Review the crisis communication case studies in the Liberman texts; review the a

Review the crisis communication case studies in the Liberman texts; review the a

Review the crisis communication case studies in the Liberman texts; review the assigned readings and watch Conversations In Crisis 4 with Arturo Nunez.. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
In at least three brief paragraphs (30 to 50 words each):
1 — Choose one or more Nike communications crises and describe how the company was effective or ineffective in its response.
2 — Discuss another company in which you have strong brand loyalty, and how/why the brand has cultivated that emotional bond with you.
3 — Describe how you believe that brand loyalty might be threatened or strengthened in a crisis, and why.
References to crisis communication research/theories and other class materials are always suggested to support your discussion. Before submitting, please proofread your work for proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc. Late submissions will be marked down automatically.

In a 250- to 300-word initial post, Assess how the decision-making process and

In a 250- to 300-word initial post, Assess how the decision-making process and

In a 250- to 300-word initial post, Assess how the decision-making process and persuasion are affected by the utilization of communication technology.
Discuss two examples of communication technology used in organizations and how they assist in decision-making and persuading. Use at least one source to support your key points.Be sure to cite your credible source using proper APA formatting according to APA Style

Task summary: You are to create a PowerPoint on How to Deal with Depression. Ful

Task summary:
You are to create a PowerPoint on How to Deal with Depression.

Task summary:
You are to create a PowerPoint on How to Deal with Depression.
Full order description:
Dear Freelancer,
Please complete the task:
This speech is a 4-5 minute extemporaneous presentation. Topics of this speech will be about an organization or business that you would like to one day work for OR could imagine yourself happy working. The presenter should find ways to make the topic both interesting to your and relevant to your audience. Your main points should be well supported with a variety of different supporting materials. The speech will be graded on topic development, use of appropriate design, audience analysis, structure and organization, and delivery The main points for this speech are to be as follows: 1) basic history of the organization 2) The importance of the organization or business for society and 3) how your training and education at SUNO will prepare you to work for this organization or business.. For this speech, students submit both a typed formal outline and works cited page BEFORE your speech. At least 3 references are required and must be orally cited during the presentation. Notes are limited to key-word format.

After comprehensively reading Chapter 11 of your textbook, please respond to the

After comprehensively reading Chapter 11 of your textbook, please respond to the

After comprehensively reading Chapter 11 of your textbook, please respond to these questions. Your responses can be brief and informal, but do make sure that they are thoughtful and reflect a thorough and comprehensive reading of this chapter.
1. Reflect on your learning here at {Will tell you school once accepted} and use Bloom’s Taxonomy to analyze your experience here. At what level of Bloom’s Taxonomy do you believe most of your learning has occurred? Why? Is that positive or negative or mixed? Blooms Taxonomy videos that you have to plz watch: 2. Continuing to reflect on your leering at {Will tell you school once accepted}, at what level do you think your learning, at least part of the time, should be (in other words, what do you find the best, most useful, most desirable level on Bloom’s Taxonomy)? Why do you think that? What could be changed at CSUN to move your learning more toward that level of Bloom’s Taxonomy?
3. Finally, use the “Learning, Pedagogy, and Training Effectiveness” model discussed in Chapter 11 to continue to reflect on your learning here at {Will tell you school once accepted}. To what extent do you believe your “head,” “heart,” and “hand” has been engaged here? What is the balance between these three factors — are they attended to equally or is there one or more that is more of a focus than others? Is that a good thing, bad thing, or mixed thing? Why? To what extent is creating a synthesis between head, heart, and had the responsibility of the educational institution and to what extent do you believe this is your responsibility? Why?

Instructions: Please post your response to the following questions: What are FHA

Instructions: Please post your response to the following questions:
What are FHA

Instructions: Please post your response to the following questions:
What are FHA’s and VA’s roles in the mortgage market?
Explain what is meant by an amortizing mortgage.
Lara is buying a new home with a mortgage loan for $245,000.00 at 4.5 percent annual interest with a term of 30 years. What is the amount of the monthly payment necessary to amortize this debt?

Dear freelancer, write an 8-page APA style paper on Zionist Settler Colonialism

Dear freelancer, write an 8-page APA style paper on Zionist Settler Colonialism

Dear freelancer, write an 8-page APA style paper on Zionist Settler Colonialism in Palestine. Underline Israeli government’s aggressive ethnic cleansing campaign, what happened before/after Nakba, the displacement of Palestinians, and the current Gaza Genocide. The paper will be heavily scanned through Turnitin and AI detectors so do not use any plagiarism/AI. I. Instructions: Final Term Paper on Zionist Settler Colonialism in PalestineFor the Final Term Paper you discuss Zionist Settler Colonialism in Palestine. The paper will explore the issue thoroughly and understand the various details of the issue. With a solid understanding of the major components of the social issue at hand, you will look back at all the theories from the course and select THREE THEORIES that help us “make sense” of this issue. You should apply the appropriate terms and concepts from the theories to the social issue in an effort to “see” the social issue from a different perspective. You can select any three of the following theories: Communication Theory, Symbolic Interaction Theory, Cognitive Dissonance Theory, Expectancy Violations Theory, Uncertainty Reduction Theory Relational Dialectics Theory, Communication Privacy Management Theory, Uses and Gratifications Theory, Face-Negotiation Theory, Standpoint Theory.
You will have to use at least 5 other scholarly references besides some (at least 3) from the attached list.
ATTACHED:-full instructions-reference list

these are 2 different discussions regarding the same topic, give a response of a

these are 2 different discussions regarding the same topic, give a response of a

these are 2 different discussions regarding the same topic, give a response of at least 4-5 sentences for each discussion on your point of view in response to what you have read.
1.Most leaders have that inability to take control. Once a leader have and no the material, it easier to convey to another. A leader needs to do an analysis on who he or she leading.
The trait that makes a good leader is precision, making sure that your touching every inch of the subject. One would have to be a take control leader and guide your followers, be informative and know who you are leading. Their some people who learn differently , it’s up to you to know people strength and weakness. that way you have general idea where you need to place them, some visual, some are hands on, etc.
It’s possible these traits through training, in the classroom or through experience. I do feel that experience is one of the stronger traits. I had the opportunity to work at a local High school with no experience, through trial error I quickly learn my role as a temporary leader, especially when I no previous experience. In that setting I first had to get the students attention and then tell them what’s expected of them , how much time they had and the manner it needed to be done. By me taking control of the situation I gain control and respect of the classroom. I familiarize myself with each high school student and let them know expected of them, mind you a later resign.
2. Leaders are created through their inherent skills, experiences and environment. Having leadership qualities such as great communication skills, confidence and the drive and vision to influence others to complete a goal are all necessary they may not always be enough. Other factors like your team and the situation or objective are also determining factors over whether an individual has the capability to lead.
I believe that leadership traits can all be learned and enhanced through training and experience. Research has shown that coaching will take an executive at one level and move them to the next level (Goldman, 2024). Learning the different styles and approaches to leadership all help to hone any skills someone already has or looking to obtain. Experiences give that individual a chance to test out different approaches and see which one works best for their individual personality and even their own comfort zones and styles. The effective leader adapts his or her style to fit the needs of the organization and the task at hand (Beebe & Mottet, 2016).

As we discussed in class lecture on Monday, March 11, 2024, you need to write yo

As we discussed in class lecture on Monday, March 11, 2024, you need to write yo

As we discussed in class lecture on Monday, March 11, 2024, you need to write your research design to include the following: 1) Research Topic Summary with as many details as possible, 2) the Data Collection Method that you chose to use for this research with an explanation as to what that method is and why it is the best method for you to use, 3) the Data Analysis Method that you chose with an explanation as to what that method is and why it is the best method for you to use, and 4) a timeline/step-by-step procedure of the research steps that you will take to conduct your research.
My topic is: the relationship between professional tennis players’ mental toughness and performance
For this assignment, you are required to write 3-4 pages, and you MUST use APA formatting and citations. This assignment is due Friday, March 15, 2024 by 11:59pm.
I attached a file with an explanation of my topic and what I want to focus on.

Over the course of the week, write down observations you have about nonverbal co

Over the course of the week, write down observations you have about nonverbal co

Over the course of the week, write down observations you have about nonverbal communication during three different conversations in which you participate. For each conversation, include your observations about eye contact and movement, smiles, other facial expressions, nods, gestures, posture, and touch.
Then, conduct independent research about nonverbal communication, empathy, and rapport. The research should support the position you take on the questions below. For example, if you were unable to build rapport with one of the parties you conversed with, your research should support the reason why you think you were unable to.
With your notes and research as references, write a two to three-page APA formatted paper that includes both an introduction and conclusion paragraph and that answers the following questions:
Based on the nonverbal communication you observed, how would you name the emotions the other party(ies) were feeling during the three conversations? (Include details of each conversation to provide context for your response.)
Were you able to build rapport (a form of empathy) with the other party(ies) in all three conversations? If yes, what tactics did you use to do so? If not, why? You do not need to cite your notes, but you must include both a reference section and in-text citations for the independent research you conducted.