Please respond substantially to the questions below: Which primary stakehol

Please respond substantially to the questions below:
Which primary stakehol

Please respond substantially to the questions below:
Which primary stakeholders do ALEC appeal to in its push for privatization of schools?
What is the primary purpose of the bills introduced by ALEC?
In what ways does ALEC introduce market factors into schools and the teaching profession?
What would be the impact on those with diverse ethnicity, language, culture, and disability if ALEC pushed for privatization is successful in dismantling public schools?
When new public education legislation is introduced, what are some of the questions that supporters of public education might want to ask?
As defined in this article does ALEC’s influence build or undermine democracy?
In your opinion, what ways would ALEC’s push for privatization help or hinder society as a whole?
What happens to our democracy when we return to an educational system where access is defined by corporate interest and divided by class, language, ability, race, and religion? In a push to free-market education, who pays in the end?

Consider the significant impact of toxic stress on children’s ability to regula

Consider the significant impact of toxic stress on children’s ability to regula

Consider the significant impact of toxic stress on children’s ability to regulate their Brain, Body, and Belly (BBB), especially in the context of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). After reviewing the essential health activities and health hazards discussed in the required text, take a moment to reflect on your personal health profile.
In your journal, address the following questions:
1) What specific health activities do you believe you need to prioritize and address in your own life, based on the information presented in the text?
2) How do these identified health activities impact your overall well-being and daily life?
3) Are there any personal experiences or observations that relate to the effects of toxic stress on your BBB regulation or that of those around you?
Your journal must be three double-spaced pages (not including title and reference pages). You should use subheadings to organize your journal. 

  Please respond substantially to the questions below: Which primary stakehol

Please respond substantially to the questions below:
Which primary stakehol

Please respond substantially to the questions below:
Which primary stakeholders do ALEC appeal to in its push for privatization of schools?
What is the primary purpose of the bills introduced by ALEC?
In what ways does ALEC introduce market factors into schools and the teaching profession?
What would be the impact on those with diverse ethnicity, language, culture, and disability if ALEC pushed for privatization is successful in dismantling public schools?
When new public education legislation is introduced, what are some of the questions that supporters of public education might want to ask?
As defined in this article does ALEC’s influence build or undermine democracy?
In your opinion, what ways would ALEC’s push for privatization help or hinder society as a whole?
What happens to our democracy when we return to an educational system where access is defined by corporate interest and divided by class, language, ability, race, and religion? In a push to free-market education, who pays in the end?

  Read the following article  and summarize what the author is trying to  tell

Read the following article  and summarize what the author is trying to  tell

Read the following article  and summarize what the author is trying to  tell the reader about slavery’s impact on the economy: Plus add your  analysis of the article..did you agree with the author’s theory or view?
Did slavery make economic sense? by C.W. and A.J.K.D.

 Overview For this Performance Task, you will develop a PowerPoint Presentation

For this Performance Task, you will develop a PowerPoint Presentation

For this Performance Task, you will develop a PowerPoint Presentation  on evaluating quality children’s literature and demonstrating and  evaluating a quality read-aloud presentation for young children.
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively.
PowerPoint Presentation on Quality Children’s Literature and Quality Read-Aloud Experiences
You are a teacher at an early learning center that serves  children from infancy through early elementary (K–3) age. You have a  passion for children’s books and have worked hard to educate yourself on  the characteristics of quality children’s literature across multiple  genres. To communicate your love of books and reading to the children  you work with, you have also developed your skill and talent for reading  aloud to children. Through tone, cadence, animated expressions,  enthusiasm, or even earnest solemnity, the artistry of storytelling can  create a unique shared experience while nurturing positive dispositions  toward reading and language learning. 
With this knowledge and experience in mind, you decide to share  what you have learned about quality children’s literature and quality  read-aloud experiences with your colleagues through a PowerPoint  Presentation in two parts.
Part One recommends quality fiction and nonfiction books across  multiple genres for a specific age group, and explains information and  examples for evaluating children’s literature based on guidelines for  quality; 
Part Two features an audio recording of up to 10 minutes of you  reading aloud a quality fiction or nonfiction book and explains how to  evaluate the read-aloud experience based on criteria for engaging  children and celebrating the joy of reading.
Note: For this Assessment, you will need to choose a  target age group (e.g., infants/toddlers; preschoolers) for your  presentation. Select the age that interests you most, with which you  have the most experience, and/or that is most appropriate for specific  books you would like to feature in your presentation.
To complete this assessment, you will read a book aloud to a child  or small group of children. Think about a child or small group of  children you know (relatives, friends’ children, etc.) who are in one of  the target age groups below: 

Infants and toddlers
Early elementary (first, second, and/or third graders)

Identify four children’s books appropriate for your target age group: 

Two or three fiction books, each representing a different genre (e.g., fantasy, folklore, realistic fiction);
One or two nonfiction books, each representing a different genre or  topic (e.g., biography; informational book on a specific theme, such as  animals, families, different cultures).

Evaluate each book using the resource “Ten Steps for Reviewing Children’s Books” at and other appropriate criteria from any of the other resources provided in Topic 1, Activities 2 and 3, of this Competency.
Ensure that the four books you select represent the following: 

Each book meets guidelines for quality, including two specific examples you can explain in your evaluation;
Each book is characteristic of the specific genre;
Each book has qualities that make it a good choice for promoting  children’s positive dispositions toward reading and language learning;
At least one book is an excellent choice to read aloud for Part Two of your PowerPoint Presentation. Note:  In making your selection, keep in mind that your audio recording of the  story should not be more than 10 minutes, in order to successfully  embed the recording in your PowerPoint document. You are encouraged to  time yourself in a practice reading of a story before you select it.  Many picture books and other types of books for young children of 32  pages or less should fit within the time limit. If you select an  information book with sections or a chapter book for primary-grades  children, you might choose an especially appealing section or chapter to  read aloud. Be sure that the portion you read makes sense to the  listener and lets you do your best job reading aloud.

Take notes on your own tips for identifying quality children’s books  for your target age group, and aim to have at least three tips to  feature in your presentation.
Choose one book to read aloud from among the four books you have  selected in your Part One preparation. Be sure that your selection can  be read within the 10-minute limit for an audio recording in a  PowerPoint document.
Aim to read the book to the child or group of children identified in Part One. Important Note:  If you do not have a child/group of children with whom you can share  this book, prepare to read it aloud as you would if you were sharing it  directly with children.
Review the resource “Read-Aloud Criteria: Tips for Developing a Great Read-Aloud Experience” document. Note:  You will find directions for how to make a recording of your story  using the audio feature in your MAC or PC version of PowerPoint.
Consider how you will apply these criteria to the read-aloud book.  Keep in mind that the magic of a quality read-aloud experience is not  achieved without thoughtful effort on the part of the reader. Telling a  tale—particularly when reading it—requires an actor’s touch and a  reader’s love of words and story. Bringing a story alive is more than  proceeding from beginning to end. It is achieved through the skill with  which the reader sets a tone that matches the text and feel of a story,  lingers over a phrase, and brings characters to life through voice and  expression. With all that in mind: 

Set two goals for yourself to meet in creating your read-aloud presentation.

Create an audio recording of yourself reading your selected book.  Your final saved recording should be embedded directly in your  PowerPoint document.
Listen to and evaluate your recording using the “Read-Aloud  Criteria” document. Take notes and include an explanation of the  following: 

How well you met your goals for your read-aloud presentation;
At least two strengths of your read-aloud presentation;
At least two examples of what could be better/more effective;
At least two strategies to apply to improve your read-aloud presentations.   

Using the PowerPoint Presentation Template, create Part One and Part  Two of your presentation consisting of 16 slides, plus the title slide,  which is provided for you. As needed, use the “Notes” section of the  slides for additional room to provide the required information about the  books and read-aloud presentation that you have evaluated.
Title Slide: “Evaluating Quality Literature and Quality Read-Aloud Experiences for Young Children” 

Part One Introduction: Quality Literature for Young Children (1 slide) 

Identify the age group you are addressing;
Explain three key criteria that you used to select books for your target age group.

Part One 4 Featured Books (8 slides/2 slides per book)
For each of the four books you have selected and evaluated: 

Identify the title, author, and genre;
Briefly summarize the book’s key characters, events, and/or themes;
Explain how the book is characteristic of the specific genre;
Explain why the book is an appropriate choice for your target age group;
Explain your evaluation of the book based on quality standards,  including at least two examples of how the book is free of  misinformation and stereotypes identified in “Ten Steps to Reviewing  Children’s Books”;
Explain how this high-quality book can support positive dispositions toward reading and language learning in young children.

Part One Summary (1 slide) 

Explain your three top tips for evaluating quality children’s literature for your target age group.

Part Two Introduction: Quality Read-Aloud Experiences for Young Children (1 slide) 

Identify the book you selected to read aloud;
Explain three qualities that make the book a good choice to read aloud.

Part Two: The Read-Aloud Presentation (1 slide) 

Make an audio recording of your read-aloud presentation that will be embedded in this slide;
Explain two goals that you set for yourself in creating this read-aloud presentatio

Part Two: Evaluation of the Read-Aloud Presentation (2 slides)
Evaluate your read-aloud presentation to explain: 

How well you met your goals for the read-aloud presentation.
At least two strengths of the presentation;
At least two examples of what could be better/more effective about the read-aloud presentation;
At least two strategies to apply to improve your read-aloud presentations.

Part Two Summary (1 slide) 

Explain at least three reasons why reading aloud to children can  promote positive dispositions toward reading and language learning.

References (1 slide) 

Cite all resources used in creating Parts One and Two of your PowerPoint Presentation in APA style.


  Please use attachment from week 7 assignment as guidance only Create  a Power

Please use attachment from week 7 assignment as guidance only
Create  a Power

Please use attachment from week 7 assignment as guidance only
Create  a PowerPoint presentation (due in Week 8) based on your Key Assignment,  Strategic HR Plan (submitted in Week 7). The presentation should have  an introduction page as well as a reference page at the end. You should  have no more than 25-30 words on each slide. Use bullet points or short  phrases. Take full advantage of the notes section and remember to cite  your sources. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.
Please submit your final Presentation (by Sunday) in the Week 8 Assignment Submission Box
Length: 10-12 slides (with a separate cover slide, agenda slide, and reference slide)
Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide.

  The  two parts of the overall marketing plan that will be completed this  wee

The  two parts of the overall marketing plan that will be completed this  wee

The  two parts of the overall marketing plan that will be completed this  week are the sections for the Target Market, and the explanation of the  5Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, and Positioning). Please  thoroughly addresses the following components.
Target Market in the Charles Town, WV area.  

Who  are the residents, businesses, or groups in the Charles Town, WV area  that would be most interested in minor league baseball? 
In  most cases, target markets can be further broken down into smaller  market segments? How does this apply to the Charles Town target market.  Please explain.

Explanation of the 5Ps. 

In  most marketing circles, these are typically referred to as the 4Ps.  However, positioning, or where the product is positioned in the market,  is also a crucial part of the marketing process. Therefore, please  provide answers to the following questions. 

Product – What is the product or products you are selling?
Price – At what price point will the product or products be priced?
Place – Where will the product or be products be distributed?
Promotion – How will you make consumers aware of the product or products?
Positioning – Where will the position of the product or products be in relation to other competing products or services?

Please  create a PowerPoint presentation covering the areas listed above for  presentation to the City Council of Charles Town, WV. Please be sure to  review the “PowerPoint Presentation Do’s and Don’ts” document that’s  attached. Remember, the PowerPoint must be in bullet format and must  include a notes section in a separate PDF or WORD document. The notes  section should be a summary of the bullet points in your presentation,  such that if you were unable to make the presentation, someone else  could make the presentation for you by reading what you’ve written in  the notes section. Remember, you will be handing this to the president  and board of trustees for review. Be sure to carefully proof your work.   
Please  include a title slide that includes your name and the assignment topic,  as well as a reference slide at the end of your PowerPoint  presentation which includes a minimum of three (3) scholarly sources. However,  since your goal is to have a minimum of ten (10) overall sources for  your final marketing plan, sources utilized for this week should be  different than those in the Week 2 assignment. Don’t forget that every source should be correctly cited throughout your presentation on the appropriate slide.

  For  this assignment, create a presentation using PowerPoint or another  comp

For  this assignment, create a presentation using PowerPoint or another  comp

For  this assignment, create a presentation using PowerPoint or another  comparable presentation program and provide an analysis of food and  ritual from your personal history. Pick ritual feast or gathering that  features food event have attended (e.g. Thanksgiving, Christmas,  Passover, Ramadan, Dia de los Muertos, St. Patrick’s Day, Nikkomo,  family reunions etc.) and provide:
A detailed description of the event, the context, and relevance to you. 
A  detailed description of the food and its preparation. Be sure to include  observations regarding the division of labor in preparation and the  roles of people involved, as well as the interactions surrounding the  preparation and consumption of food (e.g. talk etc.)
A detailed analysis that addresses symbolic, structural, and other social meanings tied to your food memory. 
A detailed analysis of tradition and ritual significance, and explain how they inform the preparation and consumption of food. 
In  order to successfully address of these requirements you, be sure to do  research in order to explain the cultural, symbolic, social, structural,  or other meanings associated with the dish. Specify the social group  for whom it has meaning, for what kinds of occasions and settings is  this dish prepared, who is involved in the preparation, serving, and  consumption of this dish, background, etc.
Other questions you can ask in order to address the required categories may include: 
Is  this a food that unique to your culture? What are its traditional  names? (And, do these names have any special significance and/or  meaning?) What ingredients go into making these foods? How and when are  they eaten? Are there unspoken family “rules” about food consumption  (e.g., what’s okay, and not okay, to eat; how and where should one eat,  etc.)