Identify a theoretical school (political theory, philosophy, religious teaching,

Identify a theoretical school (political theory, philosophy, religious teaching, ethical theory, etc.) that could be useful in understanding and dealing with non-state actors engaged in international terrorism. Be sure to explain why in your view the theoretical school you chose is useful in understanding and dealing with non-state actors engaged in international terrorism. Summarize your views on this subject in a short essay.
Length: 2-3 pages
Provide a brief bibliography

Make sure when you are writing you keep your thoughts organized so it is easy fo

Make sure when you are writing you keep your thoughts organized so it is easy for the reader to follow and understand.
Each summary paper should have an introduction paragraph, paragraphs in the body, and a conclusion paragraph.
The introduction paragraph should briefly discuss the specific point of the essay and state the thesis. Give a short overview of the topics that will be discussed in the essay.
The body of the essay should provide the summarize of the articles.
The conclusion paragraph should summarize the main points of the paper. Think about how the readings may be related to each other.
Every paragraph should be at least three sentences.
Every paragraph should start with a topic sentence and the rest of the sentences in the paragraph should be related to that topic.
Do not jump all over the place. Keep your thoughts, evidence, and arguments organized.

Spelling and Grammar:
Make sure you check your essay for spelling mistakes and appropriate grammar before you submit your assignment.


Think about the type of article you are reading. Is it a theoretical or conceptual piece, or is it an empirical study?
If it is a theoretical article, summarize the key ideas. What is the theory trying to explain and what are the key propositions.
If it is an empirical study, think about summarizing it as follows:
What research questions or hypotheses were being tested?
How was the data collected?
What was the sample?
What was the research design?
How were key concepts defined and measured?
What were the results?
What were some limitations to the study?
What are the policy implications of the results?

This week for your Unit Assignment you will research and answer the following qu

This week for your Unit Assignment you will research and answer the following questions below. The total assignment must be a (minimum of 2,200-word count) and six scholarly sources.Your textbook may be used as a source. Use in-text citations and remember to cite your sources in APA format. Be sure to follow instructions and answer each part of the question completely, failure to do so will result in a point reduction per question. I will check the word count for this assignment and deduct additional points if the paper does not meet the minimum requirements stated above. Encyclopedias and Dictionaries are not appropriate research sources at this level. No Wikipedia!
I expect perfect APA technique at this level. You also are expected to do more than the bare minimum word count and scholarly sources at this level. The essay presentation is more scholarly than paragraphs of short answers and helps build the skills needed for doctoral programs.
General Instructions: Read Case – Title: A better path forward for criminal justice: Changing prisons to help people change
Publication: Apr 2021
Start by summarizing the key events in a clear and persuasive manner. Next, do some research and report any significant developments that may have occurred since the time the case study was published. Be sure to properly cite your sources. The word count for this section is between 500 – 800 words.
In this assigned case study, you will be connecting all the materials presented in the unit. The key theme for the case study is the observed trend that as arrest rates for crimes, especially violent and property crimes, decrease, the likelihood of individuals reporting crimes to the police diminishes. Contrast Media Reporting vs. Actual Crime Data In a narrative format, discuss how they differ or are consistent with what has been presented in this unit. The word count for this section is between 500 – 600 words.
Place yourself in the role of the chief of police for your geographic area. How would you plan to use the crime data to reduce crime in your area and why? Use sources to defend your answer. Specifically, support your decision by referencing other cases, journal articles, and personal experiences. The word count for this section is between 600 – 800 words.
Reference List
Course Text Book:
Witte, R. S., & Witte, J. S. (2017). Statistics (11th ed.). Wiley Global Education US.
*Friendly reminder* I expect perfect APA technique at this level.
Word counts are based on content only. The reference list does not count towards the (total assignment) 2200-word count minimum. You must have 6 scholarly sources. One source can be the textbook provided in the course, and 5 additional scholarly sources of your choice. Do not forget to format your essay using the APA 7th Ed. to set up your paper (title section, introduction paragraph, appropriate headings, conclusion, and reference list). Below I have provided an outline for your Complete essay.
Title: Complete Essay Week 2: Changing prisons to help people change
Introductory paragraph (introduce briefly the essay parts)
Summary of Case
Start by summarizing the key events in a clear and persuasive manner. Next, do some research and report any significant developments that may have occurred since the time the case study was published. Be sure to properly cite your sources. The word count for this section is between 500 – 800 words.
Title: Question 2
In this assigned case study, you will be connecting all the materials presented in the unit. The key theme for the case study is reform of the prison system to better support the rehabilitation and successful reintegration of incarcerated individuals into society.
Contrast: Statistical Analysis and Predictive Models. Specifically, the application of probability concepts, discrete and continuous probability distributions, and the normal distribution in analyzing recidivism rates and the outcomes of rehabilitation efforts can be contrasted with approaches in criminal justice research. End result is this comparison may reveal insights into the most effective strategies for predicting and reducing criminal behavior. In a narrative format, discuss how they differ or are consistent with what has been presented in this unit. The word count for this section is between 500 – 600 words.
Title: Question 3
Place yourself in the role of the chief of police for your geographic area. Using one of the insights you discovered in question two, how would you propose to reduce criminal behavior? Use sources to defend your answer. Specifically, support your decision by referencing other cases, journal articles, and personal experiences. The word count for this section is between 600 – 800 words.
(Summarize briefly what you said-remind your reader of your topics)
(as this is a graduate program, perfect APA technique is expected)
Witte, R. S., & Witte, J. S. (2017). Statistics (11th ed.). Wiley Global Education US.
Also don’t forget to include the Publication listed above as a source.

What are the Fifteen Steps in a Formal Criminal Justice Process? Objectives: ·

What are the Fifteen Steps in a Formal Criminal Justice Process?
· Become knowledgeable and discuss the fifteen steps in a formal criminal justice process
· Describe how each step is used to form the formal criminal justice process in a criminal case
Assignment Overview:
This PowerPoint presentation/VoiceoverLinks to an external site. will explore each formal criminal justice process step.
Personal video about what I did not know? And what did I learn after completing this assignment? Explain each step of the formal criminal justice process.
6 – 10 slides for the PowerPoint presentation?VoiceoverLinks to an external site. report
No more than six bullets to a slide
No more than 10 – 12 words per bullet
Step 1: 15 steps of the formal criminal justice process! You are to do a PowerPoint presentation/VoiceoverLinks to an external site. of the 15 steps of the “Formal Criminal Justice Process,” In so doing, think about a criminal case that has been in the news in your community.
Find various related news articles online and show each of the formal criminal justice process steps in your PowerPoint. That is, identify what steps in the criminal justice process have occurred thus far. Explain the role that each participant in the criminal justice system has had so far in the case’s progress. (LO6)
Step 2: The requirements of the PowerPoint Presentation/VoiceoverLinks to an external site.:
No more than 6 – 10 slides
No more than six bullets to a slide
No more than 6 – 10 words per bullet
It should be creative with pictures or illustrations to emphasize the importance of the concept. Moreover, the audience should be able to see the words on the slide. Have Fun!

Step 3: Research.
Research on the Internet and use other library resources and your text to obtain knowledge about a criminal justice career.
Also, use the Internet or resources (other than your textbook) to find information on your career goal.
Step 4: Moodle
Use the Canvas Text box (you may want to type in MS Word and copy and paste it into the Text box). Be sure to provide the sources for your information in APA format.
The research assignment is worth 30 points. Please discuss each case in separate sections.

Answer the following questions using single spaced 12 point font. Each question

Answer the following questions using single spaced 12 point font. Each question should be answered in approximately 1/3-1/2 page. Be thorough in your answer and provide any analysis where appropriate.
1. Outline in detail the strategies the SDPD used to create a “culture” of officer wellness.
2. According to Lee, in The Analysis of Attitudes, Programs, and Fitness Levels of Law Enforcement Officers, describe his findings of officer fitness or lack thereof. From this study, what role if any did fitness programs improve fitness levels?
3. According to Mumford et. al, how well are agencies addressing the issue of officer wellness?

Answer the following questions using single spaced 12 point font. Each question

Answer the following questions using single spaced 12 point font. Each question should be answered in approximately 1/3-1/2 page. Be thorough in your answer and provide any analysis where appropriate.
1. Outline in detail the strategies the SDPD used to create a “culture” of officer wellness.
2. According to Lee, in The Analysis of Attitudes, Programs, and Fitness Levels of Law Enforcement Officers, describe his findings of officer fitness or lack thereof. From this study, what role if any did fitness programs improve fitness levels?
3. According to Mumford et. al, how well are agencies addressing the issue of officer wellness?

Using examples of your own choosing discuss the differences between independent

Using examples of your own choosing discuss the differences between independent

Using examples of your own choosing discuss the differences between independent variables and dependent variables. Be sure to address which (if either) is the more important for a researcher to focus on when conducting research in criminal justice and criminology. Also, what is the difference (or relationship) between a variable and an attribute?
Respond to the following classmates below:
Independent variables are “fixed” so to say. They are independent of anything else in the study, like other variables. Thus, independent variables are “predictor” variables, as they are part of the process to finding results. Dependent variables are just that, dependent, on the other variables. Their measurements are determined by the independent variables, hence why they are also known as the “response” or “outcome” variables. The categorization of these variables is only valid for one study at a time. For example, a researcher could could have a study where the independent variable is geographic location and it’s impact on poverty, the dependent variable; then a different researcher could have poverty as the independent variable to see the impact it has on crime rates, the dependent variable.
I feel that independent variables are slightly more important as they are the foundation of the the researcher’s work. If they are inaccurate then your dependent variables are wrong as well creating flawed work that may not be accepted by the academic community or rejected from even being published.
Variables and attributes are closely related. Variables are quantitative data sets recorded as measurements of some kind. Attributes are characteristics that are qualitative in nature. With variables we see commonly see measurements in everyday life such as length, width, height, or percentages. Meanwhile, attributes often are presented as charts or checklists and answer yes/no questions to see if an object meets requirements.
Hagan, F. E. (2018). Research methods in criminal justice and criminology (10th ed.). Pearson
Using examples of your own choosing discuss the differences between independent variables and dependent variables.
The independent variable is the factor that is intentionally altered or classified in order to examine its impact on the dependent variable.
Example: The independent variable in a study investigating the impact of police patrols on crime rates is the number of police patrols.
The dependent variable is the result or the variable that is assessed to determine if it is influenced by variations in the independent variable.
In the previous research, the crime rate is considered the dependent variable as it is anticipated to vary in response to the frequency of police patrols.
Independent variables are crucial as they aid in the identification of potential causes or factors that have an impact on outcomes. For instance, comprehending the impact of socioeconomic status (independent variable) on crime rates (dependent variable) can aid in the creation of focused solutions.
Dependent variables hold similar significance as they serve as representations of the occurrences that researchers aim to comprehend or forecast. To illustrate, when aiming to decrease recidivism rates (dependent variable), researchers must comprehend the elements (independent variables) that impact recidivism.
Correlation Between Variables and Attributes

Variables refer to the broad categories that academics focus on investigating, whereas attributes represent the specific instances or values that these variables can hav
Hagan, F. E. (2018). Research methods in criminal justice and criminology (10th ed.). Pearson
Required Textbooks & Supplementary Materials
Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology 10th Edition – by Frank Hagan
ISBN: 9780137409020

help with a sample draft for a CJ writing question. Define hate/bias crimes, exp

help with a sample draft for a CJ writing question.
Define hate/bias crimes, exp

help with a sample draft for a CJ writing question.
Define hate/bias crimes, explain why it is important to address violence associated with hate/bias crimes, and distinguish them from other crimes.
All responses should be answered with the following format & style requirements:
* Double-space using standard font and a 12-point type size
*APA citations are required.
*At least 5 paragraphs & 1200 words