Share one of the links to an Andy Bounds video you liked or found most intere

Share one of the links to an Andy Bounds video you liked or found most interesting or compelling. Then respond to the following in a substantive post (3-4 paragraphs):
How might you prepare for a presentation at work with people you work with every day on a project team?

How might your preparation differ if you were presenting to the larger company, the board of directors of your company, or a group of shareholders at a large shareholder meeting?

What tips did Andy Bounds share with you that changed the way you think about presentations? What did he affirm that you already knew?
What value do you think the soft skill of being able to prepare and present PowerPoint slides to a project team brings to your career opportunities?
Do you think it would be easier or more difficult to give a presentation during an online meeting, as opposed to an in-person meeting? Why?

High school student need urgent help to finish AP Computer Science assignments

High school student need urgent help to finish AP Computer Science assignments (few resubmission and few new) today 08/29/2024.
The module is just started so there is NO CODING but need to read instruction online and complete it.
Student himself used AI with humanization but teacher rejected with all comments (attached).
This will be ongoing to complete this subject. 
           Name     1. CTH –   Computer-Internet Tool Assignment    2. CTH – Copyright   Choice Discussion    3. CTH – Computer   Person Project   4.  INT – Social Media Discussion   5. INT –   ACM Tech News Project    6. INT – AP Review   Assignment    7. INT –   Test     

 Identify and explain a specific business process. How might this process be au

 Identify and explain a specific business process. How might this process be automated with mobile technologies? How might it be completely redesigned? Refer to the instructions in the textbook.
Write a 2 page business process.
Please provide 3 – 5 peer-review references to substantiate your viewpoint. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA.
Include a cover page containing the assignment title, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover and reference pages do not count toward the page count. 
Note: plagiarism check required, APA7 format, include References, within 8hrs  

  The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of connected computing devices and o

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of connected computing devices and objects using unique identifiers and sending data over a network without requiring human interaction. Many industries (for example, automobile, healthcare, appliance, et cetera) are or will be using IoT to operate more efficiently and better serve their customers.
Research using the web to identify a recent or potential future IoT attack. Summarize the attack you chose and discuss why it was or potentially may be successful. Based on your research, are there red flags one should look out for when considering using IoT-enabled devices to avoid becoming an attack victim?
200-250 words

  Part 1 Discussion Questions: Externalities and the Environment Meyer descri

Part 1
Discussion Questions:
Externalities and the Environment
Meyer describes the “Tragedy of the Commons.” The IMF article explains how this type of problem is an example of an “externality.”  What is an externality? What might be a good government policy to solve the problem of the environmental externality that leads to high greenhouse gas emissions?
Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection
“Moral hazard” is a term often used in the context of peoples’ behavior once they have insurance.  Szuchman and Anderson explore the idea of moral hazard in personal relationships. How would you define moral hazard? Provide an example of a moral hazard that you have observed in your own community or workplace.
How does moral hazard differ from adverse selection?  Provide an example to illustrate this concept.
Part 2 Dis of 5
Monetary Policy and Inflation
Discussion Questions:
The Fed and Monetary Policy
Monetary policy is the action taken by the Federal Reserve to expand or contract the money supply and influence interest rates.
What are the current unemployment and inflation rates? How has the Fed redefined its targets for inflation and unemployment, and how do current conditions compare to those targets?
As the top advisor to the chair of the Federal Reserve, define contractionary and expansionary monetary policies and explain which you advise the Fed to pursue today—given the inflation and unemployment targets versus the current rates.
Inflation – Winners and Losers
We often hear of inflation characterized as a bad thing, but Meyer describes both winners and losers from inflation. Give an example of one way in which you would win from unexpected inflation and an example of one way in which you would lose from unexpected inflation.
Before answering these questions, review this Summary of New Fed Monetary Policies. You may consult other sources as well and include them in your bibliography.
Part 3 of Discussion 7
Graded Discussion Week 7
Classical or Keynesian?
Classical v. Keynesian Approaches to Smoothing Business Cycles
Fiscal policies are the actions of Congress on spending and taxing. (Note this is different from monetary policy, which is the action taken by the Federal Reserve to change the money supply and interest rates.)
Explain and compare the Keynesian and classical points of view on whether or not to intervene during the business cycle (an expansion = positive real GDP growth; and a recession = negative real GDP growth).   
Are we in recession today? Use today’s real GDP growth rates to explain your answer.   
As the President’s chief economist, describe the Keynesian fiscal policy you think the administration should follow, given today’s economic conditions.  Support your point of view using principles of Keynesian economics, as described by Mayer in Chapter 16 of Everything Economics.
The attached summary (How our Government Supports its Citizens) outlines a number of government functions that contribute to a well-functioning society and economy. 
List and explain two ways that in your everyday life there is a need for an effective government role in the economy.
What are two examples of government functions that help correct a market failure?
How our Government Supports its Citizens .docx(this document is attach, go through it before answering)

 Questions: How has the current cultural environment of our country shaped th

How has the current cultural environment of our country shaped the way that companies are looking at their own corporate cultural standards?
What are the potential downfalls and positive influences of the “Netflix way”?
How does Netflix’s internal culture negatively or positively affect its ability to stay competitive and deliver cutting-edge content? 
Today’s news is littered with scandals, new allegations of sexual assault, and tragedy. Since 2017 and the #metoo movement, stemming from the Harvey Weinstein scandal, more and more public figures have been put into the spotlight to defend themselves against allegations from women around the globe.
Not only publicly, but privately in companies around the world, there have been firings and investigations into misconduct from coworkers, managers, and CEOs. It is a relevant topic that is getting long-overdue publicity and encouraging more men and women to come forward to discuss openly rather than hide the events and injustices of the past. Other events showcase the tumultuous and on-edge society we are living in, such as the Charlottesville, VA, attack that left one dead and 19 injured when a person drove a car through a crowd of protestors during a white nationalist gathering.
With unanticipated events on a daily business, it is important for companies to take a stand against racial hatred and harassment of any kind, and to have firm policies when such events occur. Take Netflix, for example, who in July 2018 fired their chief communications officer for saying the “N-word” in full form. This event occurred during an internal meeting in which the speaker was not directing the slur at anyone specific but claimed it was being made as an emphatic point about offensive words in comedy programming. The “Netflix way,” the culture that is built around radical candor and transparency, was put to the test during this occurrence.
The offender, Jonathan Friedland, attempted to apologize for his misdeed, hoping it would fade away and his apology would be accepted. However, it didn’t work that way; instead, the anger was palpable between coworkers and eventually led to the firing of Friedland after a few months of inaction.
Netflixers are given a high level of freedom and responsibility within their “Netflix way” culture. Blunt feedback is encouraged, and trust and discretion are the ultimate gatekeeper, as employees have access to sensitive information and are ultimately trusted for how they expense items and take vacation time.
In the insanely fast-paced streaming-services industry, it is hard to keep this culture at a premium, but it is imperative for the success of the company overall. “As you scale a company to become bigger and bigger, how do you scale that kind of culture?” said Colin Estep, a former senior engineer who left voluntarily in 2016. “I don’t know that we ever had a good answer.”
In order to keep up, sometimes the company is seen as harsh in their tactics to keep the best of the best. “I think we’re transparent to a fault in our culture and that can come across as cutthroat,” said Walta Nemariam, an employee in talent acquisition at Netflix.
Netflix has stayed true to their cultural values despite the pressures and sometimes negative connotations associated with this “cutthroat” environment. Their ability to remain agile, while displaying no tolerance for societal injustices, puts them at the forefront of new-age companies. It is a difficult pace to stay in line with, but it seems that they are keeping in stride and remaining true to who they are, for now.
Sources: B. Stelter, “The Weinstein Effect: Harvey Weinstein scandal sparks movements in Hollywood and beyond,” CNN Business, October 20, 2017,; L. Hertzler, “Talking #MeToo, one year after bombshell Weinstein allegations,” Penn Today, October 30, 2018,; S. Ramachandaran and J. Flint, “At Netflix, Radical Transparency and Blunt Firings Unsettle the Ranks,” Wall Street Journal, October 25, 2018,

  Understanding the Work of the IT Governance Board  Post your initial response

Understanding the Work of the IT Governance Board
 Post your initial response of at least 150 words 
The work of the company’s governance boards and committees is extremely important since these groups plan, design, negotiate, implement and provide oversight for the processes, policies, procedures, and other mechanisms used to guide,  monitor, control, and assess the operations of the company. Each board is comprised of executives who each represent their functional areas or a group of internal stakeholders. Usually, there is a chair position that rotates among the members. If you would like to learn more about corporate governance in general, Deloitte’s report Developing an effective governance operating model: A guide for financial services boards and management teams provides a brief but comprehensive overview (see You may also find this article What is a management system?, from the International Standards Organization, helpful as it explains what a management system is and why standards are needed to define repeatable steps that organizations can use to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of their management activities.
The next meeting of the IT Governance board will include a set of orientation briefings for the new members. If you had to make a recommendation to the IT Governance board for standards that should be followed as it relates to cybersecurity in an organization, what would that standard be? For example, the following IT management / IT security management frameworks, standards, and models.
ISO 27001 (ISMS Program Management)
NIST Cybersecurity Framework
NIST Security and Privacy Controls (NIST SP 800-53)
NIST Risk Management Framework (NIST SP 800-37)
Cite your sources as appropriate. 
Part 2
Research report 1
Instructions are in the attach document

 Questions: How has the current cultural environment of our country shaped th

How has the current cultural environment of our country shaped the way that companies are looking at their own corporate cultural standards?
What are the potential downfalls and positive influences of the “Netflix way”?
How does Netflix’s internal culture negatively or positively affect its ability to stay competitive and deliver cutting-edge content? 
Today’s news is littered with scandals, new allegations of sexual assault, and tragedy. Since 2017 and the #metoo movement, stemming from the Harvey Weinstein scandal, more and more public figures have been put into the spotlight to defend themselves against allegations from women around the globe.
Not only publicly, but privately in companies around the world, there have been firings and investigations into misconduct from coworkers, managers, and CEOs. It is a relevant topic that is getting long-overdue publicity and encouraging more men and women to come forward to discuss openly rather than hide the events and injustices of the past. Other events showcase the tumultuous and on-edge society we are living in, such as the Charlottesville, VA, attack that left one dead and 19 injured when a person drove a car through a crowd of protestors during a white nationalist gathering.
With unanticipated events on a daily business, it is important for companies to take a stand against racial hatred and harassment of any kind, and to have firm policies when such events occur. Take Netflix, for example, who in July 2018 fired their chief communications officer for saying the “N-word” in full form. This event occurred during an internal meeting in which the speaker was not directing the slur at anyone specific but claimed it was being made as an emphatic point about offensive words in comedy programming. The “Netflix way,” the culture that is built around radical candor and transparency, was put to the test during this occurrence.
The offender, Jonathan Friedland, attempted to apologize for his misdeed, hoping it would fade away and his apology would be accepted. However, it didn’t work that way; instead, the anger was palpable between coworkers and eventually led to the firing of Friedland after a few months of inaction.
Netflixers are given a high level of freedom and responsibility within their “Netflix way” culture. Blunt feedback is encouraged, and trust and discretion are the ultimate gatekeeper, as employees have access to sensitive information and are ultimately trusted for how they expense items and take vacation time.
In the insanely fast-paced streaming-services industry, it is hard to keep this culture at a premium, but it is imperative for the success of the company overall. “As you scale a company to become bigger and bigger, how do you scale that kind of culture?” said Colin Estep, a former senior engineer who left voluntarily in 2016. “I don’t know that we ever had a good answer.”
In order to keep up, sometimes the company is seen as harsh in their tactics to keep the best of the best. “I think we’re transparent to a fault in our culture and that can come across as cutthroat,” said Walta Nemariam, an employee in talent acquisition at Netflix.
Netflix has stayed true to their cultural values despite the pressures and sometimes negative connotations associated with this “cutthroat” environment. Their ability to remain agile, while displaying no tolerance for societal injustices, puts them at the forefront of new-age companies. It is a difficult pace to stay in line with, but it seems that they are keeping in stride and remaining true to who they are, for now.
Sources: B. Stelter, “The Weinstein Effect: Harvey Weinstein scandal sparks movements in Hollywood and beyond,” CNN Business, October 20, 2017,; L. Hertzler, “Talking #MeToo, one year after bombshell Weinstein allegations,” Penn Today, October 30, 2018,; S. Ramachandaran and J. Flint, “At Netflix, Radical Transparency and Blunt Firings Unsettle the Ranks,” Wall Street Journal, October 25, 2018,

 Questions: How has the current cultural environment of our country shaped th

How has the current cultural environment of our country shaped the way that companies are looking at their own corporate cultural standards?
What are the potential downfalls and positive influences of the “Netflix way”?
How does Netflix’s internal culture negatively or positively affect its ability to stay competitive and deliver cutting-edge content?
Today’s news is littered with scandals, new allegations of sexual assault, and tragedy. Since 2017 and the #metoo movement, stemming from the Harvey Weinstein scandal, more and more public figures have been put into the spotlight to defend themselves against allegations from women around the globe.
Not only publicly, but privately in companies around the world, there have been firings and investigations into misconduct from coworkers, managers, and CEOs. It is a relevant topic that is getting long-overdue publicity and encouraging more men and women to come forward to discuss openly rather than hide the events and injustices of the past. Other events showcase the tumultuous and on-edge society we are living in, such as the Charlottesville, VA, attack that left one dead and 19 injured when a person drove a car through a crowd of protestors during a white nationalist gathering.
With unanticipated events on a daily business, it is important for companies to take a stand against racial hatred and harassment of any kind, and to have firm policies when such events occur. Take Netflix, for example, who in July 2018 fired their chief communications officer for saying the “N-word” in full form. This event occurred during an internal meeting in which the speaker was not directing the slur at anyone specific but claimed it was being made as an emphatic point about offensive words in comedy programming. The “Netflix way,” the culture that is built around radical candor and transparency, was put to the test during this occurrence.
The offender, Jonathan Friedland, attempted to apologize for his misdeed, hoping it would fade away and his apology would be accepted. However, it didn’t work that way; instead, the anger was palpable between coworkers and eventually led to the firing of Friedland after a few months of inaction.
Netflixers are given a high level of freedom and responsibility within their “Netflix way” culture. Blunt feedback is encouraged, and trust and discretion are the ultimate gatekeeper, as employees have access to sensitive information and are ultimately trusted for how they expense items and take vacation time.
In the insanely fast-paced streaming-services industry, it is hard to keep this culture at a premium, but it is imperative for the success of the company overall. “As you scale a company to become bigger and bigger, how do you scale that kind of culture?” said Colin Estep, a former senior engineer who left voluntarily in 2016. “I don’t know that we ever had a good answer.”
In order to keep up, sometimes the company is seen as harsh in their tactics to keep the best of the best. “I think we’re transparent to a fault in our culture and that can come across as cutthroat,” said Walta Nemariam, an employee in talent acquisition at Netflix.
Netflix has stayed true to their cultural values despite the pressures and sometimes negative connotations associated with this “cutthroat” environment. Their ability to remain agile, while displaying no tolerance for societal injustices, puts them at the forefront of new-age companies. It is a difficult pace to stay in line with, but it seems that they are keeping in stride and remaining true to who they are, for now.
 B. Stelter, “The Weinstein Effect: Harvey Weinstein scandal sparks movements in Hollywood and beyond,” CNN Business, October 20, 2017,; L. Hertzler, “Talking #MeToo, one year after bombshell Weinstein allegations,” Penn Today, October 30, 2018,; S. Ramachandaran and J. Flint, “At Netflix, Radical Transparency and Blunt Firings Unsettle the Ranks,” Wall Street Journal, October 25, 2018,

  Understanding the Work of the IT Governance Board  Post your initial response

Understanding the Work of the IT Governance Board
 Post your initial response of at least 150 words 
The work of the company’s governance boards and committees is extremely important since these groups plan, design, negotiate, implement and provide oversight for the processes, policies, procedures, and other mechanisms used to guide,  monitor, control, and assess the operations of the company. Each board is comprised of executives who each represent their functional areas or a group of internal stakeholders. Usually, there is a chair position that rotates among the members. If you would like to learn more about corporate governance in general, Deloitte’s report Developing an effective governance operating model: A guide for financial services boards and management teams provides a brief but comprehensive overview (see You may also find this article What is a management system?, from the International Standards Organization, helpful as it explains what a management system is and why standards are needed to define repeatable steps that organizations can use to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of their management activities.
The next meeting of the IT Governance board will include a set of orientation briefings for the new members. If you had to make a recommendation to the IT Governance board for standards that should be followed as it relates to cybersecurity in an organization, what would that standard be? For example, the following IT management / IT security management frameworks, standards, and models.
ISO 27001 (ISMS Program Management)
NIST Cybersecurity Framework
NIST Security and Privacy Controls (NIST SP 800-53)
NIST Risk Management Framework (NIST SP 800-37)
Cite your sources as appropriate. 
Part 2
Research report 1
Instructions are in the attach document