Overview The objective of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity

The objective of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity

The objective of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to engage in a new cultural experience. You will accomplish this by first designing a plan to explore a different culture within your own community. Through this experience, you will gain insight into another culture, enhance your cultural competence, and reflect on the similarities and differences between your own cultural background (as you did in the previous assignment) and the culture you have chosen to explore.

For this assignment, you will select a cultural experience you want to complete and plan out the details. Use this template to follow the directions below to build your Cultural Experience Project Plan.Links to an external site.
Step 1: Select a Cultural Experience
Choose a culture that is different from your own and that is represented within your community.
Identify a specific experience or activity within that culture that you would like to explore.
Examples may include (but are not limited to) attending a cultural festival, visiting a museum or art exhibit, trying out traditional cuisine (either at a restaurant or trying to make a dish at home), participating in a religious ceremony, or joining a cultural group or club.
Step 2: Rationale
Provide a brief explanation of why you have chosen this particular cultural experience.
Reflect on your personal interests, curiosity, or desire to learn more about the chosen culture
Discuss how this experience aligns with your academic or personal goals and how it may contribute to your cultural understanding and growth.
Step 3: Execution of the Cultural Experience
Describe how you will go about completing the chosen cultural experience. Include details such as the specific event, location, organization, or individual you will engage with.
Research and gather information about the experience, including any necessary preparations or considerations (e.g., dress code, reservations, entry fees, etc.). This might also include identifying any resources, materials, or tools that might be required to complete the experience successfully. Consider factors such as transportation, budget, language skills, and time availability.
Address any potential challenges or barriers that you may encounter and propose potential solutions.
Step 4: Proposed Date and Time
Specify a day and time when you intend to complete this cultural experience. Ensure that the chosen date and time are realistic and feasible given your schedule and the availability of the cultural event/activity.
Step 5: Submit your Plan
Fill out the template for this assignment to build your plan.Links to an external site.
Submit your plan by clicking on the “Start Assignment” button.
Step 6: Peer Review
48 hours after the due date for this assignment, you will be assigned two peers to review. Submit feedback to your peers using the rubric provided (they should have 10 questions, and all 10 should be relevant to the assignment prompt).
The peer review portion is extra credit, as noted in the next step of the project: Cultural Experience Project Part 3: Peer Review Due

How you can plan for success
You can plan for success on this assignment by:
Making sure you start early and take time to explore a variety of opportunities that might be available to you in your community. If you are stuck on what you want to do, consult other people in your network (including friends, family, co-workers). You can also use your peers as a resource by looking back at the Module 2 discussion to see if any experiences pique your interest.
You may also want to consider having a “Plan B” ready to go in case your first option falls through, but you are only required to submit a plan for one experience.
If you use any sources during your research process, please make sure to use proper citations and references.
Note: It is essential to approach the chosen cultural experience with an open mind, respect, and sensitivity to different cultural practices and perspectives. Actively engage in the experience, ask questions, and embrace the opportunity to learn and grow from the experience. Try not to jump to conclusions – and make sure you are respectful even if what you see, hear, and experience is different from your own belief and value system.

Overview The purpose of this discussion is to expand on what you’ve learned in t

The purpose of this discussion is to expand on what you’ve learned in t

The purpose of this discussion is to expand on what you’ve learned in this module – specifically reflecting on your own views of family, socialization, and culture. Remember to continue building on your knowledge from module 1 as you work through this discussion board.
Engaging in a discussion with your peers is a valuable way to process the material you’ve learned and explore new ideas. It promotes critical thinking, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of the material. Reflecting, synthesizing, and responding thoughtfully is a skill that you can take with you into your next class as well as into the workplace.
Happy discussing!

Step 1: Choose one of the three prompts below for this weeks discussion. Please label your discussion based on which prompt you answered. You do not have to answer all three but may choose to add in elements of the other prompts if you find it is helpful in supporting or discussing your answer. Remember to include both personal experience and an example from the module readings/content to support your reflections.

Prompt 1: Reflect on your own experiences growing up in a family and the role of cultural teaching in shaping your behavior, values, and beliefs. How did your parents or caregivers influence your understanding of appropriate behavior and societal norms?
Prompt 2: Consider the cultural differences in expressing emotions, specifically anger, as discussed in the readings. Reflect on your own cultural background and the ways in which anger or other emotions are expressed and perceived. How does cultural teaching influence the way emotions are communicated and understood in your culture?
Prompt 3: Explore the concept of family and its evolving definitions across different cultures and time periods. Reflect on your understanding of family and how it has been shaped by cultural teaching. Discuss any individuals or relationships in your life that you consider family, even if they do not fit the traditional definition. How has cultural diversity influenced your perception of what constitutes a family?

Overview The objective of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity

The objective of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity

The objective of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to engage in a new cultural experience. You will accomplish this by first designing a plan to explore a different culture within your own community. Through this experience, you will gain insight into another culture, enhance your cultural competence, and reflect on the similarities and differences between your own cultural background (as you did in the previous assignment) and the culture you have chosen to explore.

For this assignment, you will select a cultural experience you want to complete and plan out the details. Use this template to follow the directions below to build your Cultural Experience Project Plan.Links to an external site.
Step 1: Select a Cultural Experience
Choose a culture that is different from your own and that is represented within your community.
Identify a specific experience or activity within that culture that you would like to explore.
Examples may include (but are not limited to) attending a cultural festival, visiting a museum or art exhibit, trying out traditional cuisine (either at a restaurant or trying to make a dish at home), participating in a religious ceremony, or joining a cultural group or club.
Step 2: Rationale
Provide a brief explanation of why you have chosen this particular cultural experience.
Reflect on your personal interests, curiosity, or desire to learn more about the chosen culture
Discuss how this experience aligns with your academic or personal goals and how it may contribute to your cultural understanding and growth.
Step 3: Execution of the Cultural Experience
Describe how you will go about completing the chosen cultural experience. Include details such as the specific event, location, organization, or individual you will engage with.
Research and gather information about the experience, including any necessary preparations or considerations (e.g., dress code, reservations, entry fees, etc.). This might also include identifying any resources, materials, or tools that might be required to complete the experience successfully. Consider factors such as transportation, budget, language skills, and time availability.
Address any potential challenges or barriers that you may encounter and propose potential solutions.
Step 4: Proposed Date and Time
Specify a day and time when you intend to complete this cultural experience. Ensure that the chosen date and time are realistic and feasible given your schedule and the availability of the cultural event/activity.
Step 5: Submit your Plan
Fill out the template for this assignment to build your plan.Links to an external site.
Submit your plan by clicking on the “Start Assignment” button.
Step 6: Peer Review
48 hours after the due date for this assignment, you will be assigned two peers to review. Submit feedback to your peers using the rubric provided (they should have 10 questions, and all 10 should be relevant to the assignment prompt).
The peer review portion is extra credit, as noted in the next step of the project: Cultural Experience Project Part 3: Peer Review Due

How you can plan for success
You can plan for success on this assignment by:
Making sure you start early and take time to explore a variety of opportunities that might be available to you in your community. If you are stuck on what you want to do, consult other people in your network (including friends, family, co-workers). You can also use your peers as a resource by looking back at the Module 2 discussion to see if any experiences pique your interest.
You may also want to consider having a “Plan B” ready to go in case your first option falls through, but you are only required to submit a plan for one experience.
If you use any sources during your research process, please make sure to use proper citations and references.
Note: It is essential to approach the chosen cultural experience with an open mind, respect, and sensitivity to different cultural practices and perspectives. Actively engage in the experience, ask questions, and embrace the opportunity to learn and grow from the experience. Try not to jump to conclusions – and make sure you are respectful even if what you see, hear, and experience is different from your own belief and value system.

Overview The purpose of this discussion is to expand on what you’ve learned in t

The purpose of this discussion is to expand on what you’ve learned in t

The purpose of this discussion is to expand on what you’ve learned in this module – specifically reflecting on your own views of family, socialization, and culture. Remember to continue building on your knowledge from module 1 as you work through this discussion board.
Engaging in a discussion with your peers is a valuable way to process the material you’ve learned and explore new ideas. It promotes critical thinking, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of the material. Reflecting, synthesizing, and responding thoughtfully is a skill that you can take with you into your next class as well as into the workplace.
Happy discussing!

Step 1: Choose one of the three prompts below for this weeks discussion. Please label your discussion based on which prompt you answered. You do not have to answer all three but may choose to add in elements of the other prompts if you find it is helpful in supporting or discussing your answer. Remember to include both personal experience and an example from the module readings/content to support your reflections.

Prompt 1: Reflect on your own experiences growing up in a family and the role of cultural teaching in shaping your behavior, values, and beliefs. How did your parents or caregivers influence your understanding of appropriate behavior and societal norms?
Prompt 2: Consider the cultural differences in expressing emotions, specifically anger, as discussed in the readings. Reflect on your own cultural background and the ways in which anger or other emotions are expressed and perceived. How does cultural teaching influence the way emotions are communicated and understood in your culture?
Prompt 3: Explore the concept of family and its evolving definitions across different cultures and time periods. Reflect on your understanding of family and how it has been shaped by cultural teaching. Discuss any individuals or relationships in your life that you consider family, even if they do not fit the traditional definition. How has cultural diversity influenced your perception of what constitutes a family?

Overview This assignment will be your first piece that will build into your fina

This assignment will be your first piece that will build into your fina

This assignment will be your first piece that will build into your final project. Therefore, be sure to save it somewhere that you will remember.  
The first step of this Cultural Experience Project is to reflect on your own cultural experiences. You may choose to reflect on your own culture in areas such as food, religion, music, holidays, traditions, and more. You will incorporate what you have learned from Module 1 (culture, health, illness) and Module 2 (family structure, dynamics) into the reflection.
Step 1: Consider your own culture.
Step 2: Use a search engine (like Google or Bing) to research some basic information about your chosen culture, including:
LanguageDress and clothingFoodNationalityCountry or geographical regionHomesFamily structureReligionMusicHolidaysTraditions
Hi there. As easy as this assignment should have been I have practically no culture. I’m a boring American eating pizza and watching TV. Only I can’t just write that. Please help me to sound more interesting.

influence these variations. Consider the impact of diverse cultural backgrounds

influence these variations. Consider the impact of diverse cultural backgrounds

influence these variations. Consider the impact of diverse cultural backgrounds and values on individual perspectives. How do these variations contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of health and illness? Can we draw any commonalities or overarching principles despite the diversity of viewpoints?

How you can plan for success
Here is your checklist for success:
Review all of the discussion board guidelines and requirements.
Prepare before posting. Before jumping straight into the discussion board, make sure you’ve taken the time to review the material and content from Module 1.
Engage thoughtfully. Whether posting your initial response or peer replies, be clear, concise, and respectful. State your ideas or arguments clearly, provide supporting evidence or examples from the module, and address any counterarguments or alternative perspectives.
Respond constructively to your peers. One of the main benefits of a discussion board is the opportunity to interact and learn from your classmates. Ask questions, offer constructive feedback, and build upon your classmates’ ideas to foster a dynamic and collaborative learning environment.

Font: Use Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins, and font no bigger than “12.” Be

Font: Use Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins, and font no
bigger than “12.” Be

Font: Use Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins, and font no
bigger than “12.” Be sure to double space and CITE the article with PAGE numbers. I have attached the article in the files area.
Writing Topic:
 Give a non-critical assessment of Stuart Hall’s “What is
this ‘Black’ in Black Popular Culture.” (Meaning: give a
brief sketch of the paper, pointing out the major points
the author wants you to take from the piece.)

Font: Use Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins, and font no bigger than “12.” Be

Font: Use Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins, and font no
bigger than “12.” Be

Font: Use Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins, and font no
bigger than “12.” Be sure to double space and CITE the article with PAGE numbers. I have attached the article in the files area.
Writing Topic:
 Give a non-critical assessment of Stuart Hall’s “What is
this ‘Black’ in Black Popular Culture.” (Meaning: give a
brief sketch of the paper, pointing out the major points
the author wants you to take from the piece.)