we did a single variable regression with some data for one season, using a stati

we did a single variable regression with some data for one season, using a stati

we did a single variable regression with some data for one season, using a statistic (like Runs Scored or Runs allowed or Runs Differential) to predict the number of wins a team would get over the course of the season. I also asked students to do a brief write-up of their results, so you should tell me what league/sport you were examining, write out the equation implied by the regression output, and then calculate the predicted number of wins by a team for a few (3 or so) data points that are reasonable*
*that is, if you were using Runs Scored, and teams had a range of about 500-800, perhaps pick 600, 650, and 750–those three are somewhere in the middle of that range and somewhat spread out.

Create a set of requirements that will be used to create the ER Diagram in Step

Create a set of requirements that will be used to create the ER Diagram in Step

Create a set of requirements that will be used to create the ER Diagram in Step 2.
Create an ER diagram (using ERDPlus) that contains at least five entities and at least four binary relationships. At least one of the relationships should be many to many. Show all attributes of all entities.
Map the ER diagram you created in Step 2 into a relational schema containing the relations (with their attributes) and the referential integrity constraints (i.e. arrows pointing from foreign keys into their sources). Use ERDPlus to draw the mapped relational schema.
Summarization: You will deliver a document (.pdf) containing 4 items:
Item 1: Title Information containing the following:Header: Project Phase I, Name
Project Title: e.g. “Dental Center Database” or “Music Company Database”
Item 2: Requirements
Item 3: ER Diagram
Item 4: Mapped Relational Schema I have attached homework from the past to use as an example; it is only to be used as an example and has nothing to do with this assignment.CriteriaRatingsPts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessionalism10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrect Use of Tools and Techniques
The approach followed was logical and where necessary was supplemented with well documented assumptions.
Submission demonstrates that sufficient time and effort were given to the assignment (0-10 pts.)10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks
10 pts
Total Points: 30

Create a set of requirements that will be used to create the ER Diagram in Step

Create a set of requirements that will be used to create the ER Diagram in Step

Create a set of requirements that will be used to create the ER Diagram in Step 2.
Create an ER diagram (using ERDPlus) that contains at least five entities and at least four binary relationships. At least one of the relationships should be many to many. Show all attributes of all entities.
Map the ER diagram you created in Step 2 into a relational schema containing the relations (with their attributes) and the referential integrity constraints (i.e. arrows pointing from foreign keys into their sources). Use ERDPlus to draw the mapped relational schema.
Summarization: You will deliver a document (.pdf) containing 4 items:
Item 1: Title Information containing the following:Header: Project Phase I, Name
Project Title: e.g. “Dental Center Database” or “Music Company Database”
Item 2: Requirements
Item 3: ER Diagram
Item 4: Mapped Relational Schema I have attached homework from the past to use as an example; it is only to be used as an example and has nothing to do with this assignment.CriteriaRatingsPts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessionalism10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrect Use of Tools and Techniques
The approach followed was logical and where necessary was supplemented with well documented assumptions.
Submission demonstrates that sufficient time and effort were given to the assignment (0-10 pts.)10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks
10 pts
Total Points: 30

In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that details a num

In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that details a num

In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that details a number of quantitative analysis methods and indicates how and when they should be used to solve business problems.
PowerPoint presentation including an analysis of 10 different methods and a practical example of a business problem.
Each analysis should be addressed on one slide, and must include:
The title of slide should be the name of the method being discussed.
A small description of the method (must be cited)
The type of problem it can be used to solve or example of the method in use.
Each slide must have at least one citation
All information must be on slide, nothing in the notes section of the PowerPoint.
Practical example
invent a business problem, and briefly describe it in one slide
create a simple decision tree to select the quantitative method used to evaluate it
include a sample evaluation and recommendation for the business problem.
Reference slide is needed.

Select a business in St. Louis city or county that has at least 3 locations wher

Select a business in St. Louis city or county that has at least 3 locations wher

Select a business in St. Louis city or county that has at least 3 locations where they serve in-person customers.
For each of the top 3 stores by sales volume; create sites by defining the addressable area around each location. Make sure that your area is defined logically; not simply by using the default buffer parameters…you will need to defend this decision in your report.
Identify 4 to 6 data variables that define the target customer for this business. Do not use generic variables like “Total Population” as one of those factors. Also propose 2 spatial properties that characterize the addressable market for your selected business. These could include proximity to some other feature (i.e. close to parks, near a highway, etc.), business, or attraction.
Use BAO Reports to examine the addressable area for your 3 store sites and quantify how well they target your defined customer demographic. Create a custom one-page infographic template for your selected business. The infographic must include a map of the location along with elements that summarize each of the parameters you chose to define the target customer base. Use your template to generate infographics for each of the top 3 stores.
Find another city in St. Louis County to expand your selected business using Void OR Threshold Analysis. Use the Pin tool to create 3 potential locations in different areas within the new city and then use a Site Suitability analysis and your identified data and spatial variables to determine which of those candidates would be the best place to add a new store.
A written report (Word or PDF format, 2-3 pages, single spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt font). The report should be styled as if prepared for a client who has hired you to determine a new location for their business and must include the following sections:
Introduction: in this section you will describe the selected business, the parameters you’ve selected to define the customer base, and explain why you chose them.
Methods: briefly describe how you performed the analysis for this project. Include a map showing the region and the individual store locations. Discuss how you determined the area to target for expansion and why that area was selected.
Results: show the three candidate locations that you evaluated for expansion and the location that was selected. Justify why that site was chosen over the other candidates.
Use your custom template to generate infographics for each of the top 3 businesses by sales volume and one for the selected expansion location. (1 page each; letter size).
Compile the written report and your 4 infographic pages into a single document (Word or PDF)

Solve business problems with appropriate quantitative decision-making models Mar

Solve business problems with appropriate quantitative decision-making models

Solve business problems with appropriate quantitative decision-making models
Marco shoe company would like to expand their shoe stores to other parts of the world. They currently operate in United States, Canada, Germany, France, Ireland and Spain. The company is now looking to open one additional store in the upcoming year and would like to calculate the risk and decide on where to open the new store. The risk in each location is different. Here is the chart of each of the current last year’s income.
United States$120,000.00
Canada $80,000.00
Germany $20,000.00
Ireland $35,000.00
Spain $85,000.00
The business analyst has evaluated the risk associated with opening another store in each country had has presented the probability of success for the next five years.
CountryYear OneYear TwoYear ThreeYear FourYear Five
United States 20%15%25%30%35%
Canada 15%20%22%25%30%
Germany 40%45%50%55%60%
France 35%40%45%50%55%
Ireland 10%20%25%30%35%
Spain 10%20%25%40%50%
Based on the information provided, create a table to show the potential profitability for each location for the next five years, then make your expansion selection. Please write a small summary of why this location was chosen for the expansion.
Based on the information provided submit an Excel document containing the following:
A table to show the potential profitability for each location for the next five years then make our expansion selection based on the information provided.
In the output table please show the yearly profitability and a total profitability for each country.
Below your solution output in excel please write a 3–5-line analysis of this location was chosen for the expansion.

Using at least 4-5 boxscores for a sport of your choosing, generate a report sim

Using at least 4-5 boxscores for a sport of your choosing, generate a report sim

Using at least 4-5 boxscores for a sport of your choosing, generate a report similar to the one that I have provided in the chapter. The sport you choose is up to you, but it obviously should have box scores that are provided for each game. This could include (but might not be limited to) basketball, baseball, softball, lacrosse, football, and soccer. For each, you may have to decide what an appropriate way to normalize playing performance to compare players.
Your submitted assignment should have several statistics that have been summed across the games, at least one calculation of an average, at least one measurement normalized that compares performances, and at least one visualization of the normalized performance.
Note: if you use football as the sport you are examining, you can concentrate on the offensive statistics.
Remember, we worked on this in class, so you should have most, if not all of this, done already.

I am attaching excel document and I need help to formulate excel sheet please.I

I am attaching excel document and I need help to formulate excel sheet please.I

I am attaching excel document and I need help to formulate excel sheet please.I want the excel sheet as follow@
A,B,C,D the same
E: Title as Source of referral: then Inpatient (Y/N), OP (Y/N)
F: Title as Diagnosis: then CF Y/N, Bronchiectasis Y/N”, other Y/N”
G: ICS – Y/N
K: carbocysteine – Yes/N
L: HTS – Y/N
M: Eosinophil> 0.3 – Y/N
N: IgE>500 Y/N
O: Pre -test FeV1 – >1 (Y/N) or <1L (Y/N) P: Prophylactic Antibiotic – Azithro (Y/N)/others (Y/N) Q: Indication – PsA (Y/N)/others (Y/N) R: First PsA - Y/N S: Prior Antibiotic Y/N T: IV/Oral U: Prior physio- Y/N V: Pre test salbutamol - Y/N W: Outcome: Pass or fail X: Reasons for failure Spiro (Y/N) /Sym ( Y/N) Y: 3month treatment - Y/N Z: reason for discontinuing AA: Sputum PsA status at 3months – PsA / No sputum