This  assignment involves identifying fictional examples and scenarios that  

This  assignment involves identifying fictional examples and scenarios that  

This  assignment involves identifying fictional examples and scenarios that  illustrate various personality traits. The goal is to apply your  knowledge of personality psychology in context

Select Personality Traits: Choose 10 personality traits from any theory  (e.g., the Big Five, Myers-Briggs, etc.).

Scavenger Hunt:

For  each trait, find a fictional example that you believe illustrates it.  These examples can be drawn from , characters from a book/movie/TV show,  
Briefly describe the scenario and character and explain why and how it exemplifies the chosen trait.


Compile your findings in a document.
Each example should have a short description (about 100-150 words) explaining the connection to the personality trait

  Assignment Objective: The objective of this assignment is to critically engag

Assignment Objective:
The objective of this assignment is to critically engag

Assignment Objective:
The objective of this assignment is to critically engage with the intersection of study abroad experiences and Black Consciousness and to advocate for the expansion of inclusive study abroad opportunities. 
Assignment Instructions:
Part 1: Research and Analysis (Week 14)
explore the concepts of study abroad and Black consciousness.

Identify a study abroad provider. Also, identify key insights and recommendations regarding the importance of diversity, representation, and exclusivity in study abroad programs, particularly in relation to Black experiences and perspectives.
Reflect on how these insights align with your own beliefs and experiences regarding the value of study abroad and cultural exchange. 
Part 2: Letter Writing (Week 15)
Write a summary addressed to a study abroad provider of your choice, advocating for the implementation of more study abroad opportunities that incorporate Black consciousness perspectives.
In your letter, incorporate the following elements:
Introduction: Introduce yourself and provide background information on your interest in study abroad and Black consciousness.
Overview of Course Insights: Summarize key insights and recommendations from the course materials regarding the importance of diversity and inclusivity in study abroad programs.
Personal Reflection: Share your personal reflections on how these insights have influenced your perspective on study abroad opportunities.
Recommendations: Present specific recommendations for the study abroad provider to consider, drawing from both course materials and your own analysis. 
Ensure that your letter is persuasive, well-organized, and supported by evidence and examples from course materials.
Part 3: Formatting and Submission 
Format your letter according to professional standards, including proper salutations, formatting, and grammar.
Submit your letter as a typed document. It must be in the format of a letter. Please do not include headings or subheadings.

lisTeninG Guide For audio, go to: C

lisTeninG Guide
For audio, go to:


lisTeninG Guide
For audio, go to:

Composer: Arnold Schoenberg
Composition: A Survivor from Warsaw
 Using this song, fill in the attached template provided and upload your submission. Be sure to include:
The TITLE OF THE SONG (from the listening examples)
Fill in a BRIEF HISTORY of the composer, song, era, etc. Why did you choose this song?
Provide a CLIP ART/ EMOJI of how this song makes you feel.
Complete a 5 X 2 exercise 

Listen to the song completely, writing down 5 things you notice/feel/think
Listen to the song a second time, challenging yourself to notice 5  new things. This time, try to think in terms of melody, rhythm, harmony,  instruments, and style.

 this week we are putting our knowledge together o legal and ethical  issues. Do

 this week we are putting our knowledge together o legal and ethical  issues. Do

 this week we are putting our knowledge together o legal and ethical  issues. Do a search for a law suit that involves some form of emergency  response. It could be from a disaster, law enforcement, fire, EMS etc  Tell us the basis of the law suit and then tell us if you think it is  legitimate or not, is it an ethical issue, legal issue or both? Is the  asking damages appropriate to the damages? 

Pitch Presentation – apply what you’ve learned to a full pitch for your busines

Pitch Presentation – apply what you’ve learned to a full pitch for your busines

Pitch Presentation – apply what you’ve learned to a full pitch for your business directed at your chosen funding audience. Your pitch should be no longer than 20 minutes and it must include your pitch deck. You have the following options to create this:
Video with an accompanying PowerPoint to include your narration
Prezi created on with YouTube video embedded or audio voice over audio voice over

Screencast-o-matic audio voice over

Jing with audio voice over

Imagine you are a teacher working in a diverse school setting with a large Engl

Imagine you are a teacher working in a diverse school setting with a large Engl

Imagine you are a teacher working in a diverse school setting with a large English language learner (ELL) population. You recognize that not all ELL families are the same and understanding each child and family context is essential to ensuring a successful school partnership with the families.
After reviewing the “ECE-562 Case Studies,” discuss how to partner with each ELL family to address the individual learner needs in 750-1,000 words.
As an introduction, provide a description of what you need to know, understand, and value as an early childhood educator about the diverse characteristics of ELL families.
Description of how the language, culture, and family background of Mohammad, Maria, and Patrick influence the normative sequences of their early development and learning.  
Explanation of how using multiple perspectives relevant to Mohammad, Maria, and Patrick’s personal, family, and community experiences and cultural diversity will promote their learning outcomes.  
At least four strategies for collaborating with the families to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships that demonstrate positive and supportive relationships. Include at least one strategy for effective communication with the families.  
A minimum of two community resources for each child, to support their learning and development and their families. Include how you would build partnerships between early learning settings, schools, and community organizations and agencies.  
As a conclusion, identify the ethical decisions you would need to consider for your ELL students. Discuss how you would promote the common good for the students, their families, and any colleagues working with the students when making decisions. Include how your ethical decisions are consistent with the Christian worldview.
Support with 3-5 scholarly resources. 

In Chapter 13 we read how Christianity rose from persecution to predominance. O

In Chapter 13 we read how Christianity rose from persecution to predominance. O

In Chapter 13 we read how Christianity rose from persecution to predominance. Other than the crucial factors of sincere belief in God and Christ, there are four reasons given for Christianity’s final victory over competing faiths, and fearsome persecution. Discuss these and consider which one of them you feel had the most impact upon Roman culture. After you have discussed these reasons; now address how today’s Christians could impact Western culture to draw others to Christ.
Please review the Discussion Assignment Instructions Download Discussion Assignment Instructions prior to posting. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.
Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.   
DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS The Discussion thread must be 275–350 words and must demonstrate course-related knowledge as you address the question you are given. It also needs to include the word count in parentheses. You do not need to do extensive research or broad reading to complete this assignment, although it may require a small amount of exploration. Use your own words as much as possible, but if you include sources, you must cite your sources in current APA format. Also, I would suggest that you look over the Rubric before you submit your assignment. In addition to the Discussion thread, you are required to reply to the threads of at least 2. Each reply must be 125–150 words and include the word count in parentheses. In forming your 2 replies, make a real contribution to the conversation. Rather than just saying, “I agree” or “Good job,” and be careful to provide support for your replies as needed. I would suggest that you look over the Rubric before you submit your assignment.
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