Relational Communication Journal [5 points] Before Posting the Assignment: Read

Relational Communication Journal [5 points]
Before Posting the Assignment:

Relational Communication Journal [5 points]
Before Posting the Assignment:
Read and follow the instructions provided in the “RCJ Requirements [READ]”.
Do not put assignment questions into your assignment.
Spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post.
Review each paragraph and make sure you have met all the requirements.
Posting the Assignment:
Type or copy and paste your assignment into the submission text box.
Click on the Submit link.
Be sure and submit your assignment before the 11:59 pm deadline. Assignments sent via e-mail or Inbox [Canvas] or posted in “Comments” will not be accepted for credit.
Relax for a few minutes and bask in the glow of your genius.

Course Project: Team Building The course project has major assignments that wil

Course Project: Team Building
The course project has major assignments that wil

Course Project: Team Building
The course project has major assignments that will be due in Weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.
Continue to use the organization you selected for your final project in Week 1. This week, you are being placed on a ten-person virtual team. You decide that prior to the team getting started on the project, you want to do some research that will help you identify ways to make your virtual team most effective. You may need to create hypothetical details about the team and its purpose on the basis of what you know of the organization you selected for the final project.
On the basis of your research, write a paper addressing the following:
Assess the purpose of the team (i.e., what is the project it has been assigned?) and the contribution of key members to team purpose.
Analyze four to six potential problems that virtual teams typically face. Is the hypothetical team you described susceptible to these problems? What specific problems might it develop?
Justify four to six viable solutions to make your team effective, including why these solutions will work.
Submission Details:
Name your file: SU_MBA5001_W4_ LastName_FirstInitial.doc
Submit your Five- to SIX -page paper in APA style to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. (with Reference page)
Use Textbook as a reference – Organizational behavior a practical problem-solving approach 3rd ed. by Angelo Kinicki can use as a reference.
Groups and Teams
Managing Conflict and Negotiations
Decision Making and Creativity
Grade Form Criteria:
Assessed the purpose of the virtual team and the contribution of key members to that purpose.
Assessment of the purpose of the virtual team and the contribution of key members to that purpose was compelling, with well-developed logical progression.
Well supported by research.
Analyzed four to six potential problems of virtual teams in general, including specific application to the hypothetical team.
Analysis of four to six potential problems of virtual teams in general, including specific application to the hypothetical team was compelling, with well-developed logical progression.
Well supported by research.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
The writer’s overall argument and language are clear and tightly focused, leaving the reader with no room for confusion about the author’s intent.
Text is basically error free, so that a reader would have to purposely search to find any errors that may be present.
Using Academic/APA format proficiently. Text is basically error free.
Justified four to six solutions to the potential problems so that the team will be effective.
Justification of four to six solutions to the potential problems so that the team will be effective was compelling and actionable, with well-developed logical progression.
Well supported by research.

2-3 (total) typewritten pages, double spaced, using APA including a title page a

2-3 (total) typewritten pages, double spaced, using APA including a title page a

2-3 (total) typewritten pages, double spaced, using APA including a title page and reference page. All references need to be peer review or required course resources. Describe The patient’s (or family member’s) experience from their perspective (as if you are writing for them). Please include citations from required reading books from the class or cites that are reliable. Must have a minimum of 2 peer review references within 5 years. You may also include, your thoughts or feelings, but this is optional. Do not include the patient’s real name.

Chose the topic Communication from below to answer the following : For this week

Chose the topic Communication from below to answer the following :
For this week

Chose the topic Communication from below to answer the following :
For this week’s discussion, select one of the three areas listed below, and discuss how companies can use information systems and the data within them to address that aspect. Conduct some research and provide specific examples including what companies have focused on in these areas and examples of types of information systems used to gather, analyze and distribute data. Simply typing “use of data to support organizational collaboration” (or whatever aspect you select) into your web browser will produce results but make sure to use relevant and credible sources for this discussion. As examples to help you think about the Stage 2 Assignment, discuss these various aspects, and how companies use information systems to improve in these areas. Select your topic and insert it in the subject line of your response. If possible, select an original topic that has not yet been discussed, in order to provide a variety of examples.
The answer and explanation needs to be 2 -3 paragraphs long, it needs to have cited sources as well, and answer all the above questions.
Requirements: 2-3 paragraph response

Describe a conflict that you have been in that did not have a successful resolut

Describe a conflict that you have been in that did not have a successful resolut

Describe a conflict that you have been in that did not have a successful resolution for you. Please describe in detail. Do not chose a scenario where you can’t describe the conflict management style used.
Identify the conflict management style you used and then describe what you could have done differently in this conflict. Please bold and underline the conflict management style you used and then also bold and underline the conflict management style you could have used for a better resolution.
Then please respond to another classmate’s post as required for all Discussion Board posts. Remember, that responses to classmates must also be two paragraphs.
Remember it isn’t enough to just agree with their post. Please be sure to respond by giving your own examples of how you can relate as well.

Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following c

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following c

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Generate recommendations for addressing a complex challenge
Training opportunities in the workplace (professional development) have become a sound investment for employers. In addition to reducing recruiting and retention costs, they have been demonstrated to boost productivity and job satisfaction. For employees, they also provide the benefit of enhancing skills and offer additional prospects for positioning employees for new opportunities within the organization outside of regular promotions. For the past seven years, your company has sponsored a professional enrichment program (PEP). Each year, a small group or cohort of six to eight employees is chosen to participate in special professional enrichment activities in both group and individual formats. They are paired with mentors from leaders across the company. Employees each submit a letter and career plan that serve as their “application” to the program.
Update: Congratulations! You were one of the seven employees selected for the program this year. You’ve been paired with a supportive mentor. As a result, you feel much more confident about testing out and developing new ideas that have broader implications outside the workplace. You have decided to take advantage of the opportunity to develop recommendations around a challenge you feel very excited and passionate about addressing. Your mentor has offered to help you advance your recommendations and was very clear during the meeting that developing good recommendations for both academic and professional contexts requires the same thorough and objective examination of the research surrounding the challenge.
Recommendations Brief with Research (2,000–2,500 words)
You and your mentor previously prepared and refined a list of opportunities that interested you in the Selecting Your Complex Challenge document. For this challenge, select the research question that most interests you, ensuring you address all elements in the rubric.
Challenge: Describe your complex challenge and factors that contribute to the complexity of this issue:Demographics of the individuals/group affected by challenge
Magnitude of the issue in community affected by challenge
Commonly held assumptions or obstacles around this issue
Social conditions that exist specific to this challenge
Cultural or societal issues specific to this challenge
Discipline-specific subject or branch of knowledge
Research: You and your mentor have discussed the importance of making your case with evidence-based research, as appropriate to the discipline, that informs your recommendations.Annotated Bibliography: Select seven resources to analyze that are relevant to your challenge. These primary or secondary sources (conferences, dissertations, patents, journal studies, journal articles, technical reports, articles in scholarly journals, government policies, laws, or legislation) should address the challenge you have selected and inform the recommendations you make:Identify the source authors and discuss their place in society
Discuss the purpose of the piece and why it was written
Explain the value or ideas behind the content in the source
Address the credibility of the piece (why or why not)
Your Methods: Include research that is appropriate to the methods that would be used by the professionals using the particular lenses you choose to address your research question. This may include qualitative data, quantitative data, or both.Qualitative research that provides context and information on aspects of your challenge and informs your recommendationsCase studies that address issues relevant to your challenge
Comparisons on issues relevant to your challenge
Information on focus groups or interviews that were conducted and tackle questions relevant to your challenge
Quantitative research that is grounded in numerical evidence and informs your recommendations. For example, if your challenge is on quality of water, you would want to have quantitative data from impacted communities, such as scientific data that supports your recommendations.Survey data
Chi square
Time Series
Recommendations:Solution: Propose a specific course of action or actions that represent a reasonable solution for your complex challenge, supported by at least five of the most appropriate sources in your annotated bibliographyApplicable methods
Applicable tools or technologies
Necessary resources
Interpretation: Discuss the research and how your interpretation supports your recommendationsWhat the research says in regard to the challenge you are addressing and recommendations you make
How you see this research as supporting the recommendations you are making
Significance: Discuss the significance and limitations of the research in supporting your recommendationsGeographical global/national/local impacts
Cultural, technological, scientific, etc., aspects
Conclusion: Defend the action or course of action you have recommended over the alternatives based on:Utility of the type of methods or methodologies in addressing previous challenges of this type
Necessary resources, tools/technologies to implement proposed recommendations
Implications of your proposed recommendationsEthical effects or consequences
Any additional concerns around implementing the specific course of action or actions, if applicable
What to Submit
Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:
Recommendations Brief with Research (2,000–2,500 words)
Create a research and recommendations brief that explores a complex challenge using evidence-based practices and appropriate methods of a given discipline to inform reasonable recommendations for a course of action or actions.

➥Objective Leadership is not limited to businesses and can be found occurring in

Leadership is not limited to businesses and can be found occurring in

Leadership is not limited to businesses and can be found occurring in communities and professional disciplines. Leaders are often introducing new ideas and generating visions for a better future. Presentational skills are essential in influencing others to see things differently and take action to bring into existence a better world. To develop and refine your presentation skills, the Mid-Term Paper Assignment asks you to apply concepts for effective communication to two speakers who have given a presentation with the hope of influencing an audience. After applying these concepts, you should have a better sense of how to develop your own message should you receive an opportunity to speak on an issue of concern to you.
1. Familiarize yourself with the concepts to be used in evaluating the speakers. The material to be applied comes from Chapter 3 and Chapter 12.
From Chapter 3, you will need to consider the concept of “vision” defined as “the ability to imagine different and better future conditions and ways to achieve them” (p. 64). Also from Chapter 3, review the importance of using metaphors and analogies, gearing language to different audiences, and storytelling as strategies for inspiring others (pp. 67).
From Chapter 12 (p. 315), the 9 elements to consider in communicating effectively are: (1) be credible as a speaker; (2) gear your message to the listener; (3) sell group members on the benefits of your suggestions; (4) use heavy-impact and emotion provoking words; (5) use anecdotes to communicate meaning; (6) back up conclusions with data; (7) minimize language errors, junk words, and vocalized pauses; (8) write crisp, clear memos, letters, and reports, including a front-loaded message; and (9) use business jargon in appropriate doses.
2. Choose 2 speakers to compare. Locate presentations to study from a TedTalk: TED: Ideas Worth Spreading. After looking over the many options, select two presentations to review and analyze using the concepts listed above in Step One. The great thing about the website and the presentations is that you can listen to the presentations more than once to see how these concepts explain the speakers’ appeal as a leader both in terms of the content of the message and in terms of the delivery skills of the speaker.
One important thing to remember about the website is that it is a resource for inspiring others to change the world. Many, if not most, (or possibly all) of the speakers who have their presentations up on this website are leaders hoping to influence others. Hence, the subtitle of the site, “Ideas worth spreading.” So the point of using these concepts is to study how real leaders communicate with the purpose of accomplishing change.
Important: You must choose 2 speakers who are advocating for change. Do not choose graduation speeches or informative presentations even though they might be interesting. The two presentations must call for some kind of change.
3. Justify your choices. Why did you choose these two presentations for your study? What relevance do the speakers or the subject matter of their presentations have to you, your life, your career, or your leadership interests?
4. Write Your Mid-Term Paper. After familiarizing yourself with the concepts listed above and studying the presentations, write a 6-8 page paper that describes and evaluates the speakers’ presentation. Compare the speakers in terms of the following questions:
What is the speaker’s message, objective, or vision?
Beyond his/her presence on this website, how does the speaker establish his/her credibility?
How does the speaker gear his/her message to the listener?
How does the speaker “sell” the audience on the benefits of his/her vision?
How does the speaker use heavy impact and emotion provoking language?
Does the speaker use anecdotes or stories, and if so, are they effective?
Does the speaker use data to support his/her claims, and if so, is the use of data effective?
In answering these questions be sure to describe the words and actions used by the speaker and then explain why those words or actions were effective in conveying the message to the audience.
5. Take-Away Conclusions. Conclude your paper by explaining what you take away from this study of presentation skills for your own leadership endeavors.
If you find that a presentation is too short or that these questions hardly seem relevant as ways to evaluate the speech or that the speech does not have any leadership value, you might consider revising your decision to study that speech and take some additional time to survey the other options available on the website.
Paper Specifications
Mid-Term Papers should be:
Length of the Paper: 6-8 pages, typed, double space
Address the five questions above
Weight: 10% of your total grade, 100 points
Due: 11:59 pm, Sunday of Week 4
Grading Criteria
Is the paper 6-8 pages in length, typed double space?
Does the paper feature college standards for writing?
Does the paper compare and evaluate the words and actions of the speakers in relation to the concepts identified in the questions under step 3 of the assignment?
Are the justifications, analyses, and explanations called for in the assignment developed in thoughtful ways demonstrating an understanding of leadership presentational skills?
Side Note: Can you do your best to write this as if a highschool student wrote it.

I am doing a group assignment right now. I am responsible for the last part of w

I am doing a group assignment right now. I am responsible for the last part of w

I am doing a group assignment right now. I am responsible for the last part of writing the conclusion part of this article. It should be
1. if solutions to the issue is not effective. Just make recommendations and evaluation of methods, but you should based on the article ,do not add other information.(personal sources and knowledge).
Include a reference at the end of your summary using APA
Follow the techniques for good summary writing provided
Paraphrase the reading’s information (do not quote). Use the strategies for effective paraphrasing presented in the lecture content and practiced in Assignment 1.
Do not use “I”. Write academically and avoid informal language and first/second person voice as taught.
this work will be submitted to turnitin, so do not use any AI.