For maximum points you will need to write a short summary of the article, a shor

For maximum points you will need to write a short summary of the article, a shor

For maximum points you will need to write a short summary of the article, a short summary of the related chapter in the textbook, and you own analysis of how the article relates to the concepts learned in the book. I suggest using a standard 3-5 paragraph structure: Opening paragraph, body paragraph(s) discussing the news article and the book chapter and a closing paragraph.
You may use ANY news source for your current event, but you MUST copy and paste the link at the bottom of your response so that I can read it to confirm facts.
Current event grading rubric: 1 point for choosing a current and relevant article, 1 point for your article summary, 1 point for your chapter summary, 2 points for your analysis of how the chapter relates to the article.
A current event is a news story that has been published, in print or online, that has a theme related to politics. Your current event is meant to be practice for your exam essay writing, therefore, be organized and use the news story and the chapter material to analyze your thoughts. It will be important to follow the grading rubric below.
You may use ANY news source for your current event, but you MUST copy and paste the link at the bottom of your response so that I can read it to confirm facts.
this is the link for the book-…

Professional Appearance Presentation You will complete a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoi

Professional Appearance Presentation
You will complete a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoi

Professional Appearance Presentation
You will complete a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation that explains what are considered professional and unprofessional attire and behaviors for your chosen career. The presentation will also include information regarding best practices for other factors related to physical appearance and behaviors (hairstyles, tattoos, accessories, jewelry, piercings, communication, attitude, etc.). The presentation will demonstrate the importance of managing your professional image for career success. It will cover specific practices regarded as essential for professionals in your career.
The PowerPoint presentation must include:
A title slide that includes the chosen career, your name, and class/section number
5-8 content slides that include:Explanations of 50–100 words in the speaker notes section for all slides
In-text citations, in the current APA format, located in the speaker notes for all slides
Two examples (including two images) of unprofessional attire and reasoning as to why they are unprofessional in your chosen career
Two examples (including two images) of professional attire and reasoning as to the importance of maintaining professional attire in your chosen career
Two examples (including two images) of unprofessional behaviors and reasoning as to why they are unprofessional in your chosen career
Two examples (including two images) of professional behaviors and reasoning as to the importance of maintaining professional behaviors in your chosen career
Two examples (including two images) of best practices for other factors related to appearance and behaviors (such as hairstyles, tattoos, accessories, jewelry, piercings, communication, attitude, etc.) and reasoning as to why they should be best practices in your chosen career
A reference slide with 2–3 references (not including images) in APA format

I have already written an outline, but most of it was written by AI. You can hel

I have already written an outline, but most of it was written by AI. You can hel

I have already written an outline, but most of it was written by AI. You can help me change it to what I wrote. Our company’s philosophy is content that addresses menstrual shame and menstrual poverty.
You need to display the last two pictures in the document in the ppt to calculate our profit. Then write the corresponding explanation in the speech manuscript. 300 words in total

Choose one topic and develop an integrated communications plan using the 8-step

Choose one topic and develop an integrated communications plan using the 8-step

Choose one topic and develop an integrated communications plan using the 8-step planning process (details below).
Charity: water – Develop a 20th anniversary campaign to promote awareness of the non-profit organization, engage current donors and volunteers and attract new ones. https://www.charitywater.orgLinks to an external site.
Charlotte FC (Major League Soccer team) – This MLS expansion team has had a rocky start since its first game in 2022, from leadership changes to high ticket prices. Develop a campaign to enhance Charlotte FC’s reputation with the local community. to an external site.
Emerging music – Pick an up-and-coming band or solo artist from NME’s 2023 list of essential emerging artists and develop an awareness campaign to drive the act’s career. to an external site.
Baxter State Park – located in north central Maine, this park is significantly funded through entrance fees. Develop a tourism campaign to attract visitors to the park. https://baxterstatepark.orgLinks to an external site.
8-step Planning Process
Research – 2 pages
Summary of research conducted about your client, including background information on the organization, industry-related news, competitors, trends and important issues.
Objective – one sentence
Define the objective of the campaign. This is one sentence.
Audience – one page
*Identify THREE separate audiences you will target and explain why they are important to the campaign. Define the audience specifically by age, income, geography, interests, characteristics.
*Develop a key message specific to EACH audience, taking into account needs and self-interests.
*Include an explanation of how you will shape your message so that they are both timely and newsworthy
Strategy – one to two sentences
What is the overarching approach to achieving your campaign objective.
Identify 5 different PR activities aligning to your strategy that you will use to reach your objective. Tactics should include:EARNED: A press release along with a media list of 5 target publications, online reviews
OWNED: website, social media efforts, newsletter, email campaign, special event, community outreach/community relations
PAID – if you choose a paid component, it cannot be an “ad” community relations/charity
Provide a time frame in which your campaign will be conducted and a sequence for the campaign’s activities.
Assume there are no budget constraints.
How will you evaluate the campaign’s success? List one metric for each of your five tactics.

ProfChacha Kindly help with these forum/discussion assignments Unit 6: STUDY Re

Kindly help with these forum/discussion assignments
Unit 6: STUDY

Kindly help with these forum/discussion assignments
Unit 6: STUDY
Read/View the following from Van Rys, Meyer, Vandermey, & Sebranek’s The College Writer:Cause and Effect [2 hrs.]
Writing Toolbox – Using Appropriate and Concise Language [1 hr.]
Forum 6: Mind over Mass MediaTopic: Read Steven Pinker’s “Mind Over Mass Media” (Ch. 15-2d). Then, answer the following questions:
Review Pinker’s opening paragraph in which he introduces his topic by suggesting that current allegations regarding the negative impact of electronic technologies are similar to past allegations of other media. Paraphrase his claim (Refer to the section in MindTap, Unit 1 – Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing for a quick review).
Pinker is a writer aiming to engage and inform readers who have likely not studied the topic themselves. Identify passages in which his examples and word choice illustrate his effort to connect with these readers.
Directions: Once the forum opens on Day 1, you must “Start a New Thread” by Day 3. The initial post should be 200-300 words, not counting citations. You MUST include at least two citations in your original post and in each response post, with one citation coming from the assigned textbook in the course and the others coming from course study materials or literature. Remember to cite your sources correctly. Label your post with a provocative/descriptive title that invites your classmates to engage with it. By Day 7, you need to write two response posts of 150-200 words each that respond to two posts created by your colleagues, either on their threads or on yours. Review the Forum participation made easy.pdf handout to help you understand how to craft your forum posts. Click the Forum title to complete this assignment and view the Dialogue Grading Rubric.

ProfChacha Kindly help with these forum/discussion assignments Unit 6: STUDY Re

Kindly help with these forum/discussion assignments
Unit 6: STUDY

Kindly help with these forum/discussion assignments
Unit 6: STUDY
Read/View the following from Van Rys, Meyer, Vandermey, & Sebranek’s The College Writer:Cause and Effect [2 hrs.]
Writing Toolbox – Using Appropriate and Concise Language [1 hr.]
Forum 6: Mind over Mass MediaTopic: Read Steven Pinker’s “Mind Over Mass Media” (Ch. 15-2d). Then, answer the following questions:
Review Pinker’s opening paragraph in which he introduces his topic by suggesting that current allegations regarding the negative impact of electronic technologies are similar to past allegations of other media. Paraphrase his claim (Refer to the section in MindTap, Unit 1 – Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing for a quick review).
Pinker is a writer aiming to engage and inform readers who have likely not studied the topic themselves. Identify passages in which his examples and word choice illustrate his effort to connect with these readers.
Directions: Once the forum opens on Day 1, you must “Start a New Thread” by Day 3. The initial post should be 200-300 words, not counting citations. You MUST include at least two citations in your original post and in each response post, with one citation coming from the assigned textbook in the course and the others coming from course study materials or literature. Remember to cite your sources correctly. Label your post with a provocative/descriptive title that invites your classmates to engage with it. By Day 7, you need to write two response posts of 150-200 words each that respond to two posts created by your colleagues, either on their threads or on yours. Review the Forum participation made easy.pdf handout to help you understand how to craft your forum posts. Click the Forum title to complete this assignment and view the Dialogue Grading Rubric.

OUTLINE You are to construct a speech presenting SOME of the information you use

OUTLINE You are to construct a speech presenting SOME of the information you use

OUTLINE You are to construct a speech presenting SOME of the information you used for your Seeing Communication in Movies project. That project asks you to answer questions on 10 different communication concepts from the class and use the film as an example. For this speech, you will be picking 2 of the concepts you wrote about in the paper to talk about in terms of how the film illustrates them. For each concept be sure to briefly define what the term means then give 2 examples from the film. Assume your audience is not as familiar with the film as you are. For this speech your three main points will be 1) a summary of the movie 2) 1 of the concepts 3) 1 of the concepts You are to construct the speech using the Key Word speaker outline.docxActions Type directly on this document and turn it in with your video of the speech. There should be no more than 1 sentence for each line of the outline- This is not a transcript of the speech- It is a working outline. You will lose points for too many words on the outline Key Word speaker outline- movie example.docxActions has sample topics filled in-you do not have to use the concepts that are on this outine. Feel free to pick from any concept you used in the paper.

The situation: Comcast and the Phillies recently announced a new plan to update

The situation: Comcast and the Phillies recently announced a new plan to update

The situation: Comcast and the Phillies recently announced a new plan to update the current Stadium Area in South Philadelphia and turn it into a huge, sports-and-entertainment complex with hotels, residences, restaurants, shops, etc. This presents a lot of opportunity, though there is also, naturally, some opposition.
Your job: Your team has been retained as the PR agency to help Comcast gain support and increase positive sentiment for the project in its pre-construction phase: you’ll want to increase support and positive sentiment from the local community, from the media, and from Philadelphia sports fans, and even the teams themselves.
Timeframe: As the campaign is intended to generate support and excitement pre-construction, the timeframe will be H2 of 2024, or June-December 2024.
Please use the template attached and save the slides as a powerpoint. for the tactics slides use the PESO model and note why you chose each one. for the appendix social media posts slides, be descriptive and use images. Follow the directions and template included below

Business Meeting Agenda: Meeting Agenda Submitting: a file upload or text entry

Business Meeting Agenda: Meeting Agenda
Submitting: a file upload or text entry

Business Meeting Agenda: Meeting Agenda
Submitting: a file upload or text entry box
You must now create the meeting agenda for the Internship Manual Meeting.
A meeting agenda should include at a minimum:
Date, time, location (even if it is zoom)
Identified purpose of meeting
Times for each discussion point and the person leading the discussion
For the agenda assignment content:
Think about two (2) things you think should be a part of this manual.
Identify the two items as the first two topics for discussion on the
agenda. *List the topic title and make sure to include that YOU will be
leading this part of the meeting discussion.
2. Feedback from your
initial meeting with Dr. Jocelyn Elders, Mirta Roses Pirago, and Vikram
Patel identified potential areas for discussion at this new meeting. To
be respectful of their input, select any three (3) topics from the
lists below (unique to what you already have on the agenda) and research
an article about them so you are prepared to engage in conversation.
Make sure to include: the name as the lead since it is the topic they
are interested in and, so we know where you did your research, include a
link to the web source where you found information about the topics you
decided to add to the agenda.
Dr. Jocelyn Elders could be the lead for the following topics:
How to ask your supervisor for feedback?
How and when to ask questions and voice your opinion?
How to understand your supervisor’s working style and goals?
Mirta Roses Pirago could be the lead for the following topics:
How do you learn the organization’s office culture?
are the preferred communication styles and techniques for the
organization and your colleagues? (F2F, email, video chats, daily,
How to meet deadlines and limit distractions when working from home.
Creating a professional environment both in-person and virtually.
Vikram Patel could be the lead for the following topics:
Work-life balance and creating boundaries
How to request a letter of recommendation
What “soft skills” are important in the office
Your agenda must include:
Date, time, location (even if it is zoom)
Identified purpose of meeting
Two ideas for the manual you have with discussion times and you as the leader
Three ideas for the manual from the provided list, a link to information for each idea, discussion times, and identified leader
Resources to get you started:
Links to an external site.
Links to an external site.