Integrated Hospital Network You are required to use the Integrated Hospital Net

Integrated Hospital Network
You are required to use the Integrated Hospital Net

Integrated Hospital Network
You are required to use the Integrated Hospital Network Data file below (Excel) and use tools such as Pivots and Tableau to develop insights. In a Word document, start with a cover page, table of contents and individual pages to show various metrics. Provide a brief assessments of what you found and suggestions to make changes.
There is no page limit, however, it is ideal to do this within 6 pages (including cover and TOC).
If you wish, you can do a Tableau dashboard showing the metrics and submit the link in addition to the Word document.
Support Video Tutorials
IHN Orientation –
Introduction to Talent Management Metrics –
Effectiveness of Hire –
Turnover Ratios –
Cost Metrics –
Selection Yield Ratios –
Applicants – Candidates Per Hire –
Time to Fill Metrics –
Total Vacancies Aged Metrics –

The scope of the material investigation is McDonald’s, from 2008 to 2023, how ma

The scope of the material investigation is McDonald’s, from 2008 to 2023, how ma

The scope of the material investigation is McDonald’s, from 2008 to 2023, how many stores it opened, what its scale is, why it can be so large, why it chooses to open in a certain place, and McDonald’s annual report. The core content is to use various data to analyze why we can achieve the scale we have today.
Assessment tasks
McDonald’s is the world’s largest restaurant chain by revenue, serving more than 69 million customers daily at 37,855 stores in more than 100 countries as of 2018. While McDonald’s is best known for its hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and French fries, they feature chicken products, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes, wraps, and desserts. You are a data solution
Limited’s consultant, the line manager has asked you to conduct a detailed investigation of McDonald’s expansion around the world for a local newspaper.
Using the government-based data set provided, you will design a 2000-word report that provides insights into McDonald’s world expansion.
You will use secondary data retrieved from ONS for analysis. Your data will be analyzed using appropriate software packages (i.e. SPSS/NVIVO/Tableau/Excel) and visualized for easy interpretation. You will need to support your data set with insights from other selected sources of information and present it in a format suitable for an expert rather than a specialist audience.
Your report should cover the following points
1. A brief review of the literature on the topic
2. Review data sets and their impact on strategic leadership
3. Data analysis and visualization of datasets to provide insights using appropriate statistical packages (i.e. SPSS/NVIVO/Excel/Tableau) 4. Evidence of training completed on Linkedln Learning (SPSS, Tableau and NVIVO certificates provided in Appendix screenshot)
The report should be in a paged report format and include the following:1. Title page 2. Abstract 3. Introduction 4. Findings and analysis 5. Conclusion 6. Recommendations 7. Quotes 8. Appendix

Case Study 4 – Mostashari Food Distribution Across from the Short Stop gas stat

Case Study 4 – Mostashari Food Distribution
Across from the Short Stop gas stat

Case Study 4 – Mostashari Food Distribution Across from the Short Stop gas station on Marshbanks Street in Buies Creek, North Carolina, Mostashari Food Distribution (MFD) operates a food delivery service covering the Carolinas and southern Virginia. To stay competitive in the market, MFD closely follows global food prices. The dataset they use is assembled monthly by the United Nations’ World Food Program ( and is distributed by HDX (https:// to, among other places, here: https://www The dataset is updated monthly and has 18 columns and more than 1.048M rows
1. Download the current month’s dataset and describe each of the 18 columns.The File is too big of excel. So what are the other options / other analytics software that are available in the market to provide summaries of the numeric columns ( like average., median, and sample standard deviation). 2. Choose atleast one of the software if possible and provide the above summaries of the numeric columns. Be very descriptive and show what software you use. Make sure you do your research properly.

Case Study 4 – Mostashari Food Distribution Across from the Short Stop gas stat

Case Study 4 – Mostashari Food Distribution
Across from the Short Stop gas stat

Case Study 4 – Mostashari Food Distribution Across from the Short Stop gas station on Marshbanks Street in Buies Creek, North Carolina, Mostashari Food Distribution (MFD) operates a food delivery service covering the Carolinas and southern Virginia. To stay competitive in the market, MFD closely follows global food prices. The dataset they use is assembled monthly by the United Nations’ World Food Program ( and is distributed by HDX (https:// to, among other places, here: https://www The dataset is updated monthly and has 18 columns and more than 1.048M rows
1. Download the current month’s dataset and describe each of the 18 columns.The File is too big of excel. So what are the other options / other analytics software that are available in the market to provide summaries of the numeric columns ( like average., median, and sample standard deviation). 2. Choose atleast one of the software if possible and provide the above summaries of the numeric columns. Be very descriptive and show what software you use. Make sure you do your research properly.

Design a database and write CREATE TABLE SQL statements Objective The objective

Design a database and write CREATE TABLE SQL statements
The objective

Design a database and write CREATE TABLE SQL statements
The objective of this exercise is to learn how to design a database with additional relationships including more than one relationship between two entities, a unary relationship, and a time-dependent relationship.
To accomplish that objective, create a logical ERD using the crowsfoot format provided in the presentations and in the Modern Database Management text. Be sure each entity has the entity name at the top of the box, the primary key attribute or attributes in the middle of the box, and the non-key attributes in the bottom of the box. Lines should separate each part of the entity box.
Follow these instructions about each ERD:
●The ERD must not have any m:n relationships.
●All attributes must be placed within an entity.
●Each entity must have a primary key defined. A primary key may consist of one or more attributes.
●Each relationship is between two entities.
●Each relationship must include both a maximum and minimum cardinality for both sides of the relationship.
●Each relationship must have a foreign key. The foreign key is placed in only one of the two entities in the relationship. For a one-to-many relationship, the foreign key is placed in the entity that is on the many side of the relationship. For a one-to-one relationship, the foreign key can be placed in either entity, but is most often placed in the entity that you anticipate will have the fewest number of rows so it will have the fewest number of null values. Denote the foreign key(s) with the notation (FK) on the ERD.
●Do not differentiate between an identifying or non-identifying relationship – just use a solid line for each relationship.
1) An ERD with relational crowfoots of the database model for points #1-11 below.
2) Type into a Word document the SQL CREATE TABLE statements necessary to create the Employee, SalesOffice, Property and EmployeeAssigned to a SalesOffice entities. There will be four CREATE TABLE statements required to satisfy this deliverable. Use data types you think are reasonable for the fields required to include in the CREATE TABLE statements. Be sure to include a primary key for each table and a foreign key for each relationship. A primary key should be either an INT or CHAR data type. A primary key should not be a VARCHAR data type.
Include the ERD in #1 above into that same Word document that has the CREATE TABLE statements.
Application Scenario:
A large real estate firm wants to keep track of its offices and employees, as well as the properties that are for sale through each office. Here is some information about the organization and data that is to be stored.
The firm has a number of sales offices in several states. Draw an entity for the sales office and include attributes of officeID (primary key) and address, city, state and ZIP Code. The firm only has offices in the U.S.
The firm has employees. Draw an entity for employee and include attributes of employeeID (primary key) and employee lastname and firstname. An employee is assigned to work in one and only one sales office; a sales office could have many employees assigned to it.
For each sales office, there is always one and only one employee assigned as the administrator for that office. An employee can administer only one office. Hint: It is possible to have more than one relationship between two entities. Each relationship must have its own relationship line and its own foreign key.
In the U.S., the 9-digit ZIP Code is used to determine a city and state, so create an entity for the location with the ZIP as the primary key, then relate that entity to the SalesOffice ZIP Code so the city and state are stored separately from the address in the SalesOffice entity.
The firm lists property for sale. Some of the attributes of property include propertyID (primary key), and address, city, state and ZIP. The firm lists properties only in the U.S., so the data for a city and a state should be consolidated into an entity. In the U.S., the 9-digit ZIP Code is used to determine a city and state, so create an entity for the location with the ZIP as the primary key, then relate that entity to the SalesOffice ZIP Code so the city and state are stored separately.
Each unit of property must be listed for sale with one and only one of the sales offices. A sales office may have any number of properties listed or may have no properties listed. For each unit of property, store the address and ZIP. A unit of property can have one location (city and state), but a location could be related to multiple units of property.
A unit of property is categorized by its type. For example, a unit of property may be a commercial building. Other category types are undeveloped residential land, single family residence, and multi-family residence. There are a number of pre-determined category types that are available, but a given unit of property can be of only one category type.
A unit of property is owned by one or more owners. An owner is uniquely identified by an ownerID and the attributes of an owner are lastname, firstname, and phonenumber.
It is possible an owner owns more than one unit of property. For each unit of property an owner owns, the real estate firm wants to keep track of the date of purchase and the percentage that the owner owns.
Some employees serve as managers of employees in the firm. Most employees have a manager. It is possible an employee does not have a manager. An employee can manage many employees, but an employee may not manage any employees. If an employee has a manager, then the employee has only one manager. A manager is always an employee of the firm. (Hint: this is an example of a unary relationship.)
It is possible an employee has worked for more than one sales office over time. We want to keep track of this time-dependent data. We want to keep track of all the offices that an employee has been assigned to, including the start and end date when the employee was assigned to work in a given sales office.

Design a database and write CREATE TABLE SQL statements Objective The objective

Design a database and write CREATE TABLE SQL statements
The objective

Design a database and write CREATE TABLE SQL statements
The objective of this exercise is to learn how to design a database with additional relationships including more than one relationship between two entities, a unary relationship, and a time-dependent relationship.
To accomplish that objective, create a logical ERD using the crowsfoot format provided in the presentations and in the Modern Database Management text. Be sure each entity has the entity name at the top of the box, the primary key attribute or attributes in the middle of the box, and the non-key attributes in the bottom of the box. Lines should separate each part of the entity box.
Follow these instructions about each ERD:
●The ERD must not have any m:n relationships.
●All attributes must be placed within an entity.
●Each entity must have a primary key defined. A primary key may consist of one or more attributes.
●Each relationship is between two entities.
●Each relationship must include both a maximum and minimum cardinality for both sides of the relationship.
●Each relationship must have a foreign key. The foreign key is placed in only one of the two entities in the relationship. For a one-to-many relationship, the foreign key is placed in the entity that is on the many side of the relationship. For a one-to-one relationship, the foreign key can be placed in either entity, but is most often placed in the entity that you anticipate will have the fewest number of rows so it will have the fewest number of null values. Denote the foreign key(s) with the notation (FK) on the ERD.
●Do not differentiate between an identifying or non-identifying relationship – just use a solid line for each relationship.
1) An ERD with relational crowfoots of the database model for points #1-11 below.
2) Type into a Word document the SQL CREATE TABLE statements necessary to create the Employee, SalesOffice, Property and EmployeeAssigned to a SalesOffice entities. There will be four CREATE TABLE statements required to satisfy this deliverable. Use data types you think are reasonable for the fields required to include in the CREATE TABLE statements. Be sure to include a primary key for each table and a foreign key for each relationship. A primary key should be either an INT or CHAR data type. A primary key should not be a VARCHAR data type.
Include the ERD in #1 above into that same Word document that has the CREATE TABLE statements.
Application Scenario:
A large real estate firm wants to keep track of its offices and employees, as well as the properties that are for sale through each office. Here is some information about the organization and data that is to be stored.
The firm has a number of sales offices in several states. Draw an entity for the sales office and include attributes of officeID (primary key) and address, city, state and ZIP Code. The firm only has offices in the U.S.
The firm has employees. Draw an entity for employee and include attributes of employeeID (primary key) and employee lastname and firstname. An employee is assigned to work in one and only one sales office; a sales office could have many employees assigned to it.
For each sales office, there is always one and only one employee assigned as the administrator for that office. An employee can administer only one office. Hint: It is possible to have more than one relationship between two entities. Each relationship must have its own relationship line and its own foreign key.
In the U.S., the 9-digit ZIP Code is used to determine a city and state, so create an entity for the location with the ZIP as the primary key, then relate that entity to the SalesOffice ZIP Code so the city and state are stored separately from the address in the SalesOffice entity.
The firm lists property for sale. Some of the attributes of property include propertyID (primary key), and address, city, state and ZIP. The firm lists properties only in the U.S., so the data for a city and a state should be consolidated into an entity. In the U.S., the 9-digit ZIP Code is used to determine a city and state, so create an entity for the location with the ZIP as the primary key, then relate that entity to the SalesOffice ZIP Code so the city and state are stored separately.
Each unit of property must be listed for sale with one and only one of the sales offices. A sales office may have any number of properties listed or may have no properties listed. For each unit of property, store the address and ZIP. A unit of property can have one location (city and state), but a location could be related to multiple units of property.
A unit of property is categorized by its type. For example, a unit of property may be a commercial building. Other category types are undeveloped residential land, single family residence, and multi-family residence. There are a number of pre-determined category types that are available, but a given unit of property can be of only one category type.
A unit of property is owned by one or more owners. An owner is uniquely identified by an ownerID and the attributes of an owner are lastname, firstname, and phonenumber.
It is possible an owner owns more than one unit of property. For each unit of property an owner owns, the real estate firm wants to keep track of the date of purchase and the percentage that the owner owns.
Some employees serve as managers of employees in the firm. Most employees have a manager. It is possible an employee does not have a manager. An employee can manage many employees, but an employee may not manage any employees. If an employee has a manager, then the employee has only one manager. A manager is always an employee of the firm. (Hint: this is an example of a unary relationship.)
It is possible an employee has worked for more than one sales office over time. We want to keep track of this time-dependent data. We want to keep track of all the offices that an employee has been assigned to, including the start and end date when the employee was assigned to work in a given sales office.

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in imp

The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in imp

The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in implementing an accounting system.
We will be using QBO to set up TAD Gaming Service, LLC. All information for the project is contained in the TAD Gaming Services, LLC QuickBooks Online Student Guide 080723 (pdf).
Each of the nine sections contained in the TAD Gaming Services, LLC QuickBooks Online Student Case Study Activity 080723 (pdf). includes a series of exercises with a case study at the end of each chapter. Due to the pace of the course, only select chapters will be covered.
Complete the identified case studies below
Section 5 – Accounts Payable (A/P) 36
Section 6 – Accounts Receivable (A/R) 43
What to submit
Module 5 Reports (Step 9)
AP Aging Summary
AP Aging Detail
Unpaid Bills
Expense by Vendor (Sort Descending)
Module 6 Reports
AR Aging Report
Keep in mind that you need to login to QuickBooks using my account. Once you match the question, I will send you the credentials. This assignment does not need longer than 30 minutes to be done.
Please get it done by the deadline and I will be more than happy to help you.

Keep working on the personal project report template from the previous step. Wor

Keep working on the personal project report template from the previous step.

Keep working on the personal project report template from the previous step.
Work on Step 5 – analyze the dataHow will you analyze the data, what type of data analysis: descriptive, predictive, prescriptive, what are the limitations?
Include the AI prompt in your appendix
Be sure to list any ethical concerns as well as any processes that may or may not work in your specific case.
(Previous Step) Unit 5: Personal Project – Obtain the data
Data Selection and Cleaning
Dataset Selection: I have selected the Airbnb dataset for New York City from Inside
Airbnb ( for this research project. This dataset
provides detailed information on Airbnb listings, encompassing price, location, property
type, host details, availability, and booking rates. It is perfect for examining the effects of
Airbnb listings on the housing market in the area.
Data Cleaning: Once the dataset was downloaded, I thoroughly cleaned it to guarantee
that it was clear, easy to read, and comprehensive.
1. Handling Missing Values: I handled missing data by either imputing values or
removing them, ensuring that it had minimal impact on the analysis.
2. Standardizing Data Formats: For consistency’s sake, data formats for variables
like dates, prices, and position coordinates were made the same.
3. Removing Duplicates: To keep the data’s integrity, duplicate records were
found and removed.
4. Handling Outliers: I got rid of or changed outliers in variables like price and
booking rates, so they didn’t have too much of an effect on the results of the
Challenges Faced: Dealing with a lot of data, complicated data structures, and factors
that weren’t clear was hard, even after the data was cleaned up carefully. These were
taken care of by paying close attention to the details and cleaning the data repeatedly.
Ethical Concerns: Some of the most important ethical issues that come up with this
study are the privacy of Airbnb hosts, the possible effects on local communities, and
following the rules for using data that have been given.
Processes That May Work: To successfully address these concerns, steps will be
taken such as making data anonymous, involving stakeholders, and being open about
The goal of this study is to learn more about how Airbnb ads affect the New York City
housing market by taking these ethical issues and methods into account.

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in imp

The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in imp

The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in implementing an accounting system.
We will be using QBO to set up TAD Gaming Service, LLC. All information for the project is contained in the TAD Gaming Services, LLC QuickBooks Online Student Guide 080723 (pdf).
Each of the nine sections contained in the TAD Gaming Services, LLC QuickBooks Online Student Case Study Activity 080723 (pdf).
includes a series of exercises with a case study at the end of each chapter. Due to the pace of the course, only select chapters will be covered.
Complete the identified case studies below
Section 7 – Bank & Credit Card Accounts 51
Section 8 – Budgeting 65
Keep in mind that you need to login to QuickBooks using my account. Once you match the question, I will send you the credentials. This assignment does not need longer than 30 minutes to be done. KEEP IN MIND THAT IF THE ANSWER IS NOT SATISFACTORY, I WILL ISSUE A REFUND. Please get it done by the deadline and I will be more than happy to help you.