This discussion should be 2-3 paragraphs in length. Go back to Chapters 4 (Knowi

This discussion should be 2-3 paragraphs in length.
Go back to Chapters 4 (Knowi

This discussion should be 2-3 paragraphs in length.
Go back to Chapters 4 (Knowing What We Already Know: The Process of Background Research) and 5 (Knowing What We Think We Know: Theorizing as a Way of Knowing).
In the first paragraph, discuss the relationship between theorizing new knowledge and the need to do research on past scholarship in order to generate those new ideas. In other words, what process does the communication researcher need to do in order to conduct research on any given topic within the field? Pay particular attention to pages 48-52 for the background research part.
Then, once you’ve explained the process in a general sense, take 1-2 paragraphs to discuss a specific area of communication that interests you. Use concepts that have been studied in the past, but then talk about how you might go about theorizing new avenues or areas within that concept. For instance, maybe you are interested in relational dialectic theory, expectancy violation theory, or even identification (Burke’s rhetorical theory). Discuss the general concept, then tell me how you might go on to study new aspects of the theory, perhaps based on your own experiences or observations. Feel free to cite any sources necessary, including the textbook.

Remember, overall you will be working towards writing a succinct project proposa

Remember, overall you will be working towards writing a succinct project proposa

Remember, overall you will be working towards writing a succinct project proposal that will assert a “solution” to a specific problem, need, or opportunity. *It’s very important that you choose to write a proposal that you truly feel invested in, that you will honestly care about and feel committed to thoroughly completing. The finished document should be something you would actually feel confident about bringing to an audience for serious consideration. Write your proposal based on: An actual company, an “invented” (but keep it serious—no jokes!) company, or your own realistic entrepreneurially-envisioned venture: Draft a focused proposal that details a new product/service concept (services, arguably, might be easiest to creatively invent) that addresses some clear need for another specific organization/company. Importantly, consider how to address your specific audience. Very carefully craft your document in terms of who your primary audience is. THE PARTS/SECTIONS OF THE PROPOSAL 1. –You must start with an Introduction. This opening will give a brief description of your organization and how it can help the targeted audience by using your specific product(s)/services. You may need to briefly assert the audience’s primary issue, problem, and/or need. This should be one short paragraph. –Next, give brief Details on What You Can Provide and some initial examples of how you might aid the audience with their issues. This may include more clearly and definitively asserting the main problem or need the audience faces. You may need to describe the problem/scenario in a brief summary that shows your complete understanding of the situation. You may need to break the description into three to four distinct parts and/or use narrative techniques to make vivid the problem/need/opportunity. This should take one to maybe two paragraphs. 3. –Then, you must Propose a “Solution” with logical “selling points.” Aim to demonstrate how your solution meets the audience’s need(s). Consider your audience carefully as you draft this section of the document. Show how the distinct parts of the problem are each addressed by the proposal’s ideas. Make sure to note the resulting deliverables. Issues/topics to consider may include: Three to four specific audience benefits. Arguments stating why the benefits outweigh the costs. Details showing why your proposal is better than other solutions. Background info on your organization to help persuade the audience (to show your credibility and expertise). Brief details on your realistic implementation plan, which may include a specific timeline for doing the proposal, a basic description of the costs, a solid but short description of each part of the plan/concept. Cover this content in one to three paragraphs. –Request action and review next steps. How will you want your audience to respond? You may need to encourage your readers to meet with you for consultation by a specific deadline. Again, think about your audience. Let the audience know what you want them to do, and you may also consider very briefly restating the steps of your plan and the benefits (or main benefit) to the reader(s). Importantly, be sure to provide them with contact information. Cover this in one short paragraph.

Instructions: Read Chapter 4 of the course text, How To Improve Your Interperson

Read Chapter 4 of the course text, How To Improve Your Interperson

Read Chapter 4 of the course text, How To Improve Your Interpersonal Communication Skills.
Explore the learning tools included in the chapter.
Make sure you have read the requirements for Discussion Boards.
Based on your understanding of the chapter respond to the following prompt:
Post a picture of yourself or something else that represents your identity.
Make sure the image you post is appropriate for sharing in an academic community.
Discuss in three separate paragraphs 3 different ideas about identity that you can relate to the picture. Use ideas that are directly from the course text.
Explain what the idea is. Discuss how it relates to you and the picture you posted.
Write about why the idea is important in your life.
Make sure you use citations when using information from the text book (Saba, Chapter 4.1)
Your post should include 3 citations from the textbook

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30%

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30%

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).
A. Create a proposal (suggested length of 2–4 pages) by doing the following:
1. Identify a problem that is relevant to a professional setting.
2. Describe the significance of the problem.
3. Provide a statement of purpose at the beginning of the proposal that recommends a solution(s) to the problem.
4. Explain the proposed course of action with 2–4 logical steps or justifications (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs per step or justification).
5. Justify how your proposed course of action supports the solutions(s) listed in part A3 and is a suitable choice, using three credible sources to support your response.
6. Identify the challenge(s) that might be encountered while implementing the solution(s) and explain how the challenge(s) could be overcome.
7. Provide a conclusion for the proposal.
B. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Instructions: Read Chapter 4 of the course text, How To Improve Your Interperson

Read Chapter 4 of the course text, How To Improve Your Interperson

Read Chapter 4 of the course text, How To Improve Your Interpersonal Communication Skills.
Explore the learning tools included in the chapter.
Make sure you have read the requirements for Discussion Boards.
Based on your understanding of the chapter respond to the following prompt:
Post a picture of yourself or something else that represents your identity.
Make sure the image you post is appropriate for sharing in an academic community.
Discuss in three separate paragraphs 3 different ideas about identity that you can relate to the picture. Use ideas that are directly from the course text.
Explain what the idea is. Discuss how it relates to you and the picture you posted.
Write about why the idea is important in your life.
Make sure you use citations when using information from the text book (Saba, Chapter 4.1)
Your post should include 3 citations from the textbook

Periodically, you will be given a specific question or issue to write about. Do

Periodically, you will be given a specific question or issue to write about. Do

Periodically, you will be given a specific question or issue to write about. Do NOT throw these entries away after they have been graded as you will be required to review your answers from previous entries and compare your responses to current entries. Each journal entry should be approximately 1-2 pages in length and should be double-spaced and TYPED. Make sure you answer each question in its entirety.
The journal assignments will resemble your textbook readings for that week. In addition, they may ask you to share a personal example(s) that illustrates a particular concept or theory. These entries should reflect your learning experiences in this class. Please make sure that your responses are more than simply a description of events. You should demonstrate your ability to make a connection between the example and the concept or theory. These entries are private between you and I.
Describe a disagreement in detail that you have recently had with another person you currently have an interpersonal relationship with. LABEL THIS STEP.
Write a personal letter to this person describing your main points regarding your position on the argument. Your letter should be long enough to develop your ideas – approximately 300 words. LABEL THIS STEP.
Now put yourself in the other person’s position. Write a “letter” to you from this other person’s perspective describing his or her position and disagreement. This letter should also be approximately 300 words. LABEL THIS STEP.
Now show the letter you wrote in Step # 3 to the person you had a disagreement with. Have that person read and correct any statements that do not accurately reflect his or her position accurately. (Remember, you are doing this so that you can more clearly understand how the issue looks to the other person!) If you would like to, you may also share your letter written in Step # 2 with this person. LABEL THIS STEP.
Make corrections to the letter you received back from the person you had a disagreement with and show it to him or her again. Make sure it accurately reflects his or her viewpoint on the argument. LABEL THIS STEP.
Now record your conclusions to this experiment. By putting yourself in the other person’s “shoes,” has your perception shifted or changed at all? Do you understand the other person’s perspective better? What does this assignment tell you about yourself? About the other? LABEL THIS STEP.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30%

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30%

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).
A. Create a proposal (suggested length of 2–4 pages) by doing the following:
1. Identify a problem that is relevant to a professional setting.
2. Describe the significance of the problem.
3. Provide a statement of purpose at the beginning of the proposal that recommends a solution(s) to the problem.
4. Explain the proposed course of action with 2–4 logical steps or justifications (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs per step or justification).
5. Justify how your proposed course of action supports the solutions(s) listed in part A3 and is a suitable choice, using three credible sources to support your response.
6. Identify the challenge(s) that might be encountered while implementing the solution(s) and explain how the challenge(s) could be overcome.
7. Provide a conclusion for the proposal.
B. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Point of View [POV] DB Requirements: Each POV DB is worth 10 points [total]. Ass

Point of View [POV] DB Requirements: Each POV DB is worth 10 points [total].

Point of View [POV] DB Requirements: Each POV DB is worth 10 points [total].
Assignment prep and set-up for POV DB posts:
Review the POV DB Requirements [word count, etc.].
Do not include the prompt/questions in your post. This DB assignment does not require a textbook citation. Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!
Content of the original thread: The content of your thread should be clearly connected to the point of view assignment prompt. Outside sources are not acceptable. POV DB Requirements: Original thread/post should be at least 250-300 words total and solely based on the prompt.
Peer Responses (2): Each of the two peer responses should be at least 100 words each in length. Peer responses are a dialogue with your classmates. It needs to be your thoughts in response to the original tread content. Stay away from “I like when you said…” and then copy and paste the original thread content and add a few words.
Important Information: Participants must create/post a thread in order to view other threads in each forum. Please do not include prompt/DB questions in your posts. Grammar and spelling should be checked and corrected before you post.
You cannot edit or delete your post once you submit/post it.
Do not post a response to your original thread with additional information or materials that may be missing. POV DB 2: Think about your interactions/discussions with your significant others [family members, friends, or spouse/partners]. Are you asking for what you need? Are you making assumptions about how they will respond? Are you cleaning fighting? How do you respond to criticism? How do you handle the subconscious programming, old scripts, or armor we put up in “discussions” with our significant others [interpersonal relationships]? What do I Do?Start POV DB 2 by watching this short video: POV DB 2.Batching.80.20
Take notes about the clip to help you answer the questions posted below.
Think about your current relationships [family, friends, spouse/partner]. Choose/adapt one of those relationships to use in this assignment. Write up a [minimum] 250-word paragraph answering each of the following questions. [Do NOT put questions into your post]:How aware are you of your subconscious programming, old scripts, or the armor you put up in “discussions” with your significant others?
What is the “batching” method?What did you think of the “batching” method? When or who would you use this method with?
Why? What is the “80/20” method?What did you think of the “80/20” method? When or who would you use this method with?
Why? What did you think of the video clip overall? What are at least two things that you related to in the clip (outside of the “batching” or ” 80/20″ methods).
As a result of watching this video, are you more, the same, or less aware of your subconscious programming, old scripts, or the armor you put up in “discussions” with your significant others?
Will you try either of these methods in the future? Why or Why not?

Emily Rothman’s book, “Pornography and Public Health,” provides a exploration of

Emily Rothman’s book, “Pornography and Public Health,” provides a exploration of

Emily Rothman’s book, “Pornography and Public Health,” provides a exploration of the complex relationship between pornography and public health issues. 750 Words
Big picture, here is what your review should include:
A. Provide an introduction to the review, including bibliographic information and an overview of the memoir’s central premise.
B. Demonstrate an understanding of the book’s themes.
C. Provide a critical analysis of Rothman’s arguments and the broader implications for individuals and society.
D. Discusses the effectiveness of Rothman’s narrative in conveying her message.
E. Use multiple, detailed examples from the book to support Rothman’s analyses experiences and the issues raised.
F. Provide a summary: Does Emily Rothman’s Pornography and Public Health represent a significant contribution to the ongoing debate about the role of pornography in society? Is it a balanced and evidence-based perspective on a contentious topic? Is it an important read for anyone interested in the intersection of media, gender, and public health?
G. Ask yourself: Is this review well-written with no grammatical errors and a clear, coherent structure that enhances the analysis?
Please choose among (several) of the following questions to frame your review: Don’t have to answer all questions
1. Does the book explore the positive and negative effects of pornography? What does the author hope to accomplish by considering pornography to be a public health crisis despite the lack of governmental support for this idea in the US?
2. Does Rothman provide a successful overview of pornography viewers, the content they are likely to encounter, and how this content has evolved over time?
3. Is the author successful in describing the impact of pornography on various aspects of human behavior and health, including aggression, body image, and compulsive use, while also acknowledging the potential benefits of porn literacy in certain contexts?
4. Rothman’s approach is evidence-based. Is she successful on drawing on research and data analysis?
5. Rothman aims to offer meaningful guidance for practice and policy. Is she successful in suggesting ways to minimize possible harms associated with pornography?
6. The book covers a range of subtopics within pornography scholarship. Is it a comprehensive resource for understanding one of the most complicated issues in health and human behavior today?
7. Rothman’s main argument is that while pornography may have various impacts on individuals, it should not be characterized as a public health crisis, and public health approaches should be evidence-based and nuanced, considering both potential harms and benefits of pornography use. What do you think about this argument?
8. She advocates for harm reduction goals, such as motivating people to use less extreme pornography and less frequently, and increasing pornography literacy, rather than trying to end all use. Are these important goals?
9. Additional points you may wish to address:
a. Rothman’s argument is that while pornography can have negative health consequences for some individuals, it does not constitute a public health crisis as some have claimed. What is your opinion?
b. Rothman argues against the notion that pornography is a crisis by stating that it does not fulfill the public health field’s definition of a public health crisis. She points out that pornography use has increased steadily over time rather than spiking or reaching a tipping point; it does not lead directly or imminently to death, disease, property destruction, or population displacement; and it does not overwhelm local health systems. What do you think about these ideas?
c. Rothman’s approach is evidence-based, and she suggests that there may be negative health consequences for some people who use pornography, no substantial consequences for the majority, and even positive effects for some individuals, such as through safer sexual behaviors like solo masturbation. What do you think about these ideas?