Read the case study on pp. 417-419 of the textbook and answer the following ques

Read the case study on pp. 417-419 of the textbook and answer the following ques

Read the case study on pp. 417-419 of the textbook and answer the following questions:
Would a state anti spam statute that specifically prohibited pornographic, obscene, terroristic, and fraudulent emailing withstand constitutional scrutiny? Why or why not?
Is spam really so bad? Why can a business lawfully send unsolicited traditional mail, or make unsolicited phone calls (as long as their is no violation of a no-call list) but spamming violates the law?

Step 3: Password Cracking Tools You have successfully examined the threats to a

Step 3: Password Cracking Tools
have successfully examined the threats to a

Step 3: Password Cracking Tools
have successfully examined the threats to a healthcare organization’s
information systems infrastructure. Now, you must begin your research
into password cracking software. Do some quick independent research on
password cracking as it applies to your organization.
Here are some resources that will help you complete the lab:
Accessing the Virtual Lab Environment: Navigating the Workspace and the Lab Setup.
Please review the WorkSpace and Lab Machine Environment Tutorial
Lab Instructions: Password Cracking With Cain & Abel and Ophcrack
Self-Help Guide: Workspace: Getting Started and Troubleshooting
Getting Help: To obtain lab assistance, email [email protected] using the following template in the body of your email.Your full name:
Your user ID:
Preferred email:
Your course and section number:
Detailed description of the issue that you are experiencing:
Machine type (PC, tablet, mobile device):
OS type and version:
Browser type and version:
any information related to the issue that you are experiencing and
attach any screenshot that you may be able to produce related to the
Additional Lab Support Information:
lab-related self-help information is available if you register for CLAB
699, our free online graduate Cyber Computing Lab Assistance hub.
Registering for Cyber Computing Lab Assistance
completing the lab, you will have successfully tested more than one
password cracking tool. Not all password cracking tools will necessarily
perform with the same speed, precision, and results, making it
important to test a few different products. Compare the password
cracking tools based on these characteristics, and include as part of
your assessment and recommendations on the use of such tools. You will
test the organization’s systems for password strength and complexity and
complete validation testing. You will compare the results obtained from
your first and second tool.
You have
tested and made comparisons of the performance of various password
cracking tools and you have the data to support your recommendations for
the use of such tools.
Not all
password cracking tools will necessarily perform with the same speed,
precision, and results, making it important to test a few different
products. The comparison will be part of your assessment and help you
make recommendations on the use of such tools. You will test the
organization’s systems for password strength and complexity and complete
validation testing. You will compare the results comparing the various
Read this article about Cyberattacks,
perform two different types of cyberattacks in the first, and in the
second tool, crack user account passwords. Describe them in simple
nontechnical terms for the leadership. You can identify which tool is
the most effective and why for your organization’s IT environment
and contrast the results from the two methods used to crack the
accounts for the three passwords (each encrypted by the two hash
algorithms). Show their benefits. You can make certain conclusions that
help your company’s cybersecurity posture after using these methods.
to the director of IT and the members of the board that the healthcare
organization’s anti-virus software will detect password cracking tools
as malware. Also explain how this impacts the effectiveness of testing
security controls like password strength. Help the leadership understand
the risks and benefits of using password cracking tools, through
persuasive arguments in your report and presentation. If any of the
tools take longer than 4-5 minutes to guess a password, record the
estimated length of time the tool anticipates to guess it.

The Case Assignment for this module is about understanding the development of IT

The Case Assignment for this module is about understanding the development of IT

The Case Assignment for this module is about understanding the development of IT strategies that support and are supported by business strategy in a global economy. Given the large amount of investment in IT, companies need to receive high IT business value. To do that, a good IT strategy is essential especially when doing business in various parts of the world.
Review the readings on the Background page about the digital economy.
Using IT to compete on the world stage has become increasingly important in the global economy. Choose multiple industries and provide an example company for each industry in which IT plays a strategic role by adding value and providing a competitive advantage through innovative application of IT on the global stage and how these firms are meeting the concerns noted in the Global Information Technology Report 2021.
Please prepare a short (4- to 5-page) paper addressing the IT strategic roles for your selected firms.
Submit your paper upon completion.
Use information from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.