The U.S. government serves a protective purpose, and all laws are intended to

The U.S. government serves a protective purpose, and all laws are intended to

The U.S. government serves a protective purpose, and all laws are intended to safeguard the public from harm. Regulations are authorized specifically in legislation creating the law. Enforcement of the law and related regulations is accomplished by regulatory agencies. For this week’s assignment, you will research 2 federal agencies that play a prominent role in regulating different segments of the health care industry in our country.

  Use the “Creating a Classroom Management Plan” template to complete this assig

Use the “Creating a Classroom Management Plan” template to complete this assig

Use the “Creating a Classroom Management Plan” template to complete this assignment.
Using the grade level for which you would like to teach, create a  classroom management plan for students in your special education resource classroom described in the “Class Profile.”
Include the following in your classroom management plan:
Classroom Management Plan Statement of Purpose.
Rules: Description of 3-5 rules, positive reinforcements aligned to each rule, and consequences for not following each rule.
Procedures/Routines: Provide 3-5 classroom procedures and routines.
Classroom environmental considerations.
Implementation Plan: Include information about how you plan to introduce your plan and teach students and paraeducators the rules and procedures.
Documentation Plan: Include information about how you will document student behavior and the effectiveness of the classroom management plan.
Confidentiality and Ethical/Legal Considerations Plan: Describe your plan to handle confidential documents, protect student rights, and protect the confidential information of individuals with disabilities in your classroom.
Crisis Management Plan: Describe steps to de-escalate behavior and how you will handle the safety of students and staff.
Substitute Teacher Plans: Describe information you would leave for a substitute teacher coming into your classroom.
In addition, rationalize your classroom management plan decisions in 250 words, explaining how the plan will meet the needs of the students identified in the “Class Profile.” Support your choices with references to the “Special Education Professional Ethical Principles.”

  please respond to the following scenario. You have been selected to market the

please respond to the following scenario. You have been selected to market the

please respond to the following scenario. You have been selected to market the product or service you selected. You must complete a PowerPoint presentation that explains the product, price, place, and promotion you are marketing for this sport product. For example, if you selected to research basketball shoes, then your job is to describe a specific type of basketball shoe to market (this can be factual or fictional, but realistic), describe the price for this product, describe the place involved with marketing and selling this product, and a promotional strategy to market the product. Data for the basis of your assignment can be found in a online search for sport marketing analytics for your selected product.  The APUS online library web site “search bar” is a good source for this information.
Your PowerPoint presentation should be at least 10-12 slides in length. The presentation should include visuals, e.g. logos, photos, etc., but mostly consist of content and data to demonstrate proficiency and knowledge in sport marketing and sport marketing research. The “Notes” section of the PowerPoint presentation should be used to provide more clarity and act as a script to explain your presentation in further depth and detail. APA reference style is required with at least three (3) scholarly references provided. Please remember that all references should be correctly cited in the text. A title slide should also be included.

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following w

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following w

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each paragraph.  
1.  Imagine that you are a new teacher and you are collaborating with an experienced teacher on reading instruction. The input you receive from the experienced teacher is valid and potentially useful, but delivered in a manner that is harsh and overly critical. How do you demonstrate professionalism in this situation when collaborating with peers? 
2.  Share a strategy used to meet the needs of struggling readers that you put in your lesson plan revised in this topic. Provide a description for implementation and assessment practices formulated for your strategy. Respond to at least one peer providing feedback or support for the strategy. 

  Identifying a phonics curriculum that could meet the needs of kindergarten to

Identifying a phonics curriculum that could meet the needs of kindergarten to

Identifying a phonics curriculum that could meet the needs of kindergarten to third grade students is critical for a school. A developmentally appropriate phonics program needs to meet state standards while providing remediation for students who are behind, support for second language learners, and differentiation for students with developmental delays. Curriculum is not selected by one school faculty member, but by a committee.
You have been placed on a committee tasked with selecting a quality phonics program for K-3 grade students in your school. Identify three research-based, developmentally appropriate phonics programs for the committee to review.
Create a matrix comparing these programs, including the following information:
Name and publisher of the program
How each program aligns with state standards
How each program is developmentally appropriate  for K-3 students
How the program meets the diverse needs of students in learning to read, write, and communicate
Evidence-based information demonstrating the effectiveness of the program
How the program supports struggling readers in Grades 4-8
In a 250 word reflection, discuss which program you would recommend and why. Are there any gaps in the curriculum? If so, how will you fill those gaps? If no gaps are present, include an explanation of how the program encompasses all phonics skills.

: Provide a general description of your tutoring sessions, with specific attenti

: Provide a general description of your tutoring sessions, with specific attenti

: Provide a general description of your tutoring sessions, with specific attention to
the following:
• Your overall thoughts about the sessions (e.g.: how did they go? Did the students
have difficulties, and what were they struggling with? How did you remediate
student academic difficulties? Are students’ reading or math skills improving?
Why or why not?).
• What have you observed about students’ response to your efforts (e.g.: how
effective was the CIM? How did the students respond to this type of instruction?
Do you feel like this was an effective method to provide support to a student? Do
you feel like there is anything you could have done differently?)
• Strategies you used to manage the group, or keep students on task and focused on
the lesson (e.g. behavioral strategies, lesson plan, etc.), Were these strategies
effective or not, and what you might do next time?
C. Homework Assignments:
You will complete 2 homework assignments during the quarter. Directions for each
assignment will be provided on Canvas; please also submit completed assignments through
Canvas. Points will be deducted every day the homework is late. 
 You could refer to this website for your APA formatting. 

  Objective: To create an art activity plan for toddlers. Scenario: You are a te

To create an art activity plan for toddlers.
You are a te

To create an art activity plan for toddlers.
You are a teacher at a child care  center for toddlers. Your class will soon be starting a theme on  insects. The children in your care come from diverse cultural  backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other than English at  home.
Focus Assignment: 
Create an activity plan for this age group that involves art and  focuses on the theme of insects. Be sure to provide a description of the  activity you plan to carry out, the child outcomes, the space and  materials needed, the procedures you will follow, and any follow-up  activities that may help reinforce the main activity. In addition, be  sure to include elements that will create a multicultural and anti-bias  atmosphere in the classroom.
 For each element of your activity plan, explain how this element will help students learn about art  

Choose a sport organization of special interest to you. Examples include:

Choose a sport organization of special interest to you. Examples include:

Choose a sport organization of special interest to you. Examples include:
The Premier League (EPL)
International Olympic Committee (IOC)
Major League Soccer (MLS)
National Football League (NFL)
Conduct an internet search for articles on a sport communication topic of your choice.
Think of an issue involving your topic. For example:
How does the International Olympic Committee manage communication that involves so many countries?
Present your findings and opinion about this topic for 250 words.
List your references at the end, and cite the references in-text where they are used.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on and analyze ethical con

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on and analyze ethical con

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on and analyze ethical considerations when working with families of children with special needs.
Using the course content and the steps to ethical problem solvingLinks to an external site. complete a problem-solving approach to two of the case studies. 
Then, read and select two of the following case studies:
Case Study #1: The IEP deadline for Gerald is on Monday and his parents are not free to meet until the following Friday.  You’ve tried contacting them by phone for two weeks and planned to meet on Monday without them.  They have a desire to attend the meeting but had some problems with their phone.  They are just now calling you at the end of the day on Friday.  What should you do?
Case Study #2: The IEP team at your school decided that Sally would be best suited in a self-contained classroom.  After you share your recommendation with the parents, her mother expresses her relief to find that there are solutions to help her daughter.  However, Sally’s father becomes irate and yells at the mother for producing an idiot child.  He said that no daughter of his will go to the “dumb class” and then he storms out.  What should you do? 
Case Study #3: Juan has been referred for special education and you need to administer an achievement test in order for your team to come to a decision regarding his classification.  Reading is very difficult for Juan and as you are administering the test you can tell that he is becoming more and more frustrated with his own reading abilities as you continue with the test.  Finally, he falls into a heap on the floor and sobs.  Juan begs you to please not make him read any more and that he just can’t do it.  You haven’t reached any point in the test where you have gained any useful information.  What should you do?
Case Study #4: During a team meeting, your principal and school psychologist state that they believe that Beverly has an anxiety disorder.  You feel very strongly that Beverly does not have an anxiety disorder, and in fact, have evidence that Beverly actually has ADHD.  The team conversation has moved on to deciding on interventions for Beverly but you haven’t yet had a chance to voice your opinion.  What should you do?
Then, analyze this ethical dilemma and attempt to find a resolution for each. 
Write a reflection based on your analysis and solution to each ethical dilemma. Make sure to include what was violated and suggestions and strategies to ensure ethical practice when working with families. Revise and edit your work before submitting it.
Next, post your reflection in the assignment dropbox. 

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to display and describe effective pro

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to display and describe effective pro

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to display and describe effective processes of creating IEP meetings with families and developing strategies to include students in the IEP process.
Watch both videos provided and fill out the video observation form for each.
Create an instructional manual designed for teachers and parents explaining key components of the IEP. Be sure to include the following:
Definition of IEP
b. Overview of what the IEP entails
c. Brief description of each component
d. Examples of services (at least 10) outlined in the IEP
Watch two videos (below) of mock IEP meetings. Complete the video observation (attached) form for each IEP video.