After completing your selected activities from the “Practicum/Field Experience

After completing your selected activities from the “Practicum/Field Experience

After completing your selected activities from the “Practicum/Field Experience Blocks Visual & Activities”(Attended an IEP meeting/developed a lesson plan, taught whole group lesson in math, ELAR, Science and Social studies, and led a parent teacher conference) – Grade 1
Write a reflection about your teaching experiences within Block 3 to include a connection to the teaching preparation standards. Your reflection should address the content learning across all courses within Block 3 and the experiences that support the questions provided in this block. Reflect on any opportunities you had to teach and discuss your experiences collaborating with the mentor, other educators, families, or members of the community during your Block 3 practicum/field experience. In 500-750 words, discuss the following:
Explain the importance of using a variety of instructional strategies and assessments to encourage depth of knowledge across all content areas.
Describe how you integrated strategies in your instructional practices to support the development, as well as the cultural and linguistic differences of all learners.
Provide an example of an experience from your Block 3 practicum/field experience where you used multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression in your instruction.
Provide an example from your Block 3 practicum/field experience when you implemented or observed the implementation of assessments, including the use of assistive technologies.
How were these assessments used in the classroom to influence instruction, including the development of appropriate goals, curriculum, and teaching strategies?
How does effective collaboration support the professional practice of leadership, including during discussions of assessment feedback with families?

  There is no plagiarism, and you must use the reference I included.  SEE ATTAC

There is no plagiarism, and you must use the reference I included.

There is no plagiarism, and you must use the reference I included.
APA Style Reference Page with every author cited in the literature preview.
Four annotated bibliographies.
Download the Assignment 1 form Download Assignment 1 form.
Complete a draft of Sections 1 & 16 of the research proposal form.
Haitian Revolutions: Crash Course World History #30 Haitian Revolutions: Crash Course World History #30 User: n/a – Added: 8/16/12 YouTube URL: 
 Coal, Steam, and The Industrial Revolution: Crash Course World History #32 Coal, Steam, and The Industrial Revolution: Crash Course World History #32 User: n/a – Added: 8/30/12 YouTube URL: 
Write a 300 word summary responding to the questions below using Rights and Slavery: An African American Voice: Frederick Douglass (link in the module).
If you are confused or have questions, please reach out to your instructor. I am here to help. Do not submit subpar work simply because you don’t understand.
A thesis statement, or argument, that is precise, contestable, and qualified — in history, a thesis statement is an interpretive claim or argument about the past supported by evidence, not an opinion or statement of topic;
Intro, body, and conclusion paragraphs;
A topic sentence, or sub-argument, for each body paragraph;
Parenthetical citations, e.g. This document argues x, y, and z (Document title).
Prompt: How does Douglass assess/understand the limits of the Atlantic Revolutions (e.g. who was left out and why)? How does he appeal to the language of the Enlightenment and the revolution to make claim on the revolution, that is, to say without the inclusion of those left out, the revolution will always be partial and incomplete? 

  Please  find an article or news story about some whistle blowing situation.  

Please  find an article or news story about some whistle blowing situation.  

Please  find an article or news story about some whistle blowing situation.  Please do not use high-profile cases like Snowden or Manning. If you can  find the same story described by different sources all the better. Do  not use some personal experience unless it was discussed in credible new  sources. I need to be able to verify the account. 
Then,  using the attached worksheet discuss the case. Specifically, after  telling me about the case in a concise paragraph, you will identify all  of the key stakeholders and how you feel they were negatively impacted.  For example, if someone released company records and emails to blow the  whistle, discuss whose emails and how the information led to actions  against them. If no one was negatively impacted, then why use it for  this case study? 
Please complete attachment
Discuss  the final outcome (see directions) and most importantly, use your moral  compass to describe or explain why you feel someone’s actions were  morally wrong. Again, if there was no wrongdoing, why was some whistle  blown? 
Finally,  imagine you are in a leadership position. What could you reasonably do  to keep the situation from happening again, to prevent the need for  someone to feel a need to blow the whistle? Depending on the situation,  you may feel the real wrongdoer is the whistleblower. If so, then  describe why what the company/government did or is doing is justified,  again using your moral theories.
This  case study will be evaluated using the attached grading table. Please  use this to your advantage to check your work before submitting. Be sure  to apply at least one ethical system in depth, including the  application of at least 3 specific aspects of that system to the  analysis of all parts of the worksheet/case study.

  Please read the assignment carefully.  Follow the section labeled Instruction

Please read the assignment carefully.  Follow the section labeled Instruction

Please read the assignment carefully.  Follow the section labeled Instructions and submit your document as a file.
Course objectives:
CO4.  Create and modify word processing, spreadsheet, and electronic  presentation documents using appropriate features of the selected  application.
CO-5: Demonstrate a basic understanding of the impact of computers on business.
Applying what you learned in weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4, develop  a chart in Excel listing at least 5 of the benefits and 5 of the risks  of AI. Embed the chart in your APA formatted Word document.  In 250 to  500 words in the same Word document explain if you are more optimistic  or pessimistic about artificial intelligence technology. Why?
Support your position with at least 2 credible references. 

  In this Assignment, you will import the same Excel file that you used in Modu

In this Assignment, you will import the same Excel file that you used in Modu

In this Assignment, you will import the same Excel file that you used in Module 2 into SPSS and perform three data transformations. To complete the Assignment, follow the steps outlined below: 
Download the Data Transformation Worksheet and follow the indicated steps to perform data transformations on the provided data set.
Split the file.
Select cases (50% random).
Recode the variable indicated in the worksheet.
Take a screen shot of the Data View.
Copy and paste the screenshot to your worksheet.

  When working with students with disabilities, developing challenging, measura

When working with students with disabilities, developing challenging, measura

When working with students with disabilities, developing challenging, measurable IEP goals is essential to meet student needs and help students progress. IEP goals must be based upon the information that is contained in the PLAAFP and inclusive of individualized developmental and academic content goals. Understanding the difference between accommodations and modifications is an essential skill. Once IEP goals have been established, it is important to identify and implement appropriate accommodations and modifications to meet the unique needs of the student across educational settings. In many cases, the use of assistive technologies can be a helpful tool in applying the selected accommodations and modifications.
Part 1: IEP Goals and Modifications, Accommodations, and AAC
Review the “Charley” case study below and the PLAAFP that you wrote for Charley in the Topic 4 assignment.
Case Study: Charley
Preschool, Age 4
Charley is an energetic 4-year-old preschool student with cerebral palsy. He is in his second year of preschool. His mother experienced a difficult pregnancy with him, and she had an emergency C-section due to the umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck. Charley was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 18 months of age. He began receiving services in home at the age of 2.
Charley typically speaks in two-word sentences. He indicates his wants and needs by pointing. He gets frustrated when he is unable to communicate quickly. He prefers to do things independently. Charley was evaluated by a speech pathologist who determined he would benefit from a speech device. He began using the speech device, both at home and school, at the beginning of the school year. He is still learning to use it consistently. Charley tries to communicate without the speech device but will use it when asked. The parents are consistent with using the speech device at home.
Charley is in a wheelchair and has limited use of his arms. He can bunny hop on the floor. He needs some assistance with feeding and is still in diapers. He receives physical and occupational therapy twice a week. Charley demonstrates frustration when he is not able to be with the other students due to these activities.
Charley loves going to school. He interacts well with all of the students and teachers. He actively participates in all activities. He tends to shut down when the content of the lesson is too difficult for him. Charley can match objects to colors and can point to 17 of the letters of the alphabet and the numbers 1-10. He requires assistance with tasks such as cutting, gluing, etc. but he is able to use larger pencils and markers for some activities.
Charley’s parents are very involved in his school. His mother volunteers in the classroom once a week, and both parents have volunteered for field trips. They are Charley’s biggest cheerleaders! They help him when he needs it, but also push him to be as independent as he can. They have expressed concern about Charley’s future in school. They would like for him to be in a general education classroom when he begins kindergarten.
In the “Individualized Education Program (IEP)” section of the “IEP Template,” write a measurable annual goal for each of the five areas on the IEP.  These goals must be based on the data you included in the PLAAFP statement you wrote for Charley in the Topic 4 assignment.
For each of the five areas on the template, include the following:

Standard: Specify a specific standard to which the goal aligns.

Annual Goal: Specific, measurable goal based on the documentation provided in the PLAAFP. Specify the baseline level of mastery and the service providers that would be involved in helping the student meet the goal.

Accommodations: Accommodations related to each goal. Two of these accommodations must include the use of augmentative and alternative communication systems and/or assistive technologies. Assistive technology does not necessarily denote a high-tech process.

Modifications: Modifications related to each goal.

Monitoring: Explanation of how the goals will be monitored including the frequency of monitoring, by whom, and what tools and technology will be used to collect and store the data.
Part 2: Explainer Video
Now that you have written the IEP, it is important to be able to explain it clearly to Charley’s parents. Record a 2-3 minute video for Charley’s parents to present the IEP goals, modifications, accommodations, and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) that has been selected using any method of your choice. Utilize family-friendly language and engage the parents in a way that is ethical and sensitive and reflective of the tenets of the Christian worldview perspective so they feel like a valued member of the IEP team working to support Charley in attaining his goals. The video should address the following:
Summarize the IEP goals and the data from the PLAAFP they are based on.
Explain the collaboration with families and other team members that was used to develop the goals and interventions to promote positive outcomes for Charley.
Describe how the modifications and accommodations you have recommended support the IEP goals. Include discussion about why it is important to consider the short- and long-term effects of the use of modifications and accommodations as Charley transitions through the continuum of education and works toward post-secondary goals.
Describe specific education and transition plans for when Charley participates in other settings (i.e., specials, lunch, field trips). Specify the data that supports these plans and the collaboration required to accomplish the plans.
Explain the technology and processes that will be used for communicating information about Charley to all IEP team members in a legal and ethical manner.
Remember that video and audio quality are important and should be taken into consideration. Ensure your video is filmed with sufficient lighting and that the volume is adequate for viewers to hear. Intonation, expression, proper speech, and professional attire are expected.
Refer to “Recording, Editing, and Uploading a Video or Podcast” and use an online video platform such as Zoom, Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video. If you upload your video to YouTube, select the “unlisted” option. Ensure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submission.
Submit the “IEP Template” and the link to your video as a Word document.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Benchmark Information
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies and professional standards:
MED Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education ITL/NITL
3.6: Use data to develop a variety of education and transition plans for individuals with exceptionalities across a wide range of settings and different learning experiences in collaboration with individuals, families, and teams. [EI/ECSE 3.3; InTASC 6(c), 6(l), 7(b), 7(d), 7(e), 7(l), 7(o), 10(b); MC1, MC2]
4.6: Collaborate with families and other team members to develop child-centered goals, and plan for interventions to promote positive outcomes for each child.  [EI/ECSE 4.4; NAEYC 3c; InTASC 6(a), 6(b), 6(e), 6(h); ISTE-E 7b; MC2]
5.5: Explain legal and ethical policies and procedures in the use of technology, including communicating information appropriately. [EI/ECSE 7.4; InTASC 9(f), NAEYC 6b; ISTE-E 3c; MC2, MC3]
AttachmentsECS-520_RS_IEP_Template.docxSUBMIT ASSIGNMENT

 Please find a peer-reviewed article that discusses evidenced-based treatments f

 Please find a peer-reviewed article that discusses evidenced-based treatments f

 Please find a peer-reviewed article that discusses evidenced-based treatments for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Discuss the treatment(s) and its efficacy. Please provide an APA style reference of the article found. You must reference the reference within the narrative response as well as at the bottom of the response.