The Values, Morals, and Ethics in Conflict assignment Must be 600 to 750 words i

The Values, Morals, and Ethics in Conflict assignment
Must be 600 to 750 words i

The Values, Morals, and Ethics in Conflict assignment
Must be 600 to 750 words in length, double-spaced, and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word Be sure to include a title page, a references list, and in-text citations.
Must utilize an academic voice. See the Academic Voice resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper and the conclusion should restate the thesis and explain how it was supported in the paper.
Must use the Ethics Explainer article, and one of two videos, one of two articles, in addition to the course text.
Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.
To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Quick and Easy Library Research tutorial.
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

I have attached my rough draft which is the foundation of my assignment. It need

I have attached my rough draft which is the foundation of my assignment. It need

I have attached my rough draft which is the foundation of my assignment. It needs more charts, graphs, and more wording. Business Proposal
The Business Proposal is the major writing assignment in the course. You are to create and submit a formal proposal that suggests how to change something within an organization. This organization can be large or small, a place of employment now or in the past, or an organization to which the students belong. From past experiences, it is best to use a business with fewer than 200 employees, and one with which you have personal experience. It could be a place where you currently work or a place you have worked or volunteered in the past.
The change can be specific to a unit or can apply to the whole organization; it can relate to how important information is distributed, who has access to important information, how information is accessed, or any other change in practices the students see as having a benefit. The proposal should be directed to the person or committee with the power to authorize the change. However, if you are working within a large organization, and asking for a small organizational change, communicating with a CEO or president may not make the most sense. You need to think about who within the organization might be the best person for the type of change suggested.
For the submission, you are to follow the guidelines for formal proposals available in Chapter 10 of the text. You can review 10.1, 10.4, and 10.6 for more information about specific components for a well-written formal business proposal. o A complete proposal must have all required sections of a formal report excluding the copy of an an RFP and the Authorization. The final draft of the proposal should be 1500 – 2000 words, and include the following necessary formal proposal components:
Letter of transmittal
Executive summary
Title page
Table of contents
List of illustrations
Background: Purpose/problem
Proposal: plan, schedule, details
Formatting does matter for this assignment, and you are to check the text for details about how to format and draft the different proposal segments. Proposals don′t just have text; graphics and charts are necessary, too. In addition, research is important, and footnotes and references must be included. All content should be concise, clear, and detailed. The proposal should be well-written with appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation

Hello I’m a French student in digital and Web communication. I need a real help

Hello I’m a French student in digital and Web communication. I need a real help

Hello I’m a French student in digital and Web communication. I need a real help to do my assignments because it consist in doing digital stuff like making a website, suitable for computer and smartphone, creating communication strategy, doing flyers, video pitch for a website, creating a logo etc.. i would love to send the assignment to someone that feels comfortable with this type of tasks.
Thank you in advance I guess 🙂
Important Info

The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.

Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)

Integration Essay Leadership and Group Communication Objective: Integrate a top

Integration Essay
Leadership and Group Communication
Objective: Integrate a top

Integration Essay
Leadership and Group Communication
Objective: Integrate a topic or several topics from the course textbook (Connect Smartbook and ebook) with the concepts/ideas from Dr. Stephen Covey. See these links for more on Dr. Covey and The 7 – habits, The 8th Habit, and Principle Centered Leadership.
The 7 – Habits of Highly Effective People – The #1 Most Influential Business Book of the 20th Century to an external site.
Watch DR. COVEY VIDEOS (FYI – there are many other videos on Google and Youtube that can help you better understand the 7 – habits)
See this video with Dr. Covey and Habit 1 to an external site.
A basic video drawing review of the 7-habits (NOTE: video is not detailed…see first link text for specifics)
Video Review for The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen CoveyLinks to an external site.
Video Review for The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness to an external site.

Principle Centered Leadership (FYI – links below are just a couple of the many that can be found on Google) to an external site. to an external site.

Your final paper needs to be a cohesive paper that exemplifies a substantial knowledge base accrued in this course and demonstrates that you have the knowledge and applicable skills to increase and improve your leadership and group communication.

Note: This final paper contains additional new information, not just a summary of information found in online learning resources or course activities and assignments.

8-10 pages (Essay, double-spaced, #12 Arial font, normal 1” margins, APA format, bibliography – min. of 10 references – title page and abstract paragraph). Submit as usual as a Word Doc or PDF on Canvas in the assignment for the Final Paper.

Steps to Do:
Gather, review and examine all the relevant literature presented in the course and determine which topic or topics most interest you.
Read over the information from Dr. Covey’s 7-habits, The 8th Habit, and Principle Centered Leadership and find areas that most interest you. Determine how you will use these ideas in relation to your chosen topic in this paper.
Develop a unique title to the paper by focusing your efforts into a coherent integrative paper that specifically relates to you and your interests/circumstances.
Plan and outline the paper and write a complete introduction, with a concrete thesis/preview statement that outlines what you are going to do in this essay and how you are going to do it. Use details and be direct in the end of your introductory segment as to the direction of the paper. Typically in a paper 8-10 pages in length the intro should take about 1 page and the conclusion should take about 1 page, giving you about 6-8 pages for content or the body of your essay. Plan and organize your paper accordingly.
Do NOT cut and paste. Plagiarism is not acceptable and every paper is automatically processed for plagiarism when submitted. It is always best to write it in your own words and use citations and quotations for referenced materials. You will need to chose, edit and organize pertinent sections of research that help to display relevant knowledge accrued. REMEMBER: good writing is re-writing so theme ideas together work on transitions and write section headings. Make your ideas stand out in a clear and comprehensive manner.
Give support to the overall essay (use APA style) by making sure your references and in text citations are correct and well connected to the content. If you use an excerpt from the text or an article, it should be short and if you have personal supporting examples they should also be concise and informative. Wasted filler or material that is redundant in nature will cause the overall score to go down. Please keep in mind that this is a final document that you can use to showcase your scholarly efforts in this course.
Write a proper conclusion with a well-directed summary and a good ending.

Integration Essay Leadership and Group Communication Objective: Integrate a top

Integration Essay
Leadership and Group Communication
Objective: Integrate a top

Integration Essay
Leadership and Group Communication
Objective: Integrate a topic or several topics from the course textbook (Connect Smartbook and ebook) with the concepts/ideas from Dr. Stephen Covey. See these links for more on Dr. Covey and The 7 – habits, The 8th Habit, and Principle Centered Leadership.
The 7 – Habits of Highly Effective People – The #1 Most Influential Business Book of the 20th Century to an external site.
Watch DR. COVEY VIDEOS (FYI – there are many other videos on Google and Youtube that can help you better understand the 7 – habits)
See this video with Dr. Covey and Habit 1 to an external site.
A basic video drawing review of the 7-habits (NOTE: video is not detailed…see first link text for specifics)
Video Review for The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen CoveyLinks to an external site.
Video Review for The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness to an external site.

Principle Centered Leadership (FYI – links below are just a couple of the many that can be found on Google) to an external site. to an external site.

Your final paper needs to be a cohesive paper that exemplifies a substantial knowledge base accrued in this course and demonstrates that you have the knowledge and applicable skills to increase and improve your leadership and group communication.

Note: This final paper contains additional new information, not just a summary of information found in online learning resources or course activities and assignments.

8-10 pages (Essay, double-spaced, #12 Arial font, normal 1” margins, APA format, bibliography – min. of 10 references – title page and abstract paragraph). Submit as usual as a Word Doc or PDF on Canvas in the assignment for the Final Paper.

Steps to Do:
Gather, review and examine all the relevant literature presented in the course and determine which topic or topics most interest you.
Read over the information from Dr. Covey’s 7-habits, The 8th Habit, and Principle Centered Leadership and find areas that most interest you. Determine how you will use these ideas in relation to your chosen topic in this paper.
Develop a unique title to the paper by focusing your efforts into a coherent integrative paper that specifically relates to you and your interests/circumstances.
Plan and outline the paper and write a complete introduction, with a concrete thesis/preview statement that outlines what you are going to do in this essay and how you are going to do it. Use details and be direct in the end of your introductory segment as to the direction of the paper. Typically in a paper 8-10 pages in length the intro should take about 1 page and the conclusion should take about 1 page, giving you about 6-8 pages for content or the body of your essay. Plan and organize your paper accordingly.
Do NOT cut and paste. Plagiarism is not acceptable and every paper is automatically processed for plagiarism when submitted. It is always best to write it in your own words and use citations and quotations for referenced materials. You will need to chose, edit and organize pertinent sections of research that help to display relevant knowledge accrued. REMEMBER: good writing is re-writing so theme ideas together work on transitions and write section headings. Make your ideas stand out in a clear and comprehensive manner.
Give support to the overall essay (use APA style) by making sure your references and in text citations are correct and well connected to the content. If you use an excerpt from the text or an article, it should be short and if you have personal supporting examples they should also be concise and informative. Wasted filler or material that is redundant in nature will cause the overall score to go down. Please keep in mind that this is a final document that you can use to showcase your scholarly efforts in this course.
Write a proper conclusion with a well-directed summary and a good ending.