersonal communication course.
Quoting Within Text
When you quote directly from other authors, the format changes slightly. For example:
According to Proctor and Adler (1991), “Integrating film into the interpersonal communication course does not require radical changes in course goals or teaching” (p. 394).
As scholars have noted, “Researchers have yet to understand the mechanisms that produce the satisfaction-communication relationship” (Kelly & Burgoon, 1991, p. 41).
Note that “citing within text” does NOT require a page number, “quoting within text” DOES.
When the quote is longer than 40 words, it must be typed (without quotation marks) as a freestanding text that begins on a new line and is indented five spaces from the left margin:
Hirokawa, et al., (1991) determined that:
Men and women responding to the high-legitimacy scenario employed less polite tactics than those responding to the low-legitimacy scenario, but this was more true of the men than the women. For example, men and women with request legitimacy were more likely to produce statements like, “You know you’re not going to score a lot of points around here if you take off on your vacation in the middle of this project.” (p. 433)
If you fail to reference quotes or others’ ideas, then you have committed plagiarism!
Sample APA Style For References
An article in a journal, one author:
Salazar, A. B. (1996). An analysis of the development and evolution of roles in the small
group. Small Group Research, 27, 475-503.
The above reference is: Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, volume #, page numbers. Notice how the second line (and every line thereafter) is indented five spaces from the left.
An article in a journal, more than one author:
Gribas, J., & Downs, C. W. (2002). Metaphoric manifestations of talking “team” with team
novices. Communication Studies, 53, 112-128.
A book by one author:
Wood, J. (2004). Communication mosaics: An introduction to the field of communication
(3rd ed.). Thomson/Wadsworth.
A book by more than one author:
O’Hair, D., Friedrich, G. W., Wiemann, J. M., & Wiemann, M. O. (1997). Competent
communication (2nd ed.). St. Martin’s Press.
A book by a corporate author:
Mass Media Task Force (1996). Studies of v-chip acceptance possibilities.
Media Press.
A chapter in an edited book:
Meadowcroft, J. M., & Fitzpatrick, M. A. (1988). Theories of family communication:
Toward a merger of intersubjectivity and mutual influence processes. In R. P. Hawkins,
J. M. Wiemann, & S. Pingree (Eds.), Advancing communication science: Merging mass
and interpersonal processes (pp. 253-275). SAGE Publications.
A Film:
Tanen, N. (Producer) & Hughes, J. (Director). (1985). The breakfast club [Motion picture]. United States: Universal Studios.
Internet articles based on a print source (exists in print and online)
Ku, G. (2008). Learning to de-escalate: The effects of regret in escalation of commitment.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 105(2), 221-232.
Article in an Internet-only source
Walker, A. (2019, November 14). Germany avoids recession but growth remains
weak. BBC News.
Journal article from a database
Choi, J. (2008). Event justice perceptions and employees’ reactions:
Perceptions of social entity justice as a moderator. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 93, 513-528. Retrieved May 6, 2018, from
PsycARTICLES database.

Examples of
Text Citation and References Page
Here is an example of citing within the text of your paper:
According to Cultural Studies theory, the media assist those in power to maintain the
status quo (Griffin, 2000). In other words, those people who are in power create the
dominant ideologies, and the media promote these mainstream ideologies. According to
Griffin (2000), “Stuart Hall, who is a leader in the cultural studies field, critically evaluates
the power relationship between the media and general public” (p. 268). The following
experiences with American culture serve as good examples to demonstrate the core
concepts of Cultural Studies theory.
Here is an example taken from the APA Publication Manual on how to cite from an electronic source within the text of your paper:

To cite a specific part of a source, indicate the page, chapter, figure, table, or equation at the appropriate point in text. Always give page numbers for quotations. Note that the words page and chapter are abbreviated in such text citations:
(Cheek & Buss, 1981, p. 332)
(Shimamura, 1989, chap. 3)
For electronic sources that do not provide page numbers, use the paragraph number, if available, preceded by the paragraph symbol or the abbreviation para. If neither paragraph nor page numbers are visible, cite the heading and the number of the paragraph following it to direct the reader to the location of the material.
(Myers, 2000, ¶ 5)
(Beutler, 2000, Conclusion section, para. 1)
Here is an example of how your References page should look. Notice how the references are alphabetized from the first reference to the last. Also, your reference page should be on a separate page.
Griffin, E. (2000). A first look at communication theory (4th ed.).
Tanen, N. (Producer) & Hughes, J. (Director). (1985). The breakfast club [Motion picture].
United States: Universal Studios.
O’Hair, D., Friedrich, G. W., Wiemann, J. M., & Wiemann, M. O. (1997). Competent
communication (2nd ed.). St. Martin’s Press.
Salazar, A. B. (1996). An analysis of the development and evolution of roles in the small group. Small Group Research, 27, 475-503.
Wood, J. (2004). Communication mosaics: An introduction to the field of communication
(3rd ed.). Thomson/Wadsworth