How robust is the ‘extractive versus inclusive institutions’ theory at explainin

How robust is the ‘extractive versus inclusive institutions’ theory at explainin

How robust is the ‘extractive versus inclusive institutions’ theory at explaining why certain nations succeed and why others fail? Or do you find the distinction simplistic? [Note that this is based on Acemoglu and Robinson’s quite lengthy book. You are not responsible for reading the entire book during this Week. Many reviews have been written about it, which you can consult in order to get the main ideas. My lecture notes will also cover the essential points. I do recommend that you read Chs. 3, 8, and 13 of their book. For this Discussion Post, focus on the reasoning behind the institutional characterization and the quality of the evidence offered by the authors, their proponents, and their critics.]
Post your thoughts on the Discussion Board.
Post at least two follow-up postings of other students’ Discussions.
Consult the grading rubric for posting on the Discussion Board. You can view the grading rubric by clicking the upper right “three dots” button – “show rubric

Topic: Ethical Marketing Background As the newly elected Director of Marketi

Topic: Ethical Marketing

As the newly elected Director of Marketi

Topic: Ethical Marketing

As the newly elected Director of Marketing at of Walmart – USA, design an Ethical Marketing Strategic document for the marketing team. ( the use of memo format)
Overview of the assignment
Research into the concept of Ethical Marketing and address the following:
1 Provide brief background (introduction) of the concept of Ethical Marketing.
2 Formulate an Ethical Marketing document for Walmart – USA. The document must cover:
Product offerings and production of the products
Place of distribution and/or selling point
3 summary and conclusions

Required activities

Cover page


Provide brief background (introduction) of the concept of Ethical Marketing.

Formulate an Ethical Marketing document for Walmart – USA. The document must cover:
product offerings and promotion of the product.
place of distribution and /or selling point

Summary and Conclusions

Use 1.5 spacing, 12 point and Arial/Times New Roman

Provide a full reference list and appendix (if any) and intext citations to support any external material used. A minimum of five (references required).

Word Count: 2 pages (exclusive of all references and appendix)

This is an individual assignment and would be assessed for: The use of memo format.

Must support their assertions with at least one scholarly citation in AMA format

Must support their assertions with at least one scholarly citation in AMA format

Must support their assertions with at least one scholarly citation in AMA format. Each reply must incorporate at least one scholarly citation in AMA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include government, academic articles, the textbook, and the Bible.
After reviewing theRead: We Can DoBetter Improving the Health of the American People Shattuck Lecturein the Learn section. Discuss the following points in your thread:
Describe the two reasons Schroeder gives to explain why the US ranks poorly on many health measures despite spending more money than other countries on health care. What other single factor would you suggest that might also contribute to this paradox?
In what ways is the problem of obesity in America like the now decreasing problem of tobacco use? In what ways is it different?
The pie chart illustrating the five proportional categories contributing to premature death in the US is based on total US population mortality. How might these percentages change if the chart were redrawn to reflect impoverished populations in inner cities? People living in poverty in rural areas? Suggest new percentages for each and explain why you think as you do.
Social determinants of health are relatively new considerations as predictors of premature death, yet a growing body of research indicates their substantial contribution. Name a social determinant and describe a possible role for the Church in alleviating it.

This is a mix of questions. Please be sure to clearly indicate your answers with

This is a mix of questions. Please be sure to clearly indicate your answers with

This is a mix of questions. Please be sure to clearly indicate your answers with font or color
or in some way that guides me through your responses.
1. The legislature is something akin to a market place; there are divergent interests in
conflict with each other which must be resolved for anything to happen. In some
cases those conflicts are resolved with raw power, which is very unlike a market
place. But in many cases there is other mechanisms are used. What is bought and
sold I a legislature? What is the currency? What are some of the self-interests at
2. The vice-president only votes in the Senate when it is tied. This is not that common
but when it happens is can be very high profile and can be very important to the
president. Is this a rent seeking opportunity? Why or why not?
3. When the U.S. Senate does a roll call vote, it is done alphabetically. Roll call votes are
usually only done on controversial and contentious topics, often times when a few
senators’ intentions are unknown. What might be a different order of voting that
could influence the final outcome?
4. Do a quick search and find out how valuable it is the be listed first on an election
ballot. Now go to the U.S. Senate roster and count how many Senators last names
begin with a letter from the first half of the alphabet (M or before). Explain what you
5. Everyone will say that running a federal government budget deficit every year is not
good, yet since 1969 the federal budget had only been balanced 4 times. There are
many contributory reasons for this, which is NOT one?
a. Omnibus bills that do not let votes on individual spending bills.
b. Vote trading or logrolling.
c. Executive line item veto.
d. Each elected officials desire to be seen doing something for his constituents.
6. Explain the Borda rule.
7. Which of the following best describes a Condorcet winner?
a. The candidate that would win in any pair wise election with any other
b. The candidate that gets the most votes when the voters can vote for any
c. The candidate who is the least disliked by the voters.
d. The majority vote recipient after the weakest candidates have been
eliminated in previous rounds of voting.
8. A few places use expressive voting, Maine has had it for a few years and New York
City now has it. There were many complaints and some mistakes made in New York
City’s first use of it. Offer two points of support for this voting approach and one
9. True or False. If a candidate receives the majority of the vote in the first (or only)
round of voting then that candidate would win no matter what voting system is
10. Which voting system do you prefer for electing the president and why?