1Measuring Love and Commitment Make sure you elaborate on your answers; t

1Measuring Love and Commitment
Make sure you elaborate on your answers; t

1Measuring Love and Commitment
Make sure you elaborate on your answers; the answers should not be just “yes” or “no.”
 Think of a current or past romance to answer these questions about love and commitment:
Do you think your relationship will be permanent?
Can you confide in your partner about almost anything?
Are you attracted to other potential partners or to living as a single person?
Would you be miserable if you could not be with your partner?
Would you find it personally difficult to end your relationship?
If you felt lonely, would your first thought be to seek your partner?
Do you feel obligated to continue this relationship?
Would you forgive your partner for almost anything?
In your opinion, do you think your partner intends to continue this relationship?
Is one of your primary concerns your partner’s welfare?
In the above questions, commitment is measured by the odd-numbered items; the even-numbered items measure love

  Dispositions and Learning Environments [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 3, 4] Throughout t

Dispositions and Learning Environments [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 3, 4]
Throughout t

Dispositions and Learning Environments [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 3, 4]
Throughout this course, you have learned about various strategies supporting delays, disabilities, and disorders across various domains of development. Along with understanding these strategies, in order to truly support the needs of children developing atypically, you must also reflect on who you are as an educator and the learning environments you create. In this discussion, you will have the opportunity to do just that.
To prepare for this discussion, 
Read Chapter 11: Characteristics of Effective Teachers in Inclusive Programs.
Read Chapter 13: Arranging the Learning Environment.
Watch Setting Up to Support Children’s LearningLinks to an external site..
For your initial response, utilize the tabs below.   
Last Name Begins With A-L
Last Name Begins With M-Z
Guided Response
Last Name Begins with A – L
characteristics of effective teachers
Enthusiasm                                     Flexibility
Sense of humor                        trustworthiness
Patience                                      provides limits
Consistency                              Facilitate Experiences
For your initial post, address the following: 
Write “Characteristics of Effective Teachers” as the first line of your post.
Explain at least two of these characteristics and why they are important for a teacher who is supporting children with atypical development.
Discuss at least one of these characteristics that you feel is a strength of yours. Give at least two reasons why you think it is a strength.
Discuss at least one of these characteristics that you feel is an area of growth of yours. Give at least two reasons why you think it is an area of growth.

In Chapter 13 we read how Christianity rose from persecution to predominance. O

In Chapter 13 we read how Christianity rose from persecution to predominance. O

In Chapter 13 we read how Christianity rose from persecution to predominance. Other than the crucial factors of sincere belief in God and Christ, there are four reasons given for Christianity’s final victory over competing faiths, and fearsome persecution. Discuss these and consider which one of them you feel had the most impact upon Roman culture. After you have discussed these reasons; now address how today’s Christians could impact Western culture to draw others to Christ.
Please review the Discussion Assignment Instructions Download Discussion Assignment Instructions prior to posting. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.
Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.   
DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS The Discussion thread must be 275–350 words and must demonstrate course-related knowledge as you address the question you are given. It also needs to include the word count in parentheses. You do not need to do extensive research or broad reading to complete this assignment, although it may require a small amount of exploration. Use your own words as much as possible, but if you include sources, you must cite your sources in current APA format. Also, I would suggest that you look over the Rubric before you submit your assignment. In addition to the Discussion thread, you are required to reply to the threads of at least 2. Each reply must be 125–150 words and include the word count in parentheses. In forming your 2 replies, make a real contribution to the conversation. Rather than just saying, “I agree” or “Good job,” and be careful to provide support for your replies as needed. I would suggest that you look over the Rubric before you submit your assignment.
book link https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781307304176/pageid/6 

  Choose one of the  following general categories of psychological disorders:

Choose one of the  following general categories of psychological disorders:

Choose one of the  following general categories of psychological disorders: Anxiety  Disorders, Mood Disorders, or Dissociative Disorders. Research and  briefly describe two different treatment approaches or therapies for  managing disorders within the chosen category. Focus on the rationale  behind each treatment and any evidence supporting its effectiveness. Be  sure to use scholarly resources, NOT websites. Use Google Scholar or  some other database to find a journal written about your choice. Cite  your facts and references

Personal Reflection and Learning 

Reflect  on the importance of understanding mental health and psychological  disorders from a societal and personal standpoint. Consider the  following questions in your reflection:

Why is it important for society to have a broad understanding of psychological disorders?
How can misconceptions about mental health be challenged or changed?
From what you’ve learned, how would you approach conversations about mental health with sensitivity and awareness?

  3-Day Content Area Literacy Thematic Unit Plan (400 points) See


3-Day Content Area Literacy Thematic Unit Plan (400 points)



3-Day Content Area Literacy Thematic Unit Plan (400 points)

See Appendix B for full instructions and required documents
Be sure to check the rubric before uploading your document to verify that you have addressed all parts of the assignment.
You are required to include a minimum of 3 daily lesson plans. You are allowed to include more if you choose.
Defense of Thematic unit plan

  debussy, La Mer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlR9rDJMEiQ  Using this song,

debussy, La Mer
Using this song,

debussy, La Mer
Using this song, fill in the attached template provided and upload your submission. 
Be sure to include:
The TITLE OF THE SONG (from the listening examples)
Fill in a BRIEF HISTORY of the composer, song, era, etc. Why did you choose this song?
Provide a CLIP ART/ EMOJI of how this song makes you feel.
Complete a 5 X 2 exercise 

Listen to the song completely, writing down 5 things you notice/feel/think
Listen to the song a second time, challenging yourself to notice 5  new things. This time, try to think in terms of melody, rhythm, harmony,  instruments, and style.

feedback-  For analysis section describe how you will use descriptive statistic

feedback-  For analysis section describe how you will use descriptive statistic

feedback-  For analysis section describe how you will use descriptive statistics  along with measures of central tendency for results. Lastly, project how  you might use a correlational approach and a T-Test to investigate your  data retrieved from measures/assessment.  
Based on Feedback from your methodology section you will be provided 1-2 statistical techniques to propose to complete your proposal. For each technique craft a 200-300 word summary about the the particular method. Describe how it is calculated, what the calculations can convey (information wise), cite example of where/how it can be used and its utility. 
The second section should be reflective of your write up that will become part of your proposal. Provided the context of your summary from above, draft a data analysis section that integrates your research variables within the statistical techniques from your summary. Project what data will be available and how it will be utilized and calculated.
Examples are attached, yours will be different based on the suggested measure(s)
I also I attached the assignment for your reference only

  Using Power Point Point, construct an historical project on 50 Years of Hip H

Using Power Point Point, construct an historical project on 50 Years of Hip H

Using Power Point Point, construct an historical project on 50 Years of Hip Hop. 
Do not use black background, yellow or red font on your slides. 
Do not send a links to Google Slides, Submit the power point directly into Blackboard and I must be able to open the document and listen to the music. 
The project must include 15 total slides: Title page, summary statement and 13 more slides. 
Title Page: 50 Years of Hip Hop 
 MUS 216 African American Music
 Elizabeth City State University, Spring 2024
 Your Name:
 Douglas Jackson, Instructor. 
Second Slide. Write a brief summary on the impact of this music on American Music business and culture. 
Slides 13- 15 
Select photos and YouTube videos for significant artists, balance the project between gender and ethnicity. Refrain from embedding videos with adult themes or nudity. Avoid profanity when possible. On each slide provide an explanation on why you selected this artist. Below are samples of a wide range of music. You do not need to use them, they are just for your information.

With this activity, gain a comprehensive understanding of eLearning by explorin

With this activity, gain a comprehensive understanding of eLearning by explorin

With this activity, gain a comprehensive understanding of eLearning by exploring its development, its evolving utilization in different areas, and its future prospects. Explore the diverse applications of eLearning in K-12 and higher education and corporate and government training, and develop a broad perspective on the rapidly evolving field of eLearning and its potential implication for your future career.
 please complete the following:
Discuss how various institutions have developed, changed, and adapted their use of eLearning, with examples. Examine eLearning in various contexts (K-12, higher education, corporate and government training), including developments, challenges, and successes in those contexts.
Explain the application and benefits of one specific technology commonly used in eLearning. Provide examples of its application and how it enhances the learning experience and supports the delivery of educational content.
Predict future trends in eLearning, considering instructional methods, technology advancements, and changing educational preferences.
Cite at least 1 credible, scholarly source using (SWS) format.