Susan is a seven year old child in the second grade. She comes from a poor fa

Susan is a seven year old child in the second grade. She comes from a poor fa

Susan is a seven year old child in the second grade. She comes from a poor family and her single mom, Betty, tends to work up to 60 hours per week which requires Susan to spend time with lots of different babysitters. Betty has few friends and even fewer social resources. At school, Susan’s teacher noticed that Susan appeared to be in pain and that she was crying for no apparent reason. Her teacher asked Susan if she was okay and if she had hurt herself somehow. Susan stated that her “private parts were sore” and that her mommy’s friend told her “not to tell anyone what happened or mommy would be in trouble”. Shocked by the child’s disclosure, the teacher immediately contacted the school nurse and the state child protection agency.  
If Betty knew that Susan was being abused but Betty did not actually participate in the abuse, would there be any legal consequences for Betty? What if Betty did not know of the abuse, would there be any legal consequences for her? How does one prove what a person “knows or should have known”?
2. What is the role of a “Child Protection Team” (CPT) as set forth in Chapter 39 of the Florida Statutes and how could CPT assist Susan and her Mom if in fact her mom had no culpable role in the abuse? What would ‘reasonable efforts” be for this family?
3. Why is child sexual abuse so difficult to identify and prosecute?

Choose 1: 1. It is expensive to upkeep a trace unit. Many labs are shutting the

Choose 1:
1. It is expensive to upkeep a trace unit. Many labs are shutting the

Choose 1:
1. It is expensive to upkeep a trace unit. Many labs are shutting their units down. Discuss the pros/cons of keeping open a unit that doesn’t give personal identification data, like DNA.
2. The number of trace evidence cases submitted to labs has continually diminished over recent years. Why do you think that is happening?
3. Provide some input on what glass analysis can tell us in the 21st century. You may want to look up articles by Dr. Almirall’s group @ FIU.
Michael Grieve passed away not long ago. Discuss the contributions he made to forensic science.
Discuss some of the contributions Dr. Walter McCrone has made to the forensic community over the years.

Each @rticle assigned in Weeks 3 and 4 presents a valid argument that reflects

Each @rticle assigned in Weeks 3 and 4 presents a valid argument that reflects

Each @rticle assigned in Weeks 3 and 4 presents a valid argument that reflects a stance at the time they were published. While they make compelling arguments regarding their individual topics, much has changed in our understanding of the issues they raise.
Choose one of the readings in Weeks 3 and 4 and update the research supporting their argument. Or, present an argument that may oppose or counter their argument, using valid research.
Following the “They Say/I Say” model, you will use research from that to inform your approach to the issue you are writing about.
In your ess@y, address the following questions. These questions can serve as an outline for your ess@y.
How does the assigned article (from Weeks 3 or 4) reflect a current understanding of the topic? Which points still ring true today?
What are some significant considerations that need to be updated or revised? Be sure to explain why.
Present information that should be considered on this issue, making connections to the sources you found on this topic (see Discussions 7 and 9). Reference at least two peer-reviewed sources.
What information should be added? Detail the information from your research that should be added to make the argument stronger.
Tie it all together in your conclusion. Explain how the information from your research updates or refutes the argument.

  In your role as a criminal justice professional, you may need to participate

In your role as a criminal justice professional, you may need to participate

In your role as a criminal justice professional, you may need to participate in courtroom proceedings. Having a clear understanding of racial and ethnic issues that can occur in the courts will help you identify common disparities and biases that may impede justice.
Research a high-profile criminal trial in the United States with a clear sentencing disparity. Select 1 of the cases below to address in your assignment.
Brock Turner
Elijah Manuel
Duane Buck
Marcus Robinson
Leonard Allen Cure
Other, with faculty member approval
Write a 525- to 700-word summary in which you identify racial and ethnic issues related to sentencing in a high-profile criminal trial.
Audience: Develop your assignment from the perspective of a criminal justice professional who is part of a coalition comprised of criminal justice professionals, community members, and criminal justice advocates interested in advocating for change in criminal justice. You have been asked to research and explain your findings on sentencing disparities in the court system. You will use your summary as your guide when speaking at the next coalition meeting.
Include the following in your summary:
Summarize the case. What were the criminal charges against the defendant? Consider these guiding questions:
What were some key pieces of evidence presented in the trial?
What were some of the legal arguments presented by the prosecution and defense teams?
What was the verdict and what sentence did the judge give the defendant?
Identify some issues with the case related to racial or ethnic disparity/disparities. Consider these guiding questions:
If the defendant was a person of color, how were they treated unfairly in sentencing?
If the defendant was not a person of color, how might the sentence they received highlight the unfair sentencing of individuals from diverse backgrounds?
What systemic issues in criminal justice may have contributed to the disparity/disparities?
What role might the judge, prosecutor, or defense attorney have played in contributing to the disparity/disparities?
Review the sentencing strategies presented in Ch. 6, “Sentencing” of Race and Crime. Explain which sentencing strategy you believe is the most effective in reducing disparity for individuals of diverse backgrounds. Justify your response.
Cite at least 2 scholarly sources in addition to your textbook, according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.

In recent years, there has been great debate regarding the effectiveness of inca

In recent years, there has been great debate regarding the effectiveness of inca

In recent years, there has been great debate regarding the effectiveness of incarceration and various rehabilitative programs Based on your research and readings, write an ess@y on the effectiveness of incarceration, identifying what has worked and what has not worked.  Discuss and provide examples of how evidence-based principles or programs have demonstrated positive results

In a minimum of 150 words, discuss how criminal justice administrators can impr

In a minimum of 150 words, discuss how criminal justice administrators can impr

In a minimum of 150 words, discuss how criminal justice administrators can improve agency communication in an organization structured in a traditional bureaucratic format.  
Your assignment must reflect at least three (3) reference sources (i.e., journal articles, magazines, newspapers, or articles), APA formatted paragraphs with in-text citations, and an APA formatted reference list to receive full credit. References must be material within five (5) years 

In a minimum of 150 words, discuss how criminal justice administrators can impr

In a minimum of 150 words, discuss how criminal justice administrators can impr

In a minimum of 150 words, discuss how criminal justice administrators can improve agency communication in an organization structured in a traditional bureaucratic format.  
Your assignment must reflect at least three (3) reference sources (i.e., journal articles, magazines, newspapers, or articles), APA formatted paragraphs with in-text citations, and an APA formatted reference list to receive full credit. References must be material within five (5) years