Keep working on the personal project report template from the previous step. Wor

Keep working on the personal project report template from the previous step.

Keep working on the personal project report template from the previous step.
Work on Step 5 – analyze the dataHow will you analyze the data, what type of data analysis: descriptive, predictive, prescriptive, what are the limitations?
Include the AI prompt in your appendix
Be sure to list any ethical concerns as well as any processes that may or may not work in your specific case.
(Previous Step) Unit 5: Personal Project – Obtain the data
Data Selection and Cleaning
Dataset Selection: I have selected the Airbnb dataset for New York City from Inside
Airbnb ( for this research project. This dataset
provides detailed information on Airbnb listings, encompassing price, location, property
type, host details, availability, and booking rates. It is perfect for examining the effects of
Airbnb listings on the housing market in the area.
Data Cleaning: Once the dataset was downloaded, I thoroughly cleaned it to guarantee
that it was clear, easy to read, and comprehensive.
1. Handling Missing Values: I handled missing data by either imputing values or
removing them, ensuring that it had minimal impact on the analysis.
2. Standardizing Data Formats: For consistency’s sake, data formats for variables
like dates, prices, and position coordinates were made the same.
3. Removing Duplicates: To keep the data’s integrity, duplicate records were
found and removed.
4. Handling Outliers: I got rid of or changed outliers in variables like price and
booking rates, so they didn’t have too much of an effect on the results of the
Challenges Faced: Dealing with a lot of data, complicated data structures, and factors
that weren’t clear was hard, even after the data was cleaned up carefully. These were
taken care of by paying close attention to the details and cleaning the data repeatedly.
Ethical Concerns: Some of the most important ethical issues that come up with this
study are the privacy of Airbnb hosts, the possible effects on local communities, and
following the rules for using data that have been given.
Processes That May Work: To successfully address these concerns, steps will be
taken such as making data anonymous, involving stakeholders, and being open about
The goal of this study is to learn more about how Airbnb ads affect the New York City
housing market by taking these ethical issues and methods into account.

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in imp

The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in imp

The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in implementing an accounting system.
We will be using QBO to set up TAD Gaming Service, LLC. All information for the project is contained in the TAD Gaming Services, LLC QuickBooks Online Student Guide 080723 (pdf).
Each of the nine sections contained in the TAD Gaming Services, LLC QuickBooks Online Student Case Study Activity 080723 (pdf).
includes a series of exercises with a case study at the end of each chapter. Due to the pace of the course, only select chapters will be covered.
Complete the identified case studies below
Section 7 – Bank & Credit Card Accounts 51
Section 8 – Budgeting 65
Keep in mind that you need to login to QuickBooks using my account. Once you match the question, I will send you the credentials. This assignment does not need longer than 30 minutes to be done. KEEP IN MIND THAT IF THE ANSWER IS NOT SATISFACTORY, I WILL ISSUE A REFUND. Please get it done by the deadline and I will be more than happy to help you.

I am currently working on my article paper and have already obtained the result

I am currently working on my article paper and have already obtained the result

I am currently working on my article paper and have already obtained the results and tables. Now, I need to interpret the results in words and proceed to write the discussion section. The topic of my paper is “Identifying Risk Factors for Infection: A Two-Step Approach with Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis.”

Introduction: This portfolio work project will help you evaluate classification

Introduction: This portfolio work project will help you evaluate classification

Introduction: This portfolio work project will help you evaluate classification techniques for addressing business problems.
Scenerio: The marketing department at a large financial services organization recently had its budget slashed and is asking for the help of the analytics team in maximizing the use of its budget by making sure the same prospective customers are not being contacted in such a way or at such times that money is being wasted on prospects who are not interested in opening an account with the institution.
Your role: You are the head of the marketing department at a large financial institution. You have collected and provided the data to the analytics team and asked them to analyze the data and provide recommendations back to you.
Requirements: The analytics team has returned two possible solutions. You need to review them and draft a summary of the pros and cons of both methods, as well as recommend actions and propose an implementation plan for the entire marketing department. The marketing department, as a group, will then decide on an appropriate plan of action and prepare to present that plan to the company executives.
Write a report for the marketing department that includes the following:
Compare the analytic methods used in each of the two solutions. Pay specific attention to the applicability and usability of each method.
Evaluate the appropriateness of each method for the business problem being addressed and the data being used.
Recommend one of the two solutions, and explain why the solution you recommended is the optimal one.
Propose a plan for using or implementing the results of the analysis.
Deliverable Format: The Comparison of Analytic Methods is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs.
Be sure you also include:
Title page.
References page.
APA-formatted references.
3–4 pages in addition to the title and references pages.
At least 3 supporting resources.
Written for non-analysts.
Evaluation: By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competency through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Apply insight gained from classification techniques to business decisions.Evaluate the appropriateness of analytic methods used to address a business problem.
Recommend a solution.
Propose a plan for using or implementing the results of the analysis.
Competency 3: Analyze data using appropriate techniques to support business decision making.Compare the analytic methods used to develop solutions to a business problem.
Competency 4: Present the results of advanced data analysis in clear and meaningful ways to multiple stakeholders in support of business decisions.Correctly format citations and references using current APA style.
Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if they were a member of the marketing department. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.

1. type solution or handwrite it and upload a scan of it. Make sure that this pa

1. type solution or handwrite it and upload a scan of it. Make sure that this pa

1. type solution or handwrite it and upload a scan of it. Make sure that this page is the first page of your file and fill the information in the given table.
2. solve this assignment using MINITAB. A MS Word file is to be prepared, where you present the solutions and conclusions you obtained through solving this assignment on MINITAB.
3. submit TWO files: The MINITAB project file with the solution, and a report written on MS Word. The files should have proper formatting and labeling.
4. Show all the relevant DETAILS of your solutions.
Q1: Southdown, Inc., the nation’s third largest cement producer, is pushing ahead with a waste fuel burning program. The cost for Southdown will total about $37 million. For this reason, it is extremely important for the company to have an accurate forecast of revenues for the first quarter of 2000. The data are presented in the table next page.
i. Use exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of .4 and an initial value of 77.4 to forecast the quarterly revenues for the first quarter of 2000.
ii. Now use a smoothing constant of .6 and an initial value of 77.4 to forecast the quarterly revenues for the first quarter of 2000.
iii. Which smoothing constant provides the better forecast?
iv. Refer to part iii. Examine the residual autocorrelations. Are you happy with simple
exponential smoothing for this example? Explain.
v. Now apply double exponential smoothing using the optimal ARIMA constants.
vi. Examine the residual autocorrelations. Are you happy with double exponential smoothing for this example? Explain.
vii. Finally, apply winter’s method using a smoothing constant of 0.4, a trend constant of 0.1, and a seasonality constant of 0.3.
viii. Examine the residual autocorrelations. Are you happy with Winter’s method for this example? Explain.
ix. Which of the methods applied gives the best fit? Explain.
see attached file : DATA and question in it.

Part 1 Required: Perform horizontal analysis on Apple’s income statement. Data:

Part 1 Required:
Perform horizontal analysis on Apple’s income statement.

Part 1 Required:
Perform horizontal analysis on Apple’s income statement.
Data: Lab 8.1 Data.xlsx
Specify the Question: How can horizontal analysis of Apple’s income statement highlight changes from one year to the next?
Obtain the Data:
Open Excel file Lab 8.1 Data.xlsx.
Browse the spreadsheet that includes Apple’s income statement over 2020 and 2021.
Analyze the Data: Refer to lab 8.1 in your text for additional instructions and steps.
Upload the Word or PDF document containing your Lab screenshots using the button below.
Note: Please submit your file attachment response in one of the approved file formats; Word file (.doc or .docx), Excel file (.xls or .xlsx), or PDF. To submit photo or image files please paste them into Word or PDF. Consult with your instructor as needed on their preferred file attachment format.
Take a screenshot of the resulting horizontal analysis, paste it into a Word document named “Lab 8.1 Excel Submission.docx”, and label the screenshot Submission 1.
PART 2 REQUIRED: Answer the following questions based on the details computed.
1. What is the correct computation of the percentage change?
A. (New-Old) / divided by New X 100
B. (NEW-OLD) / DIVIDED BY old X 100
C. (old-new) / DIVIDED BY NEW X 100
d. (old-new) / DIVIDED BY old X 100
2. What IS THE percentage change in net income? (round to 1 decimal place).
3. Based on the results of the horizontal analysis, which line item on the income statement increased by the highest percentage during the year?
a. cost of services
B. net income
c. Research and development
d. selling, general and administrative
A. net income
b. other income/(expense), net
c. research and development
d. selling, general and admnISTRATION
5. what is the percentage change in services? (round to 1 decimal).
part 3
If the percentage change in net income changes faster than the percentage change in revenues, what is happening in the business?
When computing the percentage change, why is the denominator the last period instead of the more current period?

Required information Skip to question[The following information applies to the q

Required information
Skip to question[The following information applies to the q

Required information
Skip to question[The following information applies to the questions displayed below.]
Lab Insight: Apply the same steps in Lab 7.1 to the Alt Lab 7.1 Data.xlsx dataset.
Calculate descriptive analytics for selling price, cost, and order process time.
Create a histogram for order process time.
Create a written report to present your results to Rob.
Data: Alt Lab 7-1 Data.xlsx
Specify the Question: What is the average, median, and mode selling price and cost for LeTable Incorporated over the past five years? What is the standard deviation for selling price and cost? How long does it take LeTable Incorporated to make a table after the order is placed (that is, process time)?
Analyze the Data: Refer to lab 7.1 in your text for additional instructions and steps.

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in imp

The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in imp

The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on experience in implementing an accounting system.
We will be using QBO to set up TAD Gaming Service, LLC. All information for the project is contained in the TAD Gaming Services, LLC QuickBooks Online Student Guide 080723 (pdf).
Each of the nine sections contained in the TAD Gaming Services, LLC QuickBooks Online Student Case Study Activity 080723 (pdf). includes a series of exercises with a case study at the end of each chapter. Due to the pace of the course, only select chapters will be covered.
Complete the identified case studies below
Section 5 – Accounts Payable (A/P) 36
Section 6 – Accounts Receivable (A/R) 4
What to submit
Module 5 Reports (Step 9)
AP Aging Summary
AP Aging Detail
Unpaid Bills
Expense by Vendor (Sort Descending)
Module 6 Reports
AR Aging Report
Please note that if the links don’t work, you can use the files attached. Note that you will need credentials to log in to QuickBooks. If the answer is not what was requested or if it is not satisfactory, a refund will be issued. Therefore, I highly advise you to read the instructions and make sure to have the answer the exact way it is required.
I will provide you with the credentials as soon as you match with the question.



DATA: USING THE COLLEGE FOOTBALL CONFERENCE THAT IS ASSIGNED TO YOUR GROUP COMPLETE ALL OF THE FOOTBALL STATISTICS FOR 2009 FOR each TEAM. YOUR COMPLETED DATA FOR YOUR TEAM FOR 2009 WILL HAVE NO MISSING VALUES, AND YOUR SUBMISSION MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA:(1) Submit only the data for your selected teams for 2009. The completed data will contain all football statistics and will contain no missing values.
(2) Create a document detailing how you filled in the missing values (reasoning, sources, etc.)
(3) Create a data dictionary for all of the football statistics.
(4) Submit a xlsx or csv file containing the completed data file, a xlsx file containing the data dictionary, and a word file containing the documentation.
(5) Use python and submit the jupyter notebook.
Please use any of these below methods to replace the missing values:
Imputation involves estimating missing values based on available data. There are several imputation techniques, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Common techniques include:
Mean/Median/Mode imputation: Replace missing values with the average, median, or most frequent value for that variable.
Hot Deck imputation: Here the missing values with existing values from similar cases.
Regression imputation
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) imputation
○Missing Completely at Random (MCAR): Data is missing entirely by chance, unrelated to any other variables.
○Missing at Random (MAR): Missingness depends on observed variables but not on the missing variable itself.
○Missing Not at Random (MNAR): Missingness depends on the missing variable itself. This is the most challenging type to handle.

Data analytics is the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modelin

Data analytics is the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modelin

Data analytics is the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to discover useful information, draw conclusions, and support decision-making. It involves the use of various techniques and tools to analyze and interpret patterns, trends, and relationships within datasets. The primary goal of data analytics is to extract actionable insights from data that can inform business strategies, optimize processes, and drive better decision-making.
Key components of data analytics include:
Data Collection: Gathering relevant data from various sources, which may include databases, spreadsheets, sensors, social media, and other sources.
Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Ensuring data quality by identifying and addressing errors, missing values, and inconsistencies in the dataset.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Investigating the dataset to understand its characteristics, distribution, and relationships between variables using statistical and graphical methods.
Statistical Analysis: Applying statistical methods to identify patterns, correlations, and trends in the data.
Data Modeling: Developing mathematical or computational models to represent patterns in the data and make predictions or classifications.
Machine Learning: Utilizing algorithms and statistical models to enable systems to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.
Data Visualization: Presenting data in a visual format, such as charts, graphs, and dashboards, to facilitate understanding and interpretation.
Interpretation and Communication: Drawing meaningful conclusions from the analysis and communicating insights to stakeholders in a clear and understandable manner.
Data analytics is widely used in various industries, including finance, healthcare, marketing, e-commerce, and many others, to uncover patterns, optimize processes, improve decision-making, and gain a competitive advantage. As the volume of data generated continues to grow, the importance of data analytics in extracting valuable insights from this information becomes increasingly crucial for organizations