Chapter 12 PAGE 305
SA 12

Chapter 12 PAGE 305
SA 12
DIRECTIONS:     Self-Assessments (50 points) must be a minimum of 50 words.  
Each Self-Assessment acts as a self-check or a personal habit awareness that will stimulate further thought about how the chapter relates to you personally.  This portion of the class is to engage you in deeper thought about your health choices. Each chapter will become more personal as you do the self-assessments. Every self-assessment will ask you what phase of change you are in, The Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change) will be how you identify what stage you are in.  
Make sure you state the FOUR (4) questions, then your answer to that exact question.
The FOUR (4) questions will be the same in every self-assessment you do for all 13 chapters.
Below is the grading RUBRIC for specific grading criteria. 
Summarize what you learned about yourself by completing the self-assessment. Be specific about your results.
Example; Was there a pattern with your responses such as, “ALWAYS” and/or “NEVER” responses? 
B. Target Behavior- 10/10 example:  WHAT ONE BEHAVIOR WOULD YOU TARGET FOR CHANGE?
Be very specific here. Leave no doubt about your ONE TARGET BEHAVIOR. This is where you discuss what change you would make.
List the Change.
Name the Stage you feel you are in. (Listed below 1-6)

Precontemplation – In this stage, people do not intend to take action in the foreseeable future (defined as within the next 6 months). People are often unaware that their behavior is problematic or produces negative consequences. People in this stage often underestimate the pros of changing behavior and place too much emphasis on the cons of changing behavior.

Contemplation – In this stage, people are intending to start the healthy behavior in the foreseeable future (defined as within the next 6 months). People recognize that their behavior may be problematic, and a more thoughtful and practical consideration of the pros and cons of changing the behavior takes place, with equal emphasis placed on both. Even with this recognition, people may still feel ambivalent toward changing their behavior.

Preparation (Determination) – In this stage, people are ready to take action within the next 30 days. People start to take small steps toward the behavior change, and they believe changing their behavior can lead to a healthier life.

Action – In this stage, people have recently changed their behavior (defined as within the last 6 months) and intend to keep moving forward with that behavior change. People may exhibit this by modifying their problem behavior or acquiring new healthy behaviors.

Maintenance – In this stage, people have sustained their behavior change for a while (defined as more than 6 months) and intend to maintain the behavior change going forward. People in this stage work to prevent relapse to earlier stages.

Termination – In this stage, people have no desire to return to their unhealthy behaviors and are sure they will not relapse. Since this is rarely reached, and people tend to stay in the maintenance stage, this stage is often not considered in health promotion programs.
Explain why you are in this stage.
When will you begin your change?
Show your specific plan what will you do to make the change.
Be specific here Your goal needs to relate back to your TARGET BEHAVIOR
E. Grammar 5/5 REMINDER:
Please reread before submitting in the future.
Copy and Paste this format into the reply area and answer the questions .  This must be done to get full credit for the structure of your answer.  Do the same for every discussion in the future. Leave it in red answer in black
1. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS FROM DOING THE ASSESSMENT – Explain what you learned from doing the survey
2. WHAT ONE BEHAVIOR WOULD YOU TARGET FOR CHANGE? – To receive full credit, you need one target for change that connects to what you learned doing the assessment.
3. WHAT STAGE OF BEHAVIOR CHANGE ARE YOU IN: This needs a full definition of WHY? you are in this phase and WHEN you will start your behavior change.  Use this example’s format when answering this question exactly for full credit.
Explain why you are in this stage.
When will you begin your change?
Show your specific plan what will you do to make the change.
4. WHAT LONG TERM GOAL WOULD YOU MAKE TO ADDRESS TARGETED BEHAVIOR? This should correspond to what you found out doing the assessment, the behavior you are targeting and the change you want to make.

  Economic Debate #1- Student Loan Forgiveness For this economic debate, we are

Economic Debate #1- Student Loan Forgiveness
For this economic debate, we are

Economic Debate #1- Student Loan Forgiveness
For this economic debate, we are going to look at consumer spending, but through a different lens—student loan forgiveness. 
We measure economic growth using GDP, a big portion of that metric is consumer spending.  Many argue today that students are burdened with increasing costs of education and that those increasing costs are making it difficult for graduates to spend money in the economy.  Essentially, if students are paying $500, $600, or even $700 a month in student loans, that is a lot of money that is not being used toward economic growth.
Naturally, the conversation has moved toward the idea of student loan forgiveness in whole or at least in part (based on income level, amount borrowed, or a combination of the two).  But what is “fair”?  What is “appropriate”?
Advocates for student loan forgiveness believe it would achieve several objectives.  First, many borrowers who have defaulted (many through no fault of their own—that is, because of a troubled economy and job loss) would no longer be in default, their credit could recovery, and they could get on with their lives.  Second, it would free up large sums of money (in monthly payments) that graduates could use elsewhere.  For example, instead of paying $500/month on student loans, graduates could spend more at the movies, shopping for clothes, going out to eat, and committing to backyard enhancement projects—all of which would grow the economy, create jobs, and increase the standard of living (growth in GDP).  Third, student loan forgiveness would also (likely) create a national conversation on the cost(s) of higher education, potentially leading to a way in which education can become more affordable and less burdensome.
Opponents to student loan forgiveness, however, are not so optimistic about this plan.  First, regardless of the rationale, if taxpayer money pays for student loan forgiveness, that, by necessity, means that some individuals who did not go to college will pay for the loan forgiveness of those that did go to college.  Adding to this, because more affluent communities attend college in greater numbers than less-wealthy communities, opponents argue that this proposal would achieve the exact opposite of its intended effect—namely, that lower income students would not be served, but rather would pay for the education of those that could already pay for their loans.  Second, if a considerable amount of debt is arbitrarily forgiven, the big consideration will be inflation.  If, suddenly, huge swaths of the population begin spending more money in the economy, prices could rise dramatically.  What then happens to those who do not receive loan forgiveness, and perhaps no increase in income, but are still dealing with higher costs of goods and services?  Third, there is just the issue of fairness.  Is it fair that someone who went to college and took out student loans gets them paid off simply because of a vote in Congress?  Wouldn’t that mean we could vote to forgive anything?
I’ve attached a few resources to give you deeper insight to the debate on student loan forgiveness.  Some of the material is heavily in favor and some is heavily opposed.
Using your understanding of economics, answer the question:
Do you think the federal government should forgive student loans for borrowers?  Should there be an income limit? Or a limit to the amount that can be forgiven? If you answer yes, are you worried about inflation and the fact that poorer communities would be paying most of the forgiveness for the wealthy?  If you say no, are you content with thousands of Americans remaining in the cycle of spending huge sums of money on loan repayments instead of generating growth for the economy and for their own lives?
Remember, if we are thinking like economists, the word “greed” should not factor into our discussion.  “Self-Interest” exists, which means that we expect each person to make the most rationale decision that will benefit them. 
So, given this discussion and the attached material, in about 150 words, tell which approach you would implement if you were the sole decision maker.  Be sure to include the BEST arguments from both sides in your discussion, but ultimately, you should choose one side. (You may offer a third solution if interested, but it should be very clear where you stand on the issue). 
You will need to respond to TWO classmates for this post. (50-75 words) —try to find someone who disagrees with you and directly address their concerns.  (It is not a requirement to find someone who disagrees with you, but it makes for more robust conversation if you do). Remember!! Be respectful in your responses. Any disrespect whatsoever will be an automatic 0 and will result in disciplinary actions. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site.
For this debate, you will read about student loan forgiveness and then respond to the question presented.  You will respond to TWO classmates for this debate

For this project, imagine you are a new hire at a wealth management firm and tas

For this project, imagine you are a new hire at a wealth management firm and tas

For this project, imagine you are a new hire at a wealth management firm and tasked with determining the location of a brick-and-mortar office within Connecticut. As the analyst, you must suggest what type of financial products the office should offer and suggest an office location. Please use the data set attached in the Unit to complete this assignment.

Now we have transitioned from the Covid 19 crisis and going towards a more regul

Now we have transitioned from the Covid 19 crisis and going towards a more regul

Now we have transitioned from the Covid 19 crisis and going towards a more regular time, what is your view on the Economy (Slowdown, recession, or status quo? 
Also, you learned about inflationary expectations and the yield curve. Please, look at the current shape to support your argument.
Write 2 paragraphs.

Now we have transitioned from the Covid 19 crisis and going towards a more regul

Now we have transitioned from the Covid 19 crisis and going towards a more regul

Now we have transitioned from the Covid 19 crisis and going towards a more regular time, what is your view on the Economy (Slowdown, recession, or status quo? 
Also, you learned about inflationary expectations and the yield curve. Please, look at the current shape to support your argument.
Write 2 paragraphs.