FINAL PROJECT 3 – TEXT-DEPENDENT QUESTIONS (100 pts):  Read page 102 from th

Read page 102 from th

Read page 102 from the Mississippi ELA Curriculum Guide (A PDF is available in Canvas.)
Go to to an external site. and study the information about Ruby Bridges.
Go to to an external site. and study the three sections on Ruby Bridges.
Pay particular attention to the images as well as the text.
Write 4 text-dependent questions pertaining to the life of Ruby Bridges. Each question will be scored according to the checklist located in Appendix B

  Objective:  This assignment aims to develop your skills in addressing parenta

Objective:  This assignment aims to develop your skills in addressing parenta

Objective:  This assignment aims to develop your skills in addressing parental  concerns and applying course knowledge to real-world scenarios in  special education and inclusion.
Assignment Description: You  will conduct a written interview/dialog with a hypothetical parent of a  student with special needs. This assignment will test your ability to  communicate effectively, address concerns, and provide informed answers  based on the course materials covered so far.

Create a scenario involving a parent of a student with special needs
Develop a set of 5-7 questions or concerns that the parent might have about inclusion
Provide thoughtful, well-researched responses to each question/concern
Ensure your responses demonstrate knowledge from the course readings and discussions

Topics to Cover: 

Include questions/concerns  related to: a) The benefits and challenges of inclusion b) Specific  accommodations or modifications for the student c) Collaboration between  general and special education teachers d) Assessment strategies for  students with disabilities e) Social and emotional aspects of inclusion


Use information from the course textbook and at least three additional scholarly sources
Integrate relevant laws, policies, or best practices in your responses


Conclude with a brief  reflection (1 paragraph) on what you learned from this exercise and how  it might inform your future practice as an educator

  1)  Discuss three (3) interesting concepts you have discovered in your  readi

1)  Discuss three (3) interesting concepts you have discovered in your  readi

1)  Discuss three (3) interesting concepts you have discovered in your  readings, videos, research, etc. in Intercultural Communication. ( Negotiating Sexuality and Gender , Representing Cultural Knowledge in Interpersonal and Mediated Contexts,  Celebrating Cultures )
2) List, define, and discuss several vocabulary words that you came across in Chapters 1 – 24 of your textbook.(Feminist Humor,Dialectic,Afrocentrism, Afrocentric,Aggregate identity,)
3) How do you feel intercultural communication (as a concept)  intercepts with issues that we face in society — the current social,  economic, and political climate?  Discuss an example of this.

  Building capacity to promote improvement. (NELP 4.2, 7.3) Propose the design

Building capacity to promote improvement. (NELP 4.2, 7.3) Propose the design

Building capacity to promote improvement. (NELP 4.2, 7.3) Propose the design and implementation of strategies for improving the impact of practices that support student learning by designing a comprehensive professional development program to address the identified area/s of concern (NELP 4.2). As an instructional leader of your school, consider the recommendations you wrote in part 2 and the teachers’ and students’ needs to engage your faculty leaders in co-designing with you a professional growth plan to increase the capacity of school staff. Identify and describe the faculty who would co-lead the implementation of the plan with you (NELP 7.3). Ensure that the plan reflects national professional development standards (standards for professional learningLinks to an external site.) and change theory. The plan should promote reflection, cultural responsiveness, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success (NELP 7.3). Explain your rationale for the plan in supporting equity, digital literacy and the school’s academic and non-academic systems (NELP 4.2). To work collaboratively with school staff to improve teaching and learning, the design should identify the professional development method adopted, how you will get “buy in” from the teachers; how teachers will meet – how often; how will you monitor and support the professional learning? Describe possible obstacles that could arise and how you will address them. In part 4 also include links to sites where teachers can find technology tools for instruction and assessment on the topics identified as area/s of concern.  Here is an outline for Assignment Part 4. Download outline for Assignment Part 4. 
Here is an example of assignment part 4.  Please read the comments I wrote in the document. Download Here is an example of assignment part 4.  Please read the comments I wrote in the document. 
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 Research takes place within a larger context. Part of this context is the theor

 Research takes place within a larger context. Part of this context is the theor

 Research takes place within a larger context. Part of this context is the theoretical foundation or conceptual framework, which is the lens through which the researcher views the study. How would you explain the distinction between theoretical foundations and conceptual frameworks in the context of research? When might a researcher use a theoretical foundation? When might a researcher use a conceptual framework? Support your view including References.

  list two formal and two informal assessments for each literacy area, includ

list two formal and two informal assessments for each literacy area, includ

list two formal and two informal assessments for each literacy area, including Comprehension, Fluency, Oral Language, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Vocabulary.
choose one formal and one informal assessment to administer to a small group of students in your classroom. (Note: if you are not teaching now, you may administer this assessment to family, friends, or cohort members.)
indicate which assessments you are administering  
reflect upon the assessment you applied in a small group. How effective was the assessment? What data did you gather? 
 create a plan to use one evidence-based best practice to develop fluency to enhance comprehension in domain-specific (kindergarten math) texts utilizing summarizing, extended text discussions, or student questioning. 
Example: Based on the data gathered, I can see that comprehension is lacking, likely due to choppy reading. I plan to practice summarizing with my students in a small group.  We will begin with repeating the vocabulary words and then focus on choral and repeated reading.  Once we have read the paragraph together multiple times, I will ask students to take turns summarizing the paragraph.  We will examine our level of comprehension based on the accuracy of the summaries presented by each student.

  Begin By Creating A Page Titled, “Definitions’ Next, Complete These Five Acti

Begin By Creating A Page Titled, “Definitions’
Next, Complete These Five Acti

Begin By Creating A Page Titled, “Definitions’
Next, Complete These Five Activities:
1.) Define And Discuss The Term ‘Public’
    Locate definitions from two credible sources, with one being a government source.
       Cut and paste or retype the definitions word for word.
       Cite each source using APA style
    Provide a brief of your findings by discussing similarities and differences in a one to two sentence overview.
2.) Define And Discuss The Term ‘Health’,
       Locate definitions from two credible sources, with one being a government source .
       Cut and paste or retype the definitions word for word.
       Cite each source using APA style
    Provide a brief of your findings by discussing similarities and differences in a one to two sentence overview.
3.) Define And Discuss The Term ‘Public Health’
       Locate definitions from two credible sources, with one being a government source.
       Cut and paste or retype the definitions word for word.
       Cite each source using APA style
    Provide a brief of your findings by discussing similarities and differences in a one to two sentence overview.
4.) Define And Discuss The Term ‘Safety’
    Locate definitions from two credible sources, with one being a government source.
       Cut and paste or retype the definitions word for word.
       Cite each source using APA style
    Provide a brief of your findings by discussing similarities and differences in a one to two sentence overview.
5.) Define And Discuss The Terms:
       A.) ‘Environmental Health’ and 
B.) ‘Sanitation’
    Locate definitions from two credible sources, with one being a government source.
       Cut and paste or retype the definitions word for word.
       Cite each source using APA style
    Provide a brief of your findings by discussing similarities and differences in a one to two sentence overview.

  Describe an innovation that was recently adopted in your work environment* an

Describe an innovation that was recently adopted in your work environment* an

Describe an innovation that was recently adopted in your work environment* and discuss the following in relation to what you were able to observe: 
A brief description of an innovation and the work environment
A brief description of the change agents’ qualities that contributed to the success or non-success of the innovation
A listing of any barriers to this innovation (if applicable)
A comment on the extent to which the concerns of stakeholders (i.e., people expected to interact with, support, or adopt the innovation) were taken into account and/or addressed.
How stakeholders received and responded to the innovation.
Can you see ways in which the perspectives, beliefs, or knowledge of stakeholders could have been better taken into account? Explain.