My assignment is to: Think of an anecdote you habitually tell when you first co

My assignment is to:
Think of an anecdote you habitually tell when you first come to know someone—a story you tell about yourself that is sad, strange, or funny. Make sure it’s the one you’ve already told everyone who knows you well, one you’ve told a thousand times.
Now put it down on paper. Try to capture—exactly—the way you tell it: the words that you stress, and the phrases that you use. It should read like a transcript of your own voice.
When you read what you’ve written, look for clues to your own personality. Pay attention to what the anecdote says about your sense of humor, your personal obsessions, your core character, and what that story means to you.
Use your distinctive narrative voice as an intimate, expressive instrument rather than an inert vehicle of information exchange.
Check the energy level of your writing.Salman Rushdie calls this the vroom-vroom factor.Is your writing alive with personality and persuasion?
What makes this a story?
What is it about the anecdote that you enjoy telling?
What is the desired effect? Are you in control of it?
Criteria for Succes:
A first person narrative needs to do more than just fill the reader in on the action. It needs to be multidimensional—illuminating a character not only through the information she gives willingly, but the accidental information she gives through preoccupation and perspective. A writer needs to create a voice that characterizes this narrator in a way she might not be able to characterize herself, at least not directly.
Have you chosen an anecdote that reveals more than a surface-level view? This assignment will work best if you are honest (with yourself and in your writing): what is it about your favorite anecdote that is manipulative? What response do you wish for when you tell it?
For this assignment I am supposed to tell a story from my point of view. In this assignment talk about my parents divorce and how I was 10 years old and my brother was 8. We were both shocked and sad. As my parents were telling us we both just looked at each other and started crying. Make that into a funny/sad story of me explaining it from my perspective. Talk about how we both looked to the positives such as more vacations, more presents for holidays, and living in two houses.

This Assignment is for a Canadian University, when looking for other inspiration

This Assignment is for a Canadian University, when looking for other inspiration

This Assignment is for a Canadian University, when looking for other inspiration, only look at other CANADIAN UNIVERSITIES or the University List I have provided in the Environmental Scan. Also, try to find Universities that have Infographics. The Objective of this Project is to take all the Information I have (look at the Defining Safe Sport Doc and the Environmental Scan Doc and the Teachers Comments). and make it look more appealing. Narrow It all down and Put it into an Infographic like the University of Western. It should only speak on the meat and strong points of my statements like Western U’s does (canada). This Objective is to Create a Website Page for the University of Windsor that is Better than Western and Queens University’s Safe Sport Page.
Safe Sport has become an important, but challenging piece for sport organizations.
This Directed Study course will explore the Safe Sport landscape in USport institutions to inform the integration of Safe Sport into the University of Windsor Lancer environment. The goal of Safe Sport is to strive to create a safe and positive environment for student-athletes, coaches, staff and community.
Currently, a gap exists for Safe Sport within Lancer Athletics and it is a priority to ensure resources, training and pathways for support are available. A focus on diverse and equity-deserving groups is paramount.
These outcomes from this course are shared priorities for the Department of Kinesiology, Athletics and Recreation Service and the broader University of Windsor community as the outcomes aim to mitigate potential risks and empower individuals to understand their rights and responsibilities.
Potential Outcomes: Identify Safe Sport domains and stakeholders. Compile and/or create relevant resources related to training and support. Propose educational pathways for student-athletes, coaches and staff. Review existing policies and identify gaps. Participate in delivery of Safe Sport information to incoming student-athletes in fall 2024
Propose Templates / organize materials
Propose templates and organization of Safe Sport materials (print and web-based) for Lancer Athletics.
I am needing you to take what I have presented and lower the paragraphs, paraphrase and shorten it and only put the take away messages. I need you to look at all the information provided and find out what are the kinds of materials and information that I have that would be relative on a 1 page document.
Western Mustangs Safe Sport Central – Western Mustangs Sports
Safe Sport at Western University – Western Mustangs Sports
I have to take the information that I have and create an infographic that mimics Western Universities. I need to come up with a “goal sentence”, “how to receive help”, “domains and stakeholders” and more. I also would need a support and resources page as well as educational resources. We are to totally mimic and make a better infographic than the University of western!
Infographic should speak on the education part which you can find in my documents, physical safety and psychological safety and how the School will protect them. I would also look at other schools’ Infographics from my Environmental Scan or look at other Canadian Universities on the east side of Canada. We are to have on the Infographic a “What to do if?” “Where support is?’. The Infographic should be a big flier that someone can come to to learn more about Safe Sport and how to receive help. Please look at Western University Infographic! Also the Infographic should haveImplications and ramifications for all: coaches, facilitators, references, students, etc. Infographic should speak o what type of materials does someone need(s), stickers to support safe sport , Posters, education, powerpoint, training resources, etc.
Proposing Templates:
Diff, Framework, What stakeholders and what materials do they need. Should be said in it that all coaches sign off on a code of conduct. Universal code of conduct (check documents). Educational Course (check documents). What materials do we provide the coach with. Student athlete code of conduct? What materials would that be? Educational materials? Website? What Materials, break out if your in this stakeholder group, you may need this and if your in this stakeholder grouple you made need that..
Create a Chart, Who are the people? What do they neeed?
Key Fundamentals; Education (what does it look like, how do we teach it, what are we teaching), Accountability (what does it look like, who holds it accountable, what is the standard?), Policy (What is the policy, how do we enforce it, etc). What policies, Resources and support, Education.
Maybe make a Inforgraphic for coaches and for players? Or website for both?
Look at Queens University
Reference: This school does well (look in my Environmental Scan), find best code of conduct, for APPENDICES, references why you think it is good and needed for the University of Windsor. The Language needs to be Understandable, not to long, clean and clear. Always build apart on the work, Speak on What Accountability looks like for the student athlete. What are you held accountable for? How is it Investigated, What did “I” do? Clearly define the “process”. What is the student or coach or stakeholders “rights”? What’s In the code of conduct? Here is the process (create the process, I gave a great idea in the documents but expand off of it). Where do you go to conduct the process? The materials and template should define the process. Parents are stakeholders, how can they be one? Secondary Stakeholder. Parents would love to go to our website and see we have a process to protect their children, shows we as a University care. Maybe put a website for primary stakeholders and secondary stakeholders or infographic. The Goal is to make this less of an academic paper because that is what I have in the first two documents. It should be like a chart with horizontal things. Should be an infographic that mimics Western or Queens U but BETTER. Layout should look more like webpages/posters, with small info. Code of conduct bullet poinrs, pictues, and look better for people to read like western.
Frontiers | Listening to Athletes’ Voices: National Team Athletes’ Perspectives on Advancing Safe Sport in Canada
Physical and Health Education in Canada: Integrated Approaches for … – Google Books
Canada’s safe sport program still in need of change, says Olympic champion Jennifer Heil | CBC Sports

For this project, you will use the provided template and design 3 lesson plan (H

For this project, you will use the provided template and design 3 lesson plan (H

For this project, you will use the provided template and design 3 lesson plan (Health Lesson Plan). You will choose an age infant through 5th grade. For ages 0-4, you will choose a Georgia Early Learning Development Standard (GELDS) to include as part of your lesson. For grade K-5th, you will use Georgia Standards of Excellence.
Please read over the rubric, grade sheet, lesson plan template, and How to Write a Lesson Plan before completing this assignment.

For this project, you will use the provided template and design 1 lesson plan (H

For this project, you will use the provided template and design 1 lesson plan (H

For this project, you will use the provided template and design 1 lesson plan (Health Lesson Plan). You will choose an age infant through 5th grade. For ages 0-4, you will choose a Georgia Early Learning Development Standard (GELDS) to include as part of your lesson. For grade K-5th, you will use Georgia Standards of Excellence.
Please read over the rubric, grade sheet, lesson plan template, and How to Write a Lesson Plan before completing this assignment.

1.Make sure the article clearly states three reasons why people should start red

1.Make sure the article clearly states three reasons why people should start red

1.Make sure the article clearly states three reasons why people should start red light therapy. Each reason should have a clear topic, and you need to support your opinion with specific information, examples, or scientific data.
2.Make sure the article clearly states three reasons why people should start red light therapy. Each reason should have a clear topic, and you need to support your opinion with specific information, examples, or scientific data.
3. Word limit is 1200-2000.
4. At the end of the article, a summary of the three reasons can re-emphasize the potential benefits of red light therapy and why people should try it.
5. Its an article so please add table of content make sure the plagiarism should be 0% NO AI and no grammatical error

you are to write a 4-5 paragraph opinion paper on The New World. For this assign

you are to write a 4-5 paragraph opinion paper on The New World. For this assign

you are to write a 4-5 paragraph opinion paper on The New World. For this assignment, you must:
Identify at least two examples of framing used in the film as described in this week’s PowerPoint and explain each framing’s purpose.
Identify a properly used close up and why.
Identify a properly used wide shot and why.
Please ensure that you are meeting all of the hallmarks of good writing:
A clear main idea/thesis statement that is supported by evidence.
Clear sentences that flow easily into each other through use of transitions and other connective logic.
Writing that stays focused/shows coherence.
Writing that has been carefully proofread and is error free.
While this is an opinion paper, please remember that you need to offer evidence when making your assertions about framing, close ups, and wide shots.

Critical Analysis Paper Guidelines The purpose of the critical analysis is to de

Critical Analysis Paper Guidelines
The purpose of the critical analysis is to de

Critical Analysis Paper Guidelines
The purpose of the critical analysis is to demonstrate your ability to think critically about
the readings. Your task is to:
1. summarize the reading in your own words. This summary should be detailed,
comprehensive, and competent. It will demonstrate your understanding of the
reading. The summary will include a restatement of the reading’s central thesis
and supporting arguments in your own words.
2. take a stand on the reading: defend it or refute it. Is the author right or wrong?
Go through the thesis statement and supporting arguments. If you agree with
them, tell me why you agree, not simply that you agree. If you disagree, tell me
why you agree, not simply that you disagree.
3. whether you think the author is right or wrong, support your arguments with
external examples to illustrate your points. The external examples should not be
something discussed in class. It must be something new. It should also be
something you can cite from a news source, journal article, published report, or
book. That is, you cannot use a personal experience as an external example.
LENGTH: 4 pages
FORMAT: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double spaced.


Critical Analysis Paper

Critical Analysis Paper Guidelines
The purpose of the critical analysis is to demonstrate your ability to think critically about
the readings. Your task is to:
1. summarize the reading in your own words. This summary should be detailed,
comprehensive, and competent. It will demonstrate your understanding of the
reading. The summary will include a restatement of the reading’s central thesis
and supporting arguments in your own words.
2. take a stand on the reading: defend it or refute it. Is the author right or wrong?
Go through the thesis statement and supporting arguments. If you agree with
them, tell me why you agree, not simply that you agree. If you disagree, tell me
why you agree, not simply that you disagree.
3. whether you think the author is right or wrong, support your arguments with
external examples to illustrate your points. The external examples should not be
something discussed in class. It must be something new. It should also be
something you can cite from a news source, journal article, published report, or
book. That is, you cannot use a personal experience as an external example.
LENGTH: 4 pages
FORMAT: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double spaced.

Frederick Douglass: What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? Overview: Both Audr

Frederick Douglass: What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?
Overview: Both Audr

Frederick Douglass: What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?
Overview: Both Audre Lorde and Frederick Douglass write about America’s national holiday. However, Lorde writes a personal narrative whereas Douglass writes an essay. You have read Lorde’s narrative; now, as you read Douglass’s essay, take notes of any ideas or themes that you find interesting, appealing, captivating, enlightening, or worthy of further thought. Save your notes. Moreover, complete Task 3 (below) by posting your answers into this discussion. Given below are the printed and video copies of Frederick Douglass’s “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”
TASK 1: Read the manuscript as you listen to the recording.
TASK 2: Annotate as you read and listen.
Listen to to an external site.
Discussion Questions (2 pts. each; 10 pts. total)
Why does Douglass appeal to the Constitution in the last section of the speech? What is surprising about this appeal?
To what other elements in the American political tradition does he appeal?
Given all that he has said in his speech, why does Douglass conclude on an optimistic note for black Americans?
What reasons does he give for optimism?
What are your feelings about the Fourth of July Holiday?
Submission Guidelines for Discussion Questions
Please write your initial posts in complete sentences.
Reply to at least one other classmate in this discussion with a substantive response (3-5 sentences): 4 pts. total. In your response, do one of the following:
Ask a probing question.
Offer a suggestion.
Elaborate on a particular point.
Provide an alternative opinion.
Points Breakdown
Points for discussion questions: 10
Points for responding to 1 other: 4 Total points possible: 14
Discussion Questions
Why does Douglass appeal to the Constitution in the last section of the speech? What is surprising about this appeal?
To what other elements in the American political tradition does he appeal?
Given all that he has said in his speech, why does Douglass conclude on an optimistic note for black Americans?
What reasons does he give for optimism?
What are your feelings about the Fourth of July Holiday?