Requirements : Point of View [POV] DB Requirements: Each POV DB is worth 10 poin

Requirements : Point of View [POV] DB Requirements: Each POV DB is worth 10 poin

Requirements : Point of View [POV] DB Requirements: Each POV DB is worth 10 points [total].
Assignment prep and set-up for POV DB posts:
Review the POV DB Requirements [word count, etc.].
Do not include the prompt/questions in your post.
This DB assignment does not require a textbook citation.
Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!
Content of the original thread: The content of your thread should be clearly connected to the point of view assignment prompt. Outside sources are not acceptable.
POV DB Requirements: Original thread/post should be at least 250-300 words total and solely based on the prompt.
Peer Responses (2): Each of the two peer responses should be at least 100 words each in length. Peer responses are a dialogue with your classmates. It needs to be your thoughts in response to the original tread content. Stay away from “I like when you said…” and then copy and paste the original thread content and add a few words.
Important Information:
Participants must create/post a thread in order to view other threads in each forum.
Please do not include prompt/DB questions in your posts.
Grammar and spelling should be checked and corrected before you post.
You cannot edit or delete your post once you submit/post it.
Do not post a response to your original thread with additional information or materials that may be missing.
Do not submit your post as an attachment or link (i.e., Word file, Google Docs, etc). It must be typed/copied & pasted into the text box.
POV DB 1: Affirmation Station: You might be wondering . . . what in the world is an affirmation station?? Well, affirmation is a form of emotional support or encouragement! This prompt is all about empowerment! If you say it, you can be it! An affirmation station is you communicating who you believe you are to the world!What do I Do?Start your project by creating 6 positive affirmations. Think about some traits that you know are true about yourself. Create affirmations that make you feel empowered!
To create an Affirmation Station [see photo], the first thing you will need is a mirror. The mirror should be one you use every day. You will also need tape, paper, and something fun to write with! You do not have to produce “arts and crafts” level headers or affirmation cards. You may use notebook paper for headers and cards. The writing on the header and cards should be big enough to read!
Creating your Affirmation Station: Begin your affirmation station by creating the “I am” header.
Next, create your six affirmation cards [examples: “Worthy,” “Heard,” “Loved”]
Once you have chosen the phrases you want to use, simply tape the “I am” header to the top of the mirror and the 6 phrases along the sides of the mirror. Focus on the header and the phrases.
Then EVERY DAY during this class, look at and read OUT LOUD all of the wonderful things that ARE true about you before you “come” to class!
To complete this prompt, you will:Take a picture of your Affirmation Station!
Upload a photo of your affirmation station.
To post photos:
Click on the “Insert” link above the text box.
Scroll down to “Image”
Click on “Upload” image
Do not post a link, media file, or document.
After you post your Affirmation Station photo, write up a [minimum] 250-word paragraph describing/explaining each of your affirmations. How does each of the affirmations make you feel more positive? More empowered?
To submit your POV DB 1, you will:Upload a photo of your affirmation station. To post photos:
Click on the “Insert” link above the text box.
Scroll down to “Image”
Click on “Upload” image
Do not post a link, media file, or document.
After you post your Affirmation Stationphoto, cut and paste or type up a [minimum] 250-word paragraph describing/explaining each of your affirmations. How does each of the affirmations make you feel more positive? More empowered?

This assignment is worth 15 points. It should be typed and printed, with each qu

This assignment is worth 15 points. It should be typed and printed, with each qu

This assignment is worth 15 points. It should be typed and printed, with each question included before each response. No emailed copies, please. This assignment is due at the start of class on Tuesday, February 6. Late assignments (late meaning submitted any time after I collect them) will lose 5 points per day, so please plan ahead for early printing.
1. Please read “I Have a Dream” (can be found in your Language Awareness book or here: Transcript of Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech: NPR ) AND listen to his speech in the video (it’s important that you hear his tone of voice).
2. Respond to the following questions (please copy and paste the questions prior to your responses):
* Who is the intended audience for this speech (explain your answer)?
* What do think is the overall message Dr. King wanted to convey?
* Identify one line in the speech that stands out to you; include this line in your response, and explain why you find it meaningful.
* Dr. King uses metaphors throughout the speech. Please answer:
—What is a metaphor
—What are three metaphors he uses in the speech
—Tell me in your own words what you think each metaphor means/signifies
* Identify three speaking strategies/techniques Dr. King uses to convey his message. Consider things such as volume, emphasis, rate of speech, etc. (these are just examples; he uses many techniques)
Explain how you think each strategy impacts his speech
For each strategy, share a specific example from his speech that highlights this technique
indicate how/if you might personally use/consider this skill for your own speeches (in class, at Robert Morris, in life).

Directions: For this assignment do the following: Write a literature review usin

Directions: For this assignment do the following:
Write a literature review usin

Directions: For this assignment do the following:
Write a literature review using a minimum of four academic peer reviewed journal articles.
Refer back to Assignment 1, create a new document and start creating a flowing prose paper. The format should be as follows:Introduction (this will be number 1 from assignment 1). Don’t forget to include your research question at the end of the paragraph.
Literature review (be sure to look at the resources in week 2 and the many resources through the UMGC library).
Conclusion (this should be a conclusion based off the literature that you presented).
Format Requirements:
Four academic peer reviewed journal articles must be used and cited both in text and in a reference page
Paper is written in flowing prose NOT 1., 2., format
APA format must be used (this includes a cover page and a reference page).

Write a response to Stuart Hall’s essay “The television Discourse: Encoding and

Write a response to Stuart Hall’s essay “The television Discourse: Encoding and

Write a response to Stuart Hall’s essay “The television Discourse: Encoding and Decoding” and Linda Steiner’s (1988) essay “ Oppositional Decoding as an Act of Resistance.” You should also refer to the three short videos assigned for this week. Pay particular attention to each author’s discussion of various forms of decoding.
As always, the paper should reflect a critical reading of the texts and your reaction. Think of the paper as having two parts:
1) Make sure to identify the key arguments/relevant concepts in the videos and the readings. Summarize what the authors meant, or at least what you think the authors meant, and try to see the world with that theoretical lense.
2) Critique the theory from an outside perspective, finding its strengths but also its flaws.
Post paper in Word on Canvas by Wednesday at midnight EST (600-800 words).
* * You should write in your own words. You are welcome to use direct quotes, but the quoted materials will not count toward the minimum word count. Paraphrasing materials must also be in your own words – it is not enough to just change a few words here and there.

Assignment prep and set-up for DB posts: Review the DB Requirements [word count,

Assignment prep and set-up for DB posts:
Review the DB Requirements [word count,

Assignment prep and set-up for DB posts:
Review the DB Requirements [word count, textbook reference, etc.].
Read the designated chapters for the week before you start this assignment.
Choose one of the two posted chapter prompts to complete.
Start your paragraph with the chapter number. Example: Chapter 1
Do not include the prompt/questions in your post.
Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!
Content of the original thread: The content of your thread should be clearly connected to the chapter reading/topic. Outside sources are not acceptable.
CH DB Requirements: Original thread/post should be at least 300-400 words total and have a least 1textbook reference from the specific chapter. You must include a citation with your textbook reference. For this class, citations should be listed as textbook chapter and page number (Chapter 3, p. 72).
Peer Responses (2): Each of the two peer responses should be at least 150 words each in length and have a least 1 textbook from either of the specified chapters. For this class, citations should be listed as textbook chapter and page number (Chapter 3, p. 72). You will have 1 textbook reference/citation in each of your peer response posts.
To earn maximum points:
You must have a clear reference to the textbook in both your original post and your peer responses. Textbook references should be exclusively taken from the course textbook. References from any source other than the required textbook [Interplay/15th Ed.] will not be accepted and will result in a loss of points.
Do not use any of the textbook references from your original tread or another student’s original tread in any of your peer responses.
Peer responses are a dialogue with your classmates. It needs to be your thoughts in response to the original tread content. Stay away from “I like when you said…” and then copy and paste the original thread content and add a few words.
Important Information:
Participants must create/post a thread to view other threads in each forum.
Please do not include prompt/DB questions in your posts.
Grammar and spelling should be checked and corrected before you post.
You cannot edit or delete your post once you submit/post it.
Do not post a response to your original thread with additional information or materials that may be missing.
Do not submit your post as an attachment or link (i.e., Word file, Google Docs, etc). It must be typed/copied & pasted into the text box.
All DB assignments require Interplay textbook connections and references.
Discussion Board 1: Chapters 1 & 2Review the Discussion Board Requirements [word count, textbook reference, etc.].
Choose one of the two posted chapter prompts to complete.
Start your paragraph with the chapter number. Example: Chapter 1
Do not include the prompt/questions in your post.
Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!
Option 1: Chapter 1: Communication Strengths and Weaknesses in Face-to-Face Interactions Review the section on “Characteristics of Competent Communication” in the course text [Interplay].Then, think of your current relationships that involve regular communication. Answer each of the following questions:What do you identify as your single major strength in the area of interpersonal communication? Cite one specific personal example where you displayed this strength.
What do you identify as your one significant weakness? Give one specific example to illustrate why you feel this is a problem area for you.
How do your strength and weakness both relate to the “Characteristics of Competent Communication” section in Chapter 1? Make sure to use course terminology in your analysis.
How can you improve your face-to-face communication?
Option 2: Chapter 2: Social Media/Tweets, Say it or Type It? To begin, watch this video: Men Read Mean Tweets to Women Sports ReportersAfter you view the video, answer each of the following questions:The men reading the mean tweets found it difficult to do so. Why did the writers of the tweets not find it so difficult to post them?
Do you have any examples or experiences where people displayed incivility on social media?
Are people more or less civil online than face-to-face? Why?
The tagline of the video is “We wouldn’t say it to their faces, so let’s not type it.” How can this principle be applied to the use of social media more generally?
Participants must create/post a thread in order to view other threads in each forum. Please do not include prompt/DB questions in your posts. Do not post a blank thread or a partial thread to access the threads and read before posting your thread. In the past, this method has been used by students to copy or steal content from the posts of classmates. This is obvious when someone posts a blank thread and then posts their original thread later. If this occurs, the second post will be pulled down and receive no credit. If you accidentally submit a blank original thread [hit submit too soon], immediately submit another original thread (within 5 minutes of “blank” post) for credit. Then, send the Professor an Inbox explaining the situatio so the blank page can be pulled down.

RESPOND TO THIS DISCUSSION BOARD PLEASE: Kimberly’s Center for Child Protection

Kimberly’s Center for Child Protection

Kimberly’s Center for Child Protection
The Kimberly’s Center for Child Protection is a place of protection, help, hope and healing for children affected by neglect or abuse (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). The goal of this organization is to have a positive and lasting impact for a safer community so that children can thrive, grow, and reach their potential. This organization is in Ocala, Florida. This facility works closely with several law enforcement agencies and the Department of Children and Families. For example, The Marion County Sheriff’s Office has placed detectives, who are specifically trained and credentialed to conduct forensic interviews with children, at this location for investigative purposes. The State Attorney Office also works together with this organization. There is a large number of children that are under the authority of these joint agencies. To give perspective, On July 1, 2022, the United States Census Bureau reported that Marion County Florida has a population of 396,415 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2022), which more than warrants the need for this non-profit organization.
The qualifications required to work for or in affiliation with this organization are stringent (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). In relation to the specially designated law enforcement detectives of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, specialized training and educational classes are provided and required. The first responders who are stationed at this facility must first be sworn law enforcement officers. More specifically, they are detectives that are under the Major Crimes Unit. These detectives are assigned at the discretion of the Sheriff. Their training includes experience as a patrol deputy. The classes required are Interviews and Interrogations, Advanced Report Writing, Sex Crimes Investigations, Child Crimes Investigations, and Abuse and Neglect Investigations. Several of these classes are offered by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and may be hosted by a local college or university. These courses are vital to the training and integrity of the process. Once equipped with specialized training, the detectives will have the knowledge to conduct a proper investigation. This will also assist with court proceedings. Having these credentials will help validate the testimony in court.
This all-in-one facility has a wide range of resources involved. This consists of an Executive Director, Medical Director, Clinical Director, Senior Case Coordinator, CPT Case Coordinator, Nurse Practitioner, Data Specialist, Child Advocate, Intake Coordinator, Development Director, Therapist, and Interns. Each person plays a vital role in the process. With the multiple moving parts, it is critical that the proper communication and procedures are conducted.
Three step process
Kimerly’s Center for Child Protection has implemented a three-step process for healing (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). Their specialty trained staff are prepared to provide a child-friendly and safe environment for children of all ages. This then opens the door and allows the children to communicate their neglect and abuse to this specialty trained personnel, and from there, the journey will begin for the healing process to take place.
Step 1: Respond
The first step in the process is to respond. Kimberly’s Center for Child Protection has investigators on call and ready to activate (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). They function as twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week organization. Even during the holidays, they will respond immediately and without hesitation. These investigating experts provide specialized treatment through forensic interviews of children. This is to help stop further trauma to the child by the information that they obtain. This also includes medical examinations for children. This would include physical abuse and even sexual battery kits. This is crucial to the preservation of evidence and the integrity of the case moving forward.
Step 2: Protect
The second step in this process is to protect (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). This is where the child advocate comes into the process. This advocate is designated specifically to the child for the entire process. From the beginning to the end, this advocate will be present on the child’s behalf. This will also include court proceedings. They will work together with the State Attorney Office on behalf of the child. They also educate others in schools with prevention and awareness training. Awareness is an ongoing project for this organization because awareness unlocks the call to action.
Step 3: Restore
The third step is to restore. This is where the expert therapist in child crisis and trauma comes in. These experts are specialized in their field and provide the therapy that the child may need. This then begins the road to recovery for children and their family. This is also the road to healing and recovery from the neglect and abuse (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024).
Psalm 127:3, “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him (New International Version, 2024).
Get involved!
On their website, the Kimberly Center for Child Protection stated that one out of four children have been the victim of neglect or abuse by the age of eighteen (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). From its inception, this organization has helped over twenty-two thousand children from abuse or neglect in this community. They have also implemented a three-step process for others to help and to take part.
Step 1: Become Aware
The first step is becoming aware (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). Denying or ignoring the reality of these situations does not make it go away. The reality is that most people are not aware of the extent of the abuse and neglect that targeted children endure daily. Before asking to donate, the Kimberly Center offers an impact report. This will provide statistical information on the amount of abuse in their community. More importantly, it goes on to show the positive outcome that their resources have provided to the children in need.
Step 2: Take a tour.
The second step is to take a tour (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). The website will provide a virtual tour of their facilities and resources. The goal is for donors to be inspired by the life changing effects that the facility provides.
Step 3: Make an Impact
The third step is a call to action (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). This is to make a positive and lasting impact on a child’s life. They request support from them so that they can in turn support the children in need. We can then be accountable and play our part in the process of providing help, hope and healing for children who may not be able to stand up for themselves. They also provide annual events such as art auctions and racing events. The is not only to raise money but also to raise awareness of their cause.
In conclusion, this organization was chosen based on its mission, purpose and need. Children are more than just our future, they are us. We are responsible for the legacy that we leave. Kimberly’s Center can be contacted anytime by telephone or email.
Matthew 18:2-5 states, “He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me” (New International Version, 2024).
Compassionate Response to the Trauma of Child Abuse in a Safe and Child Friendly Environment. Kimberlys Center for Child Protection – Ocala, FL. (2024).
The Holy Bible: New International Version. (2024). Zondervan
DNA Screening Laboratory Internal Manual, Marion County Sheriff’s Office (2024)
Quick facts – (2024).

Assignment prep and set-up for DB posts: Review the DB Requirements [word count,

Assignment prep and set-up for DB posts:
Review the DB Requirements [word count,

Assignment prep and set-up for DB posts:
Review the DB Requirements [word count, textbook reference, etc.].
Read the designated chapters for the week before you start this assignment.
Choose one of the two posted chapter prompts to complete.
Start your paragraph with the chapter number. Example: Chapter 1
Do not include the prompt/questions in your post.
Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!
Content of the original thread: The content of your thread should be clearly connected to the chapter reading/topic. Outside sources are not acceptable.
CH DB Requirements: Original thread/post should be at least 300-400 words total and have a least 1textbook reference from the specific chapter. You must include a citation with your textbook reference. For this class, citations should be listed as textbook chapter and page number (Chapter 3, p. 72).
Peer Responses (2): Each of the two peer responses should be at least 150 words each in length and have a least 1 textbook from either of the specified chapters. For this class, citations should be listed as textbook chapter and page number (Chapter 3, p. 72). You will have 1 textbook reference/citation in each of your peer response posts.
To earn maximum points:
You must have a clear reference to the textbook in both your original post and your peer responses. Textbook references should be exclusively taken from the course textbook. References from any source other than the required textbook [Interplay/15th Ed.] will not be accepted and will result in a loss of points.
Do not use any of the textbook references from your original tread or another student’s original tread in any of your peer responses.
Peer responses are a dialogue with your classmates. It needs to be your thoughts in response to the original tread content. Stay away from “I like when you said…” and then copy and paste the original thread content and add a few words.
Important Information:
Participants must create/post a thread to view other threads in each forum.
Please do not include prompt/DB questions in your posts.
Grammar and spelling should be checked and corrected before you post.
You cannot edit or delete your post once you submit/post it.
Do not post a response to your original thread with additional information or materials that may be missing.
Do not submit your post as an attachment or link (i.e., Word file, Google Docs, etc). It must be typed/copied & pasted into the text box.
All DB assignments require Interplay textbook connections and references.
Discussion Board 1: Chapters 1 & 2Review the Discussion Board Requirements [word count, textbook reference, etc.].
Choose one of the two posted chapter prompts to complete.
Start your paragraph with the chapter number. Example: Chapter 1
Do not include the prompt/questions in your post.
Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!
Option 1: Chapter 1: Communication Strengths and Weaknesses in Face-to-Face Interactions Review the section on “Characteristics of Competent Communication” in the course text [Interplay].Then, think of your current relationships that involve regular communication. Answer each of the following questions:What do you identify as your single major strength in the area of interpersonal communication? Cite one specific personal example where you displayed this strength.
What do you identify as your one significant weakness? Give one specific example to illustrate why you feel this is a problem area for you.
How do your strength and weakness both relate to the “Characteristics of Competent Communication” section in Chapter 1? Make sure to use course terminology in your analysis.
How can you improve your face-to-face communication?
Option 2: Chapter 2: Social Media/Tweets, Say it or Type It? To begin, watch this video: Men Read Mean Tweets to Women Sports ReportersAfter you view the video, answer each of the following questions:The men reading the mean tweets found it difficult to do so. Why did the writers of the tweets not find it so difficult to post them?
Do you have any examples or experiences where people displayed incivility on social media?
Are people more or less civil online than face-to-face? Why?
The tagline of the video is “We wouldn’t say it to their faces, so let’s not type it.” How can this principle be applied to the use of social media more generally?
Participants must create/post a thread in order to view other threads in each forum. Please do not include prompt/DB questions in your posts. Do not post a blank thread or a partial thread to access the threads and read before posting your thread. In the past, this method has been used by students to copy or steal content from the posts of classmates. This is obvious when someone posts a blank thread and then posts their original thread later. If this occurs, the second post will be pulled down and receive no credit. If you accidentally submit a blank original thread [hit submit too soon], immediately submit another original thread (within 5 minutes of “blank” post) for credit. Then, send the Professor an Inbox explaining the situatio so the blank page can be pulled down.

Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following c

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following c

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Communicate a position related to a complex issue in a civic context
Training opportunities in the workplace (professional development) have become a sound investment for employers. In addition to reducing recruiting and retention costs, professional development has been demonstrated to boost productivity and job satisfaction. For employees, it also offers new opportunities for enhancing their skills and offers additional opportunities for positioning themselves for new opportunities within the organization outside of regular promotions. For the past seven years, your company has sponsored a professional enrichment program (PEP). Each year a small group or cohort of six to eight employees is chosen to participate in special professional enrichment activities in both group and individual formats. The participants are paired with mentors from leaders across the company. Employees each submit a letter and career plan that serve as their “application” to the program.
Update: You have just passed the mid-year mark of a professional enrichment program you were selected to participate in, and you are eager and ready to face new challenges directly. Your leadership has just announced they want to introduce a new aspect to the program. They will pilot this aspect with your group this year. The intent of this aspect is not just to grow you professionally within the organization but in broader settings as a member of larger communities. You have been requested to identify an issue that impacts the quality of life within a community of your choice and create a proposal to present in a civic setting to your audience. You strategize with your mentor and agree that once you select an issue, you will put together a proposal and presentation plan and draft presentation. This provides you with the opportunity to receive feedback from your mentor prior to presenting to your audience (the individuals or group who would have a vested interest in this issue).
Part 1: Proposal and Presentation Plan (approximately 1,000 words)You will draft your proposal and your plan for communicating it prior to beginning to create the presentation itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narrative for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the location and format) to ensure that your presentation is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback.
Complex Issue: Select a complex issue from the provided list. Describe the “who” and “what” behind the issue you have selected so that your mentor can provide you feedback on the appropriateness of how you’ve situated the problem and your proposal for addressing it for your audience:
Issue explanation
Sociopolitical and historical context of the issue
Importance to the stakeholders in impacted community
Annotated Bibliography: Remember, your mentor has been very clear that an appeal to your audience’s passions is not sufficient in addressing your complex issue. Provide research and evidence that supports your explanation of the complex issue and your recommendations around this issue:
Use relevant and credible sources that represent a variety of perspectives
Explain how sources inform potential and logical next steps based on resources
Your Position and Course of Action: Next, address the “why” behind the issue in your proposal ensuring you:
Explain your position on this issue
Describe a logical course of action or actions aligned with your proposal and supported by evidence
Audience Analysis: Lastly, look carefully at the “who” again and “where.” Potentially there will be individuals in your audience from diverse cultures aside from your primary audience. Discuss the following and how you will ensure your visuals and verbal or text narrative will address:
Norms for the public venue and civic context in which you are presenting
Communication strategies appropriate in addressing your primary audience
Communication strategies appropriate in addressing multicultural audiences that differ from your primary audience (for example, are there linguistic preferences or nonverbal signs that would be preferable or not preferable?)
Part 2: Proposal Presentation (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript)Now that you’ve completed your plan and have a concrete approach around your idea, you feel even more confident about communicating your position! You have many choices for presenting yourself (slide deck with speaker notes or video with transcript). You know your choice will be the “how” behind communicating your position. Your choice of vehicle (slide deck or video) and the information you include in the speaker notes or transcript must address all of the following:
Presentation of Issue: Set the stage for your audience:
Situate your issue by clearly identifying it
Briefly describe the sociopolitical context (local, regional, national, or global)
Recommendation: Ensure you concisely and clearly cover:
Main IdeaArticulate your main idea
Discuss why it is important
Use relevant and credible sources
Call to ActionDescribe a logical course of action or actions aligned with main idea
Include potential benefits and drawbacks
Communication of Explanation: Ensure you are using your speaker notes or video narration/transcript to ensure your narrative:
Aligns to the norms of the public venue in which you are presenting
Addresses cultural needs and expectations of the group
Appropriate Practices: Use conventions that are:
Appropriate to persuasive argumentClear and logical
Suitable for a variety of cultural backgroundsEliminate figurative language such as metaphors, idioms, similes, etc.
Enhance the accessibility of your information with alternative text or transcripts that identify verbal or visual content
Necessary to avoid communicating bias, either intended or unintended
Articulation of Response: Clearly convey meaning, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose:
Correct grammarAvoid slang and jargon
Sentence structure
What to Submit
Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:
Proposal and Presentation Plan (approximately 1,000 words)
Draft your proposal and your plan for communicating it prior to beginning to create the presentation itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narrative for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the location and format) to ensure that your presentation is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback.
Proposal Presentation (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript)
Choose a vehicle (slide deck or video) and include information in the speaker notes or transcript. Your choice will be the “how” behind communicating your position.

Description: During the Week 3 Assignment, Project Plan, you chose a topic and

During the Week 3 Assignment, Project Plan, you chose a topic and

During the Week 3 Assignment, Project Plan, you chose a topic and created your project plan. In the Week 3 Lesson, you read about location and access and in Week 4, you learned about organizing your digital information and storing that information responsibly. Now it is time to take the work you did in the Week 3 Assignment, Project Plan, and locate and evaluate sources (CO2 & 5) that that will lead to your Week Week 7 Assignment, Final Project.
Please follow these instructions:
Download the Source Evaluation Worksheet template (in Word).
Complete Parts I and II in the worksheet.
Find a minimum of three (3) sources. One (1) source must be an academic source and from the APUS Trefrey Library and the other sources must be credible and appropriate for college research.
Please include robust source summaries in your own words that explain the contents of the source and the relevance of the source to your topic.