The situation: Comcast and the Phillies recently announced a new plan to update

The situation: Comcast and the Phillies recently announced a new plan to update

The situation: Comcast and the Phillies recently announced a new plan to update the current Stadium Area in South Philadelphia and turn it into a huge, sports-and-entertainment complex with hotels, residences, restaurants, shops, etc. This presents a lot of opportunity, though there is also, naturally, some opposition.
Your job: Your team has been retained as the PR agency to help Comcast gain support and increase positive sentiment for the project in its pre-construction phase: you’ll want to increase support and positive sentiment from the local community, from the media, and from Philadelphia sports fans, and even the teams themselves.
Timeframe: As the campaign is intended to generate support and excitement pre-construction, the timeframe will be H2 of 2024, or June-December 2024.
Please use the template attached and save the slides as a powerpoint. for the tactics slides use the PESO model and note why you chose each one. for the appendix social media posts slides, be descriptive and use images. Follow the directions and template included below

Question 1: Capozzi and Spector have edited a volume that argues that public rel

Question 1: Capozzi and Spector have edited a volume that argues that public rel

Question 1: Capozzi and Spector have edited a volume that argues that public relations techniques are in play in many important American social movements. Which example in this volume made the greatest impression on you (was the most surprising, impressive, or thought-provoking) and why?
Question 2: Explain the meaning of the title of the book: Distorting the Law. That meaning is spelled out in specific detail in the chapters of the volume.
Question 8: As the case is explained in Distorting the Law, did the injured party in the hot coffee case actually receive the $2.7 million award? If not, what actually happened after the initial jury ruling to alter the outcome?
Question 9: The C&S chapter on consumerism highlights Arthur Page’s famous statement that business requires public approval. The chapter notes that mass society has mass consumption as one of its foundations. Two critics of this view are noted: Vance Packard and Ralph Nader. What cautions do these two men raise about the corporate behavior that promotes high levels of consumption?
Question 10: In Distorting the Law, what is meant by the charge that something is “junk science”? Think carefully before you answer because the correct interpretation is not the obvious or superficial one.
Question 11: In Distorting the Law, who is Judith Haimes? Briefly, what is her story?
Question 12: The final clause of the H&M volume reads: “We fear a profound loss in the potential for advancing justice and democracy in our society” (306). Exactly what message are the authors of Distorting the Lawmeaning to convey here?
Question 14: In discussing the issue of tobacco torts in Distorting the Law, Haltom & McCann cite the fact that underdog plaintiffs never won in court until the mid-1990s. In explaining this result, H&M note that even those victories did not shift public attitudes very much. As an explanation of this fact, they observe: “too many villains, too few heroes.” So, exactly what does that phrase mean in the context of tobacco torts?
Question 17: In the description presented by Capozzi & Spector, how did Bull Connor, the Birmingham, Alabama, police chief, play a central role in the American civil rights movement? What did he do to help clarify the issues that were being contested?
Question 18: There are tort and civil disputing pyramids presented in the H&M volume that track the progression of grievances and claims all the way up to lawsuits being filed. While some critics and analysts assert that our civil court system is “litigious,” what is the main lesson that such pyramids illustrate about our legal system?
Question 21. Identify/explain any three of these individuals/terms and explain their connection to an important social issue dealt with in the C&S volume: Huey Long, Upton Sinclair, “share our wealth” clubs, The Jungle, Occupy Wall Street.

Business Meeting Agenda: Meeting Agenda Submitting: a file upload or text entry

Business Meeting Agenda: Meeting Agenda
Submitting: a file upload or text entry

Business Meeting Agenda: Meeting Agenda
Submitting: a file upload or text entry box
You must now create the meeting agenda for the Internship Manual Meeting.
A meeting agenda should include at a minimum:
Date, time, location (even if it is zoom)
Identified purpose of meeting
Times for each discussion point and the person leading the discussion
For the agenda assignment content:
Think about two (2) things you think should be a part of this manual.
Identify the two items as the first two topics for discussion on the
agenda. *List the topic title and make sure to include that YOU will be
leading this part of the meeting discussion.
2. Feedback from your
initial meeting with Dr. Jocelyn Elders, Mirta Roses Pirago, and Vikram
Patel identified potential areas for discussion at this new meeting. To
be respectful of their input, select any three (3) topics from the
lists below (unique to what you already have on the agenda) and research
an article about them so you are prepared to engage in conversation.
Make sure to include: the name as the lead since it is the topic they
are interested in and, so we know where you did your research, include a
link to the web source where you found information about the topics you
decided to add to the agenda.
Dr. Jocelyn Elders could be the lead for the following topics:
How to ask your supervisor for feedback?
How and when to ask questions and voice your opinion?
How to understand your supervisor’s working style and goals?
Mirta Roses Pirago could be the lead for the following topics:
How do you learn the organization’s office culture?
are the preferred communication styles and techniques for the
organization and your colleagues? (F2F, email, video chats, daily,
How to meet deadlines and limit distractions when working from home.
Creating a professional environment both in-person and virtually.
Vikram Patel could be the lead for the following topics:
Work-life balance and creating boundaries
How to request a letter of recommendation
What “soft skills” are important in the office
Your agenda must include:
Date, time, location (even if it is zoom)
Identified purpose of meeting
Two ideas for the manual you have with discussion times and you as the leader
Three ideas for the manual from the provided list, a link to information for each idea, discussion times, and identified leader
Resources to get you started:
Links to an external site.
Links to an external site.

(A) Analysis of professional self This section encourages introspection about yo

(A) Analysis of professional self
This section encourages introspection about yo

(A) Analysis of professional self
This section encourages introspection about your current professional status and the path that brought you here.Understanding your background, narrative, perspectives, biases, and typical behaviors is vital in any venture. Recognizing these elements is key when adopting a role or persona, as they form the basis of the character you will embody. Conversely, reflecting on your true self is integral to your personal approach and past experiences, influencing how you confront challenges, make decisions, collaborate, and engage in future endeavors.A1. Character/What are your Strengths and Attributes: Describe your character…
A2. General Demographics/Background: Describe your identity’s foundational characteristics and experiences. (Born in Egypt and moved to america at 15)
A3. Vocation/What profession do you wish to pursue: Identify the profession you aspire to or currently practice.( I work as assisantproject engineer and want to beomce project engineer and maybe have my own company)
A4. Backstory/What has brought you to this chosen scenario: Reflect on the journey and experiences that have led you to your current position. ( living in Egypt and coming here made me work hard to achieve my dream)
A5. Viewpoint(s)/What influences how you view encounters: Discuss your typical approaches to problem-solving, interaction with others, and engagement with the world. Your perspectives influence how you perceive and handle situations involving others. These viewpoints often stem from personal and cultural biases or norms shaped by life experiences and cultural background. These perspectives can become more apparent and understandable with maturity, experience, and deliberate critical reflection. This awareness allows for adaptability in your approach and a better grasp of how these views affect your interactions in a broader context.
A6. Motivation/What drives you: Articulate what motivates or interests you, providing insight into your driving forces.
A7. Identity/What image do you portray to others: Describe the persona or role you sometimes adopt, including its associated rules and expectations, and how it contrasts or aligns with your actual identity.
(B) Big Picture
This section describes the environment in which you currently work or find yourself. This environment is examined through your approach and background. Frequently, we represent a more minor aspect of a larger context, adhering to its norms and dynamics. Sometimes, we find ourselves in unfamiliar territories, immersed in different cultures, or placed in new settings where our character feels out of sync with others.
B1. Elements of Setting: Clarify your current environment’s essential characteristics and dynamics, highlighting the elements that shape your daily interactions and activities.
B2. World View: Articulate the dominant perspectives and ideologies of your environment. Contrast these with your views to illustrate how they differ or align.
B3. Participants: Identify and describe the key individuals or groups active in this environment. Discuss their roles and the impact they have on the overall setting.
B4. Role: Define your specific role or position within this context. Please explain how your role aligns with or differs from the larger environment and its key participants.
B5. Power, Impact, Reach, and Extend: In any larger context, there are levels of agency and degrees of impact that events will have. At the same time, different influences have varying degrees of relevance and impact on you and those people and things you identify as priorities. In any big picture, you must determine what level of power you have to take action and the degree to which you desire to and can have an impact. When taking actions, you need to assess both the reach (how wide) and the extent (for how long) actions will affect you. At the same time, you need to examine the reach and extent of your own actions need to take effect, you effort must continue, and how long results will remain in effect.
(C) Choosing your Scenario
This section explores various scenarios that arise within the broader context in which you operate. These scenarios encompass potential actions or decisions that can lead to diverse outcomes. Analyzing these situations to understand how they align with your objectives and challenges is crucial. Often, a scenario seeks to identify areas of conflict and how best to reslve, overcome, or avoid them.
C1. Your Goal: Define your primary objective or aim within this scenario. What are you striving to achieve or accomplish in this specific context?
C2. The Target: Identify your actions’ key focus or target in this scenario. Who or what is at the center of your decisions and actions?
C3. The Situation: Describe your current situation or circumstances in this scenario. What are the key elements and conditions defining this particular setting or event?
-present your career story for where you want to be in the next five years.
Within the scenario and career story you describe, what is your essential question or mission statement for your career story? In that pathway, how does communication serve as an effective tool, means of empowerment, and mechanism for disclosure and cultural alignment? Finally, how will your expertise grow as you progress further along your career story pathway?-
(Mention that Perception is the process of selecting, sorting and interpreting information. Salience is how much something attracts our attention. Schemata is related information stored that we use to understand new experiences. The role of schemata in interpretation is you use information that you already know to understand and interpret something.There are internal and external attributions. Internal attributions connect the source of behavior with personal aspects like personality. Speaking and language are connected to verbal communication. Symbols are used in language to symbolize many ideas. Language can be formed using the symbols.The process of listening has five stages.Receiving, interpreting, recalling, evaluating, and responding are the five stages. Positive listening practices, such as active listening, can assist overcome obstacles that are personal, environmental, physical, and cognitive. and more about communication throughout the essay)

Read the Congressional Research Service (2016) report Social Media and Disasters

Read the Congressional Research Service (2016) report Social Media and Disasters

Read the Congressional Research Service (2016) report Social Media and Disasters: Current Uses, Future Options, and Policy Considerations Examine the article by Bol (2015) and the Report of the Independent Panel on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Ebola Response (Read Finding #5 pp. 6-7)
Using the CRS report (2016) and other resources to cite examples, describe how social media can be used during a critical incident (the CRS report contains five potential uses). Which is most important in critical incident response?
How could it have been used to address the communication shortcoming during the Ebola Response or the Current COVID-19 pandemic?
Read the EPA publication by Dr. Covello titled Effective Risk and Crisis Communication during Water Security Emergencies (applies to everything not just water emergencies) and/or watch the video of Dr. Covello explaining the message mapping process , and respond to the following then address the following questions.
Describe the key elements of message mapping. Refer to Appendix A: Seven General Rules of Risk Communication: Which do you think is most important? Using the example of the Ebola crisis you read about this week or apply to the current pandemic, were any of these rules violated?
Post a substantive initial response (300 words minimum not including citations) to the initial discussion question.
Each reply post must be a minimum of 100 words not including citations.
Your posts must be based on factual academic information (not personal opinion) supported with citations to at least two (2) academic references in addition to the course materials. This is to demonstrate that you read and understood the assigned readings and all prior postings by the instructor and other students.
Please use the correct APA format in citing any source material you use. Refer to the APA Manual link posted in the Discussion area.

TIME ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT For this assignment, use the Excel worksheet that I upl

For this assignment, use the Excel worksheet that I upl

For this assignment, use the Excel worksheet that I uploaded to Canvas in the first module. Download worksheet that I uploaded to Canvas in the first module.You are also free to use a time tracking app that allows you to export the data or create pie charts.
The purpose of this assignment is to 1) show you what you would have to go through if you were actually being rational, logical, and calculating, 2) to help you see that the market cost of a product/service/activity doesn’t actually represent its true cost to you, 3) to help you understand and apply the concept of opportunity costs in your decision-making, and 4) to help become a better consumer.
For this assignment, you are to keep track of all your time and what you spent it on starting from the first day of class. You can use Excel or an app that allows you to export your time use into Excel or create pie charts. There are a number of apps available – you may have to pay for them. You are asked to analyze your time use and to calculate how much it is costing in you, in direct and indirect costs, to do each activity that you engage in. You are to do two pie charts. The following pie charts are just an example. If you simply replicate the example you are not going to do well, I purposely excluded several things so that I know whether you kept track of your time.
First Pie Chart
First pie chart should identify how many hours you spent on each activity you did from the first day of class to a week before the project is due. See syllabus for what the pie chart should look like.
Second Pie Chart
The second pie chart will show how much each activity costs you to do taking into consideration direct and indirect costs. ee syllabus for what the pie chart should look like.
For example, suppose you went to the mall three times. To show how much going to the mall cost you, you would calculate the cost of the trip to the mall as follows:
Travel Time ((Wear & Tear (round trip 20 miles x .625= $12.50) + Time (Round Trip 2-hour x $10 hourly wage=$20)) x 3 =$97.50
$100 amount spent during each trip x 3 =$300.00
2 hours shopping per visit x 10 x 3 = $60.00
Total amount spent on shopping at mall= $457.50
Use .625 per mile as what it costs you to drive your vehicle one mile.
Formatting, Structure, and Rubric for Time Analysis Assignment
The analysis should be between 3-4 pages in length, 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch spacing margins, and double spaced. It should include an introduction on the purpose of the paper, body discussing the results with the charts, and a conclusion discussing what you learn about yourself by doing this project. You should at least discuss what you learned about how you spend your time and what it is costing you to do the things you do, especially if you are in a relationship or spending time with friends.… Primate Movie Questions Wh…
Primate Movie Questions
Primate Movie Questions
Where does the film take place?
What locomotion did you notice?
What are some of the physical features you observed?
What is the title of the film?
What is the species?
How is the hierarchy shown amongst the species?
What do they eat?
Where does the species fall in the classification system?
What behaviors did you observe?
What is a group called?
What other species are found?
How do they alert to dangers?
How long is the gestation period?
How do groups migrate?

Purpose: The purpose of this final project is for you to have an opportunity to

The purpose of this final project is for you to have an opportunity to

The purpose of this final project is for you to have an opportunity to reflect upon your therapeutic communication journey throughout this course. The topics covered in this course prepared you to acknowledge and explain many aspects of therapeutic communication in various situations as well as the technical components of communication. In this assignment you will have the opportunity to summarize your key learnings in this course.
Assignment Instructions:
As an individual you will create a reflection on course concepts learned in Modules 1-4.
Choose one or two important course concepts with definitions as learned in all Modules.
Find key terms in your assigned readings and your notes taken during the synchronous classes.
Consider what you have learned about the course concept(s) that you will use in your future health office administration role.
Apply what you are learning so that your reflection is communicated clearly. Apply to your own writing:
The Five C’s of communication, are you clear, concise, cohesive, courteous, and congruent?
The SMRF cycle, you are the sender and I am the receiver. What is the message that you are trying to convey?
Read through all four of your module notes and the course module information and create a final summary of your new learning from this course and what you will take with you in your future HOA career and add in components to improve clarity.
Alternative Mode Presentation Instructions:
In this assignment you must use an alternative way to present the reflection summary.
Choose one of the following modes of presentation.
Duo Video (interview between two classmates – 5 – 10 minutes maximum) Each student will interview the other to tell about their learning. For submission, include link to video, document with questions, script, and references.
Solo Podcast (audio 5-10 mins.) Submit your audio file along with a document with written key points and references.
Solo Book Review – formal book review of our etext. Submission of a written report with citation and references.
Solo Interactive H5P with two or more components (this must be substantial and uses a course presentation format that goes beyond flashcards)
Solo Canva presentation (slide deck minimum 15 slides) Citations and references.
A reference list is required for this assignment. All resources used must be referenced properly following APA 7. Include in-text citations where required.
Artificial intelligence is not allowed in this course and a mark of zero will be given for any AI used in this assignment. This includes use of Grammarly, ChatGPT, bots or any other applications that use AI or predictive text.
Submission Instructions:
Upload your summary in the chosen format to the submission drop box titled Module 4 – Communication in Health Care Summary.
Uploaded to the assignment drop box before the due date
You may use Word grammar and spell check to ensure that your grammar and spelling are at college level.
Follow APA 7th Edition for submission. Click here to be taken to APA @Conestoga
Grading Summary:
Your project will be graded out of 10 and the rubric is aligned with Conestoga College’s grading policy
Please see the rubric for detailed information
Academic Integrity:
This is an individual assignment and you are required to complete your own work.
If you choose the duo option then both participants will upload to the assignment drop box. Both participants will earn the same grade.
Diagrams are not required for this assignment. However, if you choose to include a diagram then all diagrams must follow copyright laws and be credited to the original source.Insert a text box on your diagram crediting the original source. Add the source to your final slide in your APA reference list.
My topic is Therapeutic Communication for HCA:Health Care Interdisciplinary Teams and other topic is Therapeutic Communication in Health Care Interdiscplinary Teams Activities
i want in canva presentation