Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following c

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following c

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Communicate a position related to a complex issue in a civic context
Training opportunities in the workplace (professional development) have become a sound investment for employers. In addition to reducing recruiting and retention costs, professional development has been demonstrated to boost productivity and job satisfaction. For employees, it also offers new opportunities for enhancing their skills and offers additional opportunities for positioning themselves for new opportunities within the organization outside of regular promotions. For the past seven years, your company has sponsored a professional enrichment program (PEP). Each year a small group or cohort of six to eight employees is chosen to participate in special professional enrichment activities in both group and individual formats. The participants are paired with mentors from leaders across the company. Employees each submit a letter and career plan that serve as their “application” to the program.
Update: You have just passed the mid-year mark of a professional enrichment program you were selected to participate in, and you are eager and ready to face new challenges directly. Your leadership has just announced they want to introduce a new aspect to the program. They will pilot this aspect with your group this year. The intent of this aspect is not just to grow you professionally within the organization but in broader settings as a member of larger communities. You have been requested to identify an issue that impacts the quality of life within a community of your choice and create a proposal to present in a civic setting to your audience. You strategize with your mentor and agree that once you select an issue, you will put together a proposal and presentation plan and draft presentation. This provides you with the opportunity to receive feedback from your mentor prior to presenting to your audience (the individuals or group who would have a vested interest in this issue).
Part 1: Proposal and Presentation Plan (approximately 1,000 words)You will draft your proposal and your plan for communicating it prior to beginning to create the presentation itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narrative for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the location and format) to ensure that your presentation is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback.
Complex Issue: Select a complex issue from the provided list. Describe the “who” and “what” behind the issue you have selected so that your mentor can provide you feedback on the appropriateness of how you’ve situated the problem and your proposal for addressing it for your audience:
Issue explanation
Sociopolitical and historical context of the issue
Importance to the stakeholders in impacted community
Annotated Bibliography: Remember, your mentor has been very clear that an appeal to your audience’s passions is not sufficient in addressing your complex issue. Provide research and evidence that supports your explanation of the complex issue and your recommendations around this issue:
Use relevant and credible sources that represent a variety of perspectives
Explain how sources inform potential and logical next steps based on resources
Your Position and Course of Action: Next, address the “why” behind the issue in your proposal ensuring you:
Explain your position on this issue
Describe a logical course of action or actions aligned with your proposal and supported by evidence
Audience Analysis: Lastly, look carefully at the “who” again and “where.” Potentially there will be individuals in your audience from diverse cultures aside from your primary audience. Discuss the following and how you will ensure your visuals and verbal or text narrative will address:
Norms for the public venue and civic context in which you are presenting
Communication strategies appropriate in addressing your primary audience
Communication strategies appropriate in addressing multicultural audiences that differ from your primary audience (for example, are there linguistic preferences or nonverbal signs that would be preferable or not preferable?)
Part 2: Proposal Presentation (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript)Now that you’ve completed your plan and have a concrete approach around your idea, you feel even more confident about communicating your position! You have many choices for presenting yourself (slide deck with speaker notes or video with transcript). You know your choice will be the “how” behind communicating your position. Your choice of vehicle (slide deck or video) and the information you include in the speaker notes or transcript must address all of the following:
Presentation of Issue: Set the stage for your audience:
Situate your issue by clearly identifying it
Briefly describe the sociopolitical context (local, regional, national, or global)
Recommendation: Ensure you concisely and clearly cover:
Main IdeaArticulate your main idea
Discuss why it is important
Use relevant and credible sources
Call to ActionDescribe a logical course of action or actions aligned with main idea
Include potential benefits and drawbacks
Communication of Explanation: Ensure you are using your speaker notes or video narration/transcript to ensure your narrative:
Aligns to the norms of the public venue in which you are presenting
Addresses cultural needs and expectations of the group
Appropriate Practices: Use conventions that are:
Appropriate to persuasive argumentClear and logical
Suitable for a variety of cultural backgroundsEliminate figurative language such as metaphors, idioms, similes, etc.
Enhance the accessibility of your information with alternative text or transcripts that identify verbal or visual content
Necessary to avoid communicating bias, either intended or unintended
Articulation of Response: Clearly convey meaning, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose:
Correct grammarAvoid slang and jargon
Sentence structure
What to Submit
Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:
Proposal and Presentation Plan (approximately 1,000 words)
Draft your proposal and your plan for communicating it prior to beginning to create the presentation itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narrative for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the location and format) to ensure that your presentation is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback.
Proposal Presentation (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript)
Choose a vehicle (slide deck or video) and include information in the speaker notes or transcript. Your choice will be the “how” behind communicating your position
FEEDBACK: 02/16/24 – Jealany, you have made excellent progress in this section. There are two areas that must be addressed. First, please include substantive support from the research to substantiate your analysis. This will be evidenced through in-text citations and statements that align to specific aspects of each source. Second, you mentioned the legislative piece, but be sure to outline the legislation and political impacts that have shaped the challenge. Great job so far!
02/16/24 – This section looks great; however, you need to identify the specific venue where you will present to your intended audience. Will you present in a conference room or do you have a different venue in mind?
Jealany, you are definitely on the right track, but more is needed to fully incorporate the previous feedback. Please make sure you are addressing the global aspect of the issue within your presentation. You must also discuss the legislative aspects in enough detail to understand how it influences the issue.
02/16/24 – Please include headings within your proposal to help organize your writing, which creates transitions making it easier to distinguish each idea being presented. Additionally, you have a good start with your presentation, but need to elaborate using the speaker’s notes. It is difficult to understand some of the information in your presentation as there is not enough detail to determine the ideas being presented.02/11/24 – There are several areas within your presentation and proposal where you need to elaborate or provide greater depth and details so that your ideas and insights are clear. In some areas of your submission, more is needed to understand key ideas that you have presented. You are definitely on the right track, but need to incorporate more to support the analysis of each section with more specificity and detail.
02/16/24 – Within your proposal, there are still several areas where you have incorporated insights from the research, but have not cited your sources appropriately. Please review your presentation and paper to ensure that you have cited all directly quoted and/or paraphrased information. Please also check the alignment of your sources to ensure your in-text citations and references are aligned. For example, in your presentation, you have a source listed as Obama, but it is not aligned to any of your references. Please review the alignment of your sources and references in your proposal and presentation.02/11/24 – There are a few areas where you have incorporated insights from the research, but have not cited appropriately. Please review your presentation and paper to ensure that you have cited all directly quoted and/or paraphrased information and that all references correspond to an appropriate in-text citation (including images and charts). The Citation Help tile located in BrightSpace can help to determine when and how to cite your sources appropriately. This resource includes access to the CfA Citation Guide and CfA Citation Maker, which will help to cite your sources.

For the mission students will be describing a current area of expertise and the

For the mission students will be describing a current area of expertise and the

For the mission students will be describing a current area of expertise and the associated knowledge and skills that comprise this expertise. The essay will present a specific non-technical skill that is key to an effective expert in this domain identified in the provided resource. The essay is expected to be 5-7 pages not including front matter or the reference page but can be longer if needed to cover the given content. The paper must include the following sections with the listed headings to help unfold a clear storyline and convey the content organized with the GPS model. Cite within the text using APA style in-text citations and a reference page that includes all the items cited within the text
GPS organization for Content
General: Define your chosen domain
G1-Define Domain in which you will be an expert
G2-Give context to clarify understanding of your guiding question
G3-Explain a possible scenario that requires your expertise
Particular: Describe and distinguish the components of expertise for the chosen scenario within the domain
P1 Academic Knowledge
P2-Practical Knowledge
P3-Technical Skills
P4-NonTechnical Skills
Specific: Illustrate how 1 non-technical skill is essential to effective expertise within the chosen domain in the given scenario
S1.Explain more fully the chosen non-technical skill
S2 explain how it is used by experts in the given scenario to apply expertise
S3 Provide example
Please note the above outline maps the GPS generally. You will need to make choices and write an effective essay to make the content clear and understandable to convey your central message completely and persuasively. Be sure to have research and cite using APA format throughout especially when presenting concepts related to your chosen domain and scenario since those concepts are not general knowledge.
Essay Sections
You are asked to use essay format to convey your central message about being an effective expert able to apply expertise in a given scenario. You are able to choose these but they must be aligned with the course materials and be accurate as well as cited with citations. The following sections must be present in the essay to unfold the GPS content effectively.
1. Introduction
Begin the essay with a brief description of your area of expertise. This will most likely relate to your major and/or a future career path you will follow. However, you may decide to choose a different domain to illustrate your expertise. It is typically helpful to narrow the domain rather than say engineering or computer science. Describing your domain as circuit design or cyber-security will make the following sections easier to describe.
After this provide a guiding question that leads us to the specific concept or skill you choose to describe in the specific section of the essay. You will most likely need to write this last. The guiding question may take the form of “In this essay I will explore how {Chosen non-technical skill} is a key non-technical skill for experts in {your domain} when applying their expertise in {scenario}” For example, you might write, ““In this essay I will explore how communication is a key non-technical skill for experts in project management when applying their expertise running small teams on job sites. Of course, the wording will change as you select the specifics and describe them fully.
End this section with a written description of the remain essay to describe the flow that briefly explains each section and the key point or core message covered in each section. Please be sure to cite the information that describes your domain and the type of works experts do within that area.
2. Understanding the Scenario
This section has you expand the basic description of the domain to provide any needed terms or general knowledge needed to understand the filed you are writing about. It must also contain the general description of the scenario in which the particular and specific skills will be seen.
3. Components of Expertise
This section must present a description of the four main components of expertise related to the domain you described in the introduction: academic knowledge, Practical knowledge, technical skills and non-technical skills. For each of these describe and distinguish the elements of each major component. There is no exact correct answer since you need to construct the collection of knowledge and skills that fit together to describe the expertise you need in the given scenario. You can create sub-sections for each or just write this as a continuous set of paragraphs.
·Academic Knowledge
·Practical Knowledge
·Technical Skills
·Non-Technical Skills
This section should provide a transition to the specific non-technical skill you want to examine in the specific section. Normally the easiest one to discuss is communication but you are welcome to choose any of the ones listed in the linked resources provided here:
4. Examining the Elements of My Non-technical Skill
` Illustrate how 1 non-technical skill is essential to effective expertise within the chosen domain in the given scenario
·Explain more fully the chosen non-technical skill
·Explain how it is used by experts in the given scenario to apply expertise
·Provide example
This will be the most personally focused section since you need to connect your choice of a non-technical skill to the major domain and chosen scenario. This also requires you to connect the general ideas to specific examples so you can effectively convey the ideas of your learning and credentials, experience in practical situations as well as the technical skills to the larger non-technical abilities you are arguing for as a key aspect of your expertise.
5. Conclusion
Explain how the nontechnical skill ties back to having expertise in the given field and contributes to being seen as an expert in the described scenario. End with a clear take away for the audience connected to your core message I am studying mechanical engineering and I work as assistant project manager you can use that as the expertise

Instructions are in picture. Looking for sources 20 different sources that revie

Instructions are in picture. Looking for sources 20 different sources that revie

Instructions are in picture. Looking for sources 20 different sources that review and collect literature from my two fields of study and look for areas where they connect. (Biology and Psychology). Utilize trade journals, periodicals, books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc. Look for, and identify, problems and issues that require the blending of your two fields of study to solve an issue or problem A minimum of 20 different sources are to be used and cited.
I am a interdisciplinary Studies major so you can put something like that in with the sources

Prepare a final 8-10 minute recorded multi-media presentation. Your presentation

Prepare a final 8-10 minute recorded multi-media presentation. Your presentation

Prepare a final 8-10 minute recorded multi-media presentation. Your presentation should include a brief summary of one of the theories from class, and your critical analysis of a media text. By ‘media texts” we do not mean something written about the media, but rather a text that exists in the media. Appropriate texts for analysis are advertising campaigns, PSAs, news coverage of a topic in tradition media outlets (TV or print media) or social media, hashtags, films or scripted series, reality TV shows, etc.
Spend approximately 1/3 of your presentation introducing the topic and describing the theory and 2/3 of the presentation applying the theory to create an original analysis of your chosen media text. Be sure to include your chosen media texts as examples, but do not let the texts “speak for themselves.” Instead, provide a clear analysis of the texts founded on your chosen theory.

For the mission students will be describing a current area of expertise and the

For the mission students will be describing a current area of expertise and the

For the mission students will be describing a current area of expertise and the associated knowledge and skills that comprise this expertise. The essay will present a specific non-technical skill that is key to an effective expert in this domain identified in the provided resource. The essay is expected to be 5-7 pages not including front matter or the reference page but can be longer if needed to cover the given content. The paper must include the following sections with the listed headings to help unfold a clear storyline and convey the content organized with the GPS model. Cite within the text using APA style in-text citations and a reference page that includes all the items cited within the text
GPS organization for Content
General: Define your chosen domain
G1-Define Domain in which you will be an expert
G2-Give context to clarify understanding of your guiding question
G3-Explain a possible scenario that requires your expertise
Particular: Describe and distinguish the components of expertise for the chosen scenario within the domain
P1 Academic Knowledge
P2-Practical Knowledge
P3-Technical Skills
P4-NonTechnical Skills
Specific: Illustrate how 1 non-technical skill is essential to effective expertise within the chosen domain in the given scenario
S1.Explain more fully the chosen non-technical skill
S2 explain how it is used by experts in the given scenario to apply expertise
S3 Provide example
Please note the above outline maps the GPS generally. You will need to make choices and write an effective essay to make the content clear and understandable to convey your central message completely and persuasively. Be sure to have research and cite using APA format throughout especially when presenting concepts related to your chosen domain and scenario since those concepts are not general knowledge.
Essay Sections
You are asked to use essay format to convey your central message about being an effective expert able to apply expertise in a given scenario. You are able to choose these but they must be aligned with the course materials and be accurate as well as cited with citations. The following sections must be present in the essay to unfold the GPS content effectively.
1. Introduction
Begin the essay with a brief description of your area of expertise. This will most likely relate to your major and/or a future career path you will follow. However, you may decide to choose a different domain to illustrate your expertise. It is typically helpful to narrow the domain rather than say engineering or computer science. Describing your domain as circuit design or cyber-security will make the following sections easier to describe.
After this provide a guiding question that leads us to the specific concept or skill you choose to describe in the specific section of the essay. You will most likely need to write this last. The guiding question may take the form of “In this essay I will explore how {Chosen non-technical skill} is a key non-technical skill for experts in {your domain} when applying their expertise in {scenario}” For example, you might write, ““In this essay I will explore how communication is a key non-technical skill for experts in project management when applying their expertise running small teams on job sites. Of course, the wording will change as you select the specifics and describe them fully.
End this section with a written description of the remain essay to describe the flow that briefly explains each section and the key point or core message covered in each section. Please be sure to cite the information that describes your domain and the type of works experts do within that area.
2. Understanding the Scenario
This section has you expand the basic description of the domain to provide any needed terms or general knowledge needed to understand the filed you are writing about. It must also contain the general description of the scenario in which the particular and specific skills will be seen.
3. Components of Expertise
This section must present a description of the four main components of expertise related to the domain you described in the introduction: academic knowledge, Practical knowledge, technical skills and non-technical skills. For each of these describe and distinguish the elements of each major component. There is no exact correct answer since you need to construct the collection of knowledge and skills that fit together to describe the expertise you need in the given scenario. You can create sub-sections for each or just write this as a continuous set of paragraphs.
·Academic Knowledge
·Practical Knowledge
·Technical Skills
·Non-Technical Skills
This section should provide a transition to the specific non-technical skill you want to examine in the specific section. Normally the easiest one to discuss is communication but you are welcome to choose any of the ones listed in the linked resources provided here:
4. Examining the Elements of My Non-technical Skill
` Illustrate how 1 non-technical skill is essential to effective expertise within the chosen domain in the given scenario
·Explain more fully the chosen non-technical skill
·Explain how it is used by experts in the given scenario to apply expertise
·Provide example
This will be the most personally focused section since you need to connect your choice of a non-technical skill to the major domain and chosen scenario. This also requires you to connect the general ideas to specific examples so you can effectively convey the ideas of your learning and credentials, experience in practical situations as well as the technical skills to the larger non-technical abilities you are arguing for as a key aspect of your expertise.
5. Conclusion
Explain how the nontechnical skill ties back to having expertise in the given field and contributes to being seen as an expert in the described scenario. End with a clear take away for the audience connected to your core message I am studying mechanical engineering and I work as assistant project manager you can use that as the expertise

Video: review video and materials be

review video and materials be

review video and materials below, and follow the discussion assignment instructions below.
Then reflect here on any or all of the following questions:
What surprised you most about the Power Privilege Checklist and why?
How have the various forms of power/privilege and/or the lack thereof, impacted you personally in life?
The phrase “white privilege,” can sometimes be heard/processed as a personal attack – even when that is not the intention of the speaker. It is common to hear relatively-non-racist people say something along the lines of, “What do you mean ‘white privilege?’ Nobody gave me anything. I worked hard for everything I’ve ever gotten in life.” The defensive reaction is so common, that scholars have coined the term, ‘white fragility’ to describe it.Full disclosure: I personally identify as Caucasian, and this was my first gut-reaction upon hearing the phrase for the first time as well. I get it now, but didn’t then. The first time I heard it, it sounded to my subconscious mind like, “Everything you have was given to you because you are white. You have done something terrible to all people who are not white and are enjoying the advantages of that terrible thing you did.”
So my question is – Does the phrase, “white privilege” get the job done? Is it the best and most effective way to communicate the concept? It certainly seems accurate once one has taken some time to get past that initial, defensive gut reaction – but doesn’t it cause far more people to put up a defensive wall and “fight back” as opposed to listen further? Can you think of a better way to communicate the concept of systemic advantages? Perhaps one that might not be so instantly processed as a direct and personal attack? Or is that, “slap in the face,” a necessary and valuable part of waking people up to the ways that other people experience the world?
Feel free to attach or embed media examples that illustrate your points.Power/Privilege reflection of 300 words or more, in multiple, well-formatted paragraphs, addressing any combination of the questions above

Video: review video and materials be

review video and materials be

review video and materials below, and follow the discussion assignment instructions below.
Then reflect here on any or all of the following questions:
What surprised you most about the Power Privilege Checklist and why?
How have the various forms of power/privilege and/or the lack thereof, impacted you personally in life?
The phrase “white privilege,” can sometimes be heard/processed as a personal attack – even when that is not the intention of the speaker. It is common to hear relatively-non-racist people say something along the lines of, “What do you mean ‘white privilege?’ Nobody gave me anything. I worked hard for everything I’ve ever gotten in life.” The defensive reaction is so common, that scholars have coined the term, ‘white fragility’ to describe it.Full disclosure: I personally identify as Caucasian, and this was my first gut-reaction upon hearing the phrase for the first time as well. I get it now, but didn’t then. The first time I heard it, it sounded to my subconscious mind like, “Everything you have was given to you because you are white. You have done something terrible to all people who are not white and are enjoying the advantages of that terrible thing you did.”
So my question is – Does the phrase, “white privilege” get the job done? Is it the best and most effective way to communicate the concept? It certainly seems accurate once one has taken some time to get past that initial, defensive gut reaction – but doesn’t it cause far more people to put up a defensive wall and “fight back” as opposed to listen further? Can you think of a better way to communicate the concept of systemic advantages? Perhaps one that might not be so instantly processed as a direct and personal attack? Or is that, “slap in the face,” a necessary and valuable part of waking people up to the ways that other people experience the world?
Feel free to attach or embed media examples that illustrate your points.Power/Privilege reflection of 300 words or more, in multiple, well-formatted paragraphs, addressing any combination of the questions above

Instructions are in picture. Looking for sources 20 different sources that revie

Instructions are in picture. Looking for sources 20 different sources that revie

Instructions are in picture. Looking for sources 20 different sources that review and collect literature from my two fields of study and look for areas where they connect. (Biology and Psychology). Utilize trade journals, periodicals, books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc. Look for, and identify, problems and issues that require the blending of your two fields of study to solve an issue or problem A minimum of 20 different sources are to be used and cited.
I am a interdisciplinary Studies major so you can put something like that in with the sources