Full-Sentence Outline for Informative Speech A detailed outline is important for

Full-Sentence Outline for Informative Speech
A detailed outline is important for

Full-Sentence Outline for Informative Speech
A detailed outline is important for proper speech development and organization. Choose an informative speech topic that you would like to present next week. Create a full-sentence outline that includes the following sections:
statement of purpose
thesis statement
rest of the introduction (includes thesis)
body (including cues and transitions)
references (in APA).

Goal: Clearly and vividly describe the causes and consequences of the problem in

Clearly and vividly describe the causes and consequences of the problem in

Clearly and vividly describe the causes and consequences of the problem in journalism that you are focusing on. Your audience is potential funders/supporters of solutions.
Required content:
Clearly state what the problem is and how it harms the news media’s ability to do one or more of the seven things Michael Schudson suggests news can do for democracy (information, investigation, analysis, social empathy, public forum, mobilization, democratic education).
Provide several pieces of evidence that describe this problem and integrate this evidence into your paper. This could be a news article, an academic article, statistics, or another piece of media that effectively demonstrates the problem you’ve selected. The more convincing the evidence you present for this problem, the stronger your memo will be.
Review known or potential causes of this problem. Each potential cause should be backed up by a citation (preferably scholarly, but a news article can work). Avoid providing a laundry list of potential causes and instead help the reader understand how/if they are related and which is most prominent.
Review known or potential consequences of this problem. Each potential consequence should be backed up by a citation (preferably scholarly, but a news article can work). Avoid providing a laundry list of potential consequences and instead help the reader understand how/if they are related and which is most prominent.
Conclude with a brief summarizing argument for why this problem is vital to address. This should be persuasive, convincing the reader of why this is an issue that they should put resources into addressing.
Requirements and Format:
This paper should be 750-1000 words, double-spaced, with 1″ margins and Times New Roman 12-point font.
It should read like a cohesive persuasive document with introduction and conclusion sections.
Your title page should have your name on it.
Please use APA style for citations and references.
Grading criteria
Coverage of the required content
Comprehensiveness and accuracy of your summary of causes and consequences
Persuasiveness of your arguments
Quality of your writing
Any paper using AI (e.g., Chat-GPT) will receive a 0.

For the final paper, you will write a 4-5-page academic style research paper abo

For the final paper, you will write a 4-5-page academic style research paper abo

For the final paper, you will write a 4-5-page academic style research paper about an intercultural communication topic of your choice. You may choose any intercultural communication-related topic you would like for this assignment. The following must be present in your paper:
Your paper must involve research that uses intercultural theories/concepts to analyze, explain, and discuss a specific intercultural topic and/or context.
Your paper must have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion and organizational scheme.
Your paper must use 4-5 scholarly sources.
Your paper must be written in APA style.
Your paper must have a work cited page.

Your second writing assignment places you in the chair of a hacker with amazing

Your second writing assignment places you in the chair of a hacker with amazing

Your second writing assignment places you in the chair of a hacker with amazing social engineering skills. Using information from your book (and information located within Canvas), you are to create a thought-out phishing attempt on a group of your choice and send the draft of the email to the Black Hat leader of your hacking organization: The Rowdy Panthers
For this assignment, the first part should read like an email. Be sure to include the “from” address (where the email is supposed to originate from), who the email is going to/meant for, a catching phrase for the subject line, and the body of your phishing email. While you clearly will not have a link for me to click on (at least I hope you don’t…), you should explain where in the email you would place the link for your unsuspecting readers. An example would be: Click here (insert link here) to claim your prize!
Here is a very simplistic example:
From: FIU Info Tech ([email protected])
To: FIU Faculty
Body: Here is where you should write about a paragraph. This is, effectively, your “sell.”
The second part of this assignment requires the following on a separate page:
Explain why, using information you have learned from this class, you may expect your specific phishing attempt to be successful (e.g., the chosen target(s), wording of the body, etc.).
Next, explain in detail how you would avoid falling prey to phishing attempts in general and what you would do if you came across one. Are there specific clues/tells that an email is a phishing attempt? Lastly, in your opinion, who do you feel is most likely to fall prey to phishing attempts (i.e., they click on the link/provide info, etc.)?
Your entire assignment should be no less than 2 pages, with the phishing email being single-spaced (again, it is supposed to look like an email to the best of your abilities within Microsoft Word), and the second part being doubled-spaces, 12pt Times New Roman font.

Discussion : 1.After reading chapter one in what ways is literacy instruction to

Discussion :
1.After reading chapter one in what ways is literacy instruction to

Discussion :
1.After reading chapter one in what ways is literacy instruction top-down, bottom-up, or interventionist?
2.What kind of model based from the chapter do you think you will utilize?
3.Discuss two major reading theories are you familiar with and their contributions to reading development.
4..In the past, teachers were evaluated on the quality of their presentations. Today many schools districts also evaluate teachers on the basis of how their students learn. How might you prepare yourself for an evaluation system that combines quality of presentation with degree of student learning?
5.All states are required to establish and assess a literacy standards that will prepare students to be college and career ready. What are the literacy standards for your state in which you plan to teach or are presently teaching in and what is the state’s plan for assessing students’ literacy development.

Research and find an article related to Instructional Models and Strategies. Eac

Research and find an article related to Instructional Models and Strategies.

Research and find an article related to Instructional Models and Strategies.
Each article critique will be two full pages. The critique is to be typed and double spaced; a 12 point font is to be used with 1-inch margins all around. APA format should be followed. Total 50 points
Each critique will contain:
– A short summary of the article consisting of one or two paragraphs. (10 points)
– One full paragraph of new information learned from reading the article. (10 points)
– One full paragraph consisting of your opinion of how the author presented the information. (10 points)
– Questions that you had after reading the article. (10 points)
Questions that may be addressed can include:
– Who is the intended audience?
– How well is the article suited to the audience?
– What are the strong and weak points of how the author presented the topic?
– Does the author appear to have a bias? If so, explain.
– Does the article make a contribution to the field? If so explain.
– Would you change the article in any way? If so, explain how.
Additional important information:
– The article must accompany your critique (5 points).
You must include the complete and correct bibliographic citation for the article (5 points).

InstructionsThis week’s assignment involves writing a Python program to compute

InstructionsThis week’s assignment involves writing a Python program to compute

InstructionsThis week’s assignment involves writing a Python program to compute the cost of house cleaning. Your program should prompt the user for the number of rooms in the house and the type of cleaning (e.g., floors, windows, bathrooms, dusting). Your program must offer at least two types of cleaning and the price is different for each type. You should decide on the choices to offer and the different prices of each type of cleaning. The cost should be based on whether the house has a small, medium, or a large number of rooms and the type of cleaning. You should decide on the cutoffs for what constitutes a small, medium, and large number of rooms. Your program should output the cost of the house cleaning based on the number of rooms and the type of cleaning.Your program should include Header comments (what the program does) and in-line comments (the major design steps). Document the values you chose as the cutoffs for the three house sizes, the cost for each size and the prices for each cleaning type in your comments as well.Submit your Python program as a text file (.py) file. In addition, submit a Design outline and a Test plan/report (3 different test cases) in a Word document or a PDF file, and include a screenshot of execution of your program for each test case. Your submission must also adhere to the Submission Requirements document (i.e., Filename and display your name, class, date in the output).Grading:10% – Design – outline proper sequence of steps, calculations (if necessary). Identify values of any known constants (cost of each service).10% – Test Plan – Completeness of your Test plan/report (at least 3 test cases). You should have tests to show your validation/error process. You should have at least one test case for each combination of the different choices selected. Include screenshots for each test case Include screenshots for each test case.10% – Documentation – Header and in-line comments. Include document for the values you chose as the known constants cost of each service (cutoffs for the three house sizes, the cost for each size and the prices for each cleaning type) in your comments as well. Documentation of major steps (from Design outline).70% – Program prompts and executes correctly on all test cases. Satisfies all requirements. (each requirement -10 pts, compiles -20 pts, effectiveness and neatness -10 pts, descriptive variables – 5 pts, def main() – 5 pts).

Topic of persuasive speech: Children should participate in sports at a young age

Topic of persuasive speech: Children should participate in sports at a young age

Topic of persuasive speech: Children should participate in sports at a young age, highlighting the numerous physical, mental, and social benefits that contribute to their overall development and well-being.
1. Use PowerPoint Slides. Your presentation must be viewable. It is your responsibility to make sure your link is viewable to everyone.
2. Your PowerPoint presentation must have at least 10 slides. The count does not include your title slide or a Works Cited slide.
3. At least 5 of your slides must be visual; the rest can be text, graphs, or statistics.
4. You must post your PowerPoint presentation to Blackboard by the due date.
5. You will not be required to give your PowerPoint presentation during your recorded persuasive speech.
6. If you cite a statistic, graph, or other factual material, you must cite your source in your PowerPoint presentation and create a Works Cited page at the end of Your PowerPoint presentation.
7. The font in your PowerPoint presentation must be at least Times New Roman 24.
8. Your font must be black or white ONLY, depending on your background color.
9. Be creative. No animation or video is allowed in your presentations.
10. Remember to include a counterargument to further validate your claim to your persuasive argument.

The capstone project provides students with an opportunity to investigate a cybe

The capstone project provides students with an opportunity to investigate a cybe

The capstone project provides students with an opportunity to investigate a cyberpsychological topic of interest
in conjunction with faculty guidance and oversight. Through the capstone research sequence (three sections of
PSY 610 followed by three credits of PSY 690), students develop a research topic, secure Institutional Review
Board (IRB) approval (if necessary), collect data and / or secure access to archival data prior to enrollment in
PSY 690, and then finalize, present and defend their research project’s conclusions in PSY 690. Passing
PSY 690, and therefore completing your capstone research represents the culmination of the MS.CYP degree.
Capstone projects may be quantitative or qualitative in nature and may be based on any type of research
endeavor approved by the PSY 610 instructor and/or the Capstone Chairperson. Examples of appropriate
research projects include but are certainly not limited to surveys, focus groups, case studies, experimental
design, use of secondary or archival data, or meta-analysis. Some of these methodologies are generally beyond
the scope of what is typically covered in MS.CYP courses (eg, experimental studies; meta-analysis); however, a
student may conduct such studies with the approval of their Capstone Chairperson.
Special note about literature reviews as a viable capstone project: A literature review is not the same as a
qualitative analysis or a meta-analysis. Conducting a comprehensive literature review on a pre-approved topic
will only be allowed if the following criteria are specifically adhered to:
1. The purpose of your literature review must be to offer some real-world relevance to your topic,
otherwise, it will not rise to the level of rigor required for the degree. Simply summarizing a handful of
research studies, without providing discussion or implications for academic / research / clinical / other
relevant practice will not be acceptable.
2. The beginning of your capstone deliverable must be a statement of purpose highlighting the importance
of your literature review and what reviewing the literature for your specific topic will facilitate for others
who may be interested in your topic. In essence, tell your audience why anyone should be interested in
what you are reviewing—why is it important. This is a required component of the Capstone Proposal.
3. In addition to the purpose statement needed for the Proposal to be approved, the Capstone Manuscript
(the document deliverable upon your defense meeting) must include your comprehensive literature
review, which should be organized in a manner that is logical and coherent based on the stated purpose
of your project. Information must not be presented in a manner similar to an annotated bibliography.
Additionally, you will need to agree upon with your Chairperson a reasonable number of sources you
plan to include in your literature review. The review must be comprehensive, which will dictate how
many references you are likely to need. These are to be peer-reviewed academic articles, although you
are allowed to include non-academic sources to supplement your writing. In general, these additional
sources should be from reputable sources.
M.S. CyberPsychology Program Handbook
MS.CYP Program Handbook v09-07-23 15
4. Your methodology section should be a detailed account of what you did to search for, and sort through
the sources you used. There should be a detailed account of your keywords and searches, including how
you narrowed your results and chose articles for the review that you did.
5. The results section is going to be the qualitative (or quantitative) themes present (or noticeably absent)
from the articles you reviewed.
6. The discussion portion of the manuscript must demonstrate a synthesis of the information you
summarized from the literature. You will summarize the broader themes and patterns you observed
during your research, make inferences and generalizations (where appropriate) to add relevance to your
review, and provide your perspective on areas for future research that could be based at least in part on
your findings.
Capstone completion requires a written and oral deliverable. The written portion will start with a research
proposal (PSY 610) and end with a finalized capstone manuscript (PSY 690) that will mimic the format and
writing style of a peer reviewed academic journal article in decided upon by the student and the student’s
research Chair. The oral component will mimic the format of a professional presentation delivered to an
academic audience, utilizing web conferencing tools (eg, Zoom, MS Teams, etc). Further guidance, forms, and
required documentation can be found in Appendix H. My subject is Navigating Identity and Self Esteem: The Impact of Social Media on Black Teenage Girls