I need 3 assignments completed. 1st assignment must be in its own word document

I need 3 assignments completed. 1st assignment must be in its own word document

I need 3 assignments completed. 1st assignment must be in its own word document. How does the textbook suggest that you choose a topic, and what is the difference between a specific purpose and a central idea? Based on the last set of videos of bad speeches to learn from, what is one thing you’d like to avoid in your next speech, and how might you avoid it?
Connect what you see in the Week 2 videos with what you read in this week’s assigned text. Comment critically in at least 250 words 2nd assignment Must be in its own word document Post your revised topic ideas for the informative and persuasive speech rounds. Be sure to distinguish between the informative and the persuasive treatments.
How does your chosen topic lend itself to both types of treatments? And what would be a specific purpose and a central idea for an informative and a persuasive speech?
Finally, how did you take your audience into account in choosing your topic? Why would your audience find it interesting? Be sure to consult the Opposing Viewpoints database again.
Which library databases did you consult, and which keywords did you use to search for research on your topic? Were you able to find enough research for both sides of the topic? Did you find mostly journal articles, or a combination of journal articles and popular press articles?
How would you summarize your research process and how you plan to incorporate the research into both the informative and persuasive speeches?
Comment critically in at least 250 words 3rd assignment Must be in its own word document Submit a polished draft of a full-sentence informative speech preparation outline here for feedback. Ensure that it is complete with all substantive library research and in-text parenthetical citations that link to a full works cited at the end.
See Chapter 11 for a model of a preparation outline and the linked document, Sample Preparation Outline, below.

Patient: JD. Age: 28 Background: JD is a 28-year-old man who was brought to the

Patient: JD.
Age: 28
Background: JD is a 28-year-old man who was brought to the

Patient: JD.
Age: 28
Background: JD is a 28-year-old man who was brought to the psychiatric clinic by his family due to concerns about his increasingly bizarre behavior. He is unemployed and lives with his parents. His family reports that JD has been exhibiting unusual behaviors for the past six months, including social withdrawal, talking to himself, and expressing paranoid beliefs about being monitored by the government.
1. Delusions: JD believes he is being followed by government agents trying to control his thoughts. He often talks about secret messages hidden in everyday objects.
2. Hallucinations: JD reports hearing voices comment on his actions and thoughts. These voices are often derogatory and commanding.
3. Disorganized thinking and speech: JD’s speech could be more logical and connected. He jumps from one topic to another without any clear connection.
4. Social withdrawal: JD has stopped interacting with friends and spends most of his time alone in his room.
5. Lack of self-care: JD’s hygiene has deteriorated, and he rarely showers or changes his clothes.
After a thorough evaluation, JD is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. This diagnosis is based on the presence of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and social withdrawal, which are all characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia.
For this assignment, write a one-page Accurate Assessment for JD. In your response, include possible treatments for JD.
Assignment MUST be completed using the APA Writing Style. Additional sources are encouraged.

Major: physiotherapy Course name: therapeutic exercise and physical activity top

Major: physiotherapy
Course name: therapeutic exercise and physical activity

Major: physiotherapy
Course name: therapeutic exercise and physical activity
topic: exercise intervention for people with low back pain
You have to analyze the quality of this article and it is best to include resistance training
It is best to write one about exercise treatment for lower back pain in sedentary people.
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the underpinning theories and evidence that support clinical reasoning in therapeutic exercise.


Health Res

PART #1 IS ATTACH BUT WILL NEED TO FIND NEWS COVERAGE FOR THE STUDY. Health Research News Coverage (60 pts.) There are two health research news coverage presentations, each worth 30 points. The second presentation will build on the first. These are individual assignments, but each will be subject to peer review. The first part will be completed in PowerPoint. The second part will require you to add on to your original PowerPoint and record a Voice Threads presentation of your full PowerPoint deck. • PART 1: The first presentation should be a minimum of eight (8) slides long. You may use more than eight slides without penalty. If you choose to include a title slide it will not count toward meeting the eight-slide minimum. Thus, if you add a title page, your presentation will need to be at least 9 slides. • PART 2: The second presentation will expand on the first and should add at least 6 additional slides. Thus, an original presentation that was 9 slides long, should be at least 15 slides long after the second part of the assignment. You may use more than 15 slides for part #2 without penalty. Within the presentations you may use complete sentences and/or bullets to communicate your analysis of the piece. However, if you choose to create bulleted text, make sure that you use appropriate grammar constructions (e.g., parallel structure) and double check that your communication is clear enough that your readers will comprehend your message as intended. You will be graded on both visual presentation and textual clarity. Finally, include a citations for your news elements and scientific study in your presentation. Objective: These news coverage analyses will expose you to a health-related scientific publication and help you develop an understanding of how media presentation of data, information and findings can impact understanding and perceptions about health topics. ** TIP ** It sometimes helps to read through the entire assignment and work backwards. That is, you may want to start with a social media post about a published health study and then look to see if it has achieved coverage on a traditional news channel and whether you can access the full text of the study through the UofL Library database system. This assignment is more difficult to complete if you treat parts 1 & 2 as separate independent assignments rather than two parts of a whole. That is, it helps to think through and initially check that you’ll be able to complete both parts of the assignment before settling on a focal study. PART #1: Health research news coverage analysis: You will locate a relatively recent (within the past five years) biomedical or public health study (NOTE: you cannot choose a commentary/editorial/perspective piece) that, in addition to being published in a peer-reviewed medical or public health journal, also received news coverage through traditional mainstream media outlets (e.g., on-line news sources/newspapers, network TV news programs). This study cannot be a coronavirus/ COVID study, although all other health topics are acceptable. You will create a presentation comparing the original study with the coverage it received in two or more mainstream news channels. Acceptable news channels include: • CNN • NBC (and its local affiliate in your locale) • CBS (and its local affiliate in your locale) • ABC (and its local affiliate in your locale) • FOX (and its local affiliate in your locale) • AP • Univision • Telemundo • Any of the newspapers listed in the approved newspaper list on Blackboard • NPR • BBC In your PowerPoint presentation: • Provide an overview of the study you’re reviewing. o Be sure to mention the specific purpose of the study, the sample, the methods/measures used to collect and analyze data o Describe the findings of the study and discuss how the authors think the findings can be applied to medicine and/or public health practice. o Highlight the limitations of the study, both those that you read about in the publication but also those that you noted from the research approach/protocol • Review coverage of the study from your first news source. Compare and contrast the original article with the news coverage. o What is included in the news coverage versus the original article? o What is omitted? o Are the verbal and nonverbal communication elements of the news coverage consistent with the message of the original study authors? How so or how do they differ? How might this consistency/inconsistency affect audiences? • Review coverage of the study from your second (and more if you’d like) news source(s). Compare and contrast the original article with the news coverage. o What is included in the news coverage versus the original article? o What is omitted? o Are the verbal and nonverbal communication elements of the news coverage consistent with the message of the original study authors? How so or how do they differ? How might this consistency/inconsistency affect audiences? • Summarize your conclusions about how news coverage of the study might help or hinder audience comprehension and understanding of the study findings, health, and science. 10 On the day part #1 is due, you should upload your presentation and original study to the discussion forum as well as the submit assignments link. You will then need to comment/provide feedback on three other students’ presentations during your posts to the forum for the following week (these posts are subject to the posting requirements outlined on page 3 and are in addition to the two posts required about the readings for the week – you will have five posts total in the week following the part #1 due date). Be sure to upload the academic study that you reviewed in addition to your PowerPoint presentation, which should include links and citations to all of the news sources you reviewed. PART #2: Health research social media expansion For the second part of this assignment, you will analyze two different forms of informal communication sharing information about the published study. You may choose to review blogs, podcasts, social media posts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.). You should collect data from these two informal mediated communication sources. Important data to include might consist of posted comments, reactions, engagement (likes, shares, etc.). For each informal communication source, be sure to describe the following: • The main message of the informal communication and an explanation for how you determined what the main message was • The type data you reviewed around that source (comments, reactions, engagement, etc.) and the amount of data you reviewed (e.g., number of comments, retweets, etc.) • Your general findings and conclusions from an assessment of the data reviewed • Who is/are the author(s) of the informal content? What do they care about? How does the content reflect their views? Who is their intended audience? • What characteristics of the platform design or medium affected how the health information could be shared? Should these characteristics be viewed as positive or negative? • Does the content achieve its purpose? If so, in what ways? If not, how might it have done a better job? Next, compare whether the messages communicated via the informal mediated communication sources are consistent with one another, with official news coverage (from part 1 of the assignment), and with the original conclusions of the scientific study (from part 1 of the assignment). Finally, based on your analysis and findings, provide a discussion/commentary about how today’s media environment might affect the interpretation of official scientific publications, health knowledge, and health communication. What do your findings suggest about health and the media? On the day the presentation is due, you will record yourself in Voice Threads. I will post a video explaining how to upload your PowerPoint and use the Voice Threads recording option.

Major: physiotherapy Course name: therapeutic exercise and physical activity top

Major: physiotherapy
Course name: therapeutic exercise and physical activity

Major: physiotherapy
Course name: therapeutic exercise and physical activity
topic: exercise intervention for people with low back pain
You have to analyze the quality of this article and it is best to include resistance training
It is best to write one about exercise treatment for lower back pain in sedentary people.
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the underpinning theories and evidence that support clinical reasoning in therapeutic exercise.


Health Res

PART #1 IS ATTACH BUT WILL NEED TO FIND NEWS COVERAGE FOR THE STUDY. Health Research News Coverage (60 pts.) There are two health research news coverage presentations, each worth 30 points. The second presentation will build on the first. These are individual assignments, but each will be subject to peer review. The first part will be completed in PowerPoint. The second part will require you to add on to your original PowerPoint and record a Voice Threads presentation of your full PowerPoint deck. • PART 1: The first presentation should be a minimum of eight (8) slides long. You may use more than eight slides without penalty. If you choose to include a title slide it will not count toward meeting the eight-slide minimum. Thus, if you add a title page, your presentation will need to be at least 9 slides. • PART 2: The second presentation will expand on the first and should add at least 6 additional slides. Thus, an original presentation that was 9 slides long, should be at least 15 slides long after the second part of the assignment. You may use more than 15 slides for part #2 without penalty. Within the presentations you may use complete sentences and/or bullets to communicate your analysis of the piece. However, if you choose to create bulleted text, make sure that you use appropriate grammar constructions (e.g., parallel structure) and double check that your communication is clear enough that your readers will comprehend your message as intended. You will be graded on both visual presentation and textual clarity. Finally, include a citations for your news elements and scientific study in your presentation. Objective: These news coverage analyses will expose you to a health-related scientific publication and help you develop an understanding of how media presentation of data, information and findings can impact understanding and perceptions about health topics. ** TIP ** It sometimes helps to read through the entire assignment and work backwards. That is, you may want to start with a social media post about a published health study and then look to see if it has achieved coverage on a traditional news channel and whether you can access the full text of the study through the UofL Library database system. This assignment is more difficult to complete if you treat parts 1 & 2 as separate independent assignments rather than two parts of a whole. That is, it helps to think through and initially check that you’ll be able to complete both parts of the assignment before settling on a focal study. PART #1: Health research news coverage analysis: You will locate a relatively recent (within the past five years) biomedical or public health study (NOTE: you cannot choose a commentary/editorial/perspective piece) that, in addition to being published in a peer-reviewed medical or public health journal, also received news coverage through traditional mainstream media outlets (e.g., on-line news sources/newspapers, network TV news programs). This study cannot be a coronavirus/ COVID study, although all other health topics are acceptable. You will create a presentation comparing the original study with the coverage it received in two or more mainstream news channels. Acceptable news channels include: • CNN • NBC (and its local affiliate in your locale) • CBS (and its local affiliate in your locale) • ABC (and its local affiliate in your locale) • FOX (and its local affiliate in your locale) • AP • Univision • Telemundo • Any of the newspapers listed in the approved newspaper list on Blackboard • NPR • BBC In your PowerPoint presentation: • Provide an overview of the study you’re reviewing. o Be sure to mention the specific purpose of the study, the sample, the methods/measures used to collect and analyze data o Describe the findings of the study and discuss how the authors think the findings can be applied to medicine and/or public health practice. o Highlight the limitations of the study, both those that you read about in the publication but also those that you noted from the research approach/protocol • Review coverage of the study from your first news source. Compare and contrast the original article with the news coverage. o What is included in the news coverage versus the original article? o What is omitted? o Are the verbal and nonverbal communication elements of the news coverage consistent with the message of the original study authors? How so or how do they differ? How might this consistency/inconsistency affect audiences? • Review coverage of the study from your second (and more if you’d like) news source(s). Compare and contrast the original article with the news coverage. o What is included in the news coverage versus the original article? o What is omitted? o Are the verbal and nonverbal communication elements of the news coverage consistent with the message of the original study authors? How so or how do they differ? How might this consistency/inconsistency affect audiences? • Summarize your conclusions about how news coverage of the study might help or hinder audience comprehension and understanding of the study findings, health, and science. 10 On the day part #1 is due, you should upload your presentation and original study to the discussion forum as well as the submit assignments link. You will then need to comment/provide feedback on three other students’ presentations during your posts to the forum for the following week (these posts are subject to the posting requirements outlined on page 3 and are in addition to the two posts required about the readings for the week – you will have five posts total in the week following the part #1 due date). Be sure to upload the academic study that you reviewed in addition to your PowerPoint presentation, which should include links and citations to all of the news sources you reviewed. PART #2: Health research social media expansion For the second part of this assignment, you will analyze two different forms of informal communication sharing information about the published study. You may choose to review blogs, podcasts, social media posts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.). You should collect data from these two informal mediated communication sources. Important data to include might consist of posted comments, reactions, engagement (likes, shares, etc.). For each informal communication source, be sure to describe the following: • The main message of the informal communication and an explanation for how you determined what the main message was • The type data you reviewed around that source (comments, reactions, engagement, etc.) and the amount of data you reviewed (e.g., number of comments, retweets, etc.) • Your general findings and conclusions from an assessment of the data reviewed • Who is/are the author(s) of the informal content? What do they care about? How does the content reflect their views? Who is their intended audience? • What characteristics of the platform design or medium affected how the health information could be shared? Should these characteristics be viewed as positive or negative? • Does the content achieve its purpose? If so, in what ways? If not, how might it have done a better job? Next, compare whether the messages communicated via the informal mediated communication sources are consistent with one another, with official news coverage (from part 1 of the assignment), and with the original conclusions of the scientific study (from part 1 of the assignment). Finally, based on your analysis and findings, provide a discussion/commentary about how today’s media environment might affect the interpretation of official scientific publications, health knowledge, and health communication. What do your findings suggest about health and the media? On the day the presentation is due, you will record yourself in Voice Threads. I will post a video explaining how to upload your PowerPoint and use the Voice Threads recording option.

I need 3 assignments completed. 1st assignment must be in its own word document

I need 3 assignments completed. 1st assignment must be in its own word document

I need 3 assignments completed. 1st assignment must be in its own word document. How does the textbook suggest that you choose a topic, and what is the difference between a specific purpose and a central idea? Based on the last set of videos of bad speeches to learn from, what is one thing you’d like to avoid in your next speech, and how might you avoid it?
Connect what you see in the Week 2 videos with what you read in this week’s assigned text. Comment critically in at least 250 words 2nd assignment Must be in its own word document Post your revised topic ideas for the informative and persuasive speech rounds. Be sure to distinguish between the informative and the persuasive treatments.
How does your chosen topic lend itself to both types of treatments? And what would be a specific purpose and a central idea for an informative and a persuasive speech?
Finally, how did you take your audience into account in choosing your topic? Why would your audience find it interesting? Be sure to consult the Opposing Viewpoints database again.
Which library databases did you consult, and which keywords did you use to search for research on your topic? Were you able to find enough research for both sides of the topic? Did you find mostly journal articles, or a combination of journal articles and popular press articles?
How would you summarize your research process and how you plan to incorporate the research into both the informative and persuasive speeches?
Comment critically in at least 250 words 3rd assignment Must be in its own word document Submit a polished draft of a full-sentence informative speech preparation outline here for feedback. Ensure that it is complete with all substantive library research and in-text parenthetical citations that link to a full works cited at the end.
See Chapter 11 for a model of a preparation outline and the linked document, Sample Preparation Outline, below.

Patient: JD. Age: 28 Background: JD is a 28-year-old man who was brought to the

Patient: JD.
Age: 28
Background: JD is a 28-year-old man who was brought to the

Patient: JD.
Age: 28
Background: JD is a 28-year-old man who was brought to the psychiatric clinic by his family due to concerns about his increasingly bizarre behavior. He is unemployed and lives with his parents. His family reports that JD has been exhibiting unusual behaviors for the past six months, including social withdrawal, talking to himself, and expressing paranoid beliefs about being monitored by the government.
1. Delusions: JD believes he is being followed by government agents trying to control his thoughts. He often talks about secret messages hidden in everyday objects.
2. Hallucinations: JD reports hearing voices comment on his actions and thoughts. These voices are often derogatory and commanding.
3. Disorganized thinking and speech: JD’s speech could be more logical and connected. He jumps from one topic to another without any clear connection.
4. Social withdrawal: JD has stopped interacting with friends and spends most of his time alone in his room.
5. Lack of self-care: JD’s hygiene has deteriorated, and he rarely showers or changes his clothes.
After a thorough evaluation, JD is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. This diagnosis is based on the presence of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and social withdrawal, which are all characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia.
For this assignment, write a one-page Accurate Assessment for JD. In your response, include possible treatments for JD.
Assignment MUST be completed using the APA Writing Style. Additional sources are encouraged.

Here is 2 examples of students discussing their opinions on the topic of example

Here is 2 examples of students discussing their opinions on the topic of example

Here is 2 examples of students discussing their opinions on the topic of examples where culture can cause a misunderstanding through nonverbal communication. Please respond to each student supporting their responses. 1.Reply from Chanel Stephens
Nonverbal communication includes many different factors such as body language, facial expressions, hand gestures, and tone. Nonverbal communication is just as, if not more, important as verbal communication. Sometimes the things left unsaid spell out a completely different picture than what is initially being presented. High-context cultures are those that rely more heavily on non-verbal communication. Countries such as Japan, China, Korea and many Middle Eastern countries are considered high-context. Direct communication is often seen as aggressive and disrespectful so a most of their verbal communication leans heavily on implied, ambiguous language. Communication seems to tap dance around the point instead of getting straight to it. This style of communication places more emphasis on how things are said and the context surrounding it rather than what was actually said. High-context communication requires an intimate knowledge of cultural norms for effective communication. In contrast, low-context cultures tend to be more direct in communication. The verbal communication leaves very little room for interpretation and is more so a “I said what I said” style. North America and Europe tend to use this style more frequently. Intercultural communications can be tricky to navigate so it is important to explore and learn about various cultures’ distinct differences. With Western cultures placing more emphasis on direct communication, conversations between an American businessman and a Japanese businessman may have some hiccups. Whereas the American businessman may offer a strong handshake and speak in a strong, direct tone, the Asian businessman may be more inclined to speak softer and rely more on “understanding” rather than words. A misunderstanding of non-verbal language can have detrimental effects on relationships and hinder communication efforts from moving forward. It is imperative to understand non-verbal cues in order to effectively communicate and be received. Although non-verbal communication is more ambiguous and leaves more to be interpreted. Learning the nuances behind non-verbal communication can help bridge the gap between cultures and also allow for more effective leadership. 2. Reply from Judnel Marcius We are all different in our culture, and sometimes there is some misunderstanding through nonverbal communication. That happens all the time in some summits, and business meetings. Let’s consider in Haiti a handshake is a common form of greeting between men and a hug is a common form of greeting for women. Bowing is the customary greeting in other cultures in the Middle East. As I said, imagine a business meeting where Haitian people and Middle Eastern people are participating. In this scenario, a Haitian man can extend his right hand for a handshake to greet someone from the Middle East. However, a person from the Middle East where bowing is the norm may interpret the extended hand as a gesture of rudeness until putting people in an uncomfortable situation. The Haitian man offering the handshake may interpret the lack of reciprocation or see bowing as a sign of disinterest. This misunderstanding arises from differing cultural norms regarding nonverbal communication and greetings. To understand nonverbal cues as they operate in human communication, we need to consider the roles they play when people interact. These roles become most apparent when we consider nonverbal cues as they relate to verbal messages. (Patricia Hayes Andrews, 2005)

The annotated bibliography is a list of sources (in this case, academic/scholarl

The annotated bibliography is a list of sources (in this case, academic/scholarl

The annotated bibliography is a list of sources (in this case, academic/scholarly journal articles), each of which is followed by an annotation or a brief description of the source. The annotated bibliography will serve as an initial building block for building your literature review paper. The assignment is worth 100 points. Four of the five sources you employ for the assignment MUST come from communication journals. All the articles MUST be research studies. Do not use theoretical essays or meta-analyses. If you have questions about whether or not an article is appropriate for the assignment, don’t hesitate to ask one of the instructors. In addition to helping you to create a literature review, the assignment is designed to increase your familiarity and comfort with APA (American Psychological Association) style. Specifically, each source should be cited using APA style. The entries should be arranged alphabetically by lead authors’ last names. After each citation, include a brief 3-4 sentence description of the article. After the summary please provide one sentence that explains how this article will help you answer your RQ. Do not simply copy the abstract from the online database. Doing so is problematic for two reasons: 1) it is a form of plagiarism, and 2) it will not help you to understand the content of the article. The brief description should address the topic of the article and its findings. It might also be helpful to include a sentence about how this article might contribute to your literature review. Follow the APA citation requirements. The APA Publication Manual (7th edition) book is available for purchase at the University Bookstore and online. There are also several free online guides for APA style, although they are not comprehensive. For example, many students find the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) helpful for following APA style requirements.
Here is an example of an annotated bibliography entry:
Trethewey, A. (2001). Reproducing and resisting the master narrative of decline: Midlife professional women’s experience of aging. Management Communication Quarterly, 15, 183-226. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0893318901152002
Trethewey uses critical theory as a framework to explore how ideologies of aging shape professional women’s experiences at work. Interview data suggest that aging professional women experience aging in terms of loss, isolation and diminished access to resources. Yet, women also occasionally resist the “decline” story offered by age ideology. This study is a one of the few that explores age as a socially constructed phenomenon, rather than a biologically-based feature of identity.