“Everything we think we know about the world is a model. Every word and every la

“Everything we think we know about the world is a model. Every word and every la

“Everything we think we know about the world is a model. Every word and every language is a model. All maps and statistics, books and databases, equations and computer programs are models. So are the ways I picture the world in my head—my mental models. None of these is or ever will be the real world.”
“Our models usually have a strong congruence with the world. That is why we are such a successful species in the biosphere.”
“However, and conversely, our models fall far short of representing the world fully. That is why we make mistakes and why we are regularly surprised.”
Based on the following quote(s) from the Meadows (2008) book, do the following:
Briefly describe, in 3-5 paragraphs (450 or more words), what this quote or quotes means to you in terms of systems thinking and provide two (2) unique examples using references for support as needed. 
The structure of your post should be clear with a solid introduction, body and strong conclusion; don’t condense this into one paragraph. 

“Everything we think we know about the world is a model. Every word and every la

“Everything we think we know about the world is a model. Every word and every la

“Everything we think we know about the world is a model. Every word and every language is a model. All maps and statistics, books and databases, equations and computer programs are models. So are the ways I picture the world in my head—my mental models. None of these is or ever will be the real world.”
“Our models usually have a strong congruence with the world. That is why we are such a successful species in the biosphere.”
“However, and conversely, our models fall far short of representing the world fully. That is why we make mistakes and why we are regularly surprised.”
Based on the following quote(s) from the Meadows (2008) book, do the following:
Briefly describe, in 3-5 paragraphs (450 or more words), what this quote or quotes means to you in terms of systems thinking and provide two (2) unique examples using references for support as needed. 
The structure of your post should be clear with a solid introduction, body and strong conclusion; don’t condense this into one paragraph. 

Manufacturer Weighs Converting to Internet of Things You are a member of the pla

Manufacturer Weighs Converting to Internet of Things
You are a member of the pla

Manufacturer Weighs Converting to Internet of Things
You are a member of the plant information systems group for a small manufacturer of all-natural ingredient cosmetics. Your firm promotes itself as adhering to the highest standards of compliance and quality. Manufacturing is rigorously monitored via sensors and computer controls throughout the entire process, and automated temperature controls ensure complete stability in the manufacturing environment. Sensor tracking is performed from the moment that raw materials enter your facility, throughout the manufacturing process, packaging, and on to distribution. The sensors and computer controls were installed when the plant was built in the 1990s and use proprietary communications protocols and are not Internet enabled. Data from these sensors is monitored by a group of three technicians in the computer control room. Twelve workers are required to staff the control room 24/7, including weekends and most holidays.
Your company has just purchased a plant previously owned by one of your competitors in a nearby state. Your group has been asked to look at the feasibility of upgrading the sensors used in both plants to Internet-enabled sensors connected to the Internet of Things. This would make it possible for technicians in one control room to monitor the operation of both plants. Plant staffing could be reduced by 12 workers saving $1.2 million in labor expenses per year. It is estimated that the cost of replacing the existing sensors and converting to the Internet of Things is in the vicinity of $1.5 million.
1.     [2 points] Why is it necessary to replace the existing sensors to implement an IoT network?
2.     [2 points] What additional benefits may arise from converting the plants to the Internet of Things?
3.     [3 points] What new risks are raised by placing the new system of sensors on the Internet of Things?
4.     [3 points] What actions could be taken to reduce these risks?
Cloud Helps Fight Cancer
Each minute one person in the United States dies from cancer—over half a million deaths per year. Thousands of scientists and physicians are working around the clock to fight cancer where it starts—in our DNA.
DNA is a molecule present in our cells that carries most of the genetic instructions used in the development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms. The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases, and more than 99 percent of those bases are the same in all people. The complete set of DNA instructions is called your genome, and it comes packaged into two sets of chromosomes, one set from your mother and one set from your father. Sometimes those instructions are miscoded or misread, which can cause cells to malfunction and grow out of control—resulting in cancer.
Doctors now routinely use patient genetic data along with personal data and health factors to design highly personalized treatments for cancer patients. However, genome sequencing is a highly complex effort—it takes about 100 gigabytes of data to represent just a single human genome. Only a few years ago, it was not even feasible to analyze an entire human genome. The Human Genome Project (HGP) was the international, collaborative research program whose goal was the complete mapping and understanding of all the genes of human beings. The HGP took over 15 years and cost in the neighborhood of $3 billion, but the result was the ability to read the complete genetic blueprint for humans.
It takes a computer with powerful processing power and prodigious amounts of storage capacity to process all the patient data required to sequence their genome. Most researchers simply do not have the in-house computing facilities equal to the challenge. As a result, they turn to cloud computing solutions, such as the Amazon Web Services public cloud system. Thanks to cloud computing and other technical advances, sequencing of a human genome can now be done in about 40 hours at a cost of under $5000.
Researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio invented Churchill, a software application that analyzes gene sequences very efficiently. Using cloud computing and this new algorithm, researchers at the hospital are now able to analyze a thousand individual genomes over the period of a week. Not only does this technology enable the hospital to help individual patients, it also helps large-scale research efforts exploring the genetic mutations that cause diseases.
Using the cloud also enables doctors and researchers worldwide to share information and collaborate more easily. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) is a research program supported by the National Cancer Institute and the National Human Genome Research Institute, whose goal is to identify genomic changes in more than 20 different types of human cancer. TCGA researchers compare the DNA samples of normal tissue with cancer tissue taken from the same patient to identify changes specific to that cancer. The researchers hope to analyze hundreds of samples for each type of cancer from many different patients to better understand what makes one cancer different from another cancer. This is critical because two patients with the same type of cancer can experience very different outcomes and respond very differently to the same treatment. Researchers hope to develop more effective, individualized treatments for each patient by connecting specific genomic changes with specific outcomes.
1.     What advantages does cloud computing offer physicians and researchers in their fight against cancer?
2.     Estimate the amount of data required to analyze the human genome of 100 patients for each of 20 different types of cancer.
3.     Physicians must abide by HIPAA regulations when transmitting data back and forth to the cloud. The penalties for noncompliance are based on the level of negligence and can range from $100 to $50,000 per violation (or per record). Violations can also carry criminal charges, resulting in jail time. What measures can be taken when using cloud computing to ensure that patient confidentiality will not be violated?

You have been employed in the supply chain management organization of Coles for

You have been employed in the supply chain management organization of Coles for

You have been employed in the supply chain management organization of Coles for the past two years. You are very excited when you are asked to join a team being formed to address serious inventory management problems often associated with the introduction of new products. Too often, customers who make a trip to Coles to purchase a highly advertised new product are disappointed to find the store is out of stock of that particular item. Such stockouts result in lost sales for both Coles and the product supplier and the potential loss of customers as shoppers look elsewhere to find the new product. The resulting loss of customer goodwill can have a long-term effect on sales. Solving this problem will require a balancing act; the company needs to carry sufficient inventory of new products to meet customer demand while avoiding excessive inventory levels that increase costs.
The team you have joined consists of nine people representing the finance, marketing, and supply chain management organizations at both Coles and two of Coles’ largest suppliers. The team is charged with looking at a wide range of solutions, including improved analytics and forecasting systems, customer-loyalty analysis tools to provide insights into customer buying patterns, and improved distribution methods to cut costs and delivery times.
The leader of the team has asked that each member share a brief personal background paragraph that outlines the individual’s knowledge and experience relevant to solving this problem. Create a paragraph for a team member who is a well-qualified, but relatively inexperienced representative of the Coles’ supply chain management organization.

You will create a 15 slides PowerPoint Presentation (the cover slide and Works C

You will create a 15 slides PowerPoint Presentation (the cover slide and Works C

You will create a 15 slides PowerPoint Presentation (the cover slide and Works Cited Slide do not count towards the 15 slides) that covers how important elements of The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow are interwoven into Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun.” You must go back and review your questions and the videos to pinpoint a minimum of 5 examples and show how they are interwoven in the play by using examples of characterization, examples of symbolism, and examples of the setting.
In laymen terms, What 5 things did you identify from the videos? List them
Now, how are they interwoven into Hansberry’s use of characterization, symbolism, and setting of the play? 
Here is an example: Jim Crow is interwoven in the jobs Walter, Ruth, and Mama have. Provide an example from the play that supports this belief.  When you provide an example, it should be a direct quote followed by an intext citation. Now, explain it.
Another example where Jim Crow is visible in Hansberry play is through Walter’s desire for a liquor store. On page… Walter state,” provide the quote” (Hansberry 342). Now, explain the significance of the quotes.
You must use direct quotes with intext citations and explain your information thoroughly.
Slides Must Haves (Use a readable font and color, use a creative but appropriate background)
Quotes and paraphrases from all Acts of the Play-you must use quotes. Support your stance. You must use information from the video. Refer to the Rise and Fall of Jim Crow Announcement to cite information from a video
Examples of Characterizations (Walter Lee Younger, Ruth, Lena, Beneatha)
Examples of Symbolism
Examples of Setting
*You must offer an analysis for each example you provide. Make your you thoroughly explain your example.
You must include a cover slide which does not count towards your 15 slides of content.
The 17th slide will be the Works Cited Slide
Avoid waiting until the last minute to complete your work. Your work must be your own. Plagiarism results in automatic failure.
See the sample slide below from a student. Be sure you proofread your slides. Below, you will see capitalization errors, citing errors, and making the connection between the example of Walter Lee Younger and Booker T. Washington. This student should elaborate more to connect the two examples.