How would you explain the concept of formatting and manipulating strings to some

How would you explain the concept of formatting and manipulating strings to some

How would you explain the concept of formatting and manipulating strings to someone who is just starting to learn Python? Share an example screenshot of Python code (different from your classmates) that shows a useful way to use predefined and/or string formatting methods to format information entered by the user. Use the main function to handle all of the input, processing, and output to the screen. Use in-line comments to describe each (detail the purpose of the control statement and why you chose it). Support your information by citing at least one reference, and remember to respond to at least two other students’ posts by providing meaningful insight into the topic.

Watch two videos(; https://www.youtub

Watch two videos(; https://www.youtub

Watch two videos(; )and explain in your own words the differences between the HUB, Switch, and Router through the collision, collision domain, broadcast domain, and operation layer of the OSI model. make sure to include outside sources to support your discussion. Please ensure that you cite your sources. Using the exact words of the authors in your research will not be accepted. Please paraphrase into your own words. (300 words)
Reply to the below discussion in your own words, no need out source.(100 words each)
1.Internet devices known as hubs, switches, and routers each play a specific role in networking at their respective level. Most of the time, these devices are integrated into a single device, making it prone to be mistaken that they carry out the same responsibilities. This post will discuss how each of them is different from the others in terms of various domains and the OSI model.
The first devices we are going to discuss are hubs, which belong to the Physical layer (or layer 1) of the OSI model. They forward data retrieved from the upper layers without knowing any information about where to send the data such as hardware (MAC) or logical (IP) addresses. To prevent collisions, hubs operate in a half-duplex manner, which allows each host to either transmit or receive data, but not both. This makes hubs belong to the same collision domain, defined as a physical segment of the network where collisions may occur. They also belong to only one broadcast domain, which is the logical segment of the network instructing how far the data can be transmitted. (Aaron, 2014)
Going one layer up we encounter switches, which reside in the Data Link layer (or layer 2) of the OSI model, determining the MAC address to where they need to send the data frame. They utilize the frame headers and their MAC address tables to identify the target MAC address when forwarding the frame they received from the upper layer. Switches can operate in full-duplex, and each port on a switch belongs to its own collision domain, resulting in multiple collision domains and fewer collisions. Still, however, switches belong to only one broadcast domain, just like the hubs do. This makes switches not suitable for large and scalable networks since they have no mechanism to differentiate between networks. (Aaron, 2014)
Further going one more layer up, we finally meet the last Internet device we would like to discuss – the routers. Located in the Network layer (or layer 3) of the OSI model, they are responsible for forwarding packets from one network to another. This characteristic of routers requires them to be the only Internet devices among hubs and switches that can belong to more than one broadcast domain. In addition, like switches, routers can create multiple collision domains resulting in fewer collisions since each interface on a router belongs to its own collision domain. Similar to switches each of which has MAC address tables to decide the target MAC address, each router uses a routing table to decide the next hop router and perform forwarding decisions. (Aaron, 2014)
Below is a summary of the differences between hubs, switches, and routers. Each resides in a different OSI model starting from the lowest layer and up. Hubs belong to the Physical layer, switches to the Data Link layer, and routers to the Network layer. Hubs belong to only one collision domain and one broadcast domain, whereas routers can belong to multiple collision and broadcast domains. Switches, on the other hand, can belong to multiple collision domains, but only one broadcast domain.
After this week’s reading, I have a better understanding of the breakdowns of networking devices, IP addresses, and protocols. Here is a short summary of the differences between hub, switch, and router in terms of their performance in the areas mentioned in the prompt based on my understanding. 
Hub: It’s a layer 1 device on the ISO since it has no intelligence. All devices connected to the hub share the same collision domain and it doesn’t separate the broadcast domain. It has a very high potential for collision because a signal from one port will be propagated to all – when two devices are sending signals at the same time collision happens. 
Switch: Switch recognizes the incoming and receiving MAC addresses which significantly reduces the chance for collision. Each port on the switch is considered as its own collision domain. It’s a layer 2 device on the ISO dealing with MAC addresses. Broadcast is still shared by all the ports.
Router: Router is a layer 3 device on the ISO dealing with IP addresses. I don’t think routers deal with collisions since they are on a higher layer. Each interface on a router is one collision domain. The broadcast domain is defined by each local network (Comer, D. E., 2018).

Watching and listening to the materials(

Watching and listening to the materials(

Watching and listening to the materials(; Describe how one assesses the use of Cloud architectures, virtualized computing, and SaaS applications.. Answer the question: What are the essential strategies and considerations for successful Cloud migrations? Each week to earn full points on the discussion forums, make sure to include outside sources to support your discussion. (300 words)
After listening to this week’s podcast(, reflect on what you learned, what you found of interest, how it might apply, how it was relevant to your professional development, and what conclusions you reached from the podcast. Document and submit your reflection in a 300 word written summary following APA 7th ed. style guidelines. Your reflection should refer to key points or narratives in the podcast and be concise, well-organized, and with sufficient detail.To successfully reflect on the podcast, be sure to follow these guidelines:
1) demonstrate acquisition of new content/knowledge from listening to the podcast.
2) demonstrate thoughts about or challenges to beliefs, values, and attitudes of self and others you may have heard.
3) demonstrate the application of what you learned to a broader context of personal and professional life.
4) demonstrate examination of the learning process, showing what learning occurred, how learning occurred, and how newly acquired knowledge or learning altered your existing knowledge. 
Reply to the below discussion (100 words each)
1.Assessing Cloud Architectures:
Determine whether the cloud constructiveness provides efficient resource usage by differentiating between relative resource consumption and practical resource consumption (e. g., auto-scaling, pay-as-you-go). The state should weigh the possibilities of expenditure reduction in comparison with the expenses on the on-premise structures.
Determine what aspects point to the ability to accommodate different requirements in terms of architecture. Are they easily expandable in circumstances when the workload increases and contractible under situations when it decreases?
Assess the security measures implemented by the cloud provider and consider compliance standards that the cloud provider must adhere to. Learn what measures are in place in terms of data protection and safeguards at rest and in transit.
What is the current state as measured on the availability, latency, reliability, and up-time of the architecture? Compliance with the performance needs of your applications:
Determine to what extent this architecture is compatible with what you already have in terms of on-premises resources and applications.
Virtualized Computing:
Assess how you are leveraging virtual resources available for your use. Is there any virtual machine that remains unoccupied or not in use that can be combined with others or turned off?
Supervise VM’s from the aspect of CPU utilization, amount of RAM and used storage. This is a question of determining existing constraints such as a system’s bottleneck or limited resource availability.
Discuss the current measures for securing virtual environment and the issues of Virtual Machine isolation as well as controlling the access.
Examine the cost involved in the operation and OS of virtual machines, especially in terms of licensing and workload management.
SaaS Applications:Assess whether the SaaS application has the right functionalities that can suit your business processes.
Evaluate and analyze the security measures as well as data protection standards of the SaaS provider. Make sure they meet your compliance expectations in particular wherever applicable.
The last thing you need to understand is how deeply your SaaS application is going to assimilate with your existing systems and processes.
Determine whether the chosen SaaS application meets expectations about scalability for the future growth in your business.
Think about the risks which are connected with using certain SaaS applications and its providers when using of specific SaaS applications and providers becomes essential for your company.
Pre-Implementation, Key Practices That Determine The Success Of Cloud Migration Processes: Here are some essential strategies and considerations:Clearly Define Objectives: The first step is to determine a vision that can be achieved through the cloud migration process. Whatever your goals for adoption of the cloud technology is, ensure that they are precise before venturing into it. Thus value proposal may be expressed in financial terms (e. g., cost savings, increased agility more flexibility and scalability).
Evaluate Your Existing Infrastructure: Evaluate the existing information technology environment and the applications that can be moved to cloud environment efficiently.
Choose the Right Cloud Service Model: Choose the appropriate model in the cloud service model hierarchy and one that is affordable to your firm.
Develop a Migration Strategy: Develop a clear roadmap before transferring all your workloads to the cloud so that you can know the procedures that are involved.
Security is Paramount: Security should not be overlooked during any of the stages or in executing the migration strategy. The organizations must adopt strong Information Technology security measures and apply sensitive data encryption.
Consider the cloud resources and adopt ongoing measures to maintain optimal use in relation to costs.
Perform a detailed change management analysis to identify risks and concerns to implementing new cloud systems.
The businesses who are responsible for adopting cloud-based solutions are the ones who are obligated to make certain that these solutions comply with all of the appropriate security standards and regulatory requirements. Laws pertaining to data privacy, regulations that are specialized to a certain industry, and recommendations for best practices in cybersecurity are all examples of these types of regulations. When you want to make sure that sensitive data is protected in a continuous manner, it is probable that you will need to implement stringent access restrictions, encryption protocols, monitoring and logging methods, and other monitoring and logging approaches. 
This is because you want to make sure that the data is safeguarded. In order to achieve successful cloud migration campaigns, it is necessary to make advantage of the expertise and support that cloud service providers have to offer (Pahl et al., 2013). This is yet another crucial approach that must be implemented. When it comes to assisting businesses with the process of migration, cloud providers typically provide their customers with a wide variety of professional services and tools to choose from. In addition to providing solutions for deployment assistance, evaluation, and planning, these services and products also provide services. Engaging with cloud providers is something that organizations should do in order to properly manage the intricacies of cloud migrations and ensure a smooth transition to the new environment. Businesses now have the ability to properly manage cloud migrations as a result of this being achievable.

Congratulations! You are about to start your first professional job as a tech su

Congratulations! You are about to start your first professional job as a tech su

Congratulations! You are about to start your first professional job as a tech support specialist for a large company. You have learned a lot about computer and employability skills, and how to conduct yourself in a professional setting. Now it is time to put that knowledge to use on your first day of your tech support position.
ObjectivesRespond to tech support scenarios using employment readiness skills.

Your TaskThis is your first day on the job as a tech support specialist for a large, multi-national company. Your job is to provide online and/or live support (via phone call or online chat) to members of the company who are experiencing technical issues with their laptops.
For this project, you will need to describe how you would handle the following two scenarios. Detailed instructions will follow the overview.
The Phone CallJoe, a project manager, calls your extension because his computer just crashed. He lets you know that his computer will not connect to the internet, that he has lost multiple files, and he needs to get things back up and running in the next hour due to an important meeting he is scheduled to host. He is irritated because he is working on an older laptop and is getting a new one next week. He says that he knew this would happen and wishes that this laptop worked for just one more week.
He is agitated and in a panic. He is afraid that he has lost all his important documents and is blaming the company’s technology. As you ask him questions to find out more about the problem, you make the rookie mistake of asking, “Have you tried restarting your computer?” Joe explodes in a rage and screams that he already told you that he did and that you are not listening to him.
You are now in a situation where you not only need to determine the cause of the problem and fix it, but you also need to calm this individual down so that you can get clearer and more accurate information.
What do you do?
The Online ChatJane, an employee at your company, has just opened an online chat with you. Jane states that although she has access to the internet, she cannot access either her email or her calendar. Jane just started her job in marketing today, and she is very flustered and does not know what to do.
Jane’s manager just gave her a project to research competitive ads to help inform a new campaign. She had taken a lot of notes in a Word document, and now she cannot find that document either. She was supposed to have the project sent over to her manager by the end of the day.
Jane is very nervous that she is going to get into trouble with her manager on her first day of work. She is sharing all of this with you in the online chat box.
What do you do?
RubricBefore you begin your project, read through the rubric. This is how your project will be graded. As you complete your project, refer to the rubric for guidance. Once your project is completed, see how you would score your project based on the work that you completed.
After you write your individual responses to the scenarios, work with a partner to model tech support interactions. Evaluate your responses to the scenarios based on the interactions.
What to Turn InYou can create your responses to the scenarios in one of two ways—as either a PowerPoint or a Word document. 
PowerPointOn the first slide, state your name and summarize the first scenario in terms of what you believe the problem to be and how the other person is feeling. Do not just restate what is written above, but interpret it based on your understanding of the situation.
On the second slide, describe in detail what your response will be to help the project manager in the first scenario.
On the third slide, list which employability skills you used to resolve the project manager’s problem. Explain why you believe these employability skills are important to achieving a successful resolution.
On the fourth slide, provide at least two reasons why you believe this particular situation would be difficult to resolve.
Use slides five through eight to repeat the first four steps, but for the second scenario.
On the ninth slide, state your partner’s name and present your partner’s feedback.
Word Document with the Following SectionsYour name
Summary of the Scenarios: Summarize the scenario as you interpret what you believe the problem to be and how the other person is feeling. Do not just restate what is written above, but interpret it based on your understanding of the situation.
Responses to Resolve the Situations: Describe in detail what your response will be to help the project manager.
Employability Skills Used to Resolve the Situations: List which employability skills you used to resolve the project manager’s problem. Explain why you believe these employability skills are important to achieving a successful resolution.
Why This Situation Is Difficult to Resolve: Provide at least two reasons why you believe this situation would be difficult to resolve.

Technical research paper with a length of 1900-2000 words in English without inc

Technical research paper with a length of 1900-2000 words in English without inc

Technical research paper with a length of 1900-2000 words in English without including the title and bibliographic references of the paper. In any case, the text will be written according to the corresponding IEEE template. (a) The technical report will contain a summary of the most important points of the topic but also an analysis of at least ten (10) relevant bibliographic references strictly sourced from IEEE Xplore (
(b) Your paper will be a comprehensive, critical and constructive short development of the topic related to contemporary technological developments. The aim of the work is to present in an understandable way to the reader issues that are of great interest to our community and aim to highlight and study important issues.