In the data set for this homework, you will find that the first six variables ho

In the data set for this homework, you will find that the first six variables ho

In the data set for this homework, you will find that the first six variables hold data linked to the employees’ demographic profiles and the remaining variables provide employees responses on 1 ‘strongly disagree’ to 5 ‘strongly agree’ response scale to assess organizational citizenship behavior (OCB: employees’ voluntary actions that contribute positively to the organization beyond their job duties) and job satisfaction (JSat: positive state toward current job). The variables are as follows:
1.ID (unique employee identifier – categorical variable)
2.Gender (categorical variable)
3.Tenure (quantitative variable)
4.Ethnicity (categorical variable)
5.Department (categorical variable)
6.Salary (quantitative variable)
7.ocb1 (I work harder than my job requires; quantitative variable)
8.ocb2 (I put a huge amount of effort in my job; quantitative variable)
9.ocb3 (I help out my team mates; quantitative variable)
10.ocb4 (I go the extra mile; quantitative variable)
11.JobSat1 (I am satisfied in my job; quantitative variable)
12.JobSat2 (My job is good; quantitative variable)
1.Create a new variable in the dataset labeled “OCB” that is the average of ocb1, ocb2, ocb3, and ocb4.
2.Find the and interpret the Cronbach’s alpha for OCB.
3.Create a new variable in the dataset labeled JSat that is the sum of JSat1 and JSat2.
4.Find and interpret the Cronbach’s alpha for JSat.
5.How could you assess the validity of OCB and job satisfaction? (Note: you do not have to do any analyses, but you can if it is helpful).
6.Create a new variable in the dataset labeled as logSalary that represents the logarithm of salary.
7.Create a new variable in the dataset labeled as sqrtTenure that represents the square root of the Tenure variable.
8.Conduct a t-test to determine the difference in OCB between genders. Write up your results here:
9.Conduct a t-test to determine the difference in job satisfaction between genders. Write up your results here:
10.Conduct an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the difference in job satisfaction among the five departments. Write up your results here:
11.Please submit both this filled in worksheet and your new excel file.
R Output:

In the data set for this homework, you will find that the first six variables ho

In the data set for this homework, you will find that the first six variables ho

In the data set for this homework, you will find that the first six variables hold data linked to the employees’ demographic profiles and the remaining variables provide employees responses on 1 ‘strongly disagree’ to 5 ‘strongly agree’ response scale to assess organizational citizenship behavior (OCB: employees’ voluntary actions that contribute positively to the organization beyond their job duties) and job satisfaction (JSat: positive state toward current job). The variables are as follows:
1.ID (unique employee identifier – categorical variable)
2.Gender (categorical variable)
3.Tenure (quantitative variable)
4.Ethnicity (categorical variable)
5.Department (categorical variable)
6.Salary (quantitative variable)
7.ocb1 (I work harder than my job requires; quantitative variable)
8.ocb2 (I put a huge amount of effort in my job; quantitative variable)
9.ocb3 (I help out my team mates; quantitative variable)
10.ocb4 (I go the extra mile; quantitative variable)
11.JobSat1 (I am satisfied in my job; quantitative variable)
12.JobSat2 (My job is good; quantitative variable)
1.Create a new variable in the dataset labeled “OCB” that is the average of ocb1, ocb2, ocb3, and ocb4.
2.Find the and interpret the Cronbach’s alpha for OCB.
3.Create a new variable in the dataset labeled JSat that is the sum of JSat1 and JSat2.
4.Find and interpret the Cronbach’s alpha for JSat.
5.How could you assess the validity of OCB and job satisfaction? (Note: you do not have to do any analyses, but you can if it is helpful).
6.Create a new variable in the dataset labeled as logSalary that represents the logarithm of salary.
7.Create a new variable in the dataset labeled as sqrtTenure that represents the square root of the Tenure variable.
8.Conduct a t-test to determine the difference in OCB between genders. Write up your results here:
9.Conduct a t-test to determine the difference in job satisfaction between genders. Write up your results here:
10.Conduct an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the difference in job satisfaction among the five departments. Write up your results here:
11.Please submit both this filled in worksheet and your new excel file.
R Output:

Financial Analysis Project On your first job assignment as an equity analyst, yo

Financial Analysis Project
On your first job assignment as an equity analyst, yo

Financial Analysis Project
On your first job assignment as an equity analyst, you need to analyze one of four companies: Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG), Nvidia (NVDA), Tesla (TSLA) or Meta (FB). You may do this analysis in Microsoft Excel (preferred), Google Sheets (not recommended). You must show your company data with web citation, and clearly show all ratio inputs and output values. (Note: If using Microsoft excel, please use cell references for computation of ratios.)
Please complete the following tasks:
Source the past 4 years financial statements for your company.
Download (or copy/paste) the annual income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for the last 4 fiscal years (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) from your company from either: SEC Website, Annual reports, Google Finance or other site. Enter the company’s stock symbol and then go to “financials”. Copy and paste the financial statements into Excel or Word. It is best to put the individual financial statements on separate sheets (tabs) within the workbook or google sheet.
For each of the 4 years, compute the following ratios for each firm:
Current ratio
Inventory turnover
Operating margin
Net profit margin
Obtain industry averages for your respective firm from Zack’s, y-charts, google finance, or other site. Cite your source by copying the URL to your document. Compare the firm’s 2021 ratio to the available industry ratios for the most recent year (2021 or 2022 is ok).
Analyze the performance of your firm (ratios) versus its industry (Peer analysis – against benchmark) and comment on any trends (Trend analysis – over time) in each individual firm’s performance. Comment on both the peer analysis and the trend analysis. A couple sentence is adequate.
Identify any/all strengths or weakness, including qualitative factors, which you find in your firm. Answer the question: “Would you invest in this firm?” A couple sentences is adequate.
Points breakdown (15 points)
#1: 4
#2: 4
#3: 1
#4: 3
#5: 3

Case Study #1 is intended to test your knowledge of how to summarize data using

Case Study #1 is intended to test your knowledge of how to summarize data using

Case Study #1 is intended to test your knowledge of how to summarize data using pivot tables in Excel using the data file, including using filters and interpreting the results Week 1 Case Study #1 Pivot Table Data.xlsm Download Week 1 Case Study #1 Pivot Table Data.xlsm.
The data file contains US sales and profits from orders for 2021 and 2022 for an office supply store. The data fields included are as follows:
Year – year of sale
Segment – corporate, consumer or home office
State/Province – state name
Region –distinct geographic region recorded
Category – product family of items sold
Sub-category – product line of items sold
Sales – in thousands of dollars of product shipped and invoiced per order
Qty – number of items shipped on the order
Profit – in thousands of dollars profit of order
After watching the video How to Create Pivot Tables in ExcelLinks to an external site., and How to Change Value Field SettingsLinks to an external site. create the following 5 pivot tables:
One pivot table – Total sales and count of orders by Year, by Region
One pivot table – Total sales and count of orders by Category within each Region, filtered by year. Table should allow you to filter data based on a select Year.
One pivot table – Total Sales by Category within each Region for 2021 and 2022 (year in columns) as a percent of Grand Total sales.
One pivot table – Total Profits by Category within Region for 2021 and 2022 (year in columns)
One pivot table – Total Profits by Sub-category by Region (columns), sorted by highest to lowest Sub-category Grand Total profits. (To sort values in pivot tables, select any number in the Grand Total row or column, and then click Sort > Largest to smallest)
Provide a brief summary noting the largest and smallest region/category/subcategory of sales and profits per year from the above. Summaries can be included in Excel in same worksheet(s) as each pivot table or in a separate worksheet.
Submit a single workbook showing the 5 fully functional pivot tables and the requested summary information.
Copy of instructions and USCB information about the data file:

Solve business problems with appropriate quantitative decision-making models Mar

Solve business problems with appropriate quantitative decision-making models

Solve business problems with appropriate quantitative decision-making models
Marco shoe company would like to expand their shoe stores to other parts of the world. They currently operate in United States, Canada, Germany, France, Ireland and Spain. The company is now looking to open one additional store in the upcoming year and would like to calculate the risk and decide on where to open the new store. The risk in each location is different. Here is the chart of each of the current last year’s income.
United States$120,000.00
Canada $80,000.00
Germany $20,000.00
Ireland $35,000.00
Spain $85,000.00
The business analyst has evaluated the risk associated with opening another store in each country had has presented the probability of success for the next five years.
CountryYear OneYear TwoYear ThreeYear FourYear Five
United States 20%15%25%30%35%
Canada 15%20%22%25%30%
Germany 40%45%50%55%60%
France 35%40%45%50%55%
Ireland 10%20%25%30%35%
Spain 10%20%25%40%50%
Based on the information provided, create a table to show the potential profitability for each location for the next five years, then make your expansion selection. Please write a small summary of why this location was chosen for the expansion.
Based on the information provided submit an Excel document containing the following:
A table to show the potential profitability for each location for the next five years then make our expansion selection based on the information provided.
In the output table please show the yearly profitability and a total profitability for each country.
Below your solution output in excel please write a 3–5-line analysis of this location was chosen for the expansion.

In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that details a num

In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that details a num

In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that details a number of quantitative analysis methods and indicates how and when they should be used to solve business problems.
PowerPoint presentation including an analysis of 10 different methods and a practical example of a business problem.
Each analysis should be addressed on one slide, and must include:
The title of slide should be the name of the method being discussed.
A small description of the method (must be cited)
The type of problem it can be used to solve or example of the method in use.
Each slide must have at least one citation
All information must be on slide, nothing in the notes section of the PowerPoint.
Practical example
invent a business problem, and briefly describe it in one slide
create a simple decision tree to select the quantitative method used to evaluate it
include a sample evaluation and recommendation for the business problem.
Reference slide is needed.

Similar to your assignment for Tableau, for this assignment you will be creating

Similar to your assignment for Tableau, for this assignment you will be creating

Similar to your assignment for Tableau, for this assignment you will be creating a dashboard in Power BI.
We will be using the data available in this module. Note: it will need to be cleaned.
Include at least 4 visualizations in the dashboard. At least one should information on the different job titles (the data will need to be cleaned for you to do this)
Include at least one “card” visualization.
Use a uniform color scheme
Add a title to the top and “Dashboard by: Your Name” at the bottom
Ensure your legend titles appropriately describe what they show
Make sure your overall dashboard is visually appealing, you’ll have to play around with resizing containers and tiled/floating boxes
Upload a PDF

There are five questions 1. Download the dataset “Storedata.csv” from the midter

There are five questions
1. Download the dataset “Storedata.csv” from the midter

There are five questions
1. Download the dataset “Storedata.csv” from the midterm section on Canvas. This dataset contains sales data from a department store. Available information includes: Order ID, Order Date, Shipping method, Customer ID, Customer Segment, City, State, Region, Category of item sold, Sales totals, Quantity ordered, Discount (given as a decimal percent), Return (a binary variable indicating if the product was returned, the Profit from each order, and the Profit given as a percentage of sales. a. Create a model to estimate Profit using the Segment, the sales Region, the Category of product, and the Discount. Describe this model – what is its predictive power, and is this model statistically sound? Do you think that this is a good model? Why or why not?

Please use Google, ChatGPT or Bing whenever you see a word in bolde to learn mor

Please use Google, ChatGPT or Bing whenever you see a word in bolde to learn mor

Please use Google, ChatGPT or Bing whenever you see a word in bolde to learn more about the concepts in your internship assignments if you are unfamiliar with the terms.
Consulting Assignment
Your supervisor needs some help performing financial analysis concerning two companies—General Motors Company (GM) and Alphabet Inc. (GOOG). She asked you to:
1. Download each company’s annual income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements for the last four fiscal years. Your supervisor suggested you get the financial statements on MarketWatch ( Enter each company’s stock symbol and then go to “Financials.” Export the statements to Excel by clicking the export button. Of course, you can always use other reliable sources and cite them accordingly.
2. Find historical stock prices for each firm for the dates of each financial statement. Your supervisor recommended you get the historical stock prices for each firm on Yahoo! Finance ( Enter the stock symbol, click “Historical Prices” in the left column, and enter the proper date range to cover the last day of the month corresponding to the date of each financial statement. Use the closing stock prices (not the adjusted close prices). To calculate the firm’s market capitalization (or market value of equity) at each date needed below, multiply the number of shares outstanding by the firm’s historical stock price. To get the number of shares outstanding (see “Basic” on the income statement under “Weighted Average Shares Outstanding”) by the firm’s historical stock price also on MarketWatch (
3. For each of the four years of statements, compute the following ratios for each firm:
Profitability Ratios
Operating Margin equals Operating Income divided by Sales.
Operating Margin=Operating IncomeSales
Net Profit Margin equals Net Income divided by Sales.
Net Profit Margin=Net IncomeSales
Return on Equity equals Net Income divided by Book Value of Equity.
Return on Equity=Net IncomeBook Value of Equity Financial Strength Ratios
Current Ratio equals Current Assets divided by Current Liabilities.
Current Ratio=Current AssetsCurrent Liabilities
Book Debt-to-Equity Ratio equals Total Debt divided by Total Equity.
Book Debt-to-Equity Ratio=Total DebtTotal Equity
Interest Coverage Ratio equals EBIT divided by Interest Expense.
Interest Coverage Ratio=EBITInterest Expense
Valuation Ratios
Price-Earnings (P/E) Ratio equals Market Capitalization divided by Net Income. Another way of calculating the P/E Ratio is by dividing the Share Price by Earnings per Share (EPS). Note: for EPS, use Diluted EPS Total.
P/E Ratio=Market CapitalizationNet Income=Share PriceEarnings per Share
Market-to-Book Ratio equals Market Value of Equity divided by the Book Value of Equity.
Market-to-Book Ratio=Market Value of EquityBook Value of Equity
Enterprise Value-to-EBITDA equals Enterprise Value divided by Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization. Enterprise Value-to-EBITDA=Enterprise ValueEBITDA
Where EBITDA equals EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) + Depreciation and Amortization.
EBITDA=EBIT+Depreciation and Amortization
While Enterprise Value = Market Capitalization + Debt – Cash. For Debt, include Long-Term Debt and Short-Term Debt. For Cash, include Marketable Securities.
Enterprise Value=Market Capitalization+Debt−Cash
4. Your supervisor told you she must conduct a comparative analysis using your calculated values. Thus, she asked you to obtain industry averages for each firm from ( Search for the stock symbol, click the “Peers” tab, then the “Key Measures” tab. (She told you to ignore the company’s column as your calculations will differ.) You wanted to impress her for future employment or letters of recommendation, so you told her you wanted to give the comparative analysis a shot to learn more about it.
NOTE: For GOOG, use GOOGL instead (Alphabet’s Class A stock vs. Class C). There is no data showing for GOOG Key Measures.
So, she asked you to:
Compare each firm’s ratios for the most recent year to the available industry ratios (automobile manufacturers and systems software).
Analyze each firm’s performance versus the industry and comment on trends in each firm’s performance. Identify any strengths or weaknesses you find in each firm.
Examine the Market-to-Book ratios you calculated for each firm. Which of the two firms can be considered “growth firms,” and which can be considered “value firms”?
Compare the valuation ratios across the two firms. How do you interpret the difference between them?
Consider the enterprise value of each firm for each of the four years. How have the values of each firm changed over time?
Your upload must consist of a well formatted, coloured, and labeled Excel workbook with formula present for all questions where calculations are expected (no static values) and a Word document written in the form of a letter to your supervisor and a draft letter for their client.
Hints given by the professor: Question 1: Set up your spreadsheet
Follow the instructions in the case study to obtain/download the financial data. Create a new spreadsheet with a tab for each company’s data. Import the financial data for each company into the respective sheets/tabs, inserting income statements, followed by balance sheets, followed by cash flow statements.
Using the template as a guide (see suggested template), create two more tabs, one for each company.
You will reference any applicable values from the “data” sheets in your “template” sheets to perform your calculations and analysis.
Question 2: Use the template and the instructions in the case study to calculate the historical stock price and market capitalization. Question 3: Use the template and the case study instructions for the financial calculations. Use Google or chatGPT to help identify the appropriate line item in the financial statements for for the calculations if needed. Question 4: Follow the instructions in the case study to obtain industry average for the requested ratios. Enter the information in your template to assist with comparison. NOTE: For GOOG, use GOOGL instead (Alphabet’s Class A stock vs. Class C). There is no data showing for GOOG Key Measures

Similar to your assignment for Tableau, for this assignment you will be creating

Similar to your assignment for Tableau, for this assignment you will be creating

Similar to your assignment for Tableau, for this assignment you will be creating a dashboard in Power BI.
We will be using the data available in this module. Note: it will need to be cleaned.
Include at least 4 visualizations in the dashboard. At least one should information on the different job titles (the data will need to be cleaned for you to do this)
Include at least one “card” visualization.
Use a uniform color scheme
Add a title to the top and “Dashboard by: Your Name” at the bottom
Ensure your legend titles appropriately describe what they show
Make sure your overall dashboard is visually appealing, you’ll have to play around with resizing containers and tiled/floating boxes
Upload a PDF